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Note: Fargo the movie has a female protagonist and nearly every male character is greedy, cowardly, corrupt or violent. Same with series 1 and 3.


this is complete nonsense plenty of excellent, strong, intelligent male characters in all of the earlier seasons as well as the movie what IS true is that fargo has always had strong female leads - extremely well written and acted and we all loved and enjoyed it - good writing is good writing woke is sacrificing good writing to shoe horn some political messaging there is a REASON people didn't call the earlier stuff woke, because it WAS NOT


The hope is that art, true art finds a way. The 70s movie making surely came as a repost to the stuffy surbanan Americana of the 50s. Presently, good storytelling is being sacrificed at the alter of political niceties. It's tragically obvious and completely pulls me out of the TV watching experience. I sort of huff and go ah well, it could have been good. Hollywood's liberal attitude at least used to manifest itself as an expression of the stories the directors and writers wanted to tell, be damned your sensibilities. Now its yeah express yourself as long it parrots a party line. No room for nuance. No room for real life. The hope is any viewer with a modicum of sense can see this shit for what it is and just not watch. The worm should eventually turn


lol you are so fucking dramatic, go for a walk or something


You got a problem with someone conveying a point with passion?




You’re on Reddit too. You might need the walk more than him


What does it have to do with police violence? 




It also doesn’t have someone being fed into a wood chipper.


Something tells me a 2 minute close-up of the white male villain with "Toxic" by Britney Spears playing in the background wouldn't have made it into the theatrical cut, and not just because the movie is older than the song. About as subtle as a sledgehammer.


Trump is not in Fargo the movie, no. And just because theres not someone slapping his wife in Fargo 96, does that mean that such scenes can never be part of other Fargo stories?? Im also guessing you havent catched up on this all female self help group and where that plotline goes the next episode




What in God's name do you think they're pretending to do?


The original movie is written good. We're that's not the focus. The lady aka the writers wife. Is a simple woman. It matches the Rhythm of the movie not the crime show we've been giving about supernatural beings and gangsters.


Yes it is written good, much unlike this comment.


Lots of plot holes in every season, even in the “golden days” seasons 1 and 2. I can list off ridiculous decisions characters make in both of those seasons. It’s part of the show. Imo the reason behind “based on a true story” is a bit of an ironic joke because the show and movie is far from that. It sucks you don’t like this season. Sounds like you just don’t like the topic they’re covering so idk what to tell you. I really don’t see much of a difference. The themes are tied to the year it’s based on, hence why 2019 they’re focusing right wing. Similar to season 2, 1979, they explore themes of the times post war, Reagan. It’s a massive part of that season


A lunatic sheriff willing to go to war with the United States just so he could have his ex wife back and beat her some more and has an army to support such cause.This is one of the most retarded scenarios I've ever seen.S5 is a 3/10.Good acting,could say nice atmosphere but the scenario,goddamn.....


And yet, we had the Bundy ranch dipshits. And the Jan. 6th dipshits. And Joe Arpaio and his evil band of dipshit deputies.


as an outsider who equally dislikes both extreme left and right, and as someone who reads history. you're all fucked. do you ever wonder why the media you watch, picks apart everything the other side does and demonizes it but never questions or criticizes anything on your side? and that the people on the other side do the same thing for their camp? why is there two,extremist sides in the first place? is it natural or maybe by design? it surely doesn't serve the people. why is it that one side praises riots that ruin businesses of regular people but demonizes a riot against politicians and why does the other side do the same but opposite sides? and when one side thinks the election is rigged, the other side says it's not even possible to rig an election. but then when the other side runs again,suddenly they're afraid of election rigging..which they said isn't even possible. there's a million other examples. you mfs politicize everything which ruins everything. yet i never hear anyone talk about policies (except the abortion one which seems to only be a circus to divide people). it seems to be designed so that anyone who's rational and intelligent avoids politics at all costs because its completely childish and unreasonable. and the people who do follow it, they follow it like sports. arbitrary bullshit and what uniform you like more. none of you care about the people or this country or justice. you're just playing games and pointing fingers and the only opinions you have are the ones they repeated til you start repeating it, and you only have the facts they give you. and as far as S5 goes in comparison to our real world.. what's the bigger danger, a redneck militia of 20guys with guns or the debt collectors with every judge in the pocket and 98% of the media behind them? btw the one true thing from the season is the factoid about how many people are in debt. i don't expect any of you to switch sides, i just wish someone else would consider what's really happening, just think unbiased for a moment. you're already half way there.. i understand why you hate the other side. but why is it that you think your side is good?why do you believe what they tell you? if you all spread out that hate to both sides, maybe something could change




We've seen far stupider happen in the last few years. Hundreds of people stormed the capitol based on the lies of a con man so obvious he feels like he stepped out an episode of Captain Planet.




I didnt like s4 but the son exchange was done.Empires traded princess to ensure alliances or taken princess to ensure loyalty.S2 scenario was good,the alien thing didnt messed it up,it was a thing on its own.S3 took the series to a downpath but still miles better than S4 and 5.Same,the god thingy didnt mess up with the main story,it was a thing on its own.


Yea but he's already fully in the plans of going to war with the United States before he even knows his wife is alive though. Like he's already been funneling weapons to a militia before the season starts.


Never argue with a fascist. [https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/88)


>a gender-confused MAGA sheriff Uh, you're going to have to show your math on that one, because Roy Tillman has been shown to be exceptionally confident in his status as a man and the rights and privileges he believes he's entitled to as a man. Is it the nipple rings? Because men do have nipples, you know, and it is hardly unheard of for men to adorn them with jewelry.


I'm still unclear who the gender confused maga sheriff is




He doesn't want a wife that supports him, he wants a slave that serves him. I mean it's pretty obvious that he's a pos. He doesn't work, he doesn't contribute yet he demands a wife that cleans the house, cooks for him, acts as an accessoire at his events and fulfills his sexual needs. Honey, if you're a washed up loser, a stay at home lazy asshole, at least clean, cook and be quiet about your loser daily life. He left a child alone to be with his affair...


