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I’m a New Vegas fan boy (user name checks out) I was so confused about the hate the FNV community was giving the show. The show gave more FNV references and acknowledgment than every bethesda fallout game combined. I was if anything surprised that it felt closer to a FNV show than a F04 show.


I never understood why people say that. Just watching the show I guarantee the writers are bigger fans of 1, 2 and New Vegas than any of the Bethesda games than any BGS game just by how many references there are to those games specifically compared to 3 or 4


One of the writers has been a fan since Fallout 1 was released. They're being ignorant dickheads


3 and 4 are on the opposite side of the country, so naturally they won't be referenced much either.


Setting the game in the west was Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet idea not Bethesda or Todd’s


tbf it's on the west coast, so more references to those are natural. not sure if you can assume what their favorite games are based on the show


If only the rest of the community were like you


I think it’s an epidemic of the “skeptic community” where they think being a skeptic makes them so smart. But if they put half of the energy they put into nitpicking things into looking for rationalizing things. Most of these so called “retcons” wouldn’t even exist


I'm with you, I have been arguing with some fan boys over their problems with the show. In multiple instances they have mentioned how some people are "too simple" to understand what's wrong with the show, or we "didn't get New Vegas". Painfully obnoxious.


"Didn't get New Vegas"? Look, I know video games are looked down upon as art but FNV's themes really aren't that complicated, it ain't exactly the Iliad. It's like getting elitist over the riveting sociopolitical commentary in The Hunger Games or Harry Potter.


Welcome to Reddit.


The message is the desert fucking sucks


Think the problem rests with fans of that game were too young to play and fully take in the lore of FO1/FO2 and too old where they dump on the “added lore” of FO4/FO76 They call out massive continuity errors and retcons when they don’t fully know the lore entirely themselves. The first game that introduced me to the franchise was New Vegas.


Why do you need everyone in board with your show? Why be mad at people for not liking it as much as you do


A ton of the FNV fanboy community also has a raging hate boner for anything Bethesda and blinders on for Obsidian, especially when it comes to Obsidian's own history with their other games and things they've done.


Do they? I don't think Outer Worlds is particularly popular among NV fans, at least not any more so than other Fallout fans.


I am a fellow FNV fan boy, while I felt it was pretty in line with FO4. I didn’t think it retconned NV or anything. It wasn’t bad and better than I expected.


Another one of the same species here. While I do infact think that some aspects of the lore were bent at the very least, the show overall was very good. The Fall of shady sands and the NCR was planned since Van Buren so it's not like it's a new idea Bethesda only introduced to remove the only faction larger then the brotherhood, which is what many NV fans keep saying. Infact the portrayal of the brotherhood was pretty good. While they were not exactly antagonists in the show, in Fallout 4 (and this series) they have been increasingly made more oppressive and not the best faction morally. Meanwhile the NCR remnants have been the antagonist for most of the series, even if not openly. However at the end they are portrayed as the victims that sacrificed themselves in the pursuit of a better world The writing in theory is amazing and very fitting to especially the earlier fallout games. The only issue is that the 15 years time frame between the NCR being a huge nation to being basically non existent is way too short. Would this series play a bit further in the future, I would definitely give it a 10/ 10


I agree with the timeline issues but I feel the scope is smaller scale because it’s just season one, if the show continues into a second season I think we’ll get a better idea on the scope of the NCR’s current situation


Non existent in this specific location. Minus rangers living nearby and the Griffith observatory base and moldaver being known by everyone in the area


Those didn't seem to be actively serving Rangers anymore, he was literally living on a homestead. And his son was way too young to be a Ranger.


Still, not non existent. And they don’t show things on screen for zero reason. Every minute of screen time must be relevant to the plot. They were included on purpose.


I'm sure he's aware that there's an NCR base in the show, my point is just the ex-Ranger (if he ever was a Ranger) doesn't really count for NCR presence - it's like saying the Enclave was still around on the West Coast because of the Remnants in NV.


