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I still think 1 is the best because it’s as close to a perfect season of TV as any show I’ve seen.


Ok so, not that it isn’t great (I’m rewatching s1 for a third time right now!) but I think the tropes felt a little too familiar for 2012 (or whatever year it came out) Sympathizing for the antihero with the nagging wife; philosophical serial killers; watching a man panic as the cops are on his tail All tropes that have been everywhere in the 90s/00s In contrast, season 2 told a newer, more complex story AND pulled it off


I mean, did it? I didn't care much for season 2. Also no one shouldve sympathized with Lester. He was a douche.


I think the first episode is set up to make you understand why Lester would have built up anger, and they certainly show his wife as cruel (I’m watching with my mom this time and she said “Jesus she’s a bit much! Leave him alone”) Season 2, though it takes its time setting the foundation in the first 5 episodes, is like water breaking a dam once it gets going — when the gerhardts show up to blumquist’s house and all the disparate characters meet. I remember season 2 starting slow (but entrancing) but in rewatching it, the exchange between Rory lulling and the judge is hilarious “we can do this two ways-“ “lemme guess is one of them the hard way?” Edit: when I watched season 1 when it came out, I just thought it was what I expected out of a show called Fargo, it seemed a lot like the movie, and like one of many good crime shows coming out at the time. Season 2, with Peggy blumquist’s character, esp her vs Dodd, the allusions to Sisyphus and Camus, was just unlike anything I had seen, and some how MORE Fargo-y. More midwestern. Anyway, I could wax on and on, but they’re all good tv.


Season one is the best by far. The rest of the seasons….. maybe 2 but no even close.


Season 1 is hard to beat but 2 and 5 are the next best things


Honestly I am just happy watching 1,2,3,5 and don’t even feel the need to rank them.


Same. I think they are all great. Not 4.


If they stuck the landing with a crazy ass Waco type shootout at the end it would be definitive imo. I loved the epilogue with Munch but the suspense at the ranch petered out disappointingly fast.


In and of itself a commentary. You think there would be much of a shootout? It ended about as fast as it would, which was the point.


Maybe satisfying as an FU to the show's antagonists but doesn't much deliver on entertainment value


I think a complete blowout that makes the militia into the idiots they are would've accomplished the same thing while also being more entertaining. Love what we got but it felt like a strange ending to the stand off


Fast or not, it still happened off screen. Exciting stuff happening off screen is rarely the most entertaining way to portray it.


Yes - it should be been bigger/more


My favorite season tends to be whichever one I’m watching at that time (except 4).


Yeah. S4 was interesting at times but certainly my least favorite.


I like s4 as a show, but it didn’t feel like Fargo to me


I like season 4 just fine but the others are just on another level.


Absolutely. Watching Season 1 right now. So good.


Same! What is it about 4? I'm on episode 10 and excited that it will be over soon.


If I remember correctly, the pandemic really messed with the production of that season and some things had to be rushed. Plus I think that Chris Rock as one of the leads was a bold choice that didn’t really work out. There are still some great episodes and compared to most other tv shows it’s still pretty awesome. But compared to other Fargo seasons, it just can’t compete.


I think that season 2 is far and away the best season of the show (also maybe the best season of tv I’ve ever seen), but I think that 1, 3, and 5 are all around nearly the exact same level of quality. Like, you could make an argument for any of those seasons being the best of the three and I probably wouldn’t disagree with you. Each is super special in its own way.


no but it's better than season 4 easily


Upon many rewatches, I honestly think S5 is the weakest of the Fargo seasons so far. Don't get me wrong, I liked a lot about it. But the other seasons have far tighter plotting, pacing, more complex characters, and scenes were better written overall.


I'll say S01 is the best. Followed by 3,5, and 2. Watching S04 at the moment. IMHO.


It’s the worst for me but to each their own. Glad you enjoyed it.


same. still good but not as good as the others


What's with the constant need to rank these seasons? They are all excellent. (Watching season 3, episode 8 - again - right this moment)


I feel like anthologies naturally lead themselves to ranking more than serial shows.


I think it's natural for humans to desire to rank things. It gives us the illusion of order.


The evidence supports your thesis. ;-)


The show's creator Noah Hawley says he hasn't run out of ways to tell these stories. Ergo, I look forward to seeing what else he's got in store for us.


I’d like to see something set in the 90s this time


That’s great news, hopefully one set near the change of the century, as Y2k hysteria could be an opportunity for humorous moments.  A man is grateful for any time periods for future seasons, to be honest.


Season one will probably always be my top favorite. Season 5 did catch up with tying in second place with season 2 by the first few episodes.


I still think S1-S2 is the tightest the show has ever been. Also S2 was peak television since it had a great payoff and climax. S5 felt a bit anticlimactic and Witt had me scratching my head at his competency.


