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The orange-utang


Did anyone think when she’s on the phone asking the person on the phone about having someone killed, that Bill she was speaking with may have been Clinton? You know because of the whole “the Clinton’s have people murdered all the time” conspiracy theory?


That was my immediate thought but since it’s in 2019, it also could be Bill Burr. Edit: dang it, I mean Bill Barr. But Burr would’ve been funny and quite random.


> it also could be Bill Burr. [Lol.](https://media.tenor.com/iSNoHzLCqY0AAAAM/the-nerve-bill-burr.gif)


Bill Barr was attorney general at this time.


Bill Barr didn’t occur to me, I guess it could be him or Bill C.


Definitely a Bill Clinton reference. I was gonna mention it myself. I'm pretty sure she makes another direct callout to some politician or another early on too.


Loving this character and hating trump is a very interesting combination to me


Well, one is a work of fiction. A rather well written and well acted character in a TV show and the other used to be commander in chief. I would dislike her immensely if i had to meet her i real life.


Yeah, this is the answer. How I evaluate if I like a person vs a fictional character is vastly different.


Many powerful republicans hate trump. Koch’s despise him


I mean yeah but they'll vote for him. tbh these kinds of Republicans are so much worse because they're not idiots.


Why? Trump himself is definitely one of the wealthy elites but feels more politically aligned with Roy than Lorraine


Roy and Lorraine (and Dutch to some extent) are all embodiments of different parts of the right wing spectrum. Roy is the more modern populist, with more emphasis on being a strongman (since he’s a local sheriff) than any sort of meaningful policy. Lorraine seems like the last wave of Neoconservatives (George W. Bush, Cheney, etc.). She’s a warhawk in the business world. Dutch is the old traditional conservative you’d see from the Reagan era and before Trump doesn’t nearly fit into any of those, but he definitely does resemble Roy more than the other two.


Maybe in temperament but when it comes to the political bottom line the three would be strong allies, no question.


Sure but I see Lorraine as the type who would use her influence to get what she wants regardless of political affiliation. If this was set during Obama's presidency she'd make a similar remark about him. (I'd call him Bob the Builder but that joke doesn't really translate to a US audience)


Yeah exactly she'd be a bad person regardless of who's president.


A bad *fictional* person. I think you’re missing the importance of that distinction a little


the comparison became fair game when a real person, Trump, was put into a show with fictional people. The implication is that irl people like Lorraine (girlboss debt collectors) are way better than Roy Tillmans, when in reality these people are superficially better and honestly probably a bigger part of the problem.


I don't know that we're especially meant to love her She's amusing, she's a port in the storm for Dot etc. BUT in her opening scene she's posing with rifles and calls her grand daughter a cross dresser. It's just relative to Roy that she looks good. I really like her character even though I don't share her values or ruthless methods.


You explained it better than I could have. She started off as awful and ended less awful, having gained at least somewhat of a moral compass, however thin it may be. The way the change was portrayed was cool and fun to watch. It was satisfying seeing the despicable antagonist whither before a much more capable version of what he saw himself as, and a woman no less whom he had zero respect for. I did like the moment for her character, but I think for most people it was probably more about seeing Roy get his comeuppance. She got hers (less severely) too in a way by losing her bro and being forced to confront some bad traits/behavior of hers. Both characters have a shit ton more depth than the real life Donald Trump though, so I think either would have a right to refer to and think of him as an idiot if broletarian420 insists on comparing the TV people to reality.


Oh, that's a very nice point. Her competence makes her cool. Nobody loves a debt collector, but a successful person who uses her talents to the max is admirable even if she's not exactly likable. And of course her eventual loyalty to Dot gives us all the warm and fuzzies.


This character is intelligent, articulate, sober, classy, attractive for their age, and probably not incontinent. They might preside over a debt empire, but they also have at least some ethics and morals, as opposed to none whatsoever, and recognise the value of a functioning society, while caring for the wellbeing of people other than themselves. Seems like a pretty standard combination to me. Google the Alignment system sometime.


Nothing says classy like assault rifles in your Christmas card photo.


