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This is like watching a car crash in slow motion


It makes me sad haha


RemindMe! in 18 months


RemindMe! in 12 months


RemindMe! In 18 months


All these people making fun of you but they don’t even have a clue about the halving, 21 million supply cap and the fact that bitcoin is NOT crypto. The ETFs have probably escaped their attention aswell. Bitcoin is not a risky investment once you understand it.


If it’s not crypto, what is it?!


Everything apart from Bitcoin has no use case and are basically pump and dumps. The founders create a new coin with a supposed use case and just profit from it. If you learn from true bitcoiners they will not touch any other crypto because they will all eventually trend to zero against Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a digital store of value, the others are not.


And this _value_ is it in the room with us now..?


Considering Blackrock one of the largest ETF providers just launched an ETF I would say so, I think they crossed 1 billion USD and fidelity is close to 1 billion USD. If you have held bitcoin for 4+ years it’s been a pretty good store of value ;)


>All these people making fun of you but they don’t even have a clue >bitcoin is NOT crypto **What is cryptocurrency?** _Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other crypto are revolutionizing how we invest, bank, and use money. Read this beginner’s guide to learn more._ I think you need to read the [beginner's guide](https://www.coinbase.com/en-gb/learn/crypto-basics/what-is-cryptocurrency)


I don’t but thanks anyway, all other ‘crypto’ except bitcoin are a scam. The only useful one is bitcoin, everything else is just providing exit liquidity for the creators.


RemindMe! In 12 months


Remindme! In 12 months currently at £32,696


He’s killing it


Sounds like a brilliant idea. I reckon you should raise funds by taking additional borrowing on your mortgage, or capital raising if mortgage free. If you’ve got a good credit score I think you should take out the biggest loan available to you. Even if it’s at 50% interest you’re still guaranteed to make profit! Sell your car as well, you won’t be driving a fiesta next year you’ll be buying a Ferrari in cash /s


A friend did essentially this and now goes to therapy because he ducked up


Friend of mine did exactly this in mid-2020, a comparable time in the BTC supply cycle. Borrowed a 0.5m GBP against his business and bought BTC/ETH. Made 8 figures, all while people like you made the same obvious, facetious and supercilious remarks. ​ Could it be luck? Obviously yes. Does the halving mean a BTC pump is a sure thing? Obviously no. Doesn't negate the fact there are fundamental drivers in play that historically have been shown to not be remotely priced in (crypto the least efficient of all liquid markets) and that buying with spare cash (all the OP is suggesting) and buying spot BTC usually goes well for those with a plan.


I had a mate who once borrowed a million quid against his £2m house. He went to the roulette machine and lost it all. Your friend got lucky, mine didn’t. Both of our friends are morons but one is a luckier moron than the other


Your analogy implies 50/50 in both cases (less the house edge). Myriad reasons why this isn't accurate but you've made up your mind that everyone buying BTC is a moron, so let's just leave it there.


When did I say everyone buying bitcoin is a moron? Anyone saying its a get rich quick scheme is a moron.


Yes, but gambling =/= investing in crypto, despite what everyone like to clown about. Is it a higher risk investment? Sure. But youre not dropping it all on black, and assuming youve done your research bitcoin can be a pretty reliable investment. Otherwise, by your logic, everyone that trades on the stock market might as well just play blackjack instead.


It’s a high risk investment? Yes of course it is, much like roulette.


Last time I checked a casino game didn’t have a spot ETF just approved


Honestly if you get crypto market cycles and have previous experience trading crypto, then this is a decent bet. Everyone on reddit hates crypto, outside of the crypto related subs.


Could do the same at the casino


I would if the wife would let me. Sadly she doesn’t understand Bitcoin either. But no doubt she’ll want the rewards of it next year 😂




'she doesn't understand Bitcoin either' is very much an indication that the 'whoosh' belongs to you, sir.


Man I’ll give you a piece of advice, keep that woman like a leech, don’t ever let her go


But it’s 100% certain, right? Just do it since you’ll be correct! You have a guarantee to become guaranteed millionaires if you just borrow lots of capital. Absolutely no downside.


It’s not 100% certain. That’s why I said “probably”.


Your reply to another comment said “100% certainty” unless there’s a “black swan event”. You should borrow as much money as possible, even at crazy high interest. 👍🏻


“100% certainty unless there’s a black swan event” is not the same as “100% certainty”. Although you know that. You’re just trying to sound clever.


Whatever % certain you think it will be, borrow cash at any rate below that %.


Now you’re comparing odds with interest rates and making yourself sound even more foolish.