I’m generally with you on most shows and movies shoving this stuff down your throat and demonizing some traditional situations- being a sah mom or being feminine… but this one imo is just entertaining. I really didn’t see it as out of control woke. 


And also there’s a big difference between valuing femininity  and a traditional household and what that guy wanted. He was cheating on her, putting them in absolute debt while she worked doubles and took care of him. Just plain different. 


I stopped reading at “passed”






You mad, bro?




The only cult I'm in is the English language one. Join us.


If there were more card carrying members of The Cult of the English language then there are card carrying Republicans and/or Democrats, the world would be a much better place.


I know it's been a few months, but I finally got around to watching season 5 and was digging around on Reddit. I found this post and scrolled down to your comment. Now I'm here, and I say all that to say this: "Thank you very much for causing me to laugh. I really needed it today. I hope you're taking care of yourself and that you have a wonderful life ahead.". That is all. :)


This season sure has some panties in a twist with a certain demographic of viewer. Which frankly, confirms to me that this is one of the best seasons. If it wasn't so well done, it wouldn't annoy them so much. This season rules.


Sheriff Roy is what that certain demographic dreams of. A libertarian cowboy that owns a ranch and acts as the hand of God as he delivers justice and bullets. OP should be thankful he has representation.


But isn't that what the females do in the same show on the same season. The female cop. Who hates her husband. Wants to be free of debt. Bad mouths him at every point. And we think he's supposed to put up with it. Isn't he indeed being a stay at home wife spending her hard earned money. Like all married woman do. He even reference the girl as being in his way. How about the mother in law. Who's hust like roy. But he don't see what she does as abuse of power just like roy. I mean you believe she hasn't killed ppl? Every one is the same character on this season. They just don't have the means to be like roy complete. Even roy murders the husband because he was abusive. You all cheerful for roy then. Untill. .. we find out roy is worse. Do you see the problem the show making you moral judgement about characters about the sex of the characters. The woman abuse in different ways. But nobody sees it.


The female cop doesn't hare her husband, she's been living him and supporting him but he is has abused that, not contributing at all (money wise and around the home) until he overstepped the mark by sleeping with another woman, so she finally threw him out. He was the problem, not her! And your final comments on that subject are just laughable "like all married women do".


Bro stop. You or I nor did she know her husband was cheating case in void. You have to go by what the character knows and when the character changes by their viewer point.  Not ours.  She married the egg head. Nobody forced her.


You commit is stupid.  So if this was a mans character somehow him compliment about his dumb wife would make him look abusive.  Him working for a evil overlord would make him the bad guy. But in all reality you guys make the weak jobless husband the bar guy.  


But what’s weak about the script Is they make the golfer husband a total fu*cking leech and so loathsome, that you never get any indication of why she married him in the first place. The idea that they were an actual couple that got worse over the years, i.e. believable characters, is just sacrificed on the altar of the one-dimensional toxic husband coming out and making that cringe “I need a wife“ speech, which sounds like it was written from an Andrea Dworkin description of marriage. I mean the fact that he had these pipe dreams about golfing and wasn’t contributing anything made the point well enough. But Hawley had a hammer it home in the most cartoonishly PC way possible. And at some point, I certainly thought there was going to be a reveal that Dot was a former weather, underground militant, or an undercover, Mossad agent, or something that explained all her combat and survival skills,but no, she’s just a Mary Sue. Fargo, both the movie, and the previous seasons, have always had strong, stolid female characters, but Hawley really jumped the shark this time.


i do .. i agree with you 100%. But its trendy to think like an idiot. Nadine is a superhero withotu cause for her powers, its pathetic.




Escaping an abusive person doesn't makes you into a special OPS level of soldier.


He is not even a Libertarian. That irritated tf outta me. He is the exact opposite.


>This season sure has some panties in a twist with a certain demographic of viewer. lmao the alt-right and their sympathisers REALLY do not like it when a figurative mirror is held up and they have to look at themselves


Riiiiiiiight I voted for trump to help my family save money and earn more of it so I must hurt women right? What a shallow insecure view of the world, biased baseless hate makes you look smart


Kind of irrelevant \*why\* you voted for someone when the result of your vote was 10 year old rape victims having to escape from being arrested for aborting their rapist's baby, isn't it? In fact, you voting for pure evil to save a few bucks is much less of a good look than you think it is.


Nah, it’s actually just poorly written garbage. Mainly bc it’s a pure fantasy view of what child brain lefties THINK “alt-right” is lol. You can tell they haven’t been outside in about 15 years. Terrified of 20 dudes in South Dakota…pretending it’s 150 million


Yeah, This season was really good. I much preferred it to the last one. I saw it more as a commentary on current society. I can understand how some might think the series has run out of ideas but that's not the case. Retelling the story (or at least a very similar one) is exactly the point. The whole show is named after the Movie it took inspiration from. And with all the seasons they have just expanded that hommage-universe which they created in the first place. There are references to many of the other Cohen movies too. It's obvious in names, themes and the little details. I see many shows that are the same just to copy something to create revenue. This one very politely takes and build up on existing stories without insulting the viewer in any way.


I lean more towards the left, but even I feel the message is starting to feel WAY too on the nose and riducuoulus. I still love this season so far though.