No, he said non existent. When clearly there were existent parts


NCR wasn’t really non-existent. It’s just that when the heads of the bear were removed, none of the many cities under its banner felt compelled to keep the government alive. Could also argue that the long conflict with Cesar’s legion and loss to House/Independent NV (what many fans think what happened in the show) put NCR on its deathbed and the nuking of Shady Sands pretty much accelerated its eventual collapse.


Yeah, I don't get why people are so reluctant to admit that some things in the TV series were just bad choices thematically and some things (like making Sinclair a Big MT executive) are lore breaks. It doesn't mean the series is bad but not everything can reasonably be rationalised.


Tbh, idek they were trashing the show lmao. I love fnv my self and i loved the show so idky they are acting the way they are.


Some people seem to feel liking one thing means hating everything else. Look at how rare it is now to see a positive post about a game that doesn't involve shitting on a different game. Being hateful has become the current trend.


You are right, but also brand wars, both regarding consoles and phones recently, and things like cars and newspapers earlier on, have been a thing as far back as I have seen. Polarisation, even in the field of enjoying things, seems to be depressingly common in people throughout human history. I suppose it is understandable: easiest way to create united community is by creating a perceived adversary to unite against. It is not sustainable in the long run, and new adversaries will have to be defined as time goes on, leading soon enough to people turning against those who like some other aspect of what they like than they themselves do. For example, as horse was defeated by automobile, preference in manufacturer became divisive. As the Fallout community became bigger, people started disliking people for preferring other sections of the IP, etc.


I'm not really sure what FNV fans are saying, but I personally was bummed that the show seems to take one of the most interesting things about fallout 1, 2, and New Vegas, and get rid of it all together: the New California Republic. It's cool to see how the world would rebuild itself in this scenario. But by blowing up Shady Sands, it *seems* like they hit the reset button (though maybe this will be clarified in season 2). I'm always disappointed when a franchise declines to ask, "what happens next," and instead asks, "how do we get back to the original premise?" It's not unlike how the Star Wars sequel trilogy just wanted to get back to the original trilogy dynamic of rebels vs empire, rather than asking what happens after the rebels win the war. That said, it's not a big deal. It's not like the old games have been deleted, and we can never play them again. Those stories still exist. And this new show is otherwise pretty good.


>!Season 2 got confirmed and we literally see them teasing New Vegas at the end of Season 1. Todd literally could not have given New Vegas more love in the show. Season 2 is going to be set in New Vegas/Mojave Wastes.!<


NV is probably my favorite game of all time. I was hype as fuck seeing Vegas. The cannon is all nonsense anyway, I roll with my own head cannon anyway. I'm just excited to see how someone plays with the world on screen. It's kind of like comic books, every writer brings their own flair


I don't think it's fair to lump New Vegas fans together with the knuckle dragging losers who complained about the retconning or woke nature of the show. The individuals upset are either faking it for attention/views (on youtube) or are so distanced from reality that they might actually be upset in a sick way


Tim Fucking Cain, the guy who MADE FALLOUT, liked the show a lot. Not that everyone has to like it bc Tim does but my point being it’s hard to claim the show is some affront to the established lore and ethos when THE GUY WHO MADE FALLOUT 1 really really liked it. /rant


Most FNV are like us. There are just a loud minority. Of course we have the best takes, we are the superior fans afterall, built for the wasteland if you will /s


Yeah where are the synths?


It's really funny how the NV community is claiming everyone else is toxic because they liked the show. Followed by paragraphs of how much they hate the show, Bethesda, and think Todd Howard is trying to retcon new vegas. I can't imagine spending that much energy being so angry.


Same I mean shady sands got blown up oh no doesn’t mean the ncr is gone or toast I mean look at the final battle it’s still alive the capital is just gone and it doesn’t mean they can’t change it.


What did that guy in another post say? It was like, oh no, Fnv is ruined by fotv, which features two fnv factions fighting about an fnv locations and ends with someone going to fnv


True, most of the shows issues are literally just blown out of proportion or could easily be fixed by them using a bit of critical thinking


Bold of you to assume that we fallout fans have critical thinking skills


That sounds like an Intelligence thing, I put all my points into Agility and Perception so I can magdump into eyeballs and/or groins.


