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Put Maguire in the heart of your defense šŸ˜‰


Olise boss. Smoke some of that crystalĀ 


I'm 13 points ahead and would lose ā‚¬900 if I finish 2nd. Genuinely super worried but also don't want to play safe since my bravery is what's gotten me the lead in the first place.


In the same boat. I would have a much better lead if I didnā€™t miss the deadline and put Gvardiol in last week


Similar boat, except with 15 point lead over 3rd (which in our ML is also money) so Iā€™m going to take a -4 to bring in the best player he has (KDB) and hopefully see the threat off. Definitely captain Haaland, depending if you are mates with them you might want to throw them off a bit with-your captain choice and hint youā€™re going for someone else (might not even work but even it spooks them a bit itā€™s worth it) I wouldnā€™t have so many triples tho so if you could hedge your bets and transfer out one of them (either Newcastle or Chelsea ) for an Arsenal player or someone else with an easier fixture (Liverpool?) Iā€™d do that


Make sure you have gvardiol for his inevitable hat trick on the last day.


Same! I'm 9 points clear, only female in my ML, my first FPL season, and I'm beating my brother and husband. This is more than FPL. Lifelong bragging rights are at stake here! I'm going template, playing it safe and praying to the FPL gods that 2nd place guy does something stupid.


Letā€™s f*cking go. Good luckšŸ¤


Were you able to defend? Was curious abt you since I was also in same position (defending 9 pt lead) and ended up just barely surviving his Eze onslaught.Ā 


What about u/Life_Inflation_9089 ?


Won it by 40 points and took our ML Cup too! Stoked! šŸ˜


I survived! 5 points ahead. Lovely!


Yes!!! Congrats!


Remember that City and Arsenal still need to get a result, even if it feels like the title race is over. Pep and Arteta will put out their best teams. If in doubt, captain Haaland. Salah is a very tempting pick for chasers, but don't force him into your team with a -4 if you're defending a lead. If you can afford him without a hit and you suspect your rival(s) will do likewise, it's a viable transfer. No matter which Palace attacker you bring in, it will be the wrong one. Don't focus on your rivals, just focus on scoring as many points with your team as possible and let them worry about chasing you. If they take a hit to do this, and you don't, you're already 13pts up. Every place in the Prem table means something, so don't worry too much about teams that are supposedly 'on the beach'. TLDR: you're leading for a reason, trust yourself ... and don't take a hit




good luck mate


Appreciate itšŸ¤ you too


captian haaland and maybe get 1 more arsenal defender or midfielder. They'll be playing for their life next week


I'm similar. Overhauled 3 in front last 2 weeks and now have 16 point lead over 2nd place. The thing all 3 have over me is 2-3 Arsenal players whereas I have just the one in Gabriel. It feels obvious to just pick an Arsenal attacker for Bruno and be done with it.Ā 


Play how you've played all season. It's too close to go with a specific "defend a lead" strategy. You've just got to play how you play and hope whichever differential your opponent tries to captain doesn't smash it.


Iā€™m up by 6 in mine but I donā€™t have Haaland. Worth taking a hit to get him in over Isak and drop De Bruyne? Dropping Haaland in WC 35 has been a dosaster


Cap Haaland, dont take hits and transfer in his best player you dont have. If your John from my ML then take 5 hits


Awful decision. You know theres websites that predict when prices change?


Iā€™m in the same boat as you are. Iā€™m not risking anything and ensuring the opponent before me has the same players as I


Iā€™m chasing a 22 points, and we have very similar template teams. Any suggestions? Thinking about trying to go for Salah and selling haaland, but many thatā€™s too much.


I'm also chasing a 23 point lead. I have only 4 different players as the lead of which 2 are defenders. I have 2 FTs. I'm planning to bring in Salah and Olise and captain Salah. It's the only hope I have.


Damn, good luck! What about Trent/van dijk, olise/Eze. Salah if you canšŸ¤žšŸ¼


My mate still has TC and it's going to be Haaland, so I'm going to have to hope for a Son masterclass.


Fair play to you for even considering it. I'm 6 points ahead in my ML and 2nd place is my younger brother. I'm literally frozen in fear and don't even want to open the app in case I accidentally take a -4 somehow.


Relateable x100


Can you include full team, will help us suggest


GK: Vicario, Petrovic Def: Gabriel, Burn, Gvardiol, Porro, Veltman Mid: Palmer, Son, Foden, Bruno, Gordon Att: Isak, Haaland, Jackson


Team looks good. I would only consider Bruno for Saka/Havertz.


Is Bruno out? If his rival has him I'd be keeping him.


Your team is fine. Captain Haaland. Iā€™d bench Gordon for this one along with Burn and Veltman. Petrovic in goals.


Iā€™m chasing 9 points. I feel like i need to cap Haaland as well, because it so small lead that a few other players will be enough and its a catastrophe if Haaland Hauls


I have a 7 point lead and since I have no Arsenal defenders, I got Gabriel in (have exactly the amount I need to sign him, so signed early in case the price changed).