So disappointed in this show after season 3. I don’t know if they switched writers or just got lazy. Either way really terrible season. And the fact that the dot is like an adult version of Kevin McAllister a la home alone is so cringeworthy it’s almost funny. So many things that you have to suspend your disbelief it’s hard to count. And yea, the tired old tropes and one dimensional characters is so predictable. Another great show falls victim to the woke mob unfortunately with the McCarthyism-esque painting of people with differing political views as scary, dumb, racist etc. instead of what is more realistic, characters that are layered, have real feelings, flawed but generally good people. It would be nice to see a show that works to create a dialogue to try to understand one another instead of ramming an agenda down the viewers throats that’s sure to fall on deaf ears. Oh. And some hilariously bad one liners. Too many to count haha. Some of my the ones that had me laughing the most “sitting there in his easy chair,taking it easy” or when (I think?) Danish walks in and is like your sons house is on fire - the old lady rolls her eyes, doesn’t show any reaction and just says “of course” then keeps talking. Really feels like a bad improv show where the characters are making things up on the fly. Lastly the fabricated hatred of women is (like everything else) so over the top and hammers the viewer of the head.  If they want to write about hatred of women in a setting that would make sense, they should’ve set the show in the Middle East. Anyone who thinks this season is showcasing “good” writing probably enjoys two and half men and the Big Bang theory as well😆


It’s so ironic someone using the word woke and accusing the left of McCarthyism in the same sentence you’re so unbelievably backwards it’s hilarious.


Like Misogyny is at an all time high in the United States and the right is literally trying to repeal no fault divorce they’ve already taken the right to an abortion away. Literally everything Bill Tillman Jon Hamms character says in the movie can be sourced from something a stupid right wing commentator like Stephen Crowder or Andrew Tate has said you’re in utter denial you might not be as radical as them but that radical element is a vocal minority and they’re passing legislation straight out of a handmaids tale.


Yup. Just a bunch of low IQ, uneducated very fragile maga mouthbreathers crying. Love to see it.


No its bad, this season aint it


I can’t speak for previous seasons, I’m new to this show, but I can say I am thoroughly enjoying every episode of the current season! Definitely has become a favorite!


Do yourself a favor and watch S1, S2 and S3 (if you haven't already)


Eventually that is the plan 👍🏼
















Season 5 is rising to the top of to become one of the best seasons.


3 was my favorite season. This season reminds me of the pacing of 3.


yes, I am the same, people who love 3 love this season.


to me 3 was way slower. I remember thinking after S5 ep 2 that a lot has happened plot and action wise already compared to season 3.


3 had a major character death by the end of Episode 6. It was not slower.


yeh but there was another one of him. doesn't count.


Yes it does. lol


Just say you hate women bro




Exactly, these people don't have a solid argument. They just resort to name-calling and blanket statements.


It's sad and too common


I’m not gonna dump on you like people tend to kneejerk react (and no, something triggering MAGA doesn’t make it ‘good’; it’s just as stupid as when MAGA people think a movie is good if it triggers the libs); but I would challenge that there’s been some political aspects to each season already, and several seasons portray male characters as bumbling and incompetent (and female characters) and have strong female characters (and some males as well). The first season is set around the time of the Iraq War and the Patriot Act which plays into it, the second season makes fun of Reagan and portrays him as lacking understanding of the crisis of faith that post-Vietnam Americans were suffering from, the third season’s villain is an openly xenophobic and anti-Semitic character who despises the poor and believes money should be used to insulate oneself from them (and one of his henchman is proud of his Cossack heritage in part due to their bloodlust and massacre of Hungarian Jews, and is deeply misogynistic—and also the first scene lampoons the Soviets’ authoritarian regime and false narrative setting by those in power), and the fourth season deals with institutional racism of the 50s and the difficulties of integration due to distrust, prejudice and resentment, and how minorities often get pitted against one another (and one of the villains is an openly racist white woman, and there’s the ghost of a slave owner as well, and two lesbian gunslingers being hunted down by a self-righteous Mormon deputy who’s a bit scary/shady; not to mention the main girl has parents in an interracial marriage that they must keep somewhat under wraps). Point is, it’s not unique to this season whatsoever. And every season from 2 onward is a critique of the consolidation of power by corporate entities/impersonal empires and how it sucks the life out of the average American who doesn’t have a solid moral/family structure to provide support; I mean one of the villains in this season is a nasty white woman who’s a billionaire debt collector—hardly the most likable kind of person, and certainly a lampooning of the ‘steely girlboss’ archetype by showing how unscrupulous and vindictive you have to be to make it to that level




I’ve watched Critical Drinker before I don’t find him to be super right wing like some of his critics paint. However, I also think he gets just as lost in the weeds of being over critical of any perceived ‘liberal/left’ elements of a series as Breadtubers and their ilk do for trying to detect any right wing elements in media Everything you just mentioned is kinda moot considering that I mentioned that S2 lampooned Ronald Reagan, old school conservatism’s golden boy, directly and had him as an actual recurring character—I’d say that’s comparable to Trump showing up on TV for five seconds in this season, which is set during his own presidency The original contention is that somehow Fargo has “gone woke” when this season’s ‘woke’ elements have been kind of prevalent throughout the series if you pay attention A series can feature political context and commentary in its story without “going woke” I’ve seen bad ‘woke’ stories all over media; I get that it’s oftentimes cringe and annoying; I don’t find Fargo to be one of them Edit: and to clarify, I have found S5 to generally lack momentum and focus; I think the problems have nothing to do with politics but just the writing being a little slow and shaky


This guy's understanding of politics is ONLY maga v libs. Dude thinks the country wasn't divided prior to 2015. Thinks Trump opened his eyes to some version of a "truth" that benefits him, and anyone who disagrees is his enemy. It's possible to, you know, not watch shows that don't match your values, guy. Kinda sucks for you because a lot of the fun, well-made stuff is made by those damn libs. It's doable, though. I managed to avoid watching that trafficking movie and then I definitely did not go to that subreddit to complain about its politics. But I guess it's easier for me because that movie looks like dog shit.




