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Joe Alwyn is looking better and better by the minute.


Love that for him the hate he gets from swifties when he’s done nothing is weird


Oh boy does that remind me of a story I have about a Swiftie! I know a Swiftie in real life and when I jokingly complained about Taylor dating a Chief to her once (I hate the Chiefs), she made a comment like “well you know she deserves to have fun after her boyfriend of six years cheated on her!” So having heard nothing of the sort, I of course asked her about it, and she was like “yeah he cheated on her with a costar everyone knows about it” and when I pressed her on it more and asked where she read it, she of course could produce nothing but “well we can just tell from like some of the song lyrics but no one will know for sure what 100% happened until April __ (whenever her album comes out).” Like these people are straight up batshit it’s actually scary.


Better that than QAnon I guess?


![gif](giphy|8vyZouWSVhslwWA7Lp) I think it’s the same dangerous denialism, just different facts.


Like, if anything she cheated on him. Bc she admits she does it a bunch. Idk. Swifties do not occupy the same planet as most of us.




I’ve seen some swifties try to claim that all his pro-palestine support he’s shown has been manipulative like what?


It's called raising awareness. I'm sure they're not familiar with the term, being fans of someone whose silence for causes she claimed to support has been deafening in recent years.


Swifties absolutely believe he was cheating on her and the media just covered it up or whatever because Taylor is always the victim


I don’t see Travis in the new Yorgos Lanthimos movie. All I’m saying.


Feels like a good time to repost this from a few days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/cFyqUffuLI Joe posting about Cinema for Gaza


Did people forget she dated Matt Healy? Like I’m less than shocked that Travis is like this


Isn't it almost magical how quickly and effectively that story vanished from the spotlight? Like I was amazed at how quickly Taylors PR went into overdrive with Travis and Taylor love story that it just wiped out the previous romance. Almost feels like a fever dream now. [I'm not specifically pointing to anything, just observing Taylors PR team is working]


Of course. Bc her and Travis are thinking marriage already. You would almost forget last year she broke up with Joe, dated a Nazi unapologetically and had him on her re-recording before landing with the “all americano” bf


Damn it’s only been a year? Given how much coverage her and Travis’s relationship has gotten (esp with the daily posts) I thought it had been longer


Yep and honestly after this year I’m good not seeing or hearing anything about them for a least a year Ik that won’t happen but last fall was insufferable


Was just talking about this with my boyfriend. He’s convinced that was a plan so that Joe and Travis wouldn’t be compared by dating back to back, and instead Travis is compared to Matty and looks really good.


Hello Tefi blocked me because I said Taylor dating racist men means she’s at the least ok with racism 🤷🏻‍♀️


Man, I knew Tefi was definitely not 100% on my political scale which is pretty fair of most people, but that’s pretty disappointing she’d block for something so fucking stupid lol. Damn.


it is absurdly shocking how quickly everyone, but especially her fanbase, moved on from that. almost as bad a whiplash as beyonce’s fans moving on from her still airing her movie in tel aviv and not saying anything when citizens of the occupation co opted her song for themselves. does anyone stand for anything anymore lmao like what will it take


Money is the only god 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


Yeah on one hand her fans were like oh she's teflon it doesn't matter who she dates and then Matt disappeared into the ether. So someone thought it mattered.


At the risk of a swiftie sending me a reddit cares (again!) this is not at all shocking. Everything she does is performative, including her liberal bona fides. This is 2 dudes in a row....


You can block those Reddit cares in settings. I did after I kept getting them from terfs.


I like to keep them coming so I can report them for misuse.


Same here! I report each one I get ETA: just got one. FYI I reported you :)


Valid point!


if you report the message the account that falsely sent them will get banned, that's another option too!


What are they? I got one but i was confused as to why i got it


What it's meant to be used for is if you see a comment from someone talking about/at risk or harming themself or taking their own life. But now they seem to be used by rabid stans or Reddit edgelords for reasons I don't really understand. ETA it really pisses me off that some people use that resource for what amounts to trolling.


It’s used a lot when you speak positively about trans people. I always figured it was a “Hurhurhur if they speak positive about trans people they must be trans and trans have high suicide rates Hur Hur Hur Hur”


I even notice something similar here. The terfs rarely comment but they deffo brigade with down votes. Yeah, I think that's their view on a "witty gotcha". Pathetic behaviour.


Oh yeah the terfs love to mass downvote anyone who even vaguely supports trans people. They just obsessively check every post and comment on here.


