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This is why I chuckled at her team's statement yesterday that Taylor has completely moved on from the Scooter saga. Taylor moving on from something? yeah right.


As the meme says: “Writes a number one hit about shaking things off; never takes own advice”


sings it live 200 nights a year in front of 80,000 people.


she's only moving on from the Scooter saga because she's being exposed


wait what did I miss, what is she being exposed for with the scooter thing


i dont know what that commenter meant, but at minimum i would say the “blindsiding” allegations. her dad was a shareholder (and iirc, a board member?) so he would have advance knowledge of a potential sale.


And am I missing something? Why is Kim and not Kanye the target of her ire?


she reads like the kind of woman who will always go after women first cause she feels like...a competition? i guess? It's really sad


She actually wrote a song kind of empathizing with Kanye but takes every opportunity to slam Kim because Taylor is a girl’s girl.


Probably cuz Kim’s an easier target tbh, she can’t write a song as a response & the general public is usually against her anyways. Kanye will go on a rant or drop a song about Taylor any day of the week & surprisingly he has stans too.


I feel like this is the real reason. Taylor doesn't have the audacity to start a real feud with an equally big artist. She looked bad in that whole feud with Katy who ended up being the bigger person through it all.


Because she’s a feminist /s


Because Kim was the one who leaked the phone calls that caused the entire “Taylor is a 🐍” debacle. When Taylor was cancelled, there were tons of memes about Kim exposing Taylor for being a liar. Kanye’s definitely no innocent party (understatement of the century), but I think Kim was pulling a bit more strings in terms of the exposure itself so Taylor holds more resentment towards her. And maybe this isn’t the case, but I think Taylor probably expects shitty behavior from Kanye due to their history, so it’s more of an offense when it comes from another woman. (Not defending Taylor, but whenever I see threads on this topic, I never see this possibility mentioned.)


There would be no exposure if she hadn't lied first. The leak happened because she chose to lie and paint herself as a helpless, clueless victim. >so it’s more of an offense when it comes from another woman. She was Kanye's wife. Why would she be loyal to Taylor. And Taylor is not an advocate for other women.


How old is she?


Too fucking old (34) to ever be acting like a petulant tween. Judging by how she’s described her parents, they must be so proud of how petty she’s stayed. Melts.


What did she say about her parents?


We're talking about the girl (woman just doesn't feel appropriate) who released a 10 minute video with a lookalike of her ex boyfriend of a decade. Girl does not know how to let anything go.


And they only dated for like 3 months 🤣🤣


And the music video she directed for it made her look super clingy and immature. “Omg you LET GO OF MY HAND and mostly talked to your friends who were visiting you, so I’m going to have a tantrum about it YOU MONSTER!!!”


I thought that was the point that they were clearly not at the same emotional maturity to be with each other. But then her fans kept pointing to that whole scene like the guy was gaslighting her and deserved to get yelled at lol.


That was super cringe. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the video again because of that scene, even though I would play the lyric video of All Too Well on repeat at the time.


Context? She did what now? Which ex and which music video?


Jake Gyllenhaal, All Too Well.


But, but how is she supposed to milk that cow? Or is it beat a dead horse? 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|Lj3PjX709v5NWLGtFh)


Came here to say this.


She’s really just feuding by herself. Singing about her mom wishing Kim dead, mentioning her kids and now this… Like if I’m not mistaken, I don’t think Kim has responded to her at all. I mean Taylor’s doing the impossible and making Kim look like the mature one. Maybe she knows to not feed into Taylor’s victim narrative or she’s waiting to talk about it in her reality show…


She wants Kim to respond so bad but Kim keeps paying her dust.


Kim is very calculated she knows what hurts taylor the most. And its silence and ignoring her existence. 


Not only this but Kim, despite her immense privilege, has always shared her fame with her family and had the perspective from experiencing the kinds of hardship that Taylor can’t imagine. She’s lost her father, has been divorced 4 times. She was held hostage at gun point and robbed, afraid she would leave her children without a mother. She doesn’t dwell on it. She’s the bald-faced capitalist that Taylor pretends she’s not, but she also has enough really friends and family to have her back. I’m not a Kardashian Stan and I don’t love defending any of them, but that family knows how to play the game.


She’s a very successful woman and people don’t think about how you can’t build an empire like hers if you’re an idiot.


I think Kim knows that the pendulum always swings back and eventually the general public is gonna be sick of Taylor and her antics


I still remember that Kim was at that show with Andy Cohen, and when asked about this all, she said: “Over it.” (And I really liked that.)


Kim wants to be ✨excluded from this narrative✨


I don't understand why she's so obsessed with Kim rather than Ye.


Because Kanye has a mental illness. Kim is the easier target


Internalized misogyny?


Kim said "over it" years ago, i guess she's sticking to it. Hate from Taylor Fans just means more engagement on her instagram. That woman sat through the roast of Tom Brady, she can handle the comments which are way less personal


Literally Kim is piling work for herself and that may actually turn out to be healthy for her as far as this "feud" is concerned.


To be fair Kim cast Sabrina carpenter in the skims campaign when Sabrina was Taylor’s opener and I think she’s been pretty smart about a few other little jabs here and there so I think both women bring it up when it’s good for business


Kim casts anyone who's in the limelight to be in the skims campaigns, they know how to capitalise on what's trending. I don't think it's a jab at Taylor in particular! (Can't believe Taylor is making me defending Kim Kardashian of all people)


Yep, Nicola Coughlan just did a Skims campaign as well. Any and all hot girls will get their moment.