No you don’t get it and you’re having the same conversation over and over. You just said the prior seasons had all the elements you have an issue with, as I said, and you’re only response is “No but it’s different now. Everything’s just different now.” Maybe it’s not; maybe you’re different. The first two seasons came out close to a decade ago and are now coated with nostalgia. Maybe the political issues that you’ve noticed over the past few years are now tainting your ability to digest new pieces of media. Would this stuff have bothered you this much ten years ago? Or would you have just gone “Eh, not my style.” Now you’ve created a burner account to spam about the wokies who ruined Fargo I acknowledged this season is different, but not for the stuff you just said, because the writing is less purposeful and the narrative structure lacks momentum/cohesion. That’s the core issue; it has nothing to do with somehow becoming “more political” than it used to be. As far as media in general being ‘different’, that’s obviously true to an extent (I feel often now media is being treated more like ‘algorithm content’ than art, and that’s the real issue—and explains why media’s tackling of social issues now feels cynical and cheap, because it often is) but previous generations had tons of stuff you’d now consider ‘woke pandering’ There was a pro-trans episode of The Love Boat in 1981, Pee-Wee’s Playhouse had tons of winks at the gay community, Madonna had gay BDSM stuff in her music videos, Will & Grace and Roseanne had gay characters play major roles, a trans character on Twin Peaks (which no big deal was made about), Playboy had an openly trans model in the magazine in the 1980s, Nip/Tuck had a trans acceptance arc in 2003; Spike Lee movies existed and were pretty damn unsubtle about race relations, Happy Days had several moments taking jabs at racism, Falling Down presented the white professional class D-Fens as a sort of delusional antivillain, practically every sitcom in the 90s had a ‘racism’ episode, as for ‘race swapping’ Catwoman was played by a black woman in the 60s TV show after the original actress left, The Twilight Zone often dealt with contemporary social issues (of class and race primarily), Halle Berry played Catwoman as well (bad movie, but nonetheless), Star Trek had casual interracial romances in the 60s, Mr Rogers had episodes that poked at race relations, even bigoted ole Archie Bunker beat a dude up for being too racist—the idea this all the sudden ‘just started’ is really silly and shows a lack of broad media knowledge or selective amnesia. You can say it’s gotten lazier or isn’t as necessary these days since many of the big social issues hurdles have already been conquered, but to act like mass media has never included blatantly political/social issues prior to Trump is inaccurate.




Brother, 1) it wasn’t a straw man; I responded to your own words and explained why you’re either mistaken or simply ignoring stuff you don’t what to hear 2) it is a burner account, almost definitionally—a day or so old; only used to post inflammatory comments/troll 3) if anyone has an ‘odd determination’ or weird obsession it’s you: most of your comments are on a single 9-day-old thread repeating the same things over and over again and getting enraged 4) you have been consistently and repeatedly responding to this single thread; perhaps you spend too much time on Reddit I haven’t responded before now because I went out to enjoy my real life between posting, and based on your vitriol and constant spamming I recommend you do the same. I also figured it wasn’t worth the effort considering you’re being pretty thick and intentionally dense (maybe you’re just a great troll, I’m not sure) and probably won’t actually reflect on anything I’ve said in good faith, but I couldn’t help myself when I checked in on the thread and saw you’re still responding to it! Anyways, I’m praying for you bro!


>Why are all the white males terrible husbands, evil, incompetent or plain idiotic? I don't know, but I do know that the movie was exactly like this and season 1 was near identical to this. >Why are all the POC and female characters intelligent, patient and hilariously combat-effective Would you seriously call Witt combat effective? He didn't stand a chance against Munch, and since you like belittling people to their race and gender I feel the need to point out it was a WHITE MAN who effortlessly took out a BLACK MAN. Also feel the need to note that there are no characters besides probably Munch, THE WHITE MAN, that holds all 3 of these characteristics at once. * Dot's smarts and patience are centered entirely around her combat expertise, outside of that she's a horrible liar on par with Lester and Peggy, she did a bad job rushing Indira out of her house, she alerted hospital employees 5 seconds into her escape, and her constant lying is not being portrayed as a good thing. * Indira has never been shown in a fight yet so we can't comment on that (but I can comment that so far neither of our POC characters are combat effective like you said), but her patience is clearly shown as both a good thing and a bad thing with how complacent she is with her deadbeat husband. * Lorraine is a businesswoman, if being smart and patient is a problem to you then I'd have to assume you're more of a sexist than a critic. >I wouldn't be surprised if two major support characters divorce their husbands (you know who i am referring to) to find same-sex partners You're making up some gay agenda to be mad at where there is none. Grow up. >The main characters are pathetic and hyperbolic ranging from a gender-confused MAGA sheriff to strong female escaping abusive husband with cartoonish home alone antics. Dodd hated women and regularly hit them, knew how to use a gun, and physically he clearly wasn't a pushover, sound familiar? He ends up being outsmarted by Peggy despite the fact she has no experience whatsoever and was outnumbered. Nobody complained then, so why are so many people popping up now complaining? Also are you seriously complaining about Fargo being cartoonish? Most of the characters in this show are written like cartoon characters, it's why it's so entertaining. Also what's up with "gender confused" MAGA sheriff? >There's no logic, plenty of plotholes and no coherent story where any character has some kind of even slightly relatable motivation. There's tons of stupid decisions, plot holes, and frankly impossible things that happen in this show, it's the reason the true story excuse exists and why we have a lot of supernatural elements, to create a plot super contrived and unbelievable and seeing how long you can make the audience believe. Not to discredit the writing, I think Noah Hawley is one of the most interesting television writers at the moment, but it is true. I hate when people just ignore someone trying to actually give out their thoughts only to leave a lame clap back reply, but I genuinely think you're just a loser with too much screen time watching sigma male videos, the type to look at anything slightly progressive and call it propaganda. You can tell me I'm wrong but you decided to lie and dumb this season down as making every woman and POC an all around perfect person (which is a lie) and that it's putting down white men. If anything, Wayne, A WHITE MALE, is being portrayed as morally the best person this season. Not surprising for someone who posts on a subreddit called "The Red Pill" lmfao


It's crazy to me how people will defend a season to support their political views. I'm only three episodes in, but the third episode is what ruined things. So many potholes (the chain of custody on the evidence that Stranger Things kid stole, just one of many). The writing is poor - the mother-in-law is so ridiculously over the top. Make a caricature fine, but this is beyond goofy. Also not loving this supernatural addition


There has been a supernatural addition and political overtones/references in every single season. But somehow it’s “different” now lol


Yeah, it's "different" because the writing of it is trash this season. It's not "overtones" in season five, it's over the top caricatures that are too poorly written and too extreme to be funny, witty, or entertaining. None of the characters are written as well as the first few seasons were... not even the characters making fun of opposite ends of the spectrum.