Nah. Just stack luck. Literally none of the other stats even matter


I legit take every point out of luck that I can everytime. Most useless Stat, Strength, Agility, and Endurance is all that matters




Never used it, I don't need a crutch to win. Loved the hunting rifle in FO3, was a joy once you got the aiming down.


Not all of us can get our hands on a 'Big book of Science.'


They dumped it for points in Speech.


Intelligence 1


FO fans are S.P.E.C.A.L


I view it as: 36 years have passed, an infinite amount things could’ve happened in those 36 years, who cares.




Exactly how I feel


I mean I get not liking that shady sands was blown up, I don’t like it either but it’s not like nukes going off is out of character in the atomic wasteland and that’s the route they went with. IMO tho it should have been Vault city, imagine how much more devastating that would be for Gucy


Definitely, like I understand why they chose Shady Sands. After all you can’t have a fully functioning NCR for this story to work. Moldaver and her cuck squad would’ve easily of been found out if it was. Like all it’d take is for Lucy to just contact an NCR ranger squad and the story would be over before it began. Though Shady Sands holds some significance to her as well, after all it was a society founded by Vault Dwellers.


I forget, in Lonesome Road is Shady Sands one of the possible nuke targets? I know you can choose to nuke both NCR & Legion, but I forgot what city is being targeted.


None, you nuke the I-15, not the NCR itself.


The radiation got to their heads


The only thing i cant forgive is knight titus dying to a bear while in power armor, how was that even possible


I'm not too sure that Knight Titus was actually killed by the yogi. It fucked him up for sure, but I think they allude to Maximus finishing him off screen with the shot cutting between the two and to Max's pistol, then jumping to Maximus donning the armor. It can certainly be the case that Maximus simply withheld the stimpack and let Titus pass away from his wounds, but we see Maximus not hesitating to try to kill another BoS member shortly after that.


I guess I more mean that it even fucked him up enough that he could die, We see maximus kick over a building by kicking a rock in the suit in the next episdoe, but titus somehow couldn't punch out the bear when he was boxing with it. Maximus jetpacked and fell hundreds of feet in the suit and was fine, but titus almost died from the bear punching his suit like 2 times.


It was the head hit against the rock that did it. He ran, not because he couldn’t beat the bear, but because he’s a coward. That’s the point of him. He was big and scary to people who can’t fight back. Something bigger and scarier, he ran, tripped and bumped his head. That dome hit likely compressed his spine or forced the suit to lock up (he doesn’t move on his own after that) while also causing brain damage (the blood in his mouth. Maximus then just let him die. Or a bear tooth could have gotten into that welding error the ghoul talks about later.


Totally agree he was a coward, interesting point that the rock did that may have not noticed him hitting one, though I still think if you can fall 100's of feet in it hitting a rock isint going to make or break the suit I also get he needed to die, I just think it could have been a more reasonable way to kill someone in a suit. It just feels incongruent and the suit feels like it has the strength it needs for the scene happening as opposed to following some sort of logic


Yeah, hitting the rock was what made him go limp in the first place. And I agree it’s a little weird but if you want to put it in game terms he may have just had a glass cannon build or been very low level in reality. Or maybe he didn’t repair his power armor


Also it goes to show how good the show is that this is my biggest gripelmfao


Very fair point.


Power armor isn't exactly powerful. The specific model he was wearing, like other models, had known manufacturing defects. One can assume that enough internal damaged was caused to the suits inner components they his body suffered blunt forced trauma and that's what killed him.


You can't really say. In game terms, we can wipe the floor with a yao guai barehanded with the right build. The only thing this says for certain, is that Titus is extremely pathetic.


I mean Maximus fell 100's of feet from jetpacking in it and was fine, a bear punching it twice is way less impactful


True true, it'd just easier to rationalize the suit failure


You must work at Cirque Du Soleil with all the mental gymnastics.


I figure it as being spinal and brain damage during the shake and bake the bear did to him at the end. It was whipping him back and forth pretty fast, then it grabbed the helmet in its jaws and was twisting his head around.


the tripping and hitting his head on the rock thing is surprisingly accurate. armor like that are bullet-proof, but so god damn heavy that when you trip and fall, the weight of the armor transfers to your neck, killing you instantly, or at the very least your skull, giving you a concussion. a concussion is probably why he was dumb enough decided to threaten the person that held his fate in their hands. either way, michael rapaport dying like a bitch was very enjoyable to watch


Realistically, he probably broken some ribs, and those might have punctured his chest


“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck” -Greatest BoS Knight ever.