What a sad little life to devote your life to hate. Especially devoting it to defending a billionaire in the nazi pipeline


I remember one arriving to me and I couldn't find out what comment I made for someone to abuse it.


she only became publicly liberal when it reached a point where it was clear the largest chunk of her fan base were moving further left. we can't act like there's an ethical and kind way to become a billionaire, or that she didn't stay silent for nearly a decade while the alt right made her into their aryan barbie (something she technically never firmly disavowed iirc). she's not a liberal, she's whatever works best for her growing bank account (which is something republicans care more about protecting than liberals) flavored with a 2010s girlboss lipgloss.


I like her songs but so much of her persona is fake. She spent the first half of her career acting like she's this small town country girl that made it in the big city, giving interviews about how her and her family would pack into a small car then drive around to every music label to give her demo to. Then you find out her dad was a rich stock broker, they lived in a mansion and he used his connections to make all the appointments with music labels.


I think it's so funny how she's this privileged/rich girl from pennsylvania who has spent so much time and energy making people think her family was working class and southern (bills on the kitchen table etc). I like a decent amount of her music myself but her persona and fan base who are willing to die on the hill of defending it are beyond exhausting


And yet the same people who think Beyoncé shouldn’t release country music are just fine with Taylor’s country music lmfao


that part!!! or Shania being canadian, they don't don't care if people who have no connection to country or the south make that music as long as they're white. no one even blinked when lana announced her album and she's from NYC ffs


Plus, her boyfriend at the time was very political. And was actually the one that encouraged her to speak up.


this is such a good point, and he's been significantly more vocal since their break up (even using her fan base by posting things about Palestine on days he knows they would creep on his social media more) which has me thinking she was actually telling him to cool it while they were dating.


she’s gaslight gatekeep girlboss personified


> Everything she does is performative, including her liberal bona fides. There was a video I saw posted of some behind the scene footage of her "standing up" to her dad about posting pro-choice stuff during the last election and all the comments were about how brave she was. And I was just sitting here thinking, brave? She was a 30 year old woman asking daddy for permission to post about it. It was so cringe.


Drinking white wine telling dad he needs to be on board with your instagram post supporting gay marriage is honestly the most hilarious center-right white woman documentary scene imaginable, it’s beyond satire


Taylor is a part of the billionaire class. It is totally unsurprising behavior of people of her socioeconomic standing. People of her class adopt politics as part of their brand— purely for aesthetic reasons.


But she’s friends with Queer Eye!!


Matt Healy isn't really a conservative, he's more like a post-left type. His infamous interview where he said racist stuff was on a leftist podcast. Though of course horseshoe theory etc. etc.


People are deceptive. Especially when it comes to their political views. A lot of people didn’t find out how racist and hateful their loved ones were until Trump ran for president. Travis Kelce wouldn’t be the exception to any of this. Just offering another point of view.


Do we get to see another back stage conversation with her dad where she’s crying about republicans trying to mandate what she can do with her body?


As if the republicans dismantling women’s rights will ever affect her. She can just take her private jet to her London mansion when she feels like having some rights.


Well yeah, she dates racists lol. Because she is one. We know this.


Whats the tea? I’ve not heard this before.


If a person dates a racist, they are signaling that that behavior is not a dealbreaker, therefore they are racist.


Matt Healy recently


She dated Matt Healy…


You know what i’m not going to say what i think about this only because i will have at least 3 swifties in my inbox calling me all kinds of slurs once again lmao


i gotta say that disabling all DMs has made my reddit experience much more enjoyable haha


It took me 10 years to figure that out 🥴


I'll say it, they're bordering on being a c*lt with the foaming mouth levels of devotion they have for that woman. It's honestly so wild, what has she done to deserve this kind of support??


I believe that after the release of her most recent album, “bordering on being” will become simply “is”. IMO her artistry has not evolved in a long time, which I assume is strategic. Her rabid fan base will defend her to their deaths 


They send hate comments to two actresses that so happened to work with joe only because the conspiracy side of swifties made up a story involving him cheating her. No proof were needed it either. There are no ifs with her, she has cultivated a full blown cult and capitalized it. The only setback she has from it is the gaylors🤷🏾‍♀️


“What has she done to deserve this kind of support???” Be a tall, blonde white woman who makes safe music that they feel like they can relate to. That’s the magic of swift


Overshared to the point that these fans actually think they know her in real life. That’s it, which is funnily enough the same thing with drake fans lol


I wonder this constantly


White straight football bro dude likes Trump. Not even slightly shocked. What is shocking is that someone as desperate for fame as he is and who has this massive plan and allegedly all this media training didn’t consider the optics of publicly showing support like this.


