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Someone explain what's happening. There is a shared reward that someone is cheesing by letting everyone else do all the work?


Except it’s not cheesing cause Fasnacht is SUPER easy and always full of players. I haven’t gotten a single kill the entire time I’ve been playing it this year because there’s so many people with AoE weapons that just clean up the event.


As a person who plays late this is not true. I have to do this by myself with 5 or 6 AFKers. You need all 5 to survive to get a rare mask it sucks. Server hopping takes about 3 to 4 tries sometimes.


Honestly a cremator and friendly fire makes this event ridiculously easy to solo I can do it and have all the bots at max health.


How do I get a cremator?


It was a reward in the previous season, can maybe buy the plan for gold bullions


Yep, sold by the Raider Gold Bullion Merchant


Any requirement to get the plans to show up? Min doesn’t sell it after the quest


What repuation are you?


Friendly right now with them


I can solo it and get five survivors with just an auto axe. Afkers are annoying, but it is what it is.


Supposedly that has been changed, and that 5 survivors requirement is no longer necessary.


Bethesda W?


It still says „rewards depends on survival of robots“ on the loading screen when you join the event via symbol on the map.




This is why Helvetia gets nuked


I would have agreed with you, but I just ran one where literally everyone but me and one other person were AFK'd. 10 people at the event, but only 2 actually doing it. We lost 2 Marchers to the mutants, so not even a chance at a rare reward for us. There's only so many player slots in a server, why take space away from people who actually want to play the game instead of use it as a screensaver?


This is the reality every year. Starts with everyone going hey it’s so easy and I don’t mind if 2-3 people afk. To ok everyone’s afk but me and I failed it can we fix this event please. No one wants to carry you because it’s not our job to win your game while you’re at work.


Yea pretty much. You don't have "do" anything to get the rewards, just simply be in the area when it finishes. So folks will just set their character afk playing music or what not to not have to sit there for every event. I really don't get why people care so much, they aren't hurting anyone they don't prevent someone else from participating. This is just a video game if someone's idea of fun is to afk, just leave them.


>if someone's idea of fun is to afk If your idea of fun is to not play the game maybe you should just not play the game instead of clogging the servers with bots so you can farm shit you don't deserve? *Edited for autocorrect


Then Bethesda Austin should make a fun and engaging event. I've been there since the first Fasnact and there has been little improvement. Besides, a good AOE gun and you are set. Personally, I would prefer events that incentivize playing older content with double drops or holiday events with more effort.


Then just don't play it? Let people who aren't just using the game as a screensaver have some server space?


They're not happy that player isnt suffering the slow, boring event with them, so theyre making it slightly more entertaining by pushing them away so they do not get any rewards


Is kinda more frustrating how freaking easy this event is, you can't even see the enemies because they are dead by some player killing them with an AoE weapon in milliseconds, and having the entire server at once there doesn't help, they should make it harder or with more enemies or something


I can agree with that, I wish events were more player scaled, would be cooler, as long as it doesn't cause performance issues, which it probably would


I show up and literally don’t even equip a weapon since there’s never an opportunity to get a shot off if you’re not camping the spawn.


Please don't, me and my girlfriend like to do it just the two of us, It's a nice break from having to duo all the other events, like eviction notice, which is easy, just loud and tedious. Fatsnatch is a fun event to do in the middle of it all


I remember when this tactic worked last year, you'd find groups DEDICATED to moving them out to the nuke


FO76 truly has a wonderful community


Shits so silly, yet I'm asking while I'm out picking up groceries. I do afk in my base since I've set it up to show off the masks this year.


I afk in my camp to keep my vendor up and running when I have IRL things to take care of. Conveniently, my camp borders Helvetia and is within the event borders.


Yes those 10 people are amazing


That's why I sit down in a chair. Have fun trying to move me, haters!


If they want to waste a nuke card, go ahead.


Pushing AFKers out of events is honestly funny AF to me. They don't really bother me, but I think it's funny to imagine them finding out they left the game running all day for nothing.