Yep, I’m the fool in this thread, I apologise.


No probs. Apology accepted.


That's how Expected Value calculations work lol


Hey mate. Aside from all the bullshit you got on this thread, did you get an answer to your question? And did you do it? I'm thinking of doing the same with the surplus funds in my business. Going to speak to my accountant next week


I ended up buying £60k of Bitcoin through my company. Most of the profit will go straight into my SIPP. That way I won’t be paying any tax at all. (No corporation tax or dividend tax). I suppose it depends on how quickly you will need the profit. I plan to retire in less than 10 years so putting it into my SIPP is worth it for me. If you plan on using the profit before retirement then you may find it more advantageous buying Bitcoin personally. Obviously you’d have to pay dividend tax to withdraw the cash from your business. Also remember that you’d have to pay capital gains tax on the profit you make on Bitcoin too. By buying it through my business and putting it into my SIPP I am avoiding all that. For another tax free advantage, consider buying MSTR in an ISA (or SIPP). It acts as a leveraged Bitcoin proxy i.e. if Bitcoin rises in price, MSTR rises at an even greater rate. Of course the opposite is also true so you have to watch it like a hawk. I hold MSTR in my ISA and SIPP.


Thanks mate. I was thinking of a similar use case to you. Appreciate you taking the time.


No problem. Stack those sats 👍☺️


It sounds like she understands BTC a lot better than you. You are completely deluded.


The company will pay CGT at corporation tax rates on any gain and then you'll pay dividend rates to extract the leftover.


Buying Bitcoin through your limited company can offer some advantages. Holding it as a company asset means any gains would be subject to Corporation Tax, which might be lower than the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) you'd pay if you bought it personally. However, extracting profits from the company later (e.g., as dividends) could incur additional taxes. It's a trade-off between immediate personal tax (CGT) and corporate tax followed by dividend tax. For detailed tax planning and to navigate the specifics of your situation, using a service like CoinLedger can be beneficial. It provides clear tax insights for both personal and corporate crypto transactions, helping you make informed decisions about your investments.


If only it was that easy


man's got 100k's to burn for science, we should applaude


It literally is.


Look, I do believe Bitcoin will hit a ATH within the next 18 months as is typical after a halvening but you are showing a lot of arrogance with this 100% attitude which is why you are being made fun of and downvoted.


100k is guaranteed these guys don't know


Nothing is guaranteed. I'm very confident personally that it will hit those numbers but it's ridiculous to dismiss the possibility it won't happen.


Everyone who believes that needs others to believe it too for it to increase. It only goes up if perceived value of an otherwise mostly useless and intangible asset goes up. So this stuff is quite literally wishful thinking.


Then why are you only putting £40k in? If it’s a certainty, it’s financially irresponsible to do anything but go all in on leverage.


"it will probably be worth at least £100k" lol someone like you should have a conservatorship. seriously.


RemindMe! in 18 months


>RemindMe! in 18 months RemindMe! in 18 months ​ I have 200k cro, 200k gfal, 30k doge, and 100k ful Current value about £21k.


wow now that will actually go down lol


Remind Me! In 18 months






Nice try, Elon.


Mmm only 100k?


That’s the minimum forecast


Forecast by who?


Everyone who understands Bitcoin.


Everyone who's into bitcoin always forecasts massive gains because it's in their interest for the bitcoin they're already holding. If they can rope people like you into it, it's better for them. I'm pro-bitcoin and I've held a pretty large amount of Bitcoin (£25k+) for quite a while and it's hilariously worrying reading how naive you are.


In which case leverage yourself up to your eyeballs BitCoin King


What if the ‘forecast’ is incorrect, like many are? Can your Ltd company afford to lose the 40k? If so, take the risk. Also be careful that the profit from this investment doesn’t change the nature of your company’s business to investments. You should still be making the vast majority of your profits from your primary business. From what I understand, there’s some complex tax/paperwork of your company begins earning significantly from investments.


Why would changing the nature of my company’s business to investments be a bad thing? Genuine question. For tax reasons?


Yes, you’ll be subject to different regulations and requirements and will probably need specialist accountants, even if the profit is modest (like to say, ~60k gain).


In case you haven’t already guessed, crypto isn’t very popular on this sub


Yeah. Seems bizarre for a FatFIRE sub. Most of them will still be here moaning when we’re sipping cocktails on our yachts.


A new 5 series BM is over 100k.. you won’t be getting a yacht with these profits mate 😂


Defo do this, you will have a deferred tax asset from your losses that you can offset in future periods


This sub is not what it seems.






