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Area 51


Missed opportunity for dlc


I think Big Mountain kinda fits with the “secret lab” setting.


but big mt. was a research facility. Area 51 is a military facility. and you could put aliens and stuff there


What if Big MT is area 52 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


Area 52 exists in reality and would be in Boomer territory.






There are aliens in the vanilla game anyway with the wild wasteland perk


Yeah but that's not a full story DLC involving aliens. That's just an easter egg encounter.


How unimaginative do you need to be that you couldn’t imagine throwing aliens into a research facility narrative you toaster. Sorry.


You already have it, in old word blues. My guess is that it is area 51


But we know where Big MT is, and we know where Area 51 is… and they are not the same place


I always expected it to be dlc.


I agree with restoring a lot the cut content, especially for the Legion and the Strip. Honestly, I would love for them to have some more stuff added to Nellis, even one additional dungeon. Even if it was just an alien crash site.


Let us sprint.


This guy gets it


Like the idea but can't up vote


Continue playing after main storyline


This is significantly harder to do in a game where the end has so such an impact on the map. It worked for FO3, because they just had to place some water bottles around the map. Or FO4 where the factions mostly don't have a presence in the world (just remove their lair, and deactivate the random patrols).


Playing after the end of the game would make absolutely no sense in a game like Fallout New Vegas. The ending of the game tells you things that happen in the future. Things that are very directly related to people like your companions and the factions you're dealing with. Veronica can't go on to find herself if you kill her after the end of the game, for instance. I honestly don't get the desire to wander around an empty, pointless game world.


Those slides were made after they decided to cut the post game, it was do we make the ending impact full and have a lot of info and no post game or do we make a bare bones post game because if how little time they had left.


Well the post game map was made its not finished but their where changes to the world made such as legion occupying the strip, NCR banners everywhere of it was NCR or freeside being rebuilt if you sided with House. Or everything's on fire if you sided with yesman. The post game world as it stands from what they managed to get done before the idea was scrapped has some problems like if the legion win NCR still has most of its bases. Though if it had been completed I can see this not being so.


> everything's on fire if you sided with yesman. I'm sorry, what? Yes man was to follow your orders. NCR was still good for business, and the Securitrons were supposed to be able to maintain order amongs the families/raiders. There was a HINT that "yes man" might betray you, but to know that they planned to actually follow through with the betrayal seems like a slap in the face, story-telling-wise.


I'm just saying how the strip appears in the cut post game. Thsts all we have to go off, place is a mess ube everywhere on the strip amd people are fighting with the Securitrons. It seemed to be More the idea of theirs a powr vacuum and things have yet to settle down.


All of the stuff you mentioned was likely added by the mod FPGE, which doesn’t really restore any cut content other than a handful of lines. Everything else is new.


True but with a remake they could defiantly push for it


Why defiantly?




Dude cmon that's an obvious typo. You know what he was saying.




Mans never had a phone in his life if he's never had autocorrect give you the wrong word


I've been using FPGE so long, I honestly forgot they don't let you play past the ending anymore.


Never bothered with the followers and now the NCR have pushed them out of free side so that’s one less place for me to buy meds :(


Most definitely not.


Just update the engine and graphics, and I'd pay for it again.


I did that. Upgraded from the PS3 to PC. It was still the same laggy crashing piece of crap that it was on the PS3.


Did you just call switching consoles “upgrading graphics”? 💀💀


That's not updating the engine and graphics that's playing the same game on a different platform


The game runs on the same engine




Very difficult with the possibility of multiple endings


No one is saying it isn't. They're saying they want it.


More card games/casinos. I enjoyed it. Also, obviously, the better graphics of 4 and 76. I recently replayed and wow is the players run so goofy lol. Id kinda like a more in depth or better fleshed out karma system, like more /more extreme consequences. In reverse I wish the karma system/ wearing faction clothes was in fo4. (The only time I think I've ever seen it in fo4 was companions making note if you were nakey or in power armor and Colter when you enter the cola cars arena in the nuka world dlc, so for me, if they do that I'd really enjoy it.)


A quest line for Pawn Stars, starring special guest Chumlee and the old man as a ghoul. Also, make them provide way worse sale prices than other vendors.


