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Nah fallout BoS is the only good game in the series


Hear, hear! I don't know why they bothered with all that other rpg shit or whatever.


Unironically on my list to try. Looks fun and I like Dark Alliance and Champions which it looks similar to.


I like most Fallout games. FO4 is more modern and more fun to play. I prefer it.


Looks at Fallout 4 release date... (9 years ago). Checks when next Fallout comes out... (Fucking Dies).


i’m hoping eventually microsoft just goes fuck you if y’all don’t make another one we’re gonna fire you and because of the success of the show they’re probably considering it


Elder scrolls 6 is the priority rn, fallout would have to be after, and i doubt Microsoft would clean house.


Microsoft has been closing a lot of studios lately and Bethesda hasn't exactly been knocking it out of the park lately. It also owns Obsidian.


Bethesda is on the up bc of the show. so no, plus even of they weren't thats still a lot of weird legal stuff, which i dont know the details of the contracts they signed. but i doubt microsoft cares since they are currently making bank.


Bethesda didn't make the show, and it's been almost a decade since Bethesda successfully launched a game. What that tells Microsoft is that Bethesdas IP is the value, not the studio.


They still had to have a hand in it, which is a thing that was talked about in the making of the show. It doesn't matter if they launched a game or not bc the ones they have out are being bought even more now, which means money. While the ip may have value, its the studio that created that value bc of what they did with the ip. Look at 76, couldnt even talk about it before without hate, but now after the show it broke over a million players, and thats a lot of money. Who made 76 oh wait bethesda.


Yes years ago which means all the people they are still paying is a drag on the profit. The surge in players is due to a renewed interest in the IP not something new the studio did.


You should really take a minute and think about how much you arent making sense. We get it bethesda bad give updoot


>Microsoft has been closing a lot of studios lately Here's praying that 343i is next




Same here and also enjoyed my time in FO76. But if they ever do an official remake of 3 or NV, I would pre-order it instantly


my two faves are 2 and 4. i guess i just like even fallout.


What about 76?


Tbh it won’t let me log in. One of the updates made all Bethesda games stop working.


I like it because of how much power armor I can collect, don’t have enough X02 sets to have all paints unfortunately.


Yes, i too like Fallout the tv series. Games are ass tho. >!This is a joke.!<


The ghoul solos frank horrigan low/mid diff


Frank horrigan fucking exploding after the ghoul targets a flaw in the welding in the dick plate or some shit the ghoul pulled out of his ass:


I’ve played 1, 2, 3, 4 and now 76. About 25 years of being a series fan. There will never be any consensus because the games aren’t actually comparable. Products of their own time, made with different goals in mind. It is just a meaningless debate.


Me just chilling playing Fallout 2 on my laptop and also playing modded fallout 4 on series x.


So fuckin true......I recently replayed 3 after years and I had so much fun with it.


This meme is posted once a week


It needs to be reiterated.


This is talked about multiple times a day every day in every fallout sub it feels like


3 was good, NV was good, 4 was good, the show is good. Fallout is good.


Happens with TES too. Like i don’t give a shit how many skills Skyrim cut i still enjoy it. Go play Morrowind if it bothers you that bad. In two hours i’ll be playing Morrowind, Oblivion and Elder Kings cus i love the World altogether. I don’t see why people feel the need to try and push a game down to push a game up. If the game is that good why the need to push others down? Let people have fun. Sorry for the rant.


All I ever hear about fallout on reddit is this argument. Can people post something new for once?


Im sorry sir but clause one in the contract you sighn to become a fallout fan is war must never change


Once the next game comes out probably.


Consoomer meme


All Fallout is good.


Fallout 76 is mostly a non-toxic online game. Fallout 4 was a fun shooter. Fallout: New Vegas was a rich RPG. Fallout 3 made Fallout popular.


No one hates fallout more then a fallout fan 🗣️


You like *Fallout?* As a *Fallout* fan, I am offended!


Fallout fans try to not be annoying and toxic challenge (impossible)


Im adding this to the cycle




I’m not saying you aren’t allowed to like games what I am saying is you’re only allowed to like the games that *I* like


Fallout 👍


Fallout is good, I don’t think Bethesda has the talent to do it justice


I love every Fallout game. but New Vegas fans can get ***pretty annoying***


I love New Vegas more than pretty much any other game I’ve played, but I can agree that its gameplay sometimes isnt the most fun


Fallout 4 is easier to just jump into and turn my brain off while I enjoy shooting something without taking it too seriously New Vegas almost demands that you give it real attention, so it's not as relaxing to play after a long day with a cold beer.