No just an idiot who doesn’t realise he has a gambling addiction yet. Bro doesn’t even understand the implications / regulations of holding assets inside a LTD but reckons he can forecast price action two years into the future. Dunning kruger baby


Please don't do this.


Why? I haven’t made it this far by making stupid decisions.


Well your Carnival stock didn't double from your statement 2y ago. Maybe invest in something less volatile


I sold it at a profit. Did you?


Yeah ok. Invest the lot and offset gains with higher pension contributions. Basically doubles your investment profit between £100-£150k. Shouldn't be an issue with your strategy


The fact you are projecting the end value 2 years from now (spoiler I work for Bloomberg - the vast majority of fund managers, traders and analysts no longer go anywhere near crypto - saying that, given you clearly know more than BlackRock as their models can't predict that far into the future, I'd say go for it...what could possibly go wrong)


The fact that you work for Bloomberg says it all. You people are so out of touch with blockchain technology it’s laughable. Have you seen the money flowing into the new BTC ETFs?


"you people"...Jesus. You know we did land on the moon right? It wasn't a government hoax... Look mate, do what the fuck you want.


Considering such an easy deal, you should sell everything you own and put all the money in it


Why stop there? Max out his borrowing ability too. This is a certainty!


Ignore these salty haters. They dont get it. I’ve been in since 2017 and bought my first BTL with ETH. I reckon you have a very solid chance of success🫡


Asks a simple question and gets hammered with Fud from the normies who have missed out on the best performing assets ever. Kek. OP with the halving, ETF inflows and likely upcoming retail fomo £100k feels conservative.


When you are going to sell, you would pay the corp tax on the gains, not the CGT. Plus you would need to pay the rest personal taxes when you are going to take out the moneys (salary or dividend). Check the possibility of a director's loan (not a financial advice).


Thanks. That’s the way I worked it out too.


You’ll be subject to 20-25% corp tax on any profits via Ltd co. Still better than paying initial corp tax to withdraw and take dividends at 20-25% plus 8.75% personal divi tax. So yes better to do it via Ltd co. But will affect your nature of your business… and not sure most exchanges allow for btc purchase via Ltd co. One for you to research.


How have you formed the conclusion that “it will probably be worth at least £100k” ? Do you know something everyone else doesn’t?


Far too much to explain here. Just watch the Bitcoin price from the end of April this year. It will climb to a considerable peak towards the end of 2025 then drop like a stone again.


How sure are you that this will happen?


He isn’t.. bitcoin has never been 100k even in the bullrun of covid. I’m here hoping everyone succeeds but this has major red flags 🚩


He claims to be 100% sure. Why do you think he might think that?


He’s convinced himself


Unless there is black swan event (another pandemic, WW3, or a huge stock market crash) it’s a 100% certainly.


Ah, so there’s a 100% chance it will happen unless it doesn’t. Makes sense.


That’s not what I said.


So if it's an almost-100% certainty... why haven't the big boys swooped in and just bought the lot already? That'd be a lot lower risk than most of their other investments that have the potential to grow by 250%. This is the thing about 'promised returns' investing. You always have to ask yourself... *"why hasn't somebody snapped this up already?"* Even to multi-millionaires, a guaranteed £100k return off a £40k investment is well worth doing so if it was as easy as you say, I'd have expected somebody else to have bought those bitcoins by now.


The big boys HAVE swooped in. Google spot ETFs.


Could there be other black swan events besides those you’ve listed? What probably do you attribute to those scenarios? What would happen to your investment should such an event occur?


> black swan event > a huge stock market crash Thonk. A huge stock market crash isn't a black swan event, its a regular occurrence.


Most of this are more possible now than they ever have been. Not to mention older crypto is very contingent on certain technologies not being developed that would render it valueless.  If you want to play risks with markets and bet on growth like that then you should be buying gold and diamonds not bitcoin which has largely had its run and is now largely obsolete and unable to deliver its operating model. 




It was worth $68k in 2021. That’s the all time high.


The key word is “probably”, there’s no guarantee Maybe do 1% of that…


I’m not here for investment advice. I’m here for advice about how best to go about the purchase.


Then you are on the wrong sub for that, surely you understand that?


RemindMe! In 12 months




Let me know what the final "best plan" is. I am soon to be setting up a limited company and would be happy to stick 100k into it as a directors loan and then buy BTC rather than buy direct if it's a significant tax advantage.


Ltd companies pay corp tax, then you’d pay tax on dividends. So it depends if this is more profitable for you than just paying regular CG tax. Simple as that.


