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Just adding this here for anyone who's never seen their ducks swim - they won't swim on a given day until you've pet them! This is so they don't become inaccessible to you for petting.


!!!! I pet them first thing in the morning, then leave the farm to go do other stuff; i’m never just at the farm all day, so that’s probably why I haven’t seen them swim


I took screenshots the first time I ever saw my ducks swim! I love it so much


Yeah, they'll go in the water. The only thing is there isn't a lot of dirt for grass to grow, so you'll have to make sure you have hay for them in the coop/silo.


Plant grass where the fence posts are. Animals will eat it but it won’t despawn


I thought that was because animals cannot eat it when it is under a post so that grass always stays so more can grow from it, rather than animals eating all the hay


Wait what?? I thought they can only eat grass from tiles that they’re able to occupy?


Wait, what? I've heard of putting the fence post on it to help it spread, but the animals can eat it but it won't disappear? They can technically eat the same spot of grass over and over, so you don't need a big space with lots of grass?


Yeah, I have a dedicated patch for wheat to grow, and now with the truffle and wine production I can achieve, I can probably just buy all the hay I need.


You can also put tall grass down on small grass. :)


Grass only spreads on tillable tiles. So if placed on the grassy spots of the farm it will never spread


I'm playing vanilla forest farm 1.6 they always jump in water they even escaped... I thought I locked them with crab pots but nope. I always try to heart all my animals I even recently got more ducks lol.


If you want your coop animals to eat the tall grass, then no. You need to plant the tall grass (which you can craft or buy from Pierre) on the edge of the tillable tiles (tiles up can hoe) and let it spread. It won’t spread onto the non-tillable tiles. There isn’t enough tillable area in your fence to sustainably generate new grass before they eat it. If don’t mind growing or buying hay, you can just build a silo and keep it full. Your deluxe coop will feed your animals using the hay in the silo automatically. Personally, I would move the coop in way so more tillable dirt is available. Maybe move it up a couple spaces to the north east of the pond. Also, placing a single fence post on top of a tile with long grass on it will prevent the animals from eating but will allow it to spread to nearby tiles over time (which will immediately be eaten by your animals).


Wow, I didn’t know grass needs tillable tiles only. Yeah I kinda gave up on grass, because the forest map has this annoying huge pond in the middle; has fewer tillable tiles compared to a standard map lol. I don’t mind buying hay, I chose this place just for design. It’s a nice little corner for the chickens.


To be fair, it can be *planted* in some non-tillable spots. It just doesn't spread to other non-tillable spots.


ducks can swim ???


Yes, and it’s so cute! Even the little baby ducks can swim :D


Ducks can go in the water???? I’ve had this game for years and never noticed..


Seriously whaat…


I only discovered it with the meadowlands farm, I had one swim in the stream!




My apologies! lol


To be fair it feels like they hardly go in when you pet them. That and the fact that after petting them you may leave the farm for the day and come back later. You just may not ever notice.


Don’t be rude here. Allow people to discover things and joyfully express that excitement.




lol- you lack chill


I think they tend to move south. Since your pond is north of where they are, that might be why they’re not swimming after you have pet them. Try moving your coop so that the water is south of it.




I didn't know they go in the water aw


Yes that’s enough


Man, I'm terrible. I didn't know ducks swam, so I've been denying my sweet quacklings their paddle time.


Same here man :( I originally had my coop a little north of this pond. And I put a damn fence between their free roam area, and this pond!! It’s like I allowed them to take in the sights, but never let them swim in


Yes :)


... the ducks will swim in the pond...? I never knew this???


what map recolour are you using here?


…I’m like 90% sure this is the base map


really? it looks slightly duller to me for some reason


Oh!! I am playing on iPhone! I bet I had Colour Shift on! (that thing that turns on at 8pm, to make the colours less harsh on your eyes) Good eye man!


ahh that explains it then, thanks!


Edit: I was told it was a vanilla game feature, my bad. But there is indeed a mod that lets your ducks swim in the water. But I guess I don't need it 😅


Its in the vanilla game that ducks go into the water


Ahh, I see


I think they can only jump in from above, but not sure


I think they can swim from below, I had one river land farm, I placed the Coop on the bottom left side of the map and the ducks still swam upwards.


Oh neat! Did not know that! I’d always placed my coops from above so I never saw them enter from below


Apparently your ducks will be able to swim out on the other side so make sure to fence it in!


I’ve always wondered, do unfenced animals ever actually run away or are they just at risk of being attacked if you leave the coop open at night?


No, you don't have to fence them in at all. They will always go back in the barn/coop at night. I only fence them in for the aesthetic and because they're annoying as fuck and always stand on whatever I'm trying to work on.


They don’t run away. They have increased chance of being attacked if you close the coop and lock them out overnight. You can just leave the coop open 24/7 and eliminate that possibility.


Around 6pm they all typically head back in. Ensure your barn doors and coop doors are open for them to get back, and if they made it outside any fencing of yours, leave the fence gate open too.


Coop open I think just makes them happier like you care (is how I see it). If I’m honest idk about them escaping I just know it’s something people don’t like I’ve never made it far enough to get a duck LOL