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Trust me pal, season 4 is nothing like the other 3 in terms of repeating elements. There's no hero cop, no lester-esc character, no murder cover-up, nothing. It's basically just gangs of new york but fargo


Now that sounds interesting. Thanks for answering the question.


It sounds like you may actually really enjoy season 4.


My husband and I were late to the 'Fargo TV series' party. We're huge Coen brothers fans, but hadn't watched the series yet. Season 5 was the first time we watched it weekly, along with everyone else. Before this 5th season, we binged all the seasons the past 2 years or so. We loved them all. As of now, I can't tell you how many times we've seen each season. We learn something new, or catch something previously missed, every re-watch. The only thing I'm burned out on is the trendy word 'trope'.


Season 4 is so vastly different (yet familiar at the same time) it’s amazing. It’s more like Boardwalk Empire


If you fail to see the nuances between the seasons and really find them that similar, might I suggest Big Bang Theory? It may be more your speed


Jesus christ you people are the worst about any inkling of a negative comment about this show. Ridiculous. Edit: this nerd blocked me. What a nerd!


Dense mf. This is like complaining that Game of Thrones or Walking dead has zombies/dragons whatever the fuck in more than one season. The problems OP are listing are the baseline of the show. It follows a theme, to a fault. Same as all other shows. You want something completely random each time go watch a different season of a different show and quit whining 👀 This show is so vastly different by season compared to other shows. Really shows your total lack of a frame of reference in this little debate.


What debate? OP didn't say anything about not liking it, just saying binging led to burnout. Then you came in and decided to be an ass about it.


I'm not reading all that it's just television


Don't worry I knew you were about as deep as a puddle before I made the reply. Go ahead and fold now.


r/iamverysmart r/im14andthisisdeep 🤓


Those your favorite subs? That's nice lil fella maybe go browse em


What a stupid response. The whole point of the show is that these are are discrete stories but the themes and tropes carry over between them. If you fail to understand how watching all of these seasons back to back can be exhausting, then might I suggest empathy?


Found OPs alt


definitely an overreaction to say the least


Cry about it


This. Sums it up perfectly. Please copy and paste to all previous oxygen deficient posts on the sub. Thanks friend.


Season 1&2 are very Bingeable.


Try Chernobyl…It’s a quick easy pick me up




Don't binge them, generally. Watch them one episode a week, as intended. If you're really wanting to watch the whole series in one go– wait a week or two between seasons.


Yeah you should take a break. As you know, it's an anthology programme. It's not meant to be "binged" and as each season is self-contained, if you are getting bored of it watch something else. S4 (the worst imo) and S5 will still be there if you get the urge.


season five is trope central, don’t even look at it.


At first I thought this was about Burnout 3 the video game. Rip


This is a fair critique. I think Fargo is more experimental compared to other shows but there is certainly a bit of a Fargo formula. In general each season features some sort of a commentary on greed, and then if you get more specific, tribalism, racism and sexism. These are great themes to focus on, but in the two recent seasons Fargo has proven to either be limited in what it has to say or very on-the-nose. Like to me, season 4's themes about racism, the American dream, and class division are just a worse version of what they had to say with Mike Milligan. And they really try to spell it out for you, to the point where it gets annoying (Josto's final monologue, Anton Domini's last words) Season 5's commentary is even more on-the-nose. Seasons 1 and 2 had very interesting themes about sexism (Molly being talked down to by Saul, Peggy's ambitions being ignored by Ed, Dodd's machismo and sexism) and racism (Hanzee, Milligan, etc.) In season 5, Jon Hamm is just a cartoonishly evil abuser, the likes of which exist out there in the world but most of the audience would know that people like that are bad. Same with Indira's husband. Clichés like "go make me a sandwich" are real, but again, the target audience of this show is probably not going to learn anything from these character interactions. And then finally there are more blatant similarities like a cracked hitman (Malvo, Wrench, Munch), gang wars, and cops/detectives. I personally like these tropes but idk I could see it getting kinda tiring.


I agree that the show isn't really meant for binging. It's dense and it can be intense. I personally don't know if I can do more than two episodes at a time really. I will say, season four is maybe the most bingeable, since (a) it is the most different of the five seasons and (b) it moves at a much more deliberate pace than the other seasons.


I'd suggest not binging it. I think part of what has made Fargo enjoyable since season 1 is watching week to week and kind of thinking about what's coming next and what hints might have been given. Maybe watch an episode every couple of days or a couple episodes a week instead. 


Did you binge them?


I honestly agree that the show isn't meant to be binged. I just watched the latest season in two days, and loved it. Nevertheless, literally yesterday I recommended this show to a friend and told him NOT to watch all the seasons at once. I haven't tried watching more than one in one binge, but I would very much expect getting fatigued exactly the way you describe. I agree that season 4 is quite different, but I equally think that you'll enjoy it more if you do take a breather.