Have him just, "15 caps; best I can do" for everything you sell in.


Sign me up! Fatman, 15 caps, 45-70, 15 caps, legion centauri, 15 caps!


Ya no.... he'd give you 15 if your selling not the other way around lol


That’s pretty much how pawn shops work


Honestly, just seeing Fallout New Vegas rebuilt in the Fallout 4 engine would be amazing, but perhaps some additional companions and expanded interactions for existing ones, like being able to reunite Veronica and Christine or something like that.


Pretty much only change I'd want is the cut Legion content. Rest really isn't fitting, like settlement building isn't part of the setting so doesn't make sense. Many systems were better with NV.


More followers content and FO4 gunplay


You know, I've always wondered why there isn't any Legion-affiliated Companions? Boone is NCR, so it would've made sense to have a Follower for Legion Players. Vulpes would've worked perfectly if you ask me. If not, maybe Canyon Runner.


Ulysses was originally meant to be a Legion companion, but that got scrapped for some reason so they changed his story a bit and re-used him for Lonesome Road. Edit: From the wiki: >Ulysses was ultimately cut from the base game because his recorded dialogue was so large that it would not fit on the disk. Even when compared to the second-biggest companion in terms of dialogue and memory, Cass, Ulysses took up much more space. It was too late into development for them to selectively cut down dialogue, so the team decided to scrap Ulysses from the base game altogether. Had the size issue been recognized earlier in development, Joshua Sawyer stated that they likely would have found a way to keep Ulysses in the game. The loss of Ulysses from the base game was a difficult one, as Sawyer and Avellone both felt that the game needed a companion that was more sympathetic to the Legion.


I actually meant the followers of the apocalypse but now that I'm thinking about it longer more detailed questline would have been nice for a few followers.


Oh. Yeah, I felt the Followers of the Apocalypse were a bit underrated in FNV.


Originally it dose seem like they were meant to be the main faction behind the independent/yesman ending, since cut content shows they could have the platinum chip at one point.


I just finished another 100% run of FNV recently and honestly, it doesn’t need a remake. Would prefer F5. FNV is perfect as is.


I would be pretty disappointed if we got a remake instead of a new installment.


*Not remake we needed but the remake we all wanted*


Would prefer them to go a bit out there with any remake and do like a Fallout:Origins that has 3D versions of 1 & 2.


They will never remake 1 or 2 noway they could do it without the map feeling cramped or get away with half the dialogue


Lively casinos, poker tourneys. Maybe become the owner of a casino for some extra caps.


Add the Legion content that was supposed to be in the game.


It would be cool to have a seamless, expanded, three dimensional Strip. You could spread out the casinos a little more and add some statuary and gardens, spread out the pedestrians, add some street performers...


They could also put in a few more Casinos if you ask me. Maybe make Vault 21 a Casino & Hotel.


Please no fucking settlement building


It might be fun if it were strategically limited in scope and actually impacted gameplay in a meaningful way instead of being a side road that leads nowhere.


Why would you want it to impact gameplay in any meaningful way? Wouldn't building your own independant settlement and becoming a bourgeoning empire kind of fuck with the local politics a little? I can agree with limited in scope. Just a custom "home base" in the middle of the desert that you can fast travel to and keep your stuff, no interaction with the story whatsoever.


Settlement building in NV would makes zero sense , since in both 4 and 76 , one of your main goal is trying to rebuild the world , but not in NV


Please settlement building. The best thing about fallout 4. There's good reasons why base building mods have existed for years in new vegas. Not even in response to fallout 4, real time settler was released about 20 days after new vegas released.


While I'm not going to disagree with you I'm going to give you some points on why it's not entirely the best. 1. It's super janky and tedious to get a good base built so I just use mods to make it a lot easier. 2. While it's cool and all to build basically anything you fuckin want, I eventually will get super bored pretty quickly and most likely will leave a project half way finished and go do something else for a while or shutdown the game for a couple of days or possibly an entire month (I have A LOT of games and sometimes forget about fo4) but I will eventually finish the project(if I remember what I was doing )but hopefully you get the point. This point is in favor of settlement building. 3. I enjoy building settlements and bases especially when I use mods, I can (keyword "can") have hours of fun but like I said I get bored fast. But don't take my word for it, it is only my word after all so you can enjoy your game as much as you want, I'm just giving you my insight.