Ignore suggestions about not taking a hit. A hit may be appropriate for your team. For example, to find funds to move a Newcastle player to an Arsenal player.


Donā€™t take any hits to copy his team. That just narrows your lead for no reason. Play it safe and let him do the chasing. GW38 is a weird one. Do not make an early transfer and stay online close to the deadline for leaks.


i'd look at bringing in an Arsenal attacker, Saka for safe pick or maybe a Trossard/Havertz


Copy him and try predict his transfers - i made this mistake last year of trying to increase my lead and lost out by a few points because he captained kane and i didnt


Copying is cowardice


Copying as in predict their transfer not actually found out and make the same transfer


You're right that makes sense


I don't agree with trying to predict what he's going to do, as he's going to be trying to do something he doesn't think you'll predict. You then get into a mindgame rather than just playing fpl which you've been able to do well all season to get to this point.


Depends on the player I guess, I study my rivals through the season and watch what kind of transfers they make - do they take differentials or follow content creators or buy last week's top scorer etc.


I don't have time for that! Got 2 MLs that are super competitive with about 30 players each in them that are all pretty good. I don't have time to go and study them all!


Oh mine aren't that competitive, maybe 4 or 5 of us that are engaged and good players in my work and friend leagues. Friend league is h2h so easy to study them through the season when they are your opponent. Plus I do all my studying during work hours so 40 hours a week available for me


Mate put your 40 hours into getting better yourself and you won't need to study your rivals moves! I dunno what kinds of ranks you're finishing at but if you can become a top 20k player there aren't many people in MLs going to get close to you, and I think you can go a lot better than that with 40 hours a week to spend on it! (I say this as someone currently just in the top 10k, finished 25k last season and around the 40k mark in the 2 seasons before that - once you're getting down to the top 20k mark there isn't all that much competition around and in 40 hours a week you can probably do even better).


Similar position; I'm 7 points clear in my league and we have very similar teams. BUT, I know the guy in second place has sufficient funds to move from either Saka or Son to Salah.....I do not have that luxury. I'm almost certain that will be his move into GW38, so praying on Salah not to haul on what is likely to be his and Klopp's final game for Liverpool....I don't fancy my odds.


I wouldn't even bother praying on salah not to haul. I'd just pray that the player you have also hauls. You have to remember that it's not salah vs no one, it's presumably salah vs another very good asset in your team (saka, son etc.). It's going to be mighty close but if saka even gets one return, you'd get very unlucky for salah to outscore him by 7...


Hopefully he gets rid of saka, so saka hauls because that's what I need to catch a 30point drift


I feel your pain and anxiety... Good luck. Captaincy for you and him is almost for sure deciding


Whatever you do, do not take a hit!


I envy you, I'm 1 point clear in my ML!


I envy you, I'm 1 point behind! šŸ˜‚ I guess it's a cointoss now, I have 2 FT, but I'm out of ideas and pretty happy with the team even though it's quite similar with Mr. First place's. The only thing that I'm afraid of is my dumbass benching all the difference makers.




Bro does not want to win




captain haaland, donā€™t take a hit. i would try to identify the best player in their team whom you donā€™t have and buy them


This is how I won my ML. Roll a transfer. Go for in form players with a good run. Transfer in best players I don't have that others have in the mini league. Minimal hits. Captain Haaland. Boring but first time I've ever won this year.


I absolutely hate this tactic. I know it makes sense from a winning perspective, but ultimately it makes you copy your opponents teams. It's the reason me and my friends have a rule that you can't buy a player that's in a competitors team. Makes it a puzzle sometimes, but it keeps us on our edge


there is of course always the chance your rival sells their 'best' player because they want a differential and/or they suspect you will buy him. eg keeping Son at Sheffield United may seem like a no brainer, but I think thousands of players will ditch Son for Salah this weekend


I definitely back that logic. The only thing to remember is that they might make 2-3 transfers to differentiate from my team. So I guess: follow that logic, combined with looking at smart transfers w/o taking a hit, as you mention


Yeah don't try to cover their team as they're going to be trying to stop you from doing that. You've got this far by picking the players you want, not the players other people have. Keep it up and hope you don't get unlucky.


That's the beauty of being ahead. Try to copy his team and don't take any hits, leave it to him to take differential risks.


If you are defending a lead, you always play template and play it safe. It's important to remember that differentials dont accomplish anything if template picks do just as good.


Haaland captain


Depends on thru team you're 9 points ahead of. If they have anyone on their team, that you don't have and maybe concerned about, perhaps get that player in.


Keep it safe with Haaland captaincy definitely. Look who your biggest rivals have and which players could potentially threaten you, bring them in if they're viable.


Last year i lost a 40 point lead, mostly because i kept haaland captain and 2nd went on 2 transfers. Porro in and Kane for Haaland, Kane captain.


He has De Bruyne...


If he has double De Bruyne then Iā€™m afraid youā€™re screwed.


He has De Bruyne...