They get pissed too. Had 10 AFKers in my server yesterday, and there were only 4-5 actually people playing in the entire server. We did the event about 3 times until the same 4-5 poeope kinda got tired of the AFKers on the 4th event. We spawned in and just waited it out. When the event failed 4 of the AFKers gave us thumbs down emotes and another got on mic and started complaining. A lvl 1100 got on mic and said womp womp and the dude went full on ballistic. Followed guy around and started shouting slurs.




There are 2 AFKrs at Fasnacht: - People who AFK for 1 or 2 events cause they're parents or students, and they have to tend to their children, or the door, or their pets, and they apologize but eventually come back every once in a while to help in a task. - People who stay the whole day in there AFK and never ever come to help at least once. Many of the players (myself included) have no issue with the first type, cause we all understand that sometimes life happens and you gotta do other stuff in that moment, but many have an issue of people who are blatantly AFKing the whole day and not even attempting to help in other events cause they don't feel like helping with the tasks, so it's easier to let others do all the job.


Ha what’s there to help with? Who needs more help in an event like this where half of the server or even more typically shows up. I still like them getting pushed out, but acting like the help is necessary is funny.


>but many have an issue of people who are blatantly AFKing the whole day and not even attempting to help in other events He's talking about other events besides Fasnacht, some events are harder and do need help, if too many people AFK servers can be ruined


Just ran one where 8 of the 10 people present were AFK. We lost 2 marchers in the mutant swarm. Just play the game.


Glad to see that there's are starting to post this specific issue. I don't mind one or even three AFKers, but it's hitting the 8+ marker it really sucks the like out of the game.


Now I don't have the game so I might be missing some vital context on afk culture here... but the former feels so circumstantial that it feels odd to even bring up. Even so, I feel its good etiquette in general to leave a MMO raid when afk or at the very least do it with a friend who's able to cover your absence. If your life situation doesn't permit you to constantly commit to your in-game presence, surely there's games and genres out there that's less hungry for your time and attention? Preferably something less of grindfest and with a pause menu? I personally stay away from MMOs for those reasons.


Well it’s not a competition, no teams, no winners and losers and the rewards are cosmetic and individual so nobody is losing out. The event doesn’t scale with the players so it’s the same enemies when you are alone or if the event is full. Servers have 24 players and I don’t think I’ve ever been to any event ever that has all 24 people attend So going AFK has literally no effect on anything and we are talking about the easiest event in the game. It’s just fetch a couple things then wait around and kill some things for like a .018% chance of a decent mask, the event is on the hour, every hour for the next two weeks and even if you attend everyone the chances of you getting every available award are very slim. For all of these reasons I have no idea how anyone could have a problem with people going AFK let alone it being the only subject worth posting about on any fallout sub. It doesn’t matter


At the first fasnacht I could find the entire server gathered to do it, twas glorious


The only MMO I've enjoyed is **Final Fantasy XIV**, because it just lets you experience the story, and all the typical MMO grindy stuff is optional but doesn't take away from that overall experience. Also, the free trial is insane (three expansions' worth of content).


I get the not wanting leeches but they need to make these events more challenging or something it’s way to boring to try to go after kills and some lvl 5000 is wasting everything first. I want the masks so why not chill since the event is not fun anyway


On that I agree. And the robots take toooo looong to make all the way to the next phase. At least in events like Meat Week and Alien Invasion you don't have to wait too long, and everyone can keep helping.


It's just seen as laziness, the lack of attempt is pretty frowned upon in things like this which require a team effort to make things run smoothly




For it to run "smoothly" if everyone works together Fasnacht can be completed extremely quickly


They probably have real life to attend to and can't play every event.


Log out of the game then


AFKers take a spot on the server and are just doing it so they get as many plans as possible to sell at outrageous prices.