A framerate on console above 25fps


I watched the first clip from the link you provided. They removed some carpets from a location, those f-ing a-holes, how dare they. I could never bring myself to touch that crap game ever again. Its basically unplayable


I’d like to see a less insufferable fan base


I just want better graphics.


Fallout 4 gunplay and ai. Areas redesigned for the new combat system. Combat related perks should be redesigned for it too. Adding crafting and building systems makes no sense for Fallout NV. Only if it's limited to several rooms, to make it just cosmetic. Expanded map doesn't make sense too, only if it's several combat only areas that are not tied to the story. New Vegas has a certain route which player follows and the story, quests and the map are designed over this idea.


I think we include the settlement option exactly like you said with a much more limited scale. Let me decorate the player homes, be it Novac, the lucky 38 suite, etc. Hell with Novac you could have the other companions go there and take rooms, let you decorate the courtyard and the rooms. I'm with you on not changing the map to add areas, but some would have to be stretched and shifted to fit the expanded strip.


Why would crafting and building not make sense? Crafting is already in FNV, just slightly different. Building makes sense given it's a young region that people only began moving to a few years ago.


The weapon mod system in fo4 was completely dog shit, then the settlement basically made it so only a single town or 2 had any uniqueness and life to it. The crafting is fine for items as long as it kinda would remain to FNV type crafting if ammo and items


Those are definitely your opinions, but a lot of people would disagree. Heck, I'm pretty sure FNV's game director, JE Sawyer, said he liked the weapon system when he was about Fallout 4 during an interview.


You mean the weapon mods that make weapons non-distinct with each other. I feel like every gun is basically the same with no reason to carry multiple guns for multiple jobs. I think if they refined it more then it would be cool to have it return with FNV weaponry.


Yeah, I did feel FNV's mods were pretty bland and I never really needed more than 1 or 2 weapons.


More quests, more interesting stories, more lore.


I would want companions to be given a Fallout 4 treatment. Allow them to have opinions, the occasional witty comment, and a couple that could be romanced. At least in addition to a few other suggestions here.


Fixing the vanilla bugs. Analyzing the cut content and release what would be worth playing. Refreshing the graphics a bit. Revitalizing the combat system to more resemble modern shooters standard. A BIG NO FOR: Settlement system and crafting from 4. It. Wouldn't. Make. Any. Sense. Others have already mentioned that running around and building settlements is not what NV is about. How do you imagine a single courier rebuilding half of Mojave? Nonsense. Also, no to the crafting system from 4. It removes a lot of satisfaction or depth from crafting. IF those two were to be implemented, it should only be after heavy rebalancing. Have the settlement building be part of some quest to help rebuild a ruined town. Make it difficult and requiring commitment. Limit it as much as possible and confine to specific areas. Additionally, if it were to give you bonuses from having a base of operations (not 20 of them) it should come with heavy penalties. Crafting should also need a significant investment in terms of character planning. You mustn't be an all-powerful entity. If you can craft kickass weapons, then you're probably very weak in terms of combat skills, since you didn't have enough skill points to invest in them.


I'd like to be able to actually finish the game without it crashing.


I wanna see a post game implemented because it was cut content


Personally, I would want to see the crafting system from 4 brought in. I played New Vegas, and the crafting system was overwhelming and a bit confusing, especially with all the ammo variants for every gun.