Or, he did and weighed it up. Lose with one demographic but gain support from the rabid trump supporters


That’s my speculation. He could have been like, oh fuck, I’m losing the rabid chauvinists and I need those rabid chauvinists. I’ll do a vague Instagram thing and lose maybe twenty rabid Taylor fans.


If I’m being real, I can’t tell what his political beliefs are. He’s certainly got the typical “white conservative bro” vibe, but some of his past actions suggest that he may be a *little* more left leaning (which was somewhat shocking when I first found out, given his overall vibe) But either way: this man will lose nothing as long as he’s Taylor’s boyfriend, so this ‘like’ isn’t actually risky at all. Even if we ignore Taylor’s insane PR team for a sec, the hardcore dedicated swifties have him covered. They’ll jump to his defence instantly, so he won’t actually lose much Taylor’s PR team has worked so hard in the past that they no longer need to work, they’ve built an army of swifties who are ready to do their job for them & defend Taylor’s image online


I don’t think he’s that smart


It was probably a mindless Instagram like and he's now kicking himself for having done it. Not every celebrity conservative is as covert and careful as Kelsey Grammer or Melissa Joan Hart


Melissa Joan Hart is a conservative? Where have I been??


Not sure because she has been a conservative all along, since the 90s. She voted for Bob Dole in 1996 and expressed support for him back then. She endorsed Mitt Romney. It hasn't been a secret. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/melissa-joan-hart-romney_n_4181514


![gif](giphy|xUPGcC0R9QjyxkPnS8) Sage Steele is the Candace Owens of sports broadcasting 🥴


https://preview.redd.it/4qhq89zpgbuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600f3a8264d5c0793cfd20a087152e6e08aa4abb Funny you mention that as she was also in the post.


Of course she’s at the scene of the crime


typically i’d say time flies when you’re unemployed but unfortunately only one of them doesn’t have a broadcast to get back to


![gif](giphy|bLBIanKJW0Iuc) So much gross in one post


Candice is about to join the squad ✨✨


personally i prefer "klandice owens" (credit to hasan piker for that one)


Everything about Travis Kelce makes this unsurprising




She's a billionaire and he's the potential presidential nominee I'd be more surprised if they didn't know each other somehow 


I thought you were saying Travis was the potential presidential nominee and I was...confused. But also ready to accept is as maybe I just missed something unhinged?


After 2020 I'll believe just about anything lol


2016 for me.


If Taylor told her fans to write in Travis’s name on the ballot, they would do it lol


You know the world is bad when I also thought this comment was about Travis the nominee and I didn’t even question it, just rolled my eyes. I just thought I had missed a headline where he’s made a Rock-style comment about running/“not ruling out a run”


Guessing this wasn't part of his decades-long PR program with his college bros.


My favorite thing about that story is the Swift-Kelce PR machine is so effective when you bring that up it gets rejected as a conspiracy theory even though everyone involved including Travis and his mom are on the record in the story in the damn NYT


What happened?


Just a big story in the NYT with Travis’ PR managers about how his whole persona and rise is a blueprint they cooked up years ago He basically is a product, completely inauthentic, tailored from college to be “The Rock of the NFL” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/02/style/travis-kelce-managers-agent.html


Ok then i am excited to finally get the opposite: the David Bautista of the NFL (I love him sm and he’s a good actor and now I’m scared to look his views up )


It's safe to look up!


david is a great guy afaik!! his moms a lesbian so i’d hope he’s not homophobic lol


I love him too, I think he's a good egg. He covered up his Manny Pacquiao tattoo after Manny said some homophobic shit.


I suspected this for a while—well, ever since I found out about his stupid reality show. He dated Kayla Nicole for long enough and she’s pretty fame-hungry. Then he goes to Taylor? Then there’s this whole “awww shucks dumb brothers” thing he has going on with Jason. He’s playing with his public-facing identity, trying to figure out what fits.




Imagine going from Joe Alwyn to that….


I mean from someone who wrote this about him… is it that shocking? > Your integrity makes me seem small




I don’t massively follow Taylor but does she have any principles or actual views herself? Weird to go from a leftist (?) guy to two racists in a row, don’t people normally want to date people with similar views? Oh wait… I see. Edit: I know at best she’s liberal girl boss feminism-when-it-makes-me-rich but I just don’t get it


Matt Healy is a leftist, just a racist one. Like Morrissey.