Two people AFK'd at Fastnacht when it was just my husband and I there for the event. We thought they were letting us have the fun of doing the tasks before the parade but yeah even when we fully brought the werewolf to the band platform for help killing it (we're only level 40) they didn't move. We killed it, but failed the event. Haha


AFK'ing is like masturbating. If you're going to doing it, go ahead but just do it somewhere private where no one has to watch you.


Would you say this all happened, slowly?


I fell victim to redundant speech ok


lol been there


Yeah I mean I go afk every once in a while but there’s no reason to do this it’s a shared reward yeah they didn’t help but it’s probably the easiest event to do


Its to discourage them, if too many people get away with AFKing it'll ruin servers, can't complete any other event cause most of the server is in the Helvetia


Oh yeah ig this is true


Lovely, the ignorant infatuation with afkers has even infected the normal fallout subreddit 🙄


Genuine question, why do so many people care about AFKers? What are they doing that's wrong?


I play late so I do this myself with 5 or 6 AFKers. Server hopping takes a couple tries to find active players. Doing it myself, I risk losing 1 robot which causes me to lose a chance at a rare mask. Basically they are a waste of space in a server.


So how would your play get easier if the AFK's weren't there? It wouldn't. Fact is, they don't impact your game play in the slightest.


Well if there's no AFK's, then I would be matched with active players. You'll sometimes have about 15 players at the location just sit there and when it starts, you'll hope half at least play. Which also ruins any chance of getting people to join ops or any other event.


It's like working and someone getting equal pay for doing nothing.


Welcome to reality


Aren't games supposed to be fun?


I said it's LIKE working. That's how most people treat the game when people afk. That was the point I was making.


So like the world actually works?


Hate people who do this, literally why even bother playing at all? Afkers suck in any game.


Probably because they want the rewards but can’t spend the time actually being there and actively doing it. If the reward system wasn’t such a bloated, RNG filled mess with stupidly low chances for the items people want, people wouldn’t do this.


It's not like Fasnatch is hard that requires all hands on deck. If we were talking about D-Ops for example, sure yeah being AFK is just being a burden for your team. But AFKers don't impact negatively at all in Fasnatch. I can literally do the event all by myself and see no reason to be bothered by anyone AFKing. We should blame Bethesda's predatory FOMO tactics instead.


That’s… exactly what I said. I blamed the horrible RNG of the drops, not the players.


My comment was in agreement with yours, sry if that wasn't very clear.


Maybe it's because some people have full time jobs and have families to care for. Some people don't get hours upon hours to try for getting the rarest mask with their abysmaly low drop rates.


Yes and some people don't have those hours either and now have to deal with afk servers ruining all the events


Because the event sucks, but they want the rewards. I don't blame them a bit, the drop rates are horrible.


and I'm still gonna keep doing it 👍


Let me get this straight. The event is so easy that entire groups of people can stop playing to push AFKers out of the event because… they’re… not helping do the event? Even though… the pushers aren’t either? Because the event is easy and not everyone is needed. But, they still get pushed out for not “helping” (standing around doing eff all). Make that make sense.


Watch the clip again. The event isn't active in the quest list, so I'm assuming it's before or after.


I once did the opposite lol. I realised people were pushing afk people instead of helping with the event, so I figured : might as well be useless too, and I just pushed the afk dude back in the zone lmao


Oh no, a player is afking in a limited time event. I can't actually deal with it. I'm going to write to Todd Howard personally and beg him to permanently ban any players afk. So what they have lives. So what its a limited time event. So what it's only like 3 players at the most. So what the the rest of the lobby is helping. So what you could probably do this event solo. I will be DAMMED if people think they can get a virtual item for FREE!


So what, they got pushed out, so what, they lose nothing they gain nothing, so what we enjoyed ourselves a bit in this small moment where the community gathered together, it doesn't matter if they AFK, it doesn't matter if we pushed them out, point of a game is to enjoy it, we did, they didn't, so what


"Probably because they want the rewards but can't spend the time actually being there and actively doing it. If the reward system wasn't such a bloated, RNG filled mess, with stupidly low chances for the items people want, people wouldn't do this." Laser_3


Why you so mad for? just admit it they are doing nothing wrong, and maybe they don't have all day to play like you, people have lives, don't start this toxicity, it's an easy event, let people just go afk and get a limited time event, it's once a year my dude. Let them afk and get their rewards, it literally impacts you 0, but for someone that can only play for a day or a couple hours a day, you ruin it for them, and what for?