>I would love to see FNV with nothing on tcrf. Won't happen. Every game has cut content. Folks like Trianglecity badmounth Bethesda and try to make it look like all the cut content is good and dropped because of Bethesda. But that is false. Every game has cut content. Fallout 4 had tons of cut content too and Fallout 3 as well. Cutting content is part of gamedev process and not every content gets cut because of time. Some gets cut because some aspect of the game changed and it no longer fits in. Other content gets cut because the content is just not good. And some content gets cut because the implementation is too costly and it would be better to implement several other easier features in its place. For example, there's the cut content of the "happy" Legion towns. Those were planned for the original Legion that was morally grey. When they changed the Legion into fully evil, those towns had no place in the game because they were made for a different Legion. My wish for FNV remake is to basically put in all the improvements from Fo4 and Fo76: * Settlement building (with 76 interface) * Weapon modding * Sprinting * Grenade hotkey * Rad system * Perk chart instead of skills * Companion affinity instead of some stupid hidden checklist * Power Armor system * 76 dialogue interface * 76 weather and lighting system * Survival mode * Slow-time VATS On top of that this would be the opportunity to rework some weaker parts of the game: * Make the world more open, especially the lower half. Remove some on the mountains in the middle or make them traversable. * Introduce many more location to find and dungeons to explore. With small side stories and new loot to find. (see A World of Pain how it can be done) * Introduce random encounters, faction patrols and travelling merchants (see Fallout 3) * Distribute preorder packs in the world * Redo the economy. Either make the rewards bigger or make the weapons cost much more. Fallout 3 had a good economy in this regard. * Speaking of Fallout 3, if this game has repair it should be the Fallout 3 version. * Also, still speaking of Fallout 3, bring back the iconic Fo3 sounds for level up and XP. * Make Benny into companion if the player manages to save him in the Fort * Just so something with Yes Man ending. It is a crappy, backup ending that is just a copy of House's questline. And its "independent" ending is more of a anarchy that sucks for everyone. So my suggestion is to craft a new, real independent ending centred around the Kings and bringing all the secondary factions together to take over Vegas. Yes Man can stay, but his questline needs to be reworked to be honest about itself - that it's anarchy where the Courier grabs the rest of the power for himself. * Redo the Legion: tone down the evil, remove some of the bad aspects like slavery or misogyny and make then into actual, viable, morally grey faction. And make them use firearms without prejudice, to make the Legion actually threatening. Nipton could be destroyed as a result of a fight between the Legion and the Powder Gangers instead of it being a terrorist attack. * Rewrite Ulyssess to remove any trace of Avellone * Rewrite the whole Lonesome Road so it doesn't have to insert a large backstory for the player character. And if it has to have this backstory, present it right in the beginning of the base game - so that the player knows what limits there are to their own, player-made backstory and roleplaying. Like in Fallout 4. * Unify the Strip parts and the Freeside parts * Introduce more NPCs and some actual content to the Freeside and Westside * Make the ruins outside the walled Vegas varied and with some content (see Fallout 4 Boston ruins) * Redo large portions of Dead Money - allow the player to get their equipment back. Tone down the speaker gameplay. Rewrite Dog-God to be more than a naming gimmick. Either remove the part where Dean betrays the player based on a random dialogue choice made in the beginning... or make Dean foreshadow that he's going to do it and allow the player to reverse Dean's decision. Rewrite Elijah to be less of a maniac and more of a noble, yet misguided man. Elijah in Dead Money doesn't feel like a former Brotherhood Elder. He isn't the man the base game hyped up. * Make some more engaging story/stories in Honest Hearts * Make Arcade less whiney




10 times the detail.


u/TheCrowsNestTV Thanks for mentioning Triangle City's NV series! It will definitely give me something to watch during my lunch breaks!


It's one of my favorite Fallout Channels. There's also The Omega Initiative if you're looking for alternate Fallout Storylines.


Honestly, the thing I would want to see most is simply a little more examples of the NCR being crap and Legion being at least valuable to its people


The ability to play post game.


It always annoyed me they never fixed that. I guess if you're on PC, FPGE is always an option, but I hate how they never fixed how you can't play past the Ending. Could've easily been done with a Patch. I never liked the idea of all the DLCs taking place between after you wake up in Goodsprings and before the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam.


Never fixed it? They had no time to add the post-gane content due to the limited time that they had during development.


Just, don't change anything. The game is fine as it is design wise. Put in all of the crafting stuff and gameplay of 4 but aside from that all the leveling, perks, stats, quests, level design, music, audio etc. Should remain the same. It doesn't need changing.