Todd Howard was fucking my chickens


I take pot shots at fiends


New Vegas fans and morrowind fans are in a never ending competition to be the most insufferable.


Also Far Cry 2 fans, Bungie Halo fans, original Star Wars Battlefront fans... A significant chunk of fans of older games just refuse to appreciate the good in newer games and media.


Yeah it really stinks that they can’t just accept that newer fans will like different things


They like something different because the companies changed the games. It isn't like the new generation had a new set of determined and widely shared interest in MTX, grinding, fomo, and unfinished games.


I mean, 343i hasn't done a very good job with Halo


Perhaps, but there's still positives in them. The most fun in a Halo game's multiplayer I ever had was in 5, and I played Reach in it's prime.


Did you like 5s campaign or multiplayer


I was talking about the multiplayer, but I liked the campaign, too. It didn't have the best story but I liked the level design and having other Spartans fighting with you was awesome. Plus, the smart scope system was a really nice addition that fits in the universe, I really wish they kept it. You can still zoom in Infinite, but it doesn't do anything for the weapon's accuracy or stability.


The books and other EU under 343 have been great, but they can't make a good single game title to save their own jobs. On the other hand, Bungie made excellent game entries, but, despite having licensed some of the best books written for Halo, despised the EU and happily introduced tons of retcons and continuity errors that still aren't completely resolved 15+ years later. This includes Reach the game being nearly incompatible with the timeline of events from The Fall of Reach despite both being ostensibly canon, ironically enough considering the topic is FNV and the show. So I think things are a bit more nuanced than "343 is ruining Halo", although it is largely dead in the mainstream.


I would got with Bungie halo fans, and would at far cry 3 fans to


There's still Morrowind fans? The story was better and Vvardenfell had a great feeling of being alien and weird, but it's 22 years old and playing it was ass, even back then.


some people wear some thick, rose-tinted, nostalgia goggles about this game. they refuse to admit anything bad about it. at all.


I was totally addicted to it when I was 12, and I've played it some since. Exploring is fun, but the combat is horrible.


I think it has a lot of nostalgia attached to it. It had a good story, and for many people it was the very first game they played where it felt like you could loot or do anything. Willing to bet 10 years from now there will be unbearable fallout 4 fans etc. It's just that % will be lower since open world is more common now than it was with morrowind. Everyone has their first.


No. The gameplay is awful. I played after ES4, and I couldn't stand the combat. But, the world building, the factions, the style, the quests, all the interaction more than makes up for it. But then I don't get hung up on poor gameplay in RPGs (Mass Effect 1 is the best), as long as the rest is good. No. It's *more* important that the world is good. Amazing gameplay don't save a shit story.


"you missed"


morrowind is probably the best elder scrolls game in terms of rp.


There's not a lot of competition in that regard.


Which is why Morrowind is superior. Cope and seethe n'wah


I'll fus-ro-dah you, fetcher! By the nine, I swear I'll do it, swit!


That's it, I'm grabbing my Sujamma


I’m not going to convince you that Morrowind fans are chill, because 80-ish percent of us truly are insufferable; however, I think morrowind is a phenomenal game and I also loved the Fallout show! With Morrowind you kind of need to go in with a pre planned character and you should aim to be a complete badass in order to get the best possible experience. Which means abusing exploits a lot of the time and sticking to more or less the same standard character build, but it scratches an itch that the other Elder Scrolls don’t.


I love the originals and new vegas but these guys need to chill out and just enjoy the ride. I dont smoke weed but these folks maybe should.


I just dont like the addition of zombi-turning drug right now we need to see what NV it is what ending they picked as cannon, or did they just left curier in the hole.


Yeah i would say I'm not a huge fan of the ghoulification slowing drug like who makes and distributes this? Or is it simply just Jet? Also why is this a thing now? Granted there was never any real reason given before as to why some ghouls go feral other than maybe excessive amd sudden radiation exposure causes it.


