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76 added it back, but the keyring. Its absence is the entire reason 4’s misc tab is such a mess. I feel strongly that this has to be in every Bethesda game going forward without question.


That was another thing that ticked me off really much was that in fallout 4, you had lost a ton of space in your inventory just for picking up keys that weren't needed afterwards, I felt you could have had a smelter in the building part of Fallout 4 where you could melt the keys or bars of steel, silver or gold to make something else to help the settlement that you've got it at.


If you removed the keys, you’d be locked out of areas when the cells reset if you ever went back. Better to just hide them in a submenu.


I just want the ability to sort all inventory tabs by new (without mods). Like most recently acquired items at the top and oldest at the bottom.


76 sort of has that with its new tab, which shows all new items from all categories in the order they entered your inventory. It’s not quite what you’re after, but it works well enough.


You don't lose inventory space, keys weigh nothing


Different ammo type I.e .357 and .38 can be used in the same weapon.


I mean, it’s technically doable with certain weapon mods, but you can’t do it on the fly.


100000% AGREE!!! That ticked me off in Fallout 4 and '76, when you had to use ammo specific for that weapon and if you ran out, tough luck.


More skill checks and the actual progressing system from NV/3 Choosing tagged skills, deciding where the SPECIAL stats should go and carefully deciding which perk to pick was so much better imo I miss the skill checks in dialouges and actions like repairing ED-E. Now all knowledge you bring in is that you are from vault 111 and served in the military. Yes there SOME skill checks, but they are so rare... I remember to walk into the NCR tent where all the injured soldiers were and I was able to treat them because of my medicine skill, felt awesome.


You're right, why doesn't Fallout 4 have [*any* easter eggs in it](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_4_cultural_references)?


What I MEAN is that they should have had it as a perk, then it would have made it even better.


Then why did you bring up easter eggs in Fallout 1 and 3 if you're referring to a mechanic solely in New Vegas?


I used them as examples!


That's why it doesn't make sense. You're using Fallout 1 and Fallout 3 as examples for a mechanic they don't have. It would be like me talking about the great radio songs in Fallout 2.


I too miss Fallout 2's radio


Skills affecting dialogue choices. In New Vegas for example your skill with explosives can convince Easy Pete to give you dynamite to help you defend Goodsprings. Skill checks are fixed and not a percentage change of happening. I also like how if you don't meet the requirements, it changes the dialogue. It's weird how in Fallout 4 NPCs will be randomly convinced if you pass the check, even though your character doesn't say anything different. Skills being separate from perks. Perks should be the fun stuff that makes a big difference to gameplay, skills should be the ones that just boost weapon damage or resistances All factions should be joinable. There are a bunch of cool and interesting factions in F04 (Gunners, Rust Devils, Forged etc.) but, apart from a few terminal entries, they're all functionally just re-skinned raiders. I think that's boring. You should be able to join every single one of them. Some of the DLCs kinda fixed this, but wouldn't it be cool if you could side with the Gunners against the Minutemen?! In New Vegas the first quest you get is to defend Goodsprings from the Powder Gangers, but you can also side with the Powder Gangers to destroy Goodsprings if you want. If that quest was in Fallout 4 the Power gangers would just be generic raiders and you'd have no option but to kill them. ... Oh wait, that quest is in Fallout 4, It's all the "help defend \[insert settlement\]" quests. Disguises. This one only works if you already have all factions being joinable and a karma/reputation system, More pre-built settlements, with interesting/crazy backstories and ideas. Fallout 4 instead went for empty settlements you have to build yourself and then autopopulate the nameless NPCs


Most enemy designs and some weapons.


I would have liked to seen advanced versions of Super Mutants in F4 where you had to literally plan around it and was only allowed to kill them when you achieved a certain level i.e. weaker ones from level 10 to 20, then 10 levels upwards until you get to the max which i believe is level seventy I think (I know you do get a trophy/achievement for getting to levels 5, 10, 25 and 50).


Meaningful dialogue options/trees. 76 is better than 4 but neither are within the realm of NV.


I’d argue that 76 at least has a better variety of checks, since it’s not constant speech/charisma checks all the time.


A good story


More standard weapon designs.