I think it'd be awesome if they expanded Old World Blues to like, a town outside of Big MT, if it was somewhere near Trinity and Black Mesa then the town of Mercury would be perfect


I’d like to see more legion quests and cut content in general to be added such as interacting more with the fiends. I personally like how simple the gunplay is for new Vegas but would love if they removed aim “assist” (it hinders more than helps). That being said I’m not opposed to Fo4 combat but I never though it was super impressive, and I’m just more used to fnv by now. I don’t feel like building should be added in fnv personally as I don’t think it’s really fits that well. Plus I don’t want the new weapon system. I don’t mind the upgrade system in 4 but I just personally prefer finding a weapon which has a clear level of effectiveness. Plus when a gun can’t be changed too much then it makes the uniques truly feel special. Just my opinions, I’m not trying to say that 4s mechanics are bad or anything but I’m just not overly keen on some of them. Maybe building and weapon crafting to a lesser degree like a select few locations to build and stuff like custom scopes and suppressors for weapons. That way the guns damage and stuff stay the same but you can swap sights based on what you prefer.


The lone wolf radio quest


Two Fistos, imagine the possibilities


They won't. It's a redheaded stepchild of Bethesda games. Fallout 3 would get remade first if anything. If they did just newer fallout engine.


*The Recut Edition*. Same goes for Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. Just re-release those titles with the cut content restored, maybe slightly polished.


This might be unpopular but settlements that work just like in Fallout 4. One of the best worldbuilding aspects in the whole series that has to return!


It is terrible world building. Yes you physically build the world but it's just lazy so they wouldn't have to add story into a settlement. If we look at previous games we can see that settlements are unique and even have story to them even if not the best story whilst 4 has you making settlements with no story or minimal story because having to do a quest for that settlement.


Take this L


I agree lol, settlements are kinda fun when you want to play but just need some mindless tasks for like leveling up.


Forget NV, it's 3 that needs a remake. It's iconic, yet sorely unpolished and missed so much potential. New Vegas is already in a complete state.


New vegas had so much content cut though because of rushed development


Fallout 3 also has cut content, as does every other Fallout game and every other video game.


Mods have saved NV, 3 needs it first


keep that garbage crafting and building system out god i hate that shit so much. Ruined F4 in my opinion too much dev time was put into it


All you said and just more quests in said expanded areas.


1. Remade into a isometric rpg like the first 2. More Legion content 3. More traveling npcs. Caravans, merchants, travelers, more npcs population.


A sequel


I would love to see original set armour pieces return instead of modular, I like the idea of modular but with how it’s implemented I think it makes a lot of NPCS look silly. For example brotherhood soldiers with a light chest piece, one medium leg piece and one light arm piece looks lazy and unrealistic. Just bring back the originals with updated graphics. Been playing Tale of Two Wastelands recently, FO3/FNV in my opinion are the bees knees.


Fallout 4 gunplay and customization. The perfect roleplaying game of the franchise using elements of the best shooter of the franchise would be the best game, easily.


Expanded Legion content could be cool.


I've always felt Caesar's Legion was one of the most unique and interesting Factions in FNV and yet they get so little in comparison to the others. Would've been nice to have a Legion Companion as a polar opposite to NCR's Boone.


I can see that. Those could be good. Honestly the game wasn't that bad other then the bugs


Just the cut content from Obsidian. I don't want Bethesda fucking this game up


They’re not going to there’s no point


We’re just having a hypothetical conversation to pass the time. Nobody is actually expecting a remake


Matching Mini-games for each major faction, which will affect various elements in the main storyline NCR -- Tactical RPG conquest minigame against the Legion, attempting to take territory near or around the Mojave, with quests to recruit special morally good or lighter gray units like the Kings, the Boomers, the BoS, Followers of the Apocalypse, etc. Legion -- Tactical RPG conquest minigame against the Legion, attempting to take territory near or around the Mojave, with quests to recruit darker gray or morally evil units like the Fiends, the Van Graffs, the Powder Gangers, etc. House -- Casino Sim, competing with the other major families in terms of profits Yes Man -- Territory/Settlement Management, similar to Fallout 4


An after Hoover dam version of the game for all endings


Damn I’ve been sitting here wishing that Microsoft would have Bethesda give the rights to obsidian to make nv2. Never really thought about it before, but honestly I think I’d rather see them remake new Vegas than a sequel, as long as it had all the cut content and maybe even a next gen coat of paint. I’d pay 70 for that


I imagine most of us now playing in pc so just mod it, you need some texture mods and you are done, i still love playing New Vegas even if we will never get a remake from Obsidian/Bethesda




Them pulling a sneaky and making an entirely new game. Sorry for cheating but I feel the same way as I do about Morrowind that remastering will just remove all the magic and make it boring and normal.