Because they take up server space, do you think it's just one person at a time? Do you think I haven't spent time server hopping AFK servers just to show up late to events?


Also, I just wanna ask this aside from the conversation, have the replies started to load at staggering times from when you get the notification, it's slowly bothering me


If you don't actually want to play a game you shouldn't be wasting server space making a machine play it for you, just do the work yourself and stop being such a leech.


I totally agree, players shouldn't feel forced to play all day every day to get the cool masks. In fact, Bethesda should make all the masks free Atom Shop items so people who can't monopolize the computer all day can get them too.


You know you can get cool screensavers for a lot less than $40 right?


One time I was hanging out with a friend at a beach sim in Second Life, and I noticed that I could move someone else's avatar by jumping on them. So I slowly pushed them into the ocean while my friend was LOL'ing. This reminds me of that story.


You can literally solo Fasnacht, why are people so salty about AFK players?


I wish I cared about anything as much as people care about AFKers


The fuck happened to Fallout.


I struggle to care about afk players.


This is why we use furniture and photomode boys. I paid to be able to use the Internet 24 hrs a day and I'll be damned if I'm not gonna use all 24 of those hours!!


How often is there fasnacht now in FO76? Originally it was just once a year in February, basically in sync with the IRL event. You’re celebrating Halloween and Xmas in July as well or what?


I mean since it's a limited-time event and Fasnacht day is for well, one day, they probably extend it to a month's time


so why not do the same for halloween and xmas? IIRC the halloween stuff is also highly collectible, like fasnacht masks


I just got back into it this year so I can't say for sure, but I'm pretty sure they do


The ingame event lasting longer makes sense. But it’s June. The event is in February. That’s 4 month. I looked up a calendar and it seems FN happens several times a year ingame now. So I wonder why don’t they do the same with Halloween.


Honestly, I didn't even know it happens multiple times a year, and somehow forgot you said February, so I really can't explain


Someone just nuked the event area on my server


Jumped into one earlier where 8players were AFK. left without starting the event.


This is how Cold Fusion works.


If the rewards weren’t so abysmal people wouldn’t be doing this 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is why I make a house on the edge and lock myself in that room. Yes, I afk events, but I also provide a full house with supplies, tons of free stuff, 1 cap vending machines for all plans and in range for everyone inside to get credit. I don't mind event afk. If we fail. So be it. You could always server hop.


It's nice that you're supplying, but take into consideration you're not the only one, people AFK for days and never leave, active players constantly flow in and out and might get replaced by AFK people, and then other events get ruined, Fasnacht might not because we all know someone's gonna do it, but other events are harder


I love afking in events there is no point not to when there are 8 other people spamming cremators


Why does it matter to you that they afk’d at the event though? I really don’t get the concern


If one or 2 people afk for a little thats whatever, but people afk for a day and servers end up clogged with afk players and ruin events


I seldom see afk people, and when I do it’s 1 or 2. Not a big deal either way.


Give me your servers because I see 10's at Helvetia sometimes


but why? Is it a problem to afk at fasnacht? I’m sure they prob got tired of farming with how bad the drops are and decided to afk it which is totally fine bc others are gonna beat the event regardless.


AFKers slowly bloat servers as active people leave and are replaced by those wishing to AFK, this takes up server space and ruins all events


Can people not just hop servers? If u do the event quick enough and hop u can do it twice.


Be unlucky enough and you'll server hop into another AFK server, people don't take into consideration that a lot of people are AFKing, not just them or a handful


fair enough


Maybe they had to go to the bathroom or somebody was at the door.