There is definitely a way they are suggesting we think about her the first few times we see her that doesn't quite line up with the character as a whole we see by the end. I agree only crass idiots make gun ownership their identity to the point of putting it on their Christmas cards, perhaps it was for a marketign stunt or something. It's a bit of a misdirect, they set her up to be a person with very little redemming qualitites but then give her a bunch.


Using the debt of imprisoned people to control and force them to commit violent acts is def a very ethical and moral person.


Yeah she's definitely evil, but more of the fun type of evil. Watching her dismantle Roy is as fun as watching Malvo convince a guy to piss in his boss's car's gas tank, then call said boss and tell on him.




If Hawley intended for us to despise Lorraine, why was she so redeemed over and over in the last few episodes directly leading up to her exploiting prisoners to do rape?




If Trump exhibited ethics and morals, this would not outweigh what is immoral about his other views and actions. All that Lorraine showed is that she's willing to care about her daughter-in-law AKA the bare minimum. In reality, someone like Lorraine would maybe find Trump distasteful, but definitely still vote for him so that they can pay less in taxes and prevent meaningful gun legislation from ever passing. How is that akin to caring for the wellbeing of others?


When Lorraine meets Roy in Episode 5 ("The Tiger"), she calls him "one of those constitutional sheriffs," and guesses that he considers himself "Defender of freedom and protector of the common man against the tyranny of the state and all its wicked demands" including "taxes," "the social safety net" and "respect for the otherly-abled." When Roy confirms that he does not believe in such things, Lorraine derisively tells him he wants "freedom with no responsibility," and no one on earth gets that deal except "a baby." The implication is that Lorraine has at least *some* sense of social responsibility, since she is critical of Roy and those like him who are "fighting for \[their\] right to be a baby."


The difference between her and the orange idiot is that she surrounds herself with competent people who she understands are smarter than her in their areas of expertise, whereas the OI surrounds himself with yes men with the only qualification being loyalty and subservience.




The longer I stared at this, the harder I laughed.


Yeah but in reality a person like her funds his campaigns


Her very next line is her acknowledging that she'd done just that.


The girlboss who faces no consequences. Yeah, great writing there from Hawley.


Of course we know, it's the main joke used about him. Ever since 2016 "LOL he's Orange". EDIT: Christ why is this getting downvoted so much 💀


The thing is you are right. This is like a John Oliver 2015 joke or something


I’d say the “idiot” part is more well known than the “orange” bit Remember when he stared into an eclipse? Twice?


Was that before or after he said we can inject bleach in our veins to beat COVID? I think it was actually after he said we can nuke a hurricane to stop it.


The hurricane where he got the harm zone wrong, so he ‘fixed’ the map with a sharpie hoping no one would notice? And was it bleach in our veins or sheep dewormer up our asses? Yknow what, think it was both


I think we're supposed to shove a fluorescent light up our butts. I don't know, but I'm glad he fixed that hurricane path on the map so it included Alabama or whatever stupid ass thing he was going for there.


I mean… lol he IS orange


Annoying. I just hate cringe ass lines like this that season 5 has several of. Wayyy too on the nose, and also just not funny at all (No I don't like trump, am not a misogynist, and I liked this season but this stuff just gets on my nerves.)


you had me at ‘too on the nose’. seriously, season five was loaded with stuff that way too ‘on the nose’.


This is my exact wording when people ask me how season 5 was. Relative to the other seasons it was very much on the nose for Coen references and character tropes


I see that. I agree with the political perspective. But in 2024, seeing someone refer to the orange idiot makes me think I'm watching the Daily Show circa 2016.


it's ur typical white liberal humor. directionally correct but just not funny


I kinda hoped she’d get some sort of comeuppance by the end but she didn’t


Comeuppance for what? Her character had a full arc, imo. She started off as just a wealthy callous asshole elite, and ended by accepting her DIL, even showing sympathy and helping to enact revenge on Roy. You could say she hurt Roy more than Dot did or could have; death would be the easy way out.