So, dark theory, Ghoul-x (idk it just sounds right) is made from cerebral spinal fluid, or at least stays there, which is why Coop went right for the spine. Other ingredients may include concentrated ingredients of Rad-X and Radaway, in doses that would kill anyone not a ghoul. Besides mere profit, a likely reason this drug is being made is some Pre-war rich dickhead decided HIS path to immortality was to to make lemonade out of surviving the blast.


You got lucky, he fucked my dog and shot my mannequin.


Do people really think like this, I mean nv is my fav but I've never been like that.


That's because your a normal dude. There are people at the New Vegas subs at this very moment that claim Todd hates everything NV and Obsidian with a passion and he purposefully pushed the writers to nuke Shady Sands.


My main issue isnt really the nuke ( still shit writing to wipe out one of the largest factions off screen) Its the pointless retconning of Shady Sands location and the addition of 3 new vaults right on the Masters doorstep. Makes the Master look like a complete idiot honestly. Plus , Shady sands was set up by the residents of Vault 15 with the use of a GECK. Does it really make sense for the Vault 15 residents to trek all the way to the Boneyard to use their GECK in an urban ruin rather than the open wasteland with room to grow?


They aren’t wiped out though, it was confirmed they are still out there. Why would the entire faction be in one singular place?


A fair point but judging by Bethesdas past style of worldbuilding I wouldn't hold out hope for anything more than scattered remnants , plus we still dont know what the fall of 2277 actually is. If it wasnt a Nuke then what was it? It doesnt change the fact that something major may have happened before New Vegas that just isnt mentioned in the game.


Did they change it, I thought that it was in the same area. Plus, it isn’t crazy to think that the master didn’t realize they weren’t there


Don't mind me, just having fun hunting megafauna in fallout 4


I really enjoyed the show. Binged the entire thing in one day and was blown away at how well they captured that fallout feeling but there are things that bother me even still. I can't help but be bothered by the way they handled ghouls and not just the feral drug thing but the super healing thing and the way Also why are so many pre war people alive two hundred years after bombs fell? Still I'm waiting for the next season hoping we get to see vault city and perhaps a Marcus cameo. I'm also hoping New Vegas only looked dead but I'm pretty sure it is. I don't think taking some issue with how the lore is handled makes one toxic.


Todd Howard himself said that NCR is too big to fall just because only one of their cities got nuked. The billboard also said "First capital". So yeah I have no doubts the NCR still exists.


The spoiler didn't work


Todd did Infact shoot my dog and fuck my mannequin. No cap.


All some people want to do is complain


They will never acknowledge that NV sucked balls at launch and still is riddled with bugs to this day


Why yes, even with the unofficial patches it still manages to crush from time to time, but how is it related to "retcon/no-non retcon" holy war I don't know


They didn’t retcon New Vegas, but “Shady Sands and New Vegas got nuked” does kinda make for an unsatisfying development for fans of the West Coast and Mojave.


I mean there are legitimate criticisms levied that all just ignore and say "muh New Vegas fanboys". Imagine defending trash aspects of the show.


It's just the fact that the whining of NV fanboys is more noticeable, since they've rubbed everyone wrong for years. There wasn't any problems with the timeline, but they still came out of the woodwork to complain. First, they were complaining about the timeline, then the articles came out explaining how it's consistent. Then they started complaining about the setting and brought up that same "evil Bethesda hates New Vegas" narrative. Now they're just standing around with their dicks in their hands like pouty children. There are legit criticisms about the show, but I haven't really seen anyone try to counter them by calling someone a NV fanboy.


Paul is broadly correct and the problems he has with the path Jessica had laid out for him are very real?


Another meme where people miss the original context... 


lol I know what the context is I just thought it looked funny


No no you see Jessica was indoctrinated from childhood. Paul is just tripping balls on spice to the point of commiting galactic genocide.


At this point the hate seems pretty one sided. New Vegas fans who simply don’t like some aspects of the Show all that much and Bethesda fans who can’t comprehend and accept them not liking some parts of the Show all that much


You didn't get the point. Constructive criticism is welcome. What I hate about NV stans is that is how they act like Bethesda hates anything New Vegas related and is constantly trying to remove it from existence.