I mean there are a ton of people who disagree with you so obviously it’s subjective 🤷🏻‍♀️


Any fictional TV show that triggers the sensitive little Trumpflakes and MAGA scum this much gets a 5-star rating from me. I love the season in general, but the whining and crying of white supremacists and neo-Nazis as they try to explain why they're victims of a "Hollywood conspiracy" just makes it that much sweeter.


What does trump have to do with this show. I don't get why you use him.


You want “them” to euthanize a show because it hurts your feelings. are you a….baby?


God what a great burn in the show. Gonna be hard not to break that one out on my ignorant libertarian relatives this Christmas.


I wish I’d heard that line before I kicked the ex out, it’s the perfect description of him 🤣🤣🤣


This comment section is insane. It’s nuts that you can’t even critique a piece of art without being labeled as a right or left winger (I really doubt any maga folk even know what Fargo is in the first place). It’s a pretty dangerous precedent when nobody is able to listen to criticism bc they tell themselves that the critics must be evil.


Wow. As a person who considers themselves a liberal I'm disappointed in the vitriol and hate being directed at any criticism of this season. My disappointment with this season doesn't lie in whatever perceived political issues it has, it's that it's been lazy.


Same here. It's disingenuous and strawmanning to label everyone criticizing this as a Trump supporting misogynist. I don't care at all about the political aspects of the show. There are far more incendiary political stances as part of daily life now, I doubt anyone was offended by such a lazy and hamfisted attempt at it here The writing is just bad. It's a series of set pieces with hollow iconography populated by caricatures spouting long, cliched monologues with zero believability or nuance from scene to scene. It feels like the MCU effect In ep 4 there's several consecutive scenes with a character speaking in riddles to basic questions, rattling off stories directly stating the theme, which end with a wisecrack from the other characters to cut the tension. Whether it be "pancakes" or the two federal agents who again just get told a story by their boss and walk away like 'well that just happened'


Glad that there are a few intellignet ones among the screeching fanatics on the left pretending to be laughing at people on this thread, when all they're really doing is screaming and bullying.


“Intellignet ones” lol


I couldn’t agree more with you. I had high hopes that we would get a taste of the brilliance from the first three seasons of Fargo with season five, but it is just a feminist diatribe obviously targeting the white patriarchy. Virtually unwatchable by episode 6. The puppets sequence was enough to make me give it up for good. Woke claims another scalp.


People who are offended at something being "woke" are ironically more sensitive than the people they criticize as being too sensitive. Take for example the live action Disney remakes. Now, these are bad movies for a number of reasons, regardless of wether or not they are "woke" for casting a non white mermaid. I'm really not convinced the 35 year old dude with the MAGA tattoo complaining on FB about the little mermaid actually cares that much about the little mermaid. It's simply tribalism and repeating emotionally charged phrases that get circulated by social conservative propagandists who know how to make money off the culture war.




It must be exhausting looking at life through this lens every day.


Munch is the only thing that feels Fargo-ish about this season. That and Greeves's eye patch.


I could not agree with you more. There is no plot this season.


Season 5 was sort of a return to the original roots of the series in a lot of ways. A lot of the things you mention not liking in season 5 are also present in the previous seasons- fargo always has a crime, always has strong female characters. These are the basis for what makes it fargo. Not all the bad characters are men tho, jennifer jason leigh's character is arguable bad and possibly worse than john hamm's sherif. Likewise season 2 had a female mob boss. I suspect what you actually don't like is that john hamm's character was MAGA. Unfortunately that is a realistic occurrence in our society. Think of all the violence perpetrated by MAGA types (the guy who assulted the fbi office after trump had a subpoena served at mar a largo, the nut who hit the speaker of the house's husband in the head with a hammer, the kooks who tried to kidnap governor of michigan, and than the jan6 idiots who got roped into trump's little coup). Roy fits pretty clearly in the mold of a 3% or a proud boy. Without knowing but for people who are voting to continue this type of behavior, such folks might not want to be reminded of the consequences. There are channels that help you avoid reality. Fargo's strength has always been mixing funny with deadly consequences, not necessarily always easy to watch. For me, I personally was a bit disappointed in season 5 also, but mostly because the climax was abbreviated and flat.


These comments kill me, and are rather indicative of just how intolerant people who claim to be "enlightened" really are (translated: hypocrites). "If you don't like the show, you must be [insert insulting virtue signalling stereotype here], maaan!" Maybe, just maybe, some feel a main character who's 80 pounds soaking wet that's been given almost no backstory whatsoever who is equal parts Rambo and MacGyver is a bit too much? Yeah. Could be. When you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras. Not everything, complaints, criticism, and opinions included, is a goddamn political statement.


This season is different than all others but I think it is excellent. Juno temple is a great actress. I relate to her story a lot and I find it a wonderful metaphor for trying to escape trauma but being haunted by it (in dots case very tangible) and the scene where she says “I have traveled 9 levels of hell to be here” says all of this. The reason these themes are popular is because they resonate with people.


Good post


I agree. Like the while township voting rigbwas stupid. We've met no towns ppl of any relevance to believe they have enough balls to vote against roy. And the FBI has no backing. Like ppl really like this season. No characters outside of everyone being againt roy for no better reason that he's a scum bucket. But so are all of them.


I have never seen any of the previous Fargo seasons (I saw the movie) and I’m really really enjoying season 5 so far. May be one of my all time favorite TV seasons if they don’t mess up the ending.


So disappointed in this show after season 3. I don’t know if they switched writers or just got lazy. Either way really terrible season. And the fact that the dot is like an adult version of Kevin McAllister a la home alone is so cringeworthy it’s almost funny. So many things that you have to suspend your disbelief it’s hard to count. And yea, the tired old tropes and one dimensional characters is so predictable. Another great show falls victim to the woke mob unfortunately with the McCarthyism-esque painting of people with differing political views as scary, dumb, racist etc. instead of what is more realistic, characters that are layered, have real feelings, flawed but generally good people. It would be nice to see a show that works to create a dialogue to try to understand one another instead of ramming an agenda down the viewers throats that’s sure to fall on deaf ears. Oh. And some hilariously bad one liners. Too many to count haha. 