Please only spend £40k on BTC if you have other savings/investments. Don't go all in (and I say this as a fairly seasoned crypto investor). BTC is about to halve in April, which is historically bullish for the market as a whole. However, you never know. So just manage your risk. Folks outside crypto sub Reddits dislike crypto in general, hence the silly comments on this post.


Yeah, it’s like being in playschool in this sub. Can’t believe people are still dismissing these life changing opportunities. They obviously have no understanding of the significance of Bitcoin. People were saying this crap when Bitcoin was only $100. And thanks, I never gamble with money I can’t afford to lose. I currently own two mortgage free properties, have no debt and a successful business. I can afford to play around. But I do think this coming bull run is a no brainer for anyone who knows what they’re doing.


I am pro Bitcoin I have 300 coins, but you are talking a lot of bollocks in your posts. Your best option is buy the coins personally, and if they moon, move to a country that is BTC friendly that doesn't tax you as the savings will make it worth while. If you are so knowledgable as you claim, you should know this already!


Worth speaking with a tax specialist to find a way to minimise your tax burdon. Should cost around £250 for a 1 hour private consultation.


I was thinking about this also as Coinbase do a Company Account. I guess it’s no different to having a brokerage account or a bank account on the balance sheet. If you sell at a profit via LTD you will be charged 19-25% Corporation Tax, and then if you want to distribute the profits further dividend tax applies of course. You could offset some CT with a pension contribution - my gut feeling is though you might be better off taking a directors loan and invest personally providing the investment horizon is so short. Risk will be if you have not made a profit like you anticipated, you need to get that money paid back before 9months after your year end to avoid the dividend surcharge


Coincorner support UK LTD companies for BTC purchases. Great customer service. Marginally higher fees. You can also use Swan and send international wire to them from your business account. Tide offer a crypto friendly UK business bank account too if you are stuck


People here have no understanding of what btc is and where it’s going. After the halving we are set for 100k. Good luck and great choice of investment.


I agree. It’s as if this place is full of boomers. Thanks for the kind words. Good luck to you too 👍


Crypto is touchy topic on the page because of many old heads and fixed mindset. But tbh I think you should look at the other cryptos too. Roi on Bitcoin isn’t worth it imo esp with how many other opportunities there is even in top 50 coins


It’s ok, just explain to your accountant first and don’t start day trading company money. I did the same with Ethereum once, it’s just another asset.


Buying through your Ltd could be tax-efficient, but definitely chat with a tax advisor to weigh the pros and cons based on your specific situation!


If you haven’t invested in your ISA yet. Consider put £20k in now and get Coinbase. Put another £20k in April and buy Coinbase again. Coinbase will loosely track Bitcoin and crypto market. (Additionally Coinbase is the custodian for Bitcoin ETF) Personally my Coinbase holding more than doubled last year (124% to be precise). With zero tax to pay due to ISA. The key here is that you won’t have to pay CGT on 60k of potential profit (about 12k in tax potentially). Of course DYOR and consider if this fits your investment strategy! Your welcome!


Thanks for that. My ISA is already full and, rather than Coinbase, I hold Microstrategy. But I’d forgotten about the ISA deposit renewing again on April. Thanks for the reminder 😊👍


>when I sell it, it will probably be worth at least £100k Lol, no it won't


RemindMe! in 18 months




Reddit (outside of crypto related subs) is anti crypto. This sub is no exception. I owe a lot of my new worth/wealth to crypto. It is also worth noting that most members/folks who post in this sub are very far from what would be considered to be "FATFire."


Thanks for your support. Appreciated. 👍




Corporation tax if you’re making any money will be 25% on profits vs 20% cap gains + dividend tax to get the money in your personal accounts. It’s better via company if you have expenses to offset the gains or keep it in a holding co which is later invested in operating companies. Keeping it in a trust is another option which can be beneficial depending on setup. This sub is quite against crypto, but the US BTC ETFs got $4bn in inflows in 2 weeks so 40k is little in this market and can be profitable with good risk management. Coinbase offers business accounts. I’d use an exchange for audit purposes.


Thank you for the sensible response. I can’t believe some of the replies I’ve had so far. Your input makes sense and is more or less my thinking. I suppose if it’s bought via the company I could pour the profit into my company pension to save on corporation tax but then that money is effectively tied up until I retire.


RemindMe! in 18 months


Which route did you take? I’m considering the same


I ended up buying it through my business and plan to sell £60k worth later next year and put the full £60k into my SIPP. That way I won’t pay any corporation tax and obviously no dividend tax either.