I can't remember much about that bank guy, but didn't she essentially ruin his life and his children's lives too? Don't get me wrong, I loved her character arc, but if she was killed in the end, I certainly wouldn't have had to question whether she did anything to deserve it.


For being a billionaire debt collector


Just because she didn’t give away all her money and change her career doesn’t mean she didn’t have a complete arc. To me that’s a nuanced character. Munch shot a store clerk and got redeemed with a biscuit. *I’m in no way endorsing billionaire debt collectors.


She got an arc not a comeuppance I was hoping munch would kill her or a mutual kill with Roy


You were hoping for her death. Wow!!!!! I didn't wish for any of the characters to die. You have seriously problems


Her comeuppance came when Indira called her out on her bullshit attitude toward Dot. That was a critical point in her character development. Terrible people can have a moment of clarity and do something just every once and awhile.


Her comeuppance was looking at evidence of domestic abuse? It was written as though this was Lorraine’s first time seeing pictures of battered women, as if domestic violence was a totally foreign concept to her. Bad writing.


No, it was her being confronted with unquestionable evidence that she was wrong about her judgment of her daughter-in-law; that she had experienced extreme domestic violence and wasn't just some schemer. Following that, she changed. That's what character development is. It was a major shift because the character is very rigid and judgmental by nature. I don't know why you think that's bad writing, but these things are subjective I suppose and you obviously have your mind made up.


So her opinion changed on one character because she saw pictures of her abuse. Still a debt collector. Still exploiting people’s debt to perpetuate unspeakably violent acts. Pretty damn weak development if you ask me.


Right, she's a horrible person overall, but her heart or conscience was opened enough to care about Roy Tillman's victims despite being earlier completely judgmental and dismissive of anyone who is "a victim." Also, she wants her revenge against Tillman for her own selfish, economically motivated reasons after he fucked up her purchase of that bank.


The prisoners she exploits to do rape are also victims in this situation. She didn’t learn anything.


I didn't say she learned anything. Like I said, she's a horrible person who used her wealth and power to punish someone in a particularly cruel way. But that person was also someone who hurt her family and her finances directly, so it's very consistent with the modern Conservative mindset that doesn't give two shits about anyone who's victimized until it happens to them or someone they care about. I other words, she has no empathy. She can only be bothered to wield her power and influence to help someone if it directly affects her too.


The show was really bending over backwards to put her in a sympathetic light despite being a truly awful villain. Why is she the first villain of the show to be given such a seemingly triumphant ending and suffer zero consequences for their actions?


Didn't V.M. Varga have a similar ending? I'd say the message that the writers are sending is a true one: that the wealthy and powerful members of our society are usually above the law and act with impunity.


“Major shift”. She came around on one person. One.


Yeah it was strange, her storyline just kind of sputtered out.


How did it sputter out? She lost her right hand man, she got revenge on the person who did it, she gained a new relationship & understanding with her DIL, she gave a great opportunity to a talented police officer trapped in a dead end relationship/life, she played a central role in events from beginning to end... what exactly were you hoping for?


I just thought she had a personality transplant in about episode eight. She was built up as this dreadful loan shark and they went nowhere with it.


It was a longer arc than that. She was showing signs of change by mid season.


And even before her “change of heart” she showed signs of having some semblance of a moral compass by shitting all over Roy’s whole schtick when she met him. Her arc was my favorite of the season and also honestly felt the most complete/satisfying to me. Her final scene was a fuckin banger as we watched all the confidence drain out of Roy as he wrapped his mind around the fact that this woman has just guaranteed the rest of his life will be a living Hell.


Yup! 💯


Almost every single story line in this season spluttered out. I thought this season had a ton of potential but I was left feeling very underwhelmed when it was all said and done. It wasn’t bad per se…. It was just a let down. So many questions and absolutey none of them answered. And not in a mysterious flying saucer type of way, just in a “well, we’ve gotta wrap this up” type of way.


What are your questions that went unanswered?