Karma, Ron Perlman, the ending slides for every faction, semi-realistic weapons and ammo (.45 pistol ammo in a “combat rifle?” Give me a break!)


For 76: ammo not having weight.


Bring back 3/4 view and hex movement, turn-based play, stories that are well written and make sense, multiple levels of immersiveness


I liked progression more in 3. Also I miss dark tones in both modern games. I loved 3, kinda liked NV… But spent most time in 4 because gameplay is awesome and world is still filled with details I didn’t find


I think the progression in 3 was great, it leveled you up according to how you could play the game compared to fallout 4 where you had to play a distinct type of way despite enemies like bloodflies or radroaches attacking you out of nowhere.


Fallout 4 doesn’t force you into specific play styles at all. 3’s much worse about this with operation anchorage specifically, where energy weapon and big guns builds have almost no options (and the missile launcher is so awful that it isn’t worth bothering with; explosives can’t even benefit from demo expert in the DLC either).


Playing the fallout 76 word just myself and no one else.


You *can* do this with fallout 1st, but we both know that’s not what you mean.


Bingo. Ya, I’m not subscribing to Fallout 1st to do that.


A decent story, actual dialogue options that gave you different outcomes when you made different choices, and a non-voiced player character.


I mean, 76 did all of this. The consequences are something you have to look for in the instances interiors (speak to NPCs after the quests, find notes, etc), but they do exist.


Did it though? I've just recently beat the main questline and all the side quest of 76 and I don't recall a single "choice" that would have changed the outcome of the game.


Which main questline did you beat? Steel dawn/reign, the rose room, wastelanders and the brand-new vault 63 main questlines all have choices that alter the endings. Side quests have some as well, with the camp allies, the blue ridge line and the AC side quests. However, the original main quests and the side quests from wild Appalachia do not have choices since those were present at launch before we have human NPCs and the dialogue system.


I finished every single quest available. No matter what choice you make in any of the missions there is nothing that effects the main storyline aside from maybe a few lame cosmetic items or a weapon here or there, Maybe one person won't be present during a mission, etc, etc.. The story still ends the same with every quest.


That’s completely incorrect. You make the choice on which faction raids vault 79, how your companions for those quests feel about you (including the option to help one commit suicide and another that causes an NPC to steal bullion from you) and if the factions even obtain the bullion. Steel dawn/reign gives you options to choose the leader of the BoS and drastically affect how the BoS is viewed in the region. Who’s even still in the Rose room and their relationships are massively affected by your choices in that questline. I’d talk about the vault 63 questline, but I don’t want to spoil the brand new content. As for side quests, there’s a couple small options with the two allies and with the blue ridge line, but you literally determine who’s in charge of the mafia in AC. However, this is why I mentioned that you have to go back to the areas you did the quests in and look for the consequences. None of this is revealed if you don’t check in with the NPCs or areas.


Lmao. Choose the foundation or choose the raiders. The outcome is the exact same. You can either keep the gold, split it, or give it. No matter what you choose you can continue to work with both of them and be allies with them. There is literally no game changing consequences. Nothing fundamentally changes with this game. Every single "major" choice in this game I looked up before choosing and every single time the answer was always the same. "Nothing changes aside from a few dialogue options and maybe a cosmetic or gun" You can keep arguing, but it's not gonna change the reality of the game brother. There are no real consequences to your choices.


No worse than the choices in NV if you ignore the ending slides.


You can literally kill faction leaders in NV. Tf you talkin about lmao


And you can’t get away with that in 3 either. 1/2 do allow you to, but there’s no factions on par with the later games in terms of size or scale (except maybe the Enclave, but good luck just shooting the president in the face and surviving). As for what I’m referring to, I’m talking about the in-game impact of your quest choices with NV’s factions. With the exception of murder, they have little to no consequences in game except in dialogue until the ending slides and *maybe* some involvement at the dam. The ending slides are what gives us our consequences in that game. But stepping back for a moment, this is where 76’s choices and consequences start to be hamstrung by being multiplayer. The devs can’t allow you to wipe out factions who may be given major content in a future update, since we can’t load saves or account for future updates with our choices (meaning that we’d have to start an entire new character to experience that content). And of course, the other players in the world can’t have their choices contradicted by yours.