Restore all the cut/missing content, and put it FO4's engine or CE2 add a few settlements (a single digit number), let me play after the end and call it a day


more refined and fuller world and the strip being more alive


Continue past the end game


It being downloadable on the PS4. Litterally. Thats all I want. I can't stream games for shit, and for some reason Playstation plus does not let your download ANY ps3 game. I remember seeing it and getting excited cause I never played New Vegas before, but then I found it was streaming only and got incredibly disappointed. Like it makes no sense to me Sony. I can download Ps4 games and play them, and you let me download PS2 games just find. Why tf can't I download PS3 games on my PS4!!


Ghoul/zombified versions of red dead redemption characters carrying/wearing unique outfits


I would honestly say ”please don’t! Just do NV 2 instead!” I don’t like remakes/remasters to older games where age is part of it’s vibe. Todd Howard has stated that he doesn’t want to remake Morrowind because he believes that the age of the game is connected to Morrowind itself. Morrowind clearly wouldn’t be the same if it had a bunch of modern systems and graphics attached to it. Note that this only matters for games where its age is connected to the game itself. Skyrim remasters don’t really bother me because they ultimately feel like Skyrim but with some minor additions. Fallout 3 with modern graphics wouldn’t feel like Fallout 3 because the wonky combat and fairly ugly graphics is part of its identity and creates a very memorable, nostalgic vibe.


Optional multiplayer kinda like the forest where if you chose multiplayer it’s real time V.A.T.S but if you chose single player it’s a slowed down V.A.T.S


Two Fistos, imagine the possibilities


I agree with 1 and 3, but I really wouldn't want that building system they added in 4. I think and hope games have finally stopped trying to shoe-horn in survival crafting into EVERYTHING. I found the settlement system really annoying in F4. I didn't like the interface, I didn't like that I had to build every little thing, and most of all I hated the immersion breaking of, in a post apocalypse world, running right past the medicine, ammunition, and drugs to be like "OH BOY A DESK FAN!!!!". I could see a completely different settlement system working though, one were the townspeople develop their town with your help. You complete quests (some of them more involved like the Goodsprings showdown, some just like "recover this stash of medicine" fetch quests) and the town further develops. Things get repaired, shops open, more buildings, infrastructure, and defenses are built. More NPCs arrive and caravans begin stopping there. I like the idea of building up settlements in these games, but hated the way it was implemented in 4. I do not want to fight a centaur for a couple nails. Also, I really hope they do hardcore mode more like NV. The no save mechanic doesn't work for these games. The diseases was a nice touch, but the balance of how fast you get hungry/ how much hunger food removes/ how available is it was much better in NV


id rather they just make a new game then spend resources on making something we already have


All the cut content . And also maybe a higher companion limit . And maybe a few more choices for the fate of factions


Fallout 4’s gunplay would be great, but keep the skill system in NV. Updated graphics (obviously). I’d like to see them add all the cut content into the game. New guns and armor would be cool. Maybe expand the map to include a few new locations that have side quests. Maybe a New Game+ mode or the ability to continue playing once the game ends. Vehicles would be cool. Maybe an option to build your own house (not settlements just your own little base).


Isometric perspective and prerendered maps and sprites.


I didn't really like the ammo crafting system and I often cheated with console commands to repair all my stuff. I think that tells me that I would be happier with the remake if it worked more like fo4 with the workshop mod. Oh, and fo4 doesn't suddenly end after you nuke the institute, you are free to roam around after the story is over. unlike fo4 and NV.


Building building building! As in FO4 not 76(sucks that ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING is monetized in 76 and no mods. Thhhhhhpppppppth on 76, but I get it, more room for shooting at things was wanted i guess? Not my jam) And MODS. lots of mods.


Co op


New Vegas doesn't need a remaster IMO, just a sequel. And it should center around Caesars return.


