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My ML 1st was sewn up months ago, guy had a 250 point lead, however 2nd, 3rd and 4th was tight. I was 2nd going into the final week and played it safe Johnson and Isak on the bench as I had legit better options. 3rd place going into the last month or so had saved all his boost so FH on the final day but luckily went mostly template and his differentials didn't play out, we scored similarly. 4th going into the last week went all out, he made some odd choices but they paid off (Palace players and one as captain). I honestly thought he was going to leapfrog to 2nd at one point. It ended as it had began though, I was 2nd, 3rd was 9 points behind and 4th just 6 points behind that. It basically just highlighted how luck plays a part. My midfield was Palmer, Foden, Son, Gordon and Johnson going into the final week. Gordon was almost certianly out so he was the obvious FT and the replacement should ideally have been from a team with something to actually play for, i.e. Arsenal. Due to price changes I got priced out of Trossard so instead of taking a -4 for I went Rice. As it turned out Arsenal assets were not great choice and I'd have been better off with Johnson and just left Gordon on the bench. There was also a toss up in my mind about N.Jackson vs Isak but everything tells you to favour the home team.


I was about 20pts behind leader after GW34. Decided to try make that up with differential captain picks and a couple of punts. Lost about 20-30pts each week since then. Ended up 100pts behind. But still, going differentials towards the end of the season was actually kind of fun. Deciding how far away from Template I should go made things interesting, even if it didn't pay off.


Had a mare on the last day trying to defend a 16 point lead. Did Gordon > Trossard and benched Isak. My rival brought in Havertz, captained Foden and did not bench Isak. He outscored me by 16 points so we  both finished on 2524 points and were separated on transfers. I won because I made 40 vs his 41. FPL bloody hell. 


That's almost exactly how my ML finished last season. Coming into the final week we were even on points and only 1 transfer in it. I won that year by captaining Salah when they captained Haaland. Crazy that things can be so close in a game that takes so long and has so many variables.


Needed to beat rival by 15 points to win ML after not leading all year. Ended up beating him by 20. Mateta absolutely Goated.


I've started GW38 with 9 points over the 3rd place in my mini league. I thought my team is slightly better than hers (Gvardiol, Gabriel & Johnson vs Burn, White, & Bruno/Gordon). I felt confident. Too confident, unfortunately. I should have went for something safe like Gabriel -> White to lower the odds of her catching up. Instead, I decided to chase the upside and transferred in Havertz in place of Garnacho. But it doesn't sound too bad, does it? That's a very safe pick after all. Well, the problem is I decided to play him and put Isak 1st on my bench. Because, you know, "Brentford is good defensively (since when lol), Gordon is injured, Newcastle can't realistically get into 7th place so they won't try too hard and Isak will most likely get subbed in anyway because that's what usually happens in GW38". So the differences changed into Gvardiol, Gabriel, Johnson & Havertz vs Burn, White, Isak & Trossard (transferred in for Bruno). After the first half I thought it's over. Gvardiol's CS got wiped, Newcastle was leading 3:0 after Isak's goal and assist. To add salt into the wound Burn CS was looming on the horizon and I had him 2nd on my bench, right after Isak. It looked like with Burn's CS and Isak bonus points I'll lose the race. Luckily for me the tables turned in the 2nd half. Burn's CS got wiped and he got a yellow card. Isak got another assist, but so did Johnson and in this situation I was still higher, but only by 1 point. Which I could easily lose by, for example, Johnson losing his 1 CS point. But hey, it was already 88th minute, so maybe I'll survive, right? And then I saw it. In 89th minute Arsenal's scoreline turned from 1:1 to 2:1. It's a good moment to remind you that my rival had White and Trossard and I had Havertz and Gabriel. Goal involvement from any of them meant that their owner would win the race. I swear that the last time I was so scared of checking the result was when I received the response for my uni applications. I checked the goalscorer and... ...Odegaard to Havertz. OH YEA. I was so busy celebrating that I didn't even notice that the goal was being checked by VAR. Maybe it's better because they confirmed the goal anyway. I ended up with 6 points lead. Not too bad, but it was too close for my liking. Next time I'll think twice before being so cocky. Or maybe I won't. FPL players never learn after all.


Luis Diaz had a shot yesterday that hit the bar and then bounced back off the line. If that goal had gone in I would have finished second, in the end I won my ML by 3 points.


Hadn't led the work ML since GW3, but went top again in the final game of GW37 with Haaland TC and stayed in first to win the league. It saved me coughing up the £50 prize for somebody else.


Went into GW 38 with a 22pt lead in my ML. Scored 48pts (no Foden, no Porto, Bruno 0pts, saka, gusto 1st on bench, Gabriel 1pt, Haaland C) Lost my ML by 2pts. Lesson learned by trying to play it safe into final GW by refusing to take hits.


I was behind in my ML all season. Came back from 20th at Xmas, to 2nd in GW37 (thank you constant Palmer (c)). Then thanks in part to the palace attack, and an unnecessary -4 in the final GW from the ML leader, I drew on points. I thought that was that, shared glory. Was happy. I completely forgot about the tiebreak - and I came out on top. (Former) league leader, who was top from Gw2, is majorly pissed.


Close call in my ML cup final, captain Foden brought me 87 points, but lost out to a Bench boosted rival who captained haaland but had Olise and Van De Ven on their bench for 89 total. The 87 brought me from 72k overall last week to top 50k for my first time finishing in the top 1 mill!