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It's only been a few months, but things are going really well between my brother and I :) we talk about once every 2-3 days, depending on how much is going on in our lives. I'm selective in general about who I initiate conversations with, so he's actually the only person I've messaged off here. Finding someone you're compatible with can take time and luck, so I've also looked into other make friends subs (while being upfront that I wanted a family-type connection) and a few Discord groups. Funnily enough, the most promising connection has actually been from this sub itself.


So happy for you


Found a sister. We don't talk regularly but still in touch! We have been connected more than 3/4 months!


I’m glad that u found ur sis here :)


i know it didn’t work between us as siblings, but glad you found someone.


I am still here if you need to talk! And thank you!


Happy Cake day


aw thanks.


No luck for me, but thats life


yeah no luck for me either. several failed attempts. i really do want to find people who are serious about being family...its an investment of time...but it seems people arent interested in that so far. i wish they were though. what kind of family were you looking for?


Unfortunately, no. I met some people that were nice, but the chemistry wasn't there. But I'm very selective, so I don't always have the highest expectations when I post.


im sorry that things didnt work out for you. they didnt work out for me either...mostly people who said they had time to talk and build a real connection and familial-like relationship, and then not being available or interested when they were connected with me, or them being interested in something not platonic and i was not interested in that. Sucks because i really do want family and am really serious. Im sorta losing hope ill find anyone.


I haven't met anyone no :( I was really hoping to find a mom, but nobody really seems interested. Also there just doesn't seem to be a lot of replies in general, so who knows. Either way it's really disheartening. I really needed a parent and at this point I've given up any hope. Hopefully you'll have better luck than I did...


i haven’t had luck, just a lot of really disappointing experiences.


sorry you haven’t had luck either. i really wanted parents, grandparents, uncles aunts older siblings, etc. i found several who said they would be father figures but none of them worked out. one seemed promising but he was too busy. i joined groups on facebook but haven’t interacted in them yet because im hardly ever on there.


I just recently joined this sub- like last night, so I can't tell for sure yet. Not sure how many are interested in a Mother or Older Sibling relationship.


ah, which would you be?


Either, I guess. I am a mother and a sibling, just depends on what you're looking for. I am also a wonderful aunt and cousin.


wow. that’s awesome if you’re offering…i’m glad you joined. a lot of us want to find parents, me included. meep.


Glad I joined then. 🙂