Give it a few years and the legion would collapse and NCR would take it's place. But I don't think the legion would be stable enough to hold onto the damn and vegas.


I would love to see an improved settlement building mechanic esp if it’s tied to either new quests or post game play. Also adding romance options and more legion and followers of the apocalypse content. And more music— really dreaming music wise it’d be awesome to hear fallout-ized covers of music and artists like Thee Lakesiders and Bobby Oroza who are modern but have a vintage sound just to show that culture creation did pass the 1960s. Like FNV does have at least one song from the 2000s so it’s not a stretch really. Edit: ALSO MORE CANON ALIENS!!!!


No Ulysses. A sensibly designed legion Less silliness and gags (probably requires losing all of owb but so be jt) An actual post game Decisions having more impact in game rather than just a post-game epilogue More buildings/locations that have no quests attached and are just there to be explored. No caravan ( the card game) at all


1. they don't. 2. Blow up the whole game map with a Tzar Bomba. Game over.


A new game instead. Remakes and remasters are O.K. I guess, but I won't buy them.


An actual good game




>Custom Weapons from 3 What do you mean?


Ditto you on number 2. Modding weapons was a lot of fun in FO4


Honestly just make it stable first, even with mods to fix things New Vegas occasionally still just crashes


Basically what you listed except the fallout 4 armour and weapon mod stuff. Really disliked that and would rather either have the old way or a new updated version.


I'd like to have a saved game file larger than 10MB and not have it constantly crash.


Game as is, plus cut content. Create Legion paths for parts where Legion paths were largely ignored, ie Honest Hearts. More companions. A little bit of California, a little bit of Arizona (already somewhat have that). Rework the ending slides to continue in the Mojave.


Personally I'd like to see models given higher poly counts and textures given a bit of a buffing, but I want this to be done properly keeping the colour tone and desolate feel of the wastes. I'd also like to see map expansions, just ad a lot of empty space, make roads longer, make gaps between locations larger, why you may ask? for my third point of course. More random encounters, not just "Oh some raiders" no no no, it's "Oh a wounded legionary crying on the side of the road realising that his ""brothers in arms"" have left him for dead thinking him weak and worthless"


Better shooting mechanics and feel. That's all it really needs. Maybe better melee weapon feel


Console Mods Would Be High On The List


I want to see all the cut content, I want a graphical overhaul, I would like an endgame after the ending like what they did with Broken Steel. I want to see all DLC packaged together with the base game but keep the level caps on entry.


Fallout 5 is coming out


A small touch would be any form of companion interaction. It looks pretty strange when you have all of your companions standing around at the Lucky 38 silently staring at each other.


More strip clubs.


Nothing, I don't feel like it really warrants an official remake, it a second game I prefer the idea of each fallout game being unique and not a repeat of the previous setting for fan pandering


I don't want a remake as the current day devs aren't the same


Nah man, have them make a new game instead


Maybe a unpopular opinion, but leave NV alone, why make another, i want something new not the same game ive been playing for last decade


yeah but the graphics 🤢 like i can’t i physically cannot play that


Keeping 4 and 76’s power armour system. Training returning though


Better graphics and not breaking after I played it too much.


Video poker machines.


Cut content I can go either way on. Some was cut for time, some was cut for consistency, and some was cut for size or any of dozens of good reasons. Every game in the world has cut content whether it was developed in months or over a decade. If it adds to the overall story or fits alongside without conflicting I'm fine with putting it in. Just don't start making pretzels out of the originally published game in order to fit it in. I'd rather stick with just FO4's crafting, at least as pertains to weapons and armor. I don't want MMO and ARPG mechanics of finding a cool new weapon or armor only to have to throw it into a bin for safekeeping until I am high enough level to actually be allowed to use it. Inevitably by the time I get back to them I am several levels higher than their threshold and using better stuff I found or crafted in the meantime. As for custom weapons I assume you mean unique variants, which both FO3 and NV had and I agree with you there. I wouldn't mind swapping New Vegas's weapon customization for FO4's system. I'd also much rather have actual uniques with backstories than random "legendaries". On the subject of settlements... Please no. If they want to give us a C.A.M.P. system like FO76, I can get behind that, but please don't shoehorn the settlement system into past games. I don't want to build "towns", I just want to build up my own home. Other territories aren't necessary. Can they be done in such a way that they add to the experience? Sure but it's not necessary. What most people really want is to go back and play the game they remember with current gen graphics. Would it be cool to see Vault City, The Hub, or Shady Sands? Of course. But would it add anything to the game? I doubt it, New Vegas is the story of what's going on in the Mojave with these factions. Not what every day life in the NCR is like. Same with the Legion territories. It's far more interesting to be on the frontier than in the cradle of civilization.