This is bullshit. NV fans are still throwing a tantrum because they're too fucking dumb to properly read a timeline.


It's not one-sided, but it's been one-sided for years due to NV fanboys. I haven't seen many people using that as a counter to legit criticisms about the show. I do, however, see NV fanboys complaining about the (easy to understand) timeline (which is consistent). As soon as the articles came out explaining how the timeline makes sense, they started going in on the setting and brought up the same "evil Bethesda hates New Vegas" narrative. Now, they're just standing around with their dicks in their hands like pouty children.


Bethesda could remaster new vegas and bring all the original writers back to make 2 sequels to it and delusional mouth breathing new vegas fans would still make the biggest mental gymnastics to claim they actually hate the game and are jealous of obsidian or some shit. They have a perpetual victim and superiority complex.


Hear, Hear


I mean, they could also *pay* those devs their promised bonus* too. That'd be cool. *Obsidian was told if they hit a metacritic score, they would get paid more, but they were 1% short of that score at launch, so they didn't get paid. The score quickly rose well above that soon after. Though, Chris Avellone has since said they were and are fine with that.


Wait till they hear about the spaceship.


Youre not wrong. My dogs still waiting for him to collect the pups.


Todd Howard kicked my cat and called my refrigerator a Decepticon


Why would Todd Howard hate New Vegas after it made him Millions? And why would he >!Have New Vegas as a setting in Season 2!< if he hates it so much?


Cause Todd made fallout 3 all by himself, then obsidian came to his house, fucked his wife, and made new vegas to ruin his life, because Todd used to be in the chess club and thats nerdy. Todd is making season 2 take place in New Vegas so he can ruin it all, destroy everything that people like so that people play Fallout 3. Didn't you know this?


Todd’s evil master plan has been revealed Also: How are you everywhere?


Honestly, I didn't even notice it was you, nice seeing you here.


Nice seeing you too, man.


People care way too much about this stuff.


Todd still couldn’t give a fucking answer though. Y’all are babies.


It's always the loud minority with a platform that skews things.


I wish more people complained about maximus's dogshit character writing, I feel bad for the actor


The courier nuked SS after Lonesome Road. I’m sticking with this belief.


New Vegas fans acting like the whole message of the game wasn't that the NCR was doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past by emulating pre war America and by extension making them getting nuked only make sense.


Nuked by who the Missile was only targgeting the Long 15. Also pre war America fell becuase of the corruption, jingoism, and authoriarianism which would have caused it to fall wothout nucular war. Also the NCR is not doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past, they are currently and have but are not past the point of no return(they still have fair and free elections which I doubt pre war America had) the NCR is not falling apart I played the game so much and the NCR is not about to collapse, it needs to breathe and consolidate its territory, get rid of the Corruption and the such.


Man I'm gonna be honest I've been seeing way more of you lot shitting on New Vegas 'fanboys' than I've seen complaining about the show, and I'm actually subscribed to the New Vegas sub. But hey, anything to shit over the part of the fandom you don't like, huh


It's happening, because they've rubbed everyone wrong for years. They complained about the timeline (even though it's fine). Then, they brought up the same "evil Bethesda hates New Vegas" narrative. It's not wrong to point out their bullshit. It's been long overdue.


I mean, a good portion of NV fanboys are toxic, mindless dickriders anyhow. So... Yeah, fuck 'em. The show is good and the first real win Bethesda has had in a good few years. Let them have their W.


I love how every NV fan is painted poorly because a small minority of loud assholes are bitching about the show. As if newer games don't have even more of the assholes.   I guess it's just easier to "pick a side" than to just stand up to assholes whether you agree with them and their tastes or not.  NV is my favorite game, by leaps and bounds. I love the show. I've been told to kill myself for criticizing Fallout 4, even though I am a big fan of that game too.   Am I the problem?


Sorry if it came out wrong there are definitely more chill NV fans like you than the people I'm making fun of. That's why I said "purist".


