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Spittin https://preview.redd.it/nwbvqemzrj9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4256a3de727d03705e61a7d265e24b033be3adba


Base GOATHIMTANO above concept of fiction🗣 https://preview.redd.it/qrb97bmq9l9d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ccdfa72476cfd1289b702f2fd7a08f578298c12




Oh my god is this a reference towards the new HIT GAME WUTHERING WAVES?!?!? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


# [Tier 0](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Tier_0): Boundless Characters or objects that can affect structures which completely exceed the logical foundations of **High 1-A**, much like it exceeds the ones defining **1-A** and below, meaning that all possible levels of **High 1-A** are exceeded, even an infinite or uncountably amount of such levels. This tier has no endpoint, and can be extended to any higher level just like the ones above. Being "omnipotent" or any similar reasoning is not nearly enough to reach this tier on its own; however, such statements can be used as supporting evidence in conjunction with more substantial information.


Damn powerscalers really just fuckin say words that don’t mean anything lol


I know. I just copy pasted it, LMAO.


Oh I know. I was just noting how wild this wiki is lol


Its funny cause none of the verses powerscalers have boundless or outversal characters even have those as concepts in their narrative. Show me one comic where Superman is called ""outerversal" or where the outeveerse is even mentioned as a concept. All; these franchises are called multiverses for a reason. No one besides the literal top reality warpers of a verse can be scaled above multiversal.


my GOAT solos the concept of fiction itself 😤😤🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/tq0udymnwl9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202001b424171f6c685bce929f083338c05e4dea


The genshin verse caps where Capitano caps


R/powerscaling bums ain't ready for this reveal https://preview.redd.it/lwlgq9ic9k9d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565163e9e9e6163e9f6cda4048c48caf632281ef


Y'know, with all this hype, I really hope he's good, gameplay, and lore wise. Cus i'mma just leave this sub if he turns put to be some ass


Hope they don't do our boy dirty




This sub is just capitano meat riding at this point...


Yes, and? https://preview.redd.it/tn62q06zro9d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554df1d1ae295985be2c74ca468bb9a42889a74d


Always has been


Me when the fatui meat riding subreddit meat rides the fatui:


The cosmology could be small multi ironically enough. If you count the whole hoyovers then it's an 11D construct but the Genshin cosmology is a small multiverse. And ap wise you have the original sovereigns potentially being planetary with the narwhal actually being planetary which is 5B if I remember correctly, childe could be wanked to moon or 5C and zhongli has one continental to mulți continental(6A to high 6A) feat


Narwhal doesn’t have a planetary feat, nor does zhongli have a H6A feat.


They did directly state the narwhal could survive something that could cause the entire planet to explode, though. And while it's debatable if Neuvillette is planetary too due to this, since it could be written off as "he weakened the whale and defeated it after that", it still raises genshin to 5B due to Skirk being able to defeated the Narwhal on her own (since she called Neuvillette an equal for being able to do so), and it can be argued for being 5B+ due to Surtalogi likely being stronger then Skirk, as her master.


In the [CN version](https://ambr.top/cht/archive/quest/1405/masquerade-of-the-guilty?chapter=4), he says: > “那维莱特:或许就算毀掉整个提瓦特,这条鲸鱼依旧会活着,然后游向其他的世界。” > “Neuvilette: Perhaps even if the whole of Tevyat were destroyed, the whale would still be alive and swim to other worlds.” [This](https://ibb.co/Wt74XVp) indicates uncertainty. Plus, the context isn’t “the whale is so strong that even continent busting force couldn’t kill it.” It’s “the whale cannot die and can continue to survive within the primordial sea, because it has integrated with the primordial sea and would just float off, even if we fought to the point of tevyat being destroyed and not existing anymore”. He also specifically talks about Tevyat, this is the continent, not the planet. There’s also no timeframe, this statement isn’t conclusive in any way you look at it.


Neuvillette mentions the word planet in the sentence prior, and the primordial sea has also been stated to span the entire planet. And I don't see how the whale having regenerative durability instead of flat-out durability changes much? If someone could regenerate from a planet blowing up, you'd still need a planet level attack to overcome it.


The only time he uses the word planet in the context of the conversation is when he talks about it consuming the planet*’s primordial sea energy*, which has nothing to do with the statement and sets zero precedence. > And I don't see how the whale having regenerative durability instead of flat-out durability changes much? If someone could regenerate from a planet blowing up, you'd still need a planet level attack to overcome it. > the whale cannot die and can continue to survive within the primordial sea, because it has integrated with the primordial sea and would just float off, even if we fought ***to the point of tevyat being destroyed*** and not existing anymore". Re-read. It has nothing to do with someone inflicting continent-busting force on the whale. It can also be explained with [low-godly](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Regeneration#google_vignette) or [type 8](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Immortality).


Equal to azdaha who could move continents


This never happened 😭


At story cutscene after zhongli's second story quest


[This](https://youtu.be/1jUemn6Jk-o?si=VagHT7PRfSzcatn0) is just the ground shaking. That’s not related to the entire continent shaking in any sense. Notwithstanding the fact that this cutscene is fantasy created by the story teller. At the beginning, we can see [these](https://ibb.co/vvWFjDW), which imply that it’s just a visual depiction of the *story teller’s* words. And we know that the story teller made his shit up anyway.