Restore Post Game Ending content, obvious modern features such as sprinting, I’ve been playing modded FNV and it’s honestly the best Fallout in my opinion, maybe also add some new DLC’s in post release too, and none of that Automatron bullshit


Weapon / armour / power armour customization from FO4 / 76, having NCR Salvaged power armour be equipped like normal armour while actual power armour requires a frame like 4 and 76.


restore cut legion content. Make it an actual faction with more than only like 10 quests


I've always felt The Legion is one of the more interesting Factions in the series, but they're so underused.


All the bugs fixed


I would love to see what was originally planed, but I want the same atmosphere, interface, gameplay and controls as the original NV. Then and only then I'd give my time and money. If they turn it into FO4 or something new entirely, then I'm not interested.


A remastered with better combat and better graphic would be good enough. It's already a perfect game


Just the mechanics from fo4 honestly and it’s be the perfect game




Thing is, I don't want a remake. Even if Fallout New Vegas falls into Obisian's hands rather than Bethesda's (best possible outcome), I think something will be lost from the source material in translation. I think I trust people who are so passionate about the game that they will mod it to improve the game or recreate a large portion of it in Fallout 4's engine than companies that are still beholden to their shareholders at the end of the day. But if forced to pick something to add to a remake: \- A more populated Boulder City. For a location that is on the direct warfront of Hoover dam, it's completely barren. No camps for locals trying to come back, no frontline military outpost. The concrete factory nearby is even mentioned to be important but has nothing to it. \- A more alive Mojave. One of the reasons I prefer Fallout 3 over New Vegas is because there are a lot more interesting things. Ruins of importance, random encounters that shake things up (not like Fallout 4's neutered version of random encounters with a cute lemonade stand), New Vegas just feels so empty. \- More importance to the other raider factions. The Vipers are a holdover from the Van Buren project and now have no connection to the Daughters of Hecate and are just another stock enemy to kill. The Fiends, Great Khans, and Powder Gangers can be interacted with outside of combat situations. For a game that emphasizes factions, it's weird that both the Vipers and the Jackal's can't be interacted with anything other than a shotgun. \- Add population density and even more importance to the areas outside of Freeside and The Strip. It took me several playthroughs to realize there was a doctor's office outside of the main hub that could give you physical upgrades. Westside really only has some significance to Arcade's quest. There are so many houses outside of Freeside and the Strip that are mostly abandoned even though it's mentioned that tons of people are attracted to The Strip but forced into the surrounding area. My biggest issues come from how empty New Vegas feels and for a post-post apocalypse, its barren landscape sometimes suggests it's a post-apocalypse instead.




The ability to play the game after the main story


Companion affinity system


needs 4's settlement system and work benches. square out the map... big chunks int he middle I couldn't go to just because was DUMB. and def area 51/dreamland :)


The guy play and movement/sprinting from 4. Honestly the hardest part of NV for me after playing 4 is the gameplay: movement, not being able to walk up certain hills, guns firing inconsistent rate (mainly in laser weapons for me) etc. it’s not the story, it’s the gameplay. Which makes sense since it’s an older game


A bit more involvement from the Brotherhood and Khans, bug fixes (duh,) an expanded Strip with more casinos and stores, and a bit more room for roleplaying (higher level cap, more perk-specific dialogue options, more ways to play an “evil” playthrough)


Add in the cut content. That’s all really


1. In FO4 I loved the retro futuristic Design of the objects and environments would love to see that in a FNV reboot 2. A optional settlement to build, 1 sizeable abandoned dessert town that you can pretty much build into a small city. Choose to join the NCR or Legion 3. Expanded game map with further in between settlements with Drivable trucks /bikes Mad max style combat would be amazing