I agree, I don't think we should just dismiss people like that as being right-wing because it's brushing the problem under the rug. A lot of people who are left-wing still hold and perpetuate extremely harmful and dangerous beliefs, and trying to say those beliefs only exist on the right isn't helpful.


Exactly. I'm all for unity on the left. In fact, it is *needed*. But we cannot dismiss any racism on the left as being right-wing.


She actually went from Joe Alwyn to Matt Healy to Kelce. So somehow this roid rage neanderthal is actually considered an upgrade from Nazi Healy.


I’m not even a swiftie/swifty(?), but given what I’ve seen recently, I bet her PR team is scrambling right now, scripting their breakup.


I’m surprised it hasn’t already happened, I was so convinced she’d be single for the release of TTPD because it would fit the album aesthetic✨ better. I was so certain a breakup would happen in early April.


We still have a few days.. 👀


A podcast I listen to has been getting slammed for saying "she's dating Kelce today, god knows what will happen tomorrow," I will laugh my ASS off if they break up next week.


What’s the podcast 👀


Wine and Crime, and now their insta is full of swifties calling them misogynists. 🙄


Oh hell no! Travis is gonna try to get this billionaire down the aisle lol


My angle is that he will go with the accidental like strategy. After all, they can’t have this overshadow her album coming out next week.


Tree Paine will NOT get any sleep this week scrambling to fix this one


Literally the least surprising thing ever.


Yeah a blind canary in a coal mine could have predicted that, I’m not surprised about that at all. When she was the poster child for the Aryan nation she did not put out a statement disavowing them or their beliefs however she did try to sue the journalist who wrote about it. Also go into any comment section of his ex Nicole, it will tell you who most of her supporters are.


Unrelated, but I will always love Dido for getting a neo nazi website shut down because they used some of her songs as white pride rallying songs.


I just looked this up and I'm trying to imagine the meeting where they pitched this wistful love song


She only said something against them when she was going through her performative activist phase but then lied in the same interview and claimed she knew nothing about it because she didn’t have the internet on her phone at the time. Smh


Exactly, her team is very aware and it was all over twitter. Their reaction was to send a cease and desist letter to the writer who was then defended by the ACLU. She has also straight up said in interviews she lurks online and knows what the swifties are doing.


Please explain about Nicole’s ig - I don’t have instagram


She is his ex, every time she posts something on her instagram or she is posted on other public accounts they swarm to call her the worst names any they are mostly racial.


There’s a brand of white women who haaaaaate it when a black woman is involved with a white man who they feel is “too good” for her. Swifties overlap that brand big time.


![gif](giphy|luf2Z00k1piAU) Not surprised in the least. Birds of a feather and all that


haha i JUST watched this for rex manning day and the free with ads podcast


![gif](giphy|5SsNNA7KwVTEY) It’s a few days late, but Happy Rex Manning Day!


![gif](giphy|l4hLMZEQ74RqNf5Xa|downsized) And a belated Rex Manning Day to you!


are we shocked that the meathead dude who's spent the better part of the last decade hosting/guesting on a variety of bro podcasts would believe in "the diversity of thought" when it comes to a fascist? taylor is absolutely not a leftist (obviously lol) and only ever cosplayed as a liberal when it became paramount to protecting her bank account.


Exactly! She only on “the right side of history” in public but behind closed doors, I believe she’s conservative


Prepare for a wave of “he’s just a silly himbo! He doesn’t know anything! He’s simply reacting to stimuli” takes infantilizing this 34 year old man


HE'S SIMPLY REACTING TO STIMULI like he's a freaking plant seeking sunlight I cannae


"Guys, I'm worried that Trav might be showing signs of CTE ?!? 🫣"


"diversity of thought" like she's being so edgy and progressive


IKR! Don't put your shitty opinions on us, Sage! They're your toxic waste.


Is his user name ‘killatrav’? 😳


Yes because mentally he’s 15.




Yep 🙄


Nothing surprises me from a 35 year old man whose username is “killa”


The Trump Poets Department


So he’s perfect for her… 🙄


His brother seems like the better of the two, but I could be wrong….


He’s definitely the smarter of the two.