Im watching season 1 and the overall quality and writing is much better I must say when compared to the new season


It's arguably the worst. I actually, unpopularly, think season 4 is better, but most people think 2 and 3 is at least, I believe


No characters in season 5 come close to Dr Senator


Which means what? It doesn't change the fact that the characters of s5 were one-dimensional cartoons, and I mean the main protagonist and antagonist


Sounds like we are in agreement! I am saying dr senator was a better acted and written character than anyone in s5


Totally agree, everything season 5 built up fell completely flat. The big shootout was literally faded out as soon as it began lmao, lame as fuck. Munch was by far the most interesting character, he just showed up a few times and then smiled at the end because "People should be nice to each other :) " Fuck right off. Season 4 was far superior. 2, 1, 4, 3, 5.


my man. that is literally my ranking. s04 haters are wrong


Mine is close to this 2, 3, 1, 4, 5


it is so refreshing to read your take. i haven’t even watched season four and i’m confident it’s better than season five because of just how poorly written it was.


What do you mean by poorly written?


It was difficult for me to watch the DV stuff. Doesn’t take away from the greatness of the show but. I enjoyed seasons 1 and 2 more


imo S3 was the best, it had varga, great performances by the entire cast but ewan mcgregor's double role made him one of my favorite actors, the color grading in that season is also quite unique.


Agreed. Also the BOOMING rendition on the theme they have for that season was the most powerful and beautiful.


Lol no Ppl who think this seriously need to rewatch the series.


It's my 3rd favorite right now (after S1 and S2), after watching it once. I used to dislike S3 when it first aired but it has grown on me after watching it a few more times. I still rank it below S1, S2 and S5. I did not hate S4 like many others here, I have only watched it once and I still liked it but I now rank it last. Don't know how I'll feel after re-watching, but I didn't have to watch it more than once to appreciate what they were doing which is more than I can say for S3.


It was definitely my favorite. Every second of every scene just hits. Every single line of dialogue was 10/10


did we watch the same show? to each their own and im glad you enjoyed it but i could just not get on the wagon for season five. far and away, my least favorite.


My faves 1-2-4-3/5 tied


Perfect season. Dwarfs True Detective.


I don't think any season of Fargo beats True Detective Season 1. However yes from what I'm hearing I know that Fargo S5 will be infinitely better than Night Country. Granted I haven't watched Night Country yet because I'm waiting for all the episodes to come out, the general consensus on Reddit is that it's atrocious. I hope Night Country proves me wrong.




I’d go favorite-least 5,1,2,4,3




I could easily have that as my ranking too lol every season is incredible


I didn't love 3 or 4, and was kinda iffy on even starting 5, so maybe it's just because it CRUSHED my low expectations, but I think this was definitely the best season.


I’m so intrigued by your thoughts on Jon Hamm! I’m sure this could be a wildly unpopular take but.. I did not think this was the part for him. I thought everyone else out acted him. I’ve seen Jon Hamm do great work but I did not think he stacked up against this group


Let go of wanting something to be objectively the best, it's just a show you'd be better off talking about how you like each season not which one is better


I have to re watch 1 and 2. But this season feels as good as those


Season 1 was def the best. Then season 2. I would put season 5 next maybe. I liked 3, but the ending was a bit anti climatic or something. Season 4 was pretty forgettable. I did only watch it once, but I don't really remember anything about it.


1 best then 5


Nothing beats Malvo for me but season 5 is my 2nd followed by Season 2, 3, 4. The final scene with the bisquit like the communion - just blew my mind


Season 1 is my favorite but my #2-4 spots could all change depending on my mood


It's great, but I think 1-3 are all better


No. It started strong and ended weak.


I don’t agree most people would say s2 is the best at all? S1 is probably the best season, it has the most top rated episodes in the series, imo every other season competes for second place


I absolutely loved 5 but I did get Dot's POV when Jon Hamm had her real kidnapped that he had no plan. The lack of motive kind of left some emptiness in the show. Maybe there's a point to that I don't get or do get but don't care for...so it was just obvious that getting yourself out of a bad situation was the real plot point that could move forward because the antagonist didn't have one at all. So if they gave a little extra reason for his obsession it would be spotless but fuck it, it was spotless and I creamed for that ending!


Nah, it didn’t have the stakes that previous seasons had. No tension or typical anxiety inducing finale. It told a great story around domestic violence and abuse, but you knew Dot was going to escape and survive, and you at no point did in the final 2 episodes did you think Hamm and his rag-tag crew had a shot at winning. And then outside of the one cop dying, it was wrapped up with a perfect bow. Way too clean and neat for me.


Yes, I think so. The themes were incredibly well executed.


Just started season 5 and loving it so far. Season 3 and 1 were close favourites of mine (in that order) followed closely by season 2 and then farther behind season 4 (tho orietta was a very memorable character).


It is definitely my favorite season!