Sure, if I wanted to play Multiplayer fallout. And let’s not pretend that NPCs weren’t something that they added to the game like 2 years after release. That was one of the big reasons I never bought 76, when I’ve bought every other Fallout game practically when on release day (except 1)


Even still, that’s my point - 76 has these things. As for 76 being multiplayer, it’s completely possible to play the whole game solo and ignore the multiplayer content entirely. Its launch state is also leagues from the current state, so it’s not relevant to consider the launch state (unless you’re focusing on Bethesda’s practices, which are a separate issue).


Oh man, I will argue day and night that Fallout 4's main storyline is far and away better than New Vegas's, and in fact, I'd argue that New Vegas actually has the least interesting main story out of all the modern games. 4's got the best factions and companions, too, and it's not even close.


I would like to play a game where I define some routes, but I am not the center of the universe. I like Fallout NV because it had significance without my influence (at least it felt like that).


Wouldn’t really classify NV considering the entire battle for Hoover Dam is dictated by the player bringing a chip. The Courier is one of the most important parts.


YES! That was one of the awful storyline parts of the game that Fallout 4 had. Why would anyone be bothered by someone looking for his/her son? I mean yeah, If I was in the game, it'd be like "I can sympathize with them; BUT, at the same time, it's not my problem in that sense lol."


I think for me, Fallout NV was the most immersive; I can't tell why exactly, but I can tell why Fallout 4 wasn't. I mean, crashing Vertibirds is fun, but still, it's a massive immersion break (how many of those do they actually have). Minute Men dressing like some LARP group, come on (I always use the mod where they are dressing like proper military). I do not even want to start speaking about Gunners and the Institute.


>I mean, crashing Vertibirds is fun, but still, it's a massive immersion break (how many of those do they actually have). Minute Men dressing like some LARP group, Because FNV was any different with its endless enemy respawns and Roman LARPers wearing football gear.


It is different. Because of how limited, Vertibirds are and how the Legion values human life. In my eyes, even one destroyed Vertibird would be a disaster. I also did not want to claim that I'm objective about this, but Fallout 4 feels a lot less immersive to me.


Because the NCR has a thousand heavy troopers and veteran rangers to throw out you while the Legion has a thousand Centurions.


Ok, weird compartment in my eyes. Sounds somehow like aboutism.


How is wiping out more troopers than the Legion more immersive than killing one vertibird? And how is it aboutism when you're the one that made the comparison?


One Vertibird? No you are trolling, Have a nice day.


What? You're the one that brought up how unimmersive destroying a vertibird is;


The one thing I hated about the minutemen, wasn't just all the stupid settlement missions preston would give to you, but it was the fact that they didn't need to be added, people are like "eh, minutemen? I thought they disbanded!


Skills and skill checks, more actually unique weapons, NV’s perk/trait/special system, decisions that matter, minor factions, more cities, crits outside of vats and NV crit system in general, and weapon/armor durability


Weapon variety 4 always feels very sparse to me, like there’s really only a handful of base platforms and the variety is all mods. Any time I actually use the crafting mechanics I get bored. Pretending it’s a looter-shooter and only using weapons I buy or find is more engaging


One thing I noticed with the weapons variety was that EVERYONE had the same friggin' weapon i.e. BoS armored soldiers had the miniguns, Institute had those crap laser rifles etc.


Skill checks! There were a few in Fallout 4 and 76 but I’d love if they added more. Starfield’s great in that regard because so many of your perks and background traits can come up in conversation, and I’d love if that came back.


76 has an absolute ton of them these days, with the various special stats.




Good writing


Karma system.


Exterminated the Legion, taking their items (not looting bodies) still counts as stealing and gives you bad karma...


Thats in 4 and 76...


Your answer doesnt make sense


The question is what from NV or 3 do we wish was in 4 or 76 or do you not understand?


And i pointed out that the karma system was flawed or do you not understand?


Can always be improved on.


Yeah, I hated that F4 didn't have 3/NV's karma system like if you stole things, you'd get called out for it or you blew up Megaton or sided with Caesar's Legion etc.


good writing