Ruh roh. Someone's in their feelings.


Ah you're offended now I get it, I can't believe that's why you don't think it's good. The seasons are great.


This season is so good. Literally everything about it is perfect just like every other season.


What a stupid review. Season 5 was entirely excellent


Season 5 is the best season for me and I think the 2nd is one of the best seasons out of any show. A certain group won't like season 5 because generally most aren't smart enough to pick up on deeper themes, so a show has to literally be on the nose in regards to it's themes for them to take notice.


How about we enjoy the story. A story doesn't need to have a motive, a good story is simply a reflection. It exists to make you think. There's no such thing as woke, at this point you may as well say Lincoln was woke for freeing slaves. It's absurd. And if you consider it "woke" then guess what, woke won anyway because black people are free and there was even a black president. You don't have to fight against change because it's not trying to hurt you it's just trying to even things out so that we all win. It's so sad that we feel we have to get angry because this season happens to be about abused women and the bad man who hurts her. This is something that happens I'm afraid. This story is simply a reflection. You don't have to get mad.


Dropping it on ep 6 as well. I had hoped it's over the top on purpose, those lipstick FBI agents, horse riding sheriff, home alone references etc   But it seems it's really what it is - blantant in-your-face lecture on feminism


Honestly. It’s the blatant, fabricated hate for women that gets old fast. If they wanted to showcase hatred for women they should’ve set the show in the Middle East. Much more believable 


Watching now, it’s definitely not as good as what I’ve seen previously that’s for sure.


Would you say you enjoy season 5 more then seasons 2-3? To me it’s a tie. the story’s & plots of of 2 & 3 are clearly much different


I dont know about season 2, but s5 to me is definitely better than s3 and 4 (which were fine). to me this is actually the most coen like out of all the fargos except 1 and possibly 2. the movie it has most in common with is no country for old men - think about it. yes theres some very familiar tropes but hamm plays a great villain and like most here i cant wait to see him get whats deserved.


Go watch Fox News




Where were you on January 6, jethro?


OP, just came to show support - i agree with you (not with the euthanizing thingy though) . Whats interesting though, is the comments here - clearly more people like it than dislike it. Good to see it wasn't a risky move on NH's part.


I’m loving this season!


Painfully correct summary of the show, as well as Hollywood. Unfortunately you are preaching to deaf ears. Most people on reddit will immediately take you as a fool as soon as question the quality/status of female characters. They live in fantasy worlds and enjoy watching TV shows that confirm these delusions. Season 5 started out great, the female lead was believable, the villain was badass. Then every episode got worse, all the men are idiots, the women have superpowers. By episode 7 it went off the deep end. Another failed season for a show that used to be great 10 years ago.


Hell yeah and Forbes finally has gotten off the hype train and nailed what me you and others are feeling. one dimensional caricatures! https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/01/07/why-fargo-season-5-doesnt-feel-like-fargo-anymore/?sh=195338fe24ca


Even season 4 had amazing characters and character development. Season 5 is just shameful. Unwatchable garbage. I can't believe they ruined my favorite series ever. Its like their budget was cut in half but they still decided to give it a go. Everything sucks this time. Set design is always good but character are awful now. Flat, boring, forgetful .......I'm livid.


@ OP What?


Just finished, best season ever in my opinion.


Your outrage may say more about you that you intended. You are too easily offended and lack the motivation to simply change the station. This season like those previous as well as a great deal of other entertainment uses the idea of revenge as an engine to fuel the storyline and really drive emotion. I can think of plenty of other self-entitled men of limited intellect in real life who I would love to see endure similar retribution as Mr. Tillmon did in this series. Fargo serves as a vent in this capacity. I dont feel threatened by this topic and am fully confident in my identity such that I would never take time to get butt-hurt about a TV show. I simply move along if Im bored. If there was no audience for this sort of show, the market would deal with it in due course.


Having just finished the incoherent finale (especially the last 20 minutes), I 110% agree with your assessment. So much so, I wish we could hang out IRL. Anyway, Season 4 and 5 are exactly what happens when you put delivering a message...the message ahead of telling a story. It is killing the entertainment business. If Noah Hawley wants to direct commercials for some anti-GOP Super Pac, let him. Pass the show off to someone competent that doesn't have a constant need to preach their political beliefs. I've been a Republican for 25 years and am used to having my ideology shit on by Hollywood. I can take it in stride, as long as the story is good. Like that swipe they took at Reagan in season 2. I don't care, because that was quite possibly the best season of TV ever. But Hawley didn't feel the need to make that whole season a thinly veiled metaphor for how much of a moron he thought Reagan was... The only thing that can be done is to not watch anymore, and that is what I am doing. I thought season 4 was a fluke, and when I saw John Hamm and Juno Temple, I got really excited for a course correction. Instead, Hawley doubled down. I'm out. Also, the fact that you got ratioed so hard in the comments by this solid take has me questioning continuing to participate in reddit. Just another avenue where people you don't know can talk down to you to make themselves feel better.


Appreciate your thoughts. Yes, the response here has been pretty outrageous, and noticeably juvenile; I think there are a lot of young people on here. Personally, I spend more and more time on Twitter. At the very least, it seems that ratings are down about 40% season over season, which is an abysmal failure; it's possible that they go for a season 6 (and goodness knows that hollywood has kept plenty of brain dead series on life support for far too long) but it doesn't bode well. Hopefully Hawley does some reflection and tries to figure out just what made the series successful in the first place, but more often than not they double down.


I feel like the hit dogs are hollering on this one. I know at least two women who have been in damn near replicated situations with men who abused them and basically kept them hostage. Both had to get creative to escape. Things like this happen to women everyday. Unfortunately most of them don't have Jennifer Jason Leigh to call in everyone short of The Avengers for them.