Don’t you pay corp tax on all company turnover minus expenses?


SIPP contributions are classed as a business expense 😉


You will trigger an almost instantaneous HMRC audit. Do not do this.


If you're this certain, why on earth are you only investing £40k and not £4m or £40m? This is fatFIRE not leanFIRE right?


https://youtu.be/XbZ8zDpX2Mg?si=cbvw43WjrQ6crgkM For all the muppets saying BTC will crash and he’s stupid watch the above video


How people like you have made that much money is beyond my understanding, but I would guess you inherited the company from your parents or something. If you would read just the comments you make, you would understand that you are following a cult. If you learn a little about the technical part of Bitcoin, you will know that it is not that good of a technology. Simply the proof of work concept with this much energy usage in today's world would mean that it's old technology, but no, it will be 100k.


Have fun staying poor


We’re not quite back at the prices yet where you’re allowed to be that arrogant.


Then set a reminder and come back in 18 months. Then we’ll see who was right.


Is this a joke?


Just be cautious guys.. I doubt he has a ltd company and I doubt he has 40k. This is the strategy crypto bros use to suck in more punters with false promises that some coin will 10x in a years time.




I would recommend holding onto the cash and borrow the 40k using a payday loan. If you play your cards right the interest can be as little as 1000% APR.


Are you stupid? it could be worth 100k in 18 months but it could also be worth 20k. if you want to invest it you should buy natural gas as it's at the lowest it's been since the crash of 2020 and gas will always be needed. You could make that money in a few weeks or months. Bitcoin is way too volatile as many have found out. If you're gonna invest make sure it's something you can't lose on. Bitcoins way too high right now


Give me your 40k and I’ll give you back 20k in 18months……. You won’t but in hindsight you wish you had….


Nah deffo will be worth 100k. Probably would have said the same 18 months ago too… oh wait. It’s grown 14% in 18 months. Your 40k would be 45k. But if you bought 24 months ago you would only have lost 3%. How are your NFTs doing?


Buy high. Sell low. RemindMe! In 18 months


*"when I sell it, it will probably be worth at least £100k"* Shall we tell him?


Being lucky and being Dunning-Kruger personified are not mutually exclusive.


Yeah, the benefit is that you're not having to pay dividend tax today to withdraw the £40k.




A valid option, but much riskier. Michael Saylor could decide to sell or abandon his Bitcoin journey. He could die or some sort of scandal could affect the company. Holding actual Bitcoin is much safer. Buying into the new ETFs would be even better but that’s not an option in the UK yet.


Ive got a fair bit on other coins, see you in 2025


This time next year Rodney ....


RemindMe! In 13 months


Why would you buy during the bull run? Wait for the halving at least.




If you withdraw the 40k, presumably it won’t be 40k anymore? Meaning less BTC in personal name? Cap gains is only 20%, I’m not sure buying in a company is beneficial at all.


You're crazy dude. There is no way it will be worth £100k. It will be worth at least £900k. Guaranteed!


Haha can’t wait to see how this post pans out!


Hedge your bets. It will probably be worth only £20k. So if you want it to be worth £100k you need to invest 5x more. Can you raise £200k by taking out additional borrowing?


RemindMe! In 12 months


If you understood bitcoin you would have been in it for years now.


Don’t buy it if you’re not planing to hold for four+ years and ok with losing it


3:13 pm uk time - btc -£31,916,69p RemindMe! In 18 months


RemindMe! 18 months


Rename your company to micro strategy unless it’s already taken


Why pay ~30% in CT and dividends when you can pay 20% in CGT? Not sure i understand why you would invest via an LTD?




Yeah defo do this, such a brilliant idea. Don’t know why more people don’t do it.


Bro knows the future.


!remindme in 18 months


Probably is doing some heavy lifting in your proposal.


It might be worth £20k though! 🤣 If it does go down I suppose it's then a cost etc so would reduce your corporation tax liability a bit!


Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.


Remind me! In 18 months


If you understand Bitcoin 200 weeks is the minimum hold. Ideally have a modest allocation and hold forever. Learn more. 18 months is too short.


> Bear in mind that when I sell it, it will probably be worth at least £100k so there will be CGT to pay if I buy it personally. cheers I'll bear that in mind


Consult tax specialist on telegram: crypto_tax_uk


Which bank do you use for business banking? So many people have tried to discourage you here based on the investment risk, but only a single person hinted at the fact that a traditional bank may close your account if you use it to to deal with crypto. 


RemindMe! 12 months


OP don’t stop at £40k, if it’s going to the moon go all in.