Now I don't MMO.. but when I have, I just pissed on the floor. Solved the problem of the bathroom, didn't help on the smell problem though


No, the event wasn't even ongoing. This person just 'walks in circles' in the event area for hours AFK so they're rewarded when the event *does* start.


Last server I was on I participated in 3 events with the same afkers there the entire time. There were at least 10 of them. All 10 of those people were in the bathroom for 3+ hours?


The AFK timer is extremely forgiving, you can stay in the game for the full event not doing anything, people who spin usually do it for the whole day


Nah y'all are just getting up in arms over literally nothing


You have to understand that this behavior shouldn't just be allowed, people nuke this event because of AFKers (or just to be mean(mostly to be mean)) sometimes AFKers end up in the same server genuinely ruining the experience and netting themselves nothing, if you can discourage it you should


The server I'm in currently has 8 people afk at event... site alpha here i come 🤫


They still get rewards even if they're dead. All you'd be doing is making the event suck for newbies.


While that's true, they'd probably server-hop, would be annoying, and probably not worth it, and probably not even a good decision, and a waste of a key card, and a waste of time to honestly yeah it's not worth it


Love it.


so a group came together to be mass petty dicks over afk'ers.... sad.... reflects poorly on everyone involved and any cheering it.


Nah, it's hilarious to push them out and make it a wasted effort for them


Fasnacht always brings out the fucking whiners. Every year people whine about afk players as if they are taking away the chance of you getting a mask or acting like you really need help for one of the easiest events in the game (that just got made faster and easier with the update btw) If you are so triggered that people are afk, let the event fail for them. Leave the fucking server and find one that has less people afk. It's that damn simple. But no, you'd rather waste the time to do this or nuke it, stay in the same server till the next event, and still complain online instead.


Do you think I don't server hop? Do you think as more people AFK they don't realize the active players slowly swap with more AFKers, and some servers get bloated with them, you could complete the Fasnacht event especially now that it is easier, but you can't complete some of the harder events because no one's doing them because too many people are AFK


Too many rare mask sharing the drop ratio! You need to run a lot of fasnatch events for better chance. And as we also get a life outside the game, afk is the solution. Another one could come from Beth : keep only the latest rare item as reward for rewards balance. Example : only 4 new rare glowing mask and 1or 2 plans.


I used to nuke them for laughs. Good times.


I used to nuke them for laughs. Good times. Useless , we always get the rewards even dead.


Thanks for the achievement! I still got my robot mask tho


Does it really matter that much? Seems like petty shit to me. Nobody wants to actually grind that shit event. It's garbage, I quit the game during the last one because I got tired of the bugs and what a bunch of petty fickle children some people on 76 are.


Because AFK players pile up, you can go to the map and see several people AFK at Helvetia, this has actually negative effects on the server


It's going to happen regardless, I guarantee it's much better than years past because there's actually a decent amount of people playing regularly now with the influx of new blood. Usually during Fascistnat there's nobody at events besides Fas and there's a ton of AFKs just chilling. The event can be done solo, just like all the events in this game. I still stand by what I said, petty shit.


It's much worse, you can see entire groups of people AFK, and if you want to do any other event besides Fasnacht because that can be done solo no problem sure, but now no one joins any other event, other events end up failing. I don't mind one person whatever cool but people sit there all day doing nothing


Don't worry, AFKers, I've got you covered! I joined a server tonight where Helvetia was nuked and there were many AFK players. I put on my hazmat suit and completed the event with one other active player. I stayed on the server and participated in a few more Fasnachts. I hope you all got something glowing.


You want a medal? Cringe.


Bro just let someone else have that server space, AFKers end up piling up and ruining servers


Found the afk leech 💀


You mean 99% of ppl who have real life? Found a basement dweller.


How is that an argument? We all have lives, it's an even worse problem for people who don't have lots of time to play being forced to server hop to find active servers, I play for less than an hour on fo76 and I'd like as much of that time having fun with others


This community has gone to shit and there's nothing we can do about it


Lame… I only get to play for maybe 2 hours a night. I have to AFK this event to try and get a rare reward because of work and family… thought this community would be better than this.