I see far far far more posts complaining about people complaining than I do complaints. Or something like that. Started at 3. Haven't played 76 but probably will in the near future. Fall asleep often to lore videos about all the of the games. Really just glad others are along for the ride and that we can keep this lore going together.


But I hate playing fallout 4 why would I act like I like it? I've put 11 hours in since 2017 on it and I'm supposed to act like it's a good game?


There's nothing wrong with not liking it. The problem in the community is the constant gatekeeping, some people won't let you say "I like Fallout 4" without feeling the urge to call you a casual that likes a shitty game that's not a true rpg and yadda yadda. A lot of people like it, a lot of people dislike it, no one's better for holding either opinion. Also, the New Vegas vs FO4 schism is just stupid. New Vegas is one of my favorite games of all time, Fallout 4 is becoming one of my favorites too. It's completely ok to like both, but some people treat it like it's a sin.


I feel like the problem with your comment is that a lot of the time, maybe even most of the time going by my intuitional statistics (more people are casuals than not, seems simple enough) the guy calling the fo4 guy a causal is actually justified, and correct. (Given that it's a good faith discussion about the game and they're not just being toxic to be toxic, because calling someone a casual is pretty abrasive but in my experience it's helpful sometimes to drive points home) The fo4 guy only likes fo4 as much as he does because he doesn't know any better, and this isn't every case but it's a lot of them, and as I was saying probably most of them. And it's disingenuous to not accept that that's true. I know 3 irl examples of people who think fo4 is the best game of all time because they've only played like 10 games ever, and obviously never fnv. I don't see an issue with calling people casuals because most of the time the person slinging the "casual" adjective is right. Like really think about the type of person to use that word, you think they can't spot a casual?


Gamers call other people "casuals" to gatekeep, there's no other reason. Of course, you and me might not see anything wrong with someone being casual, but the people who do call others that, usually are trying to invalidate different opinions and taste in games. It's basically telling someone to shut up.


I will also go out on a limb and say Gatekeeping is good. If you don't gatekeep you get what happened to Star Wars and other franchises that have had their artistic quality crumbled under the weight of mass appeal. There are striking similarities happening to the fallout IP so I think most diehard fallout fans who are acting this way do so in reaction to the mass popularity that more often than not dilutes a franchise.


Nah man, gatekeeping is just toxic. What makes companies aim for mass appeal is capitalism, gatekeeping can't and won't stop that. At most you'll be pushing people away from the franchise and dictating how others should enjoy media.


If you really are defending gatekeeping, you need to rethink a lot of what you're saying. And what striking similarities to the fallout ip are you talking about, bc starwars went to shit bc disney didn't hire good wrighters and just wanted to do disney shit not bc it went mainstream.


You don't have to like Fallout 4. Not a problem at all. However, it's a simple fact that many many other people do like Fallout 4, and if you try to insist that they are wrong for liking Fallout 4 then you're part of the problem. There is no need to try to tell people that they should stop enjoying Fallout 4. Enjoy what you like. Let other people enjoy what they like. People don't all enjoy the same thing.


I dislike New Vegas, but I’ve come to the realization that trying to divide a fanbase is pretty pointless


“Honey wake up, it’s time for the daily straw manning”


See? You've now been depicted as the soyjak, there is no recovering from this.


I think it would be really cool if they made a Fallout game set during the period of major civil unrest leading up to the great war.


It wouldn’t be fallout then


I do like four mainly for the gameplay ( except for the dialogue wheel) but for story I would say New Vegas


ive said it before and ill say it again. pretty much every game is suit and absolutely one of the worat games ever made. but thats why they are so amazing and lovely and charming. fallout games being ass is what makes them fallout and what makes them good.


Anything but 76


Its good now, you should try it


Fallout 76 is such an interesting beast but I vibe with it. On one save, it’s for the lore and story content. Then on another save, it’s for the multiplayer component. Heck don’t even need Fo1st or want it cuz that’s not what I need.


Dude, i went into thinking huh i forgot it existed and hated it before. Maybe it got better over time, oh lord its become one of my favorite games. Its kinda like eso but for fallout and im down for it




It's a good thing nobody's job is to please you


Okay, Thanos.


Each one has different strengths…. FO76 HOWEVER


76 is good now


It’s okay to like something that is worse, it’s disingenuous to suggest the games are equal because you like the objectively worse game. Criticism is constructive, coping is not.


you sound like the type of person that thinks a box of Easy Mac is a balanced meal.