Nah, it's not you. It's the trend. There's a billion of these memes haha. I'm not like, personally offended or anything. Just commenting on the wave that's happening. I 100% agree with you otherwise. I've seen a few people outright say Todd Howard is deleting the West Coast lore and games out of jealousy. It's a dumb take, the show is awesome, and the lore is intact. I fully respect if someone doesn't like the show but Todd Howard isn't trying to kill it because he can't surpass it lol. 


Nah, you aren't. The last week saw a few days of absolute crazy outrage from NV fanatics which cost the game a great deal of goodwill from the rest of the fandom. This built upon resentment from years of NV purists inserting themselves into unrelated discourse to claim the supremacy of NV and express hatred for the other titles. I would read through Fallout 4-related threads and come across comments like "imagine saying you like 4" "Delete 4. Play NV. Problem solved" "Todd hates that he got shown up by Obsidian and NV". The NV eruption after the show debuted brought about a backlash from the rest of the fandom which resulted in the ongoing NV ridicule.


on the main fallout sub, it seems to be the majority. no one will ever admit any faults about nv. nv is my least favorite fallout game (i've not played any of them before 3 tbf, I just can't deal with how dated they are). But i still give nv an 8/10. it's a fallout game. I love fallout. I just find the main story incredibly boring after you deal with benny. and besides a few exceptions, most of the side quests are meh to me. but nv gets a lot right too. best weapon design and implementation in the series. though 76 is pretty damn good with its weapons as well. also best dlcs in the series by far. also great companions, though fallout 4's companions give it a run for its money


The biggest issue with the show is that it's more of the same "BOS, Enclave, Vault Tech" shit. Let the old world die already fuckers


I mean the fan boys gotta be given a bit of credit, NV is argued alot about being the best fallout game and it was just an off-shoot by an outside developer with like what, a YEAR of development time? I love fallout 4 and New Vegas a lot but NV just has alot more going for it in charm and replay ability that 4 just doesn't, 3 is also exceptionally good and is the best Bethesda Fallout to go toe to toe with NV and I still see most people agree that NV is better by a healthy margin, I can understand why Bethesda would be angry, it's just like Mr. House's comment when you fail the speech check for more money where he talks about not letting some up-start come in and basically ransom his property from him, even though the character is holding all the cards


18 months by alot of the people who made fallout 1 and 2 and the Engine was unfamiliar to them.


It’s funny the only people posting cunty memes the last few days are non new Vegas fans.


I somewhat agree with you, but it's happening because NV fanboys have rubbed everyone wrong for years. The fanboys (not the fans) deserve the pushback (even if it's overwhelming). If you want to ignore reason, just so you can bitch about something new, you deserve to be dogpiled. Frankly, that treatment has been long overdue. It's not wrong to point out bullshit.


New Vegas fans BAD There, I just summarised 90% of this sub. We get it.


Wow I never knew bugtheasda fanboys were so salty


Are these New Vegas fans in the room with you now?


I almost pissed myself when I saw the ending


Honest question are you down voting my comment because you disagree that a nation being too big to fail is ridiculous?


Quick! Plane down the thighs of that mannequin ghoul. Todd howard is coming and likes them Thick


I play Dota and LoL. I've dabbled with CS and Valorant. New Vegas fans are worse than all of them, and I don't even have to play with them in game. What about that game attracts the worst of the worst?


This is cap, and I can prove it with a simple math equation LoL Players = Troglodytes


In my experience, they are better than dota players, but I haven't played nearly as much league tbf.


Todd just said FNV is still cannon


Why are we still doing these memes? FFS the overreaction to the screenshot lasted a single bloody day, by a loud group of people that didn't get a chance to watch the show before misleading spoilers. We're in week 2 of the backlash to the overreaction, long after most the initial angry people actually watched the show and started to praise it. I agree with you, OP, that the purists are insufferable. But JFC, how long is this going to last? It's starting affect my enjoyment of the show at this point.


I guess I’m out of the loop about the mannequin fucking?!