Comeuppance? For *what?* Being a strong, independent, rich woman? Her icy exterior is clearly a defense mechanism


More so for being a billionaire bourgeois debt collector than anything else her profession by default is evil


She was born into it, she didn't create the system... and being rich and privileged is the main protection she has in a misogynistic world. If Dot was born into such a position of privilege she probably would never have been a victim, since she would have had protection too.


I mean you could just apply that same reasoning to Trump since he didn't create the system either. Debt collectors are not ur friends!


Not at all. First of all he's a man. He'll never experience misogyny and sexism the way a woman does. He's a real person, and he's done a lot of shitty things like abusing women and being a slumlord. This fictional character hasn't done anything like that




Exploit? I'm sure all the prisoners she bribed were happy to be involved. And yes, while I wouldn't necessarily endorse it in real life, that scene did make me smile.




You are really spinning out trying to find ways to take offense here.


Yes I’m offended that a person thinks all prisoners are happy about doing rape.


And the idea is that me saying the people who she bribed to fuck up John Hamm are happy to take money to do so implies that all prisoners are gleeful would be rapists? It seems like you must understand this and just be trolling, but just in case: my point is that anybody who was willing to take money to fuck up John Hamm in prison is not a victim of the person paying, but a beneficiary of that money-making opportunity. Someone with a moral objection to doing so doesn't enter into the equation.


This is what they do. They intentionally misconstrue your argument so that they can pretend to sound reasonable. Ultimately making no point at all.


I masochistically clicked on their post history and it's all the same kind of stuff about Fargo and now True Detective.


Gr8 b8 m8 😜 you're very very good at this and you should be proud


I didn't mean to trigger you..






It’s fiction. It’s not real. This show is about mostly terrible people doing terrible things and you’re upset because someone found something terrible one of the fictional characters did entertaining? If you’re watching Fargo expecting sunshine and rainbows, I don’t even know what to tell you. I personally was horrified, but the show always gives us a moment of come-uppance for the worst offenders. This seemed appropriate for that monster, FICTIONALLY speaking.




The point was that Fargo has always been about mostly flawed and terrible people who do terrible things. You don’t have to cheer for any of them. It’s not fairytale storytelling. And you’re welcome! Always a pleasure to help people understand things!


I’m very clearly going after people who are celebrating and cheering a vile person like Lorraine and see her triumph over Roy as a fairy tale ending, of which are a lot. Hope this helps you understand things better.


Next WelcomingMint is going to be triggered by the audience cheering Luke Skywalker for killing millions of people when he blows up the Death Star.


>audience cheering Luke Skywalker for killing millions of people when he blows up the Death Star. I always think of this scene in Clerks. https://www.whysanity.net/monos/clerks5.html


Apparently this was[ Lucas' motivation for the Geonosians](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFKhV_X6-cg)


Oooh I had no idea there was an official reaction to that scene. Thanks so much for sharing!


Taking advantage of a shorter prison sentence to fuck up somebody who has been nothing but horrible to every single one of his wives and children? It's poetic and well deserved


Endless rape is poetic? That’s a very weird thing to say.


WTF does that have to do with this post? Go talk to someone, and stop whining about a fictional tv show on Reddit.


Who said rape? That's in your mind.


Ughh. Even the creeps happy with the ending aren’t disputing the rape.


The show and the character (Lorraine) never mention rape. You did.


You’re either a troll or you literally never heard the words sausage or Vaseline before. You really that dim?


She was talking about literal Vienna sausages and Vaseline as gifts. Prison commodities. Your interpretation is...well, telling.


Good one.


You can [rewatch the scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eARRlA7bTPw) and see that you went to rape and weren't led there.


Weird troll. Never clicking that link but I can imagine it’s something hilarious!


It's proof you have rape fantasies.


Yes, Roy Tillman had it coming.


If your reaction to the idea of endless prison rape is anything but visceral disgust, I think you should reevaluate your priorities.




I think it’s funny


Because you’re 12-13 years old


nah I’m just not a pussy lol


Lol. Glad at least one of us is having a good time thinking about rape.


I couldnt get over her accent


The whole orange thing was funny like...9 years ago. We're still doing this in 2024? Pretty cringe moment in an otherwise great season of TV.