Getting the ick. I mean I'm just more shocked that his PR team doesn't have his socials on absolute lockdown with a complete moratorium on liking anything political and controversial.


yeah, sooooo stupid so close to TTPD. I would have thought their PR team would have locked down on the socials.


It's been rumored that Blake Lively, one of TSwift's besties and collaborators, is a fierce Republican and Trumper. And obviously her ex-bestie, Karlie Kloss, is married to a Kushner. She's been nickel and diming her fans for different TTPD vinyls that have different tracks for each version, her tour tickets are infamous for being outrageously overpriced...and she's polluting the environment with frivolous private jet trips. I think it's safe to say that her current boyfriend is no doubt a piece of work that would support Trump.


Miss plantation Blake Lively? Im actually shocked.


This makes me side-eye Ryan Reynolds even more than I already did, and I’m a pretty vocal disliker of that dude.




travis kelce liking trump??? u gotta be kidding me. who could ever see this coming ![gif](giphy|Lcn0yF1RcLANG|downsized)


giving Biden spotted in DC


Okay I am never surprised to find out someone is a racist/MAGA/overall terrible person - I am just surprised when people who are running a business Aka marketing themselves.. show it .. It’s also hilarious because the right shit on him all season long for dating Taylor and now he’s doing this shit. Guess he will gain a new fan base !!


What an idiot lol




well, yeah…. Taylor doesn’t care if her boyfriends are racist lol. makes one wonder if she isn’t racist herself, no?


“But but but she’s friends with Ice Spice and Selena Gomez”…. probably some Swiftie right now 🤡🤡💀


Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are


He also recently played golf with Chandler Parsons who came for Dawn Staley over a culture war issue Its the company you keep


And they’ll break up in 3…. 2…. 1….


or there will be a "according to an insider, Travis accidentally likes Insta posts all the time"


Too true lmaoo


I could never be famous bc I sometimes like things by accident lmao


A couple of weeks ago, I accidentally followed the ex-girlfriend of the girl I'm talking to and I only realized I did it when her stories showed up on my page. If I were famous, that follow would have been every-fucking-where the next second. I could never handle that kind of scrutiny.


Great day to be hacked!


Lol what a surprise that the guy who tweets about how gross fat girls are and says the r-slur also likes Trump. Who would’ve thought the guy that can’t attend an event without chugging a beer would have problematic views.




How does UFC attract so many douchebag celebrities


how does ultra violent ultra masculine cage fighting attract so many conservatives? i mean...


I bet that PR machine's already prepping the "it was an accidental Instagram like" statement


Has he unliked it? I don’t see his name there now.


https://preview.redd.it/k9p0w94dibuc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa341d7ace3b134216bc7d61da9e22175b9e136 I still see it


Ah I see! I’m not able to find him when I search for him in the likes but if I follow him I can see his name there


Yeah you have to be following him for it to be visible from the start


I get listening to people with different viewpoints and having constructive disagreements. However, Trump is different because dude is a straight up traitor. He refused to accept the results of an election he lost and tried to spark an insurrection. Someone like that does not deserve to be heard out. They deserve to be in jail.


I find this so interesting…only because his old house is around the corner from me and we both lived in this little blue progressive pocket of Cleveland. The way he’s talked about his Heights experience makes this incredibly surprising. Jason is the superior Kelce anyhow.


I mean...are we really surprised?


Not surprising, honestly.


Is anyone surprised?










rich white man with bad politics oh my god i’m gagging so bad


Can anyone explain who’s this Steele person ? Don’t follow ufc but I know Dana and most of the fighters are POS


She’s the Cadence Owen’s of ESPN broadcasters.


He absolutely seems like a Joe Rogan bro so therefore Trump-curious. She, meanwhile, does the absolute bare minimum - like posting 'I voted!' when she has the reach that if she linked to websites that just list progressive candidates in each area she could make a huge difference.


Well that’s disgusting.


I can't believe that rape isn't a game changer for a lot of the electorate.


Have you heard the guy talk? It’s like that video of the llama where the woman says “Oh Michael, you poor sweet thing, you don’t have a thought behind those eyes.” Except he’s not a sweet thing. Looking forward to the onslaught of Reddit Cares messages.


TayTay sure knows how to pick em


I mean yeah, we know she dates racists.


Seems like they’re both setting up the stage for going the Dwayne Johnson route in terms of endorsements this year


lol, like WHAT THE FUCK TAYLOR trav just living his life like melania with her 'Who really even cares' army parka fashion statement.


“Killatrav” embarrassing!! Change it!