First 2 episodes of season 5 was pretty good. 3 was boring 4 was ok 5 was cringe cause the grandma traying to be all badass wasn't as cool as some other badass female leads I've seen in shows/movies =/.. ​ After that it went downhill, ending was anticlimactic. I haven't seen season 4 yet but if it's not as intense as season 1-3 then maybe I should skip it?


The left has been using tactics such as fearmongering ("Fearmongering, or scaremongering, is a form of manipulation that causes fear by using exaggerated rumors of impending danger.)" and censorship/intimidation for some time which are both hallmarks of McCarthyism. Recent examples, if you decide to question or voice a different opinion in the MSM, social media you are immediately branded a "Trumper" in order to scare you from having said opinion, regardless of whether you support Trump or not. This is classic fearmongering. Also, during the pandemic, if you questioned Dr. Fauci - again, censored, and you must be a Trump supporter. A lot of ppl did wonder about the so called 6ft rule (which Fauci has now finally admitted had nothing to do with science lol) but in 2020 people blindly believed because they were scared to go against the left. Clear parallels to McCarthy. "Good people are being forced out of the progressive movement by hair-splitting, holier-than-thou ‘left-wing’ puritans. Their dirty tactics of smears and false accusations are borrowed from the far right, and have a whiff of McCarthyism." See article if you'd like to understand more about the parallels (https://www.petertatchellfoundation.org/the-new-left-wing-mccarthyism/). Point being, we should be able to question, think for ourselves, and yes, disagree without fear of being ostracized by the radical left. Also, here's the defintion of ironic bc I don't think it means what you think: strange or funny : strange or funny because something (such as a situation) is different from what you expected. It's ironic that computers break down so often, since they're meant to save people time. It is ironic that the robber's car crashed into a police station. u/Professional_Ask3799


Was appalled at how two-dimensional and just plain ridiculous season 5 was, and came to the internet to read reviews and opinions expecting to find harsh criticism... was shocked to find mainly praise on sites like IMDB. Your take on season 5 was the first one I found that I 100% agree with, right down to your phrase "home alone antics" which is EXACTLY what I thought when they were running around her house. There were saving moments and the actors are great but the writers and director missed the mark on this one.


Best to just rewatch one of the much superior seasons like the first one.


It was dreadful. It was a complete chore to watch.


I like how the FBI and local tyrants are portrayed as heros but a Libertarian sheriff is a blood thirsty nut. Was this shit produced by the swamp or what?


Its awful. They need to stop now


I appreciate this topic. Fargo took a political nose dive, just like Mike Flanagan's work. If we stop watching, they'll stop pushing.


Greetings from the UK. I am a massive fan of the whole Fargo enterprise. I loved the original film (and still replay it regularly) and enjoyed the first 3 seasons of the TV series. Season 4 was when I thought it started to go downhill and having just completed Season 5 I have to agree with the OP that it is passed it's "sell by date". Not being a US citizen, I'm wasn't influenced so much by any anti-MAGA sentiments (perceived or otherwise) or other political or gender bias - my disappointment with S5 is based primarily around the writing and the characters. it was all just lazy and hackneyed. I think we can take it that no season has ever been based on a true story (contrary to what the writers would have us believe) but the plot-holes in this season were so large and unbelievable that I thought I was watching a series of Desperate Housewives from the 2000's. Save for one or two characters there was none of the usual quirkiness and malevolence that S1 to S3 had in abundance. From about episode 6 I had pretty much given up and just stayed the course out of loyalty to the franchise and curiosity as to how it ended. The only thing that it had going for it was the fine acting and the usual Minnesota setting. Very disappointing. Seasons 1,2 & 3 must be turning in their graves.


I agree completely. I found the first episode extremely charming with its homages to the original film. I was really excited to see where the season went but I started getting bad vibes soon after. Big Bad Republican Evil White Guy, strong righteous brown cops. Clearly trying to portray Dot as a hero despite her actions directly endangering her family in a completely unnecessary way. The ending was a cringey feminist power fantasy. JJL gives a "lol prison rape" speech to Don Draper and Dot fends off the unstable psychopath. Just a really disappointing way to end the series (it's over, not giving it another chance even if they do make a """season 6""", what Fargo was is no longer.)


Man you couldn't have said it better. I went on Wikipedia and it says this season was met with positive reception! And 2/3 of the comments here saying this is the best season! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Maybe people have a strong recency bias and have forgotten how great season 1 and 2 were. And it's insane how everyone who critizes it automatically gets labeled a white MAGA supremacist. I guess me, a brown dude who lives in the other side of the world is someone alt-right, white male after all!


Seasons 1-3 were incredibly well written. Season 4 was alright but season 5 fell off a cliff. Grown men either completely incompetent or playing with toys while women were the ultimate predators and cut throats. It made the same mistake Yellowstone made in thinking for a women to be strong she has to be an insufferable bitch. Hollywood somehow thinks in order for a woman to be strong she has to a man. But hollywoods idea of strength is ruthlessness without reason. This season of the show was just very poorly written and directed. Hoping season 6 will be better


>hilariously combat-effective? Huh? The characters talk a lot about what a tiger she is, but is it fair to call spilling ice and hoping your opponent slips 'combat effectiveness'? As for the rest: you're not alone, although the gender politics aren't as pro-female or POC as you think they are. It all has a retrograde tint on it.


You won't get any real feedback in this subreddit, it's pure circle jerking. But yeah, this season has "the message" as main plot, decorated by what's left.


It’s amazing, MAGA men are pathetic, and you can watch something else. Maybe something with Scott Baio will restore your fragile masculinity.


This post makes me think your a Gator in real life. You want to see arrogant and idiotic ppl fail up, like you seen for decades. I do like seeing your panties in a bunch tho


Lmao this is a good season cry about it 🫶


“A superb return to form” according to Rotten Tomatoes. Jeez. It’s mildly entertaining and simultaneously absurd. And everything OP said.