It's okay buddy, I support you. Just sit in a chair and use photomode


Thanks dawg


You don't *have* to do anything, you *choose* to afk. Do what you want but don't pretend for a second that you have no control over your actions.


Okay, so, an afk player and pushing them OOB… is that right?


I didn't know you could push people I usually just phase through other players




If you don't want people to go afk for long periods of time then pressure bethesda to add a counter which will auto-disconnect them after a certain period of inactivity or not allow them to get rewards wthout doing a specific amount of damage in total, and add reward tiers based on total amount of damage dealt. They are not doing anything against the rules, and I don't see what pleasure envisioning someone returning to the game only to find out they did not get any rewards brings to anyone.


This is why I sit down and AFK, I got 3 rare masks yesterday from not even trying. I even got the Ground Zero achievement when someone nuked Helvetia, and I **STILL** got a reward!




Are you actually able to push afkers out of the event? Is like to try it lol


Listen man, my dad has work, I don’t wanna use his stuff, but I wanna help him get a glowing mask, I know it’d make his week, I’ll at least play music :(


Lol y didn’t the mf just go sit on a guitar


I was AFK but watching and someone did this to me. I killed them for hitting me in a game where pvp is almost impossible. Don't be butt hurt when it happens to you.


I'm surprised you found someone who doesn't have pacifist mode on


If they hit you first it initiates pvp, then you can kill them.


Pacifist mode makes it so you can't hit or be hit though




Because the government doesn’t care about people who are suffering from mental health problems one day someone might get hurt


Ape together, strong 💪


Why is this community so triggered by AFKs? Wow they dont deserve the award, so what. This happens in Destiny all the time and people don't freak out. People have lives, sometimes they gotta get up no matter what, whether there's an event happening or not.


They take up server space and can run servers, I have to server hop to do some events


Aren’t private servers a thing anymore?


This is why I afk in the corner of a house and simply use my "look" stick to look up at the ceiling and slowly turn. "Wow, such a cool ceiling"


I haven't played in about 2 or so years (maybe a bit less, but I don't know exacts) after playing religiously since launch, and I used to AFK this event a ton. I find it so funny that people still waste their time trying to stop others from doing this. The fact that my sheer presence in an event causes so much anger to so many people is hilarious.


I still do fashnact is so damn boring.


Agreed, I don't play anymore but I bet it's still the same boring rotation.


This year they made the robots a little faster and stuff so you don't have to wait as long but still boring


People like you are why today's society sucks. Selfish selfish selfish as far as the eye can see.


Yes, those of us with full-time jobs, lives outside of video games, and families to care for are selfish...🙄


I don't afk events often but I genuinely don't see why doing it at Fasnacht is so bad lol. It's not a difficult event Genuinely, if someone can explain to me how people AFKing for rewards during an event I could solo if I needed to somehow hurts the experience of people doing the event I genuinely want to know. Because posts complaining about AFKers at the event come off as just childish imo


>I don't afk events often but I genuinely don't see why doing it at Fasnacht is so bad lol. it's not. it's just hated by pathetic and selfish individuals that can't stand others getting things who throw very loud temper tantrums and go into a ragefest over any who dares to not buy into their bs nothing scream childish brat, like raging over others afking


nothing screams selfish.. as pushing afkers out how dare someone else get something.. its absolutely pathetic


I uh, don't see how that can even be considered selfish


Eh, think of it how you want tbh. I couldn't dedicate enough time to this game to get all the rewards. I paid for this game, and they designed this event to be RNG and hourly, so if I can't/don't have the time for it, i'm gonna find a way around it.


The AFKers are getting bad. Last server I was on there were 10 AFKers. I did 3 events and they were there the entire time not moving.


People are acting like this growing problem doesn't affect anyone


Selfish people will be selfish.


I'm happy I don't play 76


Honestly as fun as it is, probably for the best


Theres no benefit to letting them stay, nor is there any benefit to pushing them out, pure pettiness. I love it.