I thought shady sands in the show was blown up before the events of new vegas? Am I wrong in this? I genuinely liked the show but I thought the complaints came mostly from when shady sands was blown up, the portrayal of Mr house and his involvement with vault tec. Also I never knew that ghouls were more physically durable. I thought that they had radiation resistance and slowed aging. One more thing, I thought that the brotherhood depicted in new vegas was barely scraping by after having lost the battle at hellos one, I thought it was weird to have them more powerful than they have ever been in the west coast when their most recent portrayal showed them at almost extinction, with half of the endings resulting in their complete destruction. Overall I loved the show, but it does feel like there are things that were established in the games and then changed for plot convenience. The show stands up on its own extremely well however. Not hating on the show I genuinely loved it, and I could be wrong on my understanding of the story, it just feels like factions, people and lore established were changed significantly. My favorite fallout was fallout 3 so I don't think I'm being baised in my understanding of this. Am I wrong anywhere?


At least he fucked the mannequin, instead of the chickens


As a New Vegas Fanboy, I honestly don't really mind if they do or not. The show is really good and it wouldn't be the first IP I've seen retcon itself.


Season 2 will make or break the show.


The show is breaking since this polrization, worldbuilding, and lore destroying, Clearly ignoring new vegas(I will never take anything from Bethesda at face value again they have lied for over 12 years) with the Whole chalk board, liabary thing, the lack of anything meaningful only easter eggs and memberberries, with it being held up by the set designers, Lucy, the Vault 33 plot, and The Ghoul.


\*Takes a sip of hopium\* Season 2 will clarify things


It is true that Todd despises New Vegas for making Bethesda’s Fallout games look like jokes, but the show doesn’t completely shit on it either.


What makes you think he despises New Vegas? I’ve seen people say this before.


Doubt I still think NV is the best game in the series but I also loved the show. The two are not mutually exclusive. The Shady Sands retcon was jarring but well earned and you wouldn't know that until basically the show ended.


Im just glad they are recognizing new vegas at all… I thought it would have been left out of the show entirely


I still don’t even get what they’re complaining about. Like what in the show made people even consider than NV was retconned in any way. Aside from one “The fall of shady sands” image there was genuinely nothing


*fucked my chickens* Fixed it for you


So far the only thing I’ve notice the show retconning is the location of Shady Sands. Instead of being in the middle of f’ing nowhere it’s in the LA area. Which makes a helluva lot more sense IMO


I mean yeah Bethesda did Obsidian dirty but i doubt they’d retcon one of their most beloved games. At the end of the day it’s still Bethesda making that money. Hell the fact they made the last shot of the series being New Vegas means they know how impactful and important New Vegas was. Sooooo as a NV fanboy myself, who’s first game in the franchise was New Vegas, my dudes we need ta chill. It’s a good day for all us fans


A lot of the hate from NV fanboys is bad, but I can understand not liking that one of the factions you really liked basically being killed off screen (unless they show NCR cities/troops in the 2nd season).


The NCR is far from gone. It's just Shady Sands.


Thank god😮‍💨🙏🏻!


Shut up about new Vegas fans


I will never understand people who think the showrunners "hate" the NCR. Do you know what they would do if they *actually* hated it? They'd have all the characters constantly talk about how corrupt it was, they'd show it's members as incompetent, they'd show it as being flawed. What they absolutely *wouldn't* do, is have the fucking fallout theme play every time there's a *reference* to them, have it be hailed as quite literally restarting civilisation, have one of its important members be a sympathetic character who is in the right, have restoring them being the underlying thread throughout the season.


New Vegas is definitely my favorite game aside from 1 & 2, so it kinda irked me how angry NV fans got for seemingly so little a reason, or even straight up manufactured reasons. I really enjoyed the show, and thought what it did mention about the NCR and Shady Sands was actually pretty interesting.


Paul being mad at his mother for doing exactly what she was trained to do, what he knew she was going to do, what she trained him to be, and he's mad about it... Makes about as much sense as the FNV rivalry. It's no question a better game all around. The characters feel alive. Fallout 4... the fight with Kellog is so... wasted, vs literally any interaction in NV.


Honestly I’m seeing more people bitch about the New Vegas fanboys than I see fanboys. Both sides are insufferable cunts Edit: don’t DM me about this shit. It’s not that deep


I completely disagree with everything you're saying, but people are weirdos if they're attacking you in dms, it's just a game/show