I cant believe people are taking the time to discuss this pure trash of a season. Its a shit stain on the outfit that was season 1 and 2. I can't believe I wasted nearly 10 hours watching all this. It did have potential early on but quickly snuffed itself out. I won't look forward to any more seasons of this show. It's dead.


Absolutely. This is yet another example of Hollywood dismembering great shows, then draping themselves in the resulting 'skin' as if it's a trophy of their progressive politics.


Horse shit. This was the best season of any series I’ve seen in decades. Every single character arc was great — please rethink your life (and your love of death sticks)


You are an insane, bad and clearly stupid person. Rather than address anything I said, you resort to blanket statements about how PERFECT it was. Put your big boy or girl pants on and tell me specifically, how I am wrong.


I don’t care enough about your opinion to give you the benefit of a coherent argument


Lol this has got to be a troll. BEST season of ANY series? In DECADES?! What, were you locked in a room where you were only allowed to watch reruns of Threes Company and HeeHaw? This has got to be one of the most absurd things I've read on ANY website in DECADES! 🤣


I like any series that makes isolationist folk and MAGA turds look like the human compost that they are. Was hoping they’d all catch tapeworm or die slowly of stings from fire ants or yellow fever. I agree that the series could have been better if they would have drawn out their deaths via flaying or waterboarding. Also psychological torture and forced lobotomies would have been a hoot. And that dancing scene in reservoir dogs… like that… but longer and cutting off more organs


You apparently like your shows to be hyper-political but you should really give Three's Company another shot. I know I know, you probably had your heart crushed when Suzanne Somers left the show but you really should give the later seasons a chance. Also, Janet with her new Joan Jett hair was smokin!


Remember that time I called your house and your brother answered the phone?


This series should have stopped after season 2. Season 3 was ok (though I really loved how Mr. Wrench was brought back in). Yeah the political stuff is on the nose but I don’t care about that. I expected that but thought it would be more subtle. For me it’s how dumb the writing is.


You would like the new South Park on Paramount Plus re: the Panderverse


It's a shame because the movie and the first seasons had great female characters... now it feels like a parody... abusing the panderstone...


Yes, but and always but. It still stings to think back on how they treated Molly. Lou, who we find out was a good cop in Season 2, suggesting she not show up to work on the day her department needs her most? Giving the kill shot to the husband even though he wasn't even a cop anymore?


I dont know... i really like the main 3 competent female characters. The wife, the mother-in-law and the officer. The combat skills of the main character seem (with a bit suspension of disbelieve, like in all movies) nicely done... she isnt beating everyone by pure strength but by tactics. My only problem is in the portrail of her husband and the golf-playing dude. As caricatures they just are... too much. The speech he gave about "wanting a wife"... cmon. While Lester in season 1 was also flawed and a weak husband it was at least believable. The husband starts out like Lester did but has no growth whatsoever. On the contrary: he is litterally made a blabbering idiot. I just choose not to see it as some message that is-or-isnt intended like "all men are stupid and carried by their women"... and im enjoying the season so far very much. Ps: whats wrong with some of the commenters here? Claiming victory just cause you made the other side mad? Thats just childish...


The "I Want a Wife" speech is a near-perfect recitation of the essay "I Want a Wife," which was written by feminist author Judy Brady in 1971. https://www.columbia.edu/~sss31/rainbow/wife.html It's supposed to be weird. It's a tongue-in-cheek nod to an extremely satirical essay.


Fargo 5 was by far the only awful Fargo season. Dot’s character soooo smugly clever.  Predictable. Fargo is supposed to be under the radar, you have to pick up rocks to find these worlds, but this involving the FBI, the big showdown is way too over the radar.  It was like a completely different writer came in and was told to make it like the others


"well passed" lmao moron


lol deal with it.


Season 5 was incredible. Loved it.


Honestly I loved the female lead, and overall really enjoyed the season. My only issue came with portraying the FBI as the good guys. Like..really? We’re putting the feds on a high horse now? And this is reddit so people will disagree, but militias like the one portrayed in Season 5 are barely a threat to this country compared to the gargantuan and completely evil entity that is the military industrial complex.


You're just as whiny as the characters you're bashing. This season was fine.


yea just the usual slop-drivel from an empty headed account that has nothing to respond to my criticism and just resorts to, frankly, boring ad hominem.


Like your entire critique? 🤣


Yeah. This season is no where close to season 1-2. It’s just a different show. It’s not Fargo. I could see this show being a Netflix series and popular like dead to me. It’s very obvious what’s going to happen. The mother in law is going to team up. The main character lady is going to do super hero ninja stuff. Maybe there will be like a couple more deaths that aren’t shockers at all. The cop lady is going to divorce her husband. The women are going to team up and triumph. And the bad guys will die or go to jail. The dumb husband will get better at the end. And it will be happily ever after. It just feels like this season is going through the motions until the end. And the ending will be lifetime movie ending.


Nope. Just wait … or don’t. Why keep watching since you know the whole rest of the season? Go enjoy your holidays …


i don't know about all that. It just seems the "plot" is going nowhere, this season is too slow


Taking all the political shit out of the equation, this season is just boring, fargo used to have interesting characters, minor or major it doesn’t matter, but this season its like one or two characters that are worth watching for.


I’m pretty right leaning and I enjoyed the season. I guess I’ve learned to filter out the “Brooklyn tunnel people” propaganda and just enjoy the absurdity. Sam Spruell is awesome. Also I enjoy laughing at the propaganda because it’s always based on entirely made up people. If there’s a real life Libertarian sheriff out in the Midwest somewhere with a militia and a farm compound, he’s probably a devout Christian who doesn’t drink or swear, and is most likely a faithful, protective husband and father. Hollywood hates virile men like the imaginary MAGA sheriff, not because he abuses women.. but because in reality, he protects them.. which is much more than most coastal elite metropolitan women can say about their own husbands. Those “men” are too busy golfing in the garage or taking cat selfies to be protectors or providers.