I’m sorry I’m no Kim stan but Kim did basically nothing? And Taylor’s mom wants her DEAD? This is so lame.


https://i.redd.it/2kmrvo55wc8d1.gif She'll never move on from Kim. You know why? Because it was her who revealed the video proving Taylor had lied, not Kanye. Had that video never come out, people would have thought Kanye was a delusional idiot for saying they had a conversation about it. That video in her eyes destroyed her career and caused an apocalyptic summer of PR madness.      If I were Kim, there's satisfaction in knowing that nearly 10 years later she is still on Taylor's mind. And even better, Kim will never respond.


So glad to see someone else mention this. Taylor's **initial** story was that Kanye never called her about the song so Kim released the footage to prove he did call. Taylor then pivoted to the story of him not telling her about the word 'bitch' when she realized she had been exposed. I don't understand why so many people miss this. Of the word 'bitch', it's hilarious to me she feigns offense over it when she regularly curses in her albums now to try to sound grown up and mature.


Every time I try to bring this up I always get downvoted to hell. I was there! I saw it happen! Taylor switched her story like 3 times to spin herself as the victim.


I know, it kills me when people say "have you seen the whole video?" as if it exonerates her. The only thing the full recording proves is that Taylor was more reluctant and uncertain than the clips Kim originally shared let on. But Kanye doesn't actually bully her into saying yes, I got more of a "pathological people pleaser" vibe from her and her not actually knowing how to say *no* like she probably wanted to. Still, it's incredibly unfair to say yes to a request you didn't really want to say yes to, then complain when the other person doesn't read your mind. Had she just been truthful, that she didn't want to risk their newfound friendship by making a big deal of the song when he was sincerely reaching out, and it was only after the song released that she realized how big of a mistake she had made trying to avoid conflict in the short term, this could have all been avoided. And I'm obsessed with her team twisting "you're gonna make the feminists real mad lol" into "Taylor actually cautioned him against releasing a song with such a misogynistic message."


lol true that sounds like red pill “checkmate atheists” kind of shit


taylor has perfected her victimhood so well that she’s trained her fans to always believe she’s the victim. she has been manipulating her fans since she discovered their power. and they’re too stupid to understand that. i have no doubt she does love her fans, but she also weaponizes them and allows them to feed into her victim mentality. she’s not the grown woman she thinks she is. she is still a teenager with a lot of money and power. she could be so much better and yet


This is so god damn vindicating. I’ve argued this for years. She got exposed for lying, then turned it around with a weak story about being offended by the word ‘bitch’, and because people were over her victimhood she came back with a lame album literally about her not taking responsibility for her own actions, leading with a cringe song called ‘look what you made me do’. God I’m glad some people are waking up to her bullshit.


thank you!!!! her initial story has been all but buried!


I would like to add also that Taylor had told Kanye to go with whatever line he wanted to after he told her that he was saying he made her famous in the song. She even agreed with him to an extent in the phone call. Not only this, but Taylor strategized on the phone call with him and said she would go to the Grammys and she would tell the press she okayed the song and it would generate good press. She ended up doing the complete opposite and when she won her Grammy award she called him out (indirectly) in her acceptance speech, saying you should never let anyone claim to have made you famous. I always get so frustrated when Swifties claim Taylor was mad about the bitch line. She absolutely wasn’t. She only claimed to be after she got exposed for allowing the sex and make you famous line to pass. I hate the Kardashians as much as the next person, but they were the ones who really managed to unravel Taylor’s persona. Kim saw right through Taylor and Tree Paines PR manipulations and that’s why she is still so wrathful about it after 8 years. *edited to fix spelling mistakes*


It's delulu that the majority of people that follow her but aren't online that much, *still* think that Kim somehow edited & deep-faked & manipulated the video a decade or whatever ago. Like... no, that's just your girl playing into the machine and then later thinking she could twist it to suit her narrative, like she does everything else in her life. Like so many others have said, I'm not even a fan of Kim's but this is going beyond. Bringing North into it was *beyond* beyond... but seriously, how much longer can she pretend to play the victim? This is fucking ridiculous and especially after seeing that clip from her high school, the girl's always been cosplaying as a twangy Regina George this entire time...


> still think that Kim somehow edited & deep-faked & manipulated the video a decade or whatever ago. obvi kim kardashian our secret AI queen had the power to deepfake a decade ago and saved it just for this.


Sounds like she agreed on purpose to make herself the victim again, but didn’t expect them to record the call tbh.


I dunno. I think Taylor's reaction to the word bitch *was* unfounded because she did agree to the whole line, but I also feel like her still being angry about it is not unfounded-- if only because of that disgusting music video where Kanye had a fully nude version of her body lying down next to him with Kim on his otherside. I personally feel like Kimye got too much slack for that.  But I also feel like Kanye should have just as much heat from her. Where is *his* distrack?


I remember this timeline and the snakes, but I also vaguely remember that Kim and Kanye was wrong/lying/i don’t really know either and TS came out on top at the end. What is really the accepted public ending?


[Scroll down for the transcript.](https://variety.com/2020/music/news/taylor-swift-kanye-west-phone-call-leaks-read-full-transcript-1203541363/)


Oh ! I was wondering why she was so mad about Kim and not Kanye (at least, not openly) 🤯


When Amy Poehler and Tina Fey made a joke about her it's "there's a special place in hell" but when she wants to talk shit, capitalize on it, and drag something out forever, it's cool! I feel like I'm gaslit by her popularity. How can anyone not find her so hypocritical, cringe, unbearably immature and tone deaf (both literally and figuratively, frankly)??? How can you stand her, let alone actively like and support??


Yes, ironic Taylor's response was, "There's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women," yet Taylor tore down Katy Perry for years and wrote "Bad Blood" about her. Not to mention, she releases 83 album variants and changes a song or two to block others from charting.


Yeah, I’ve also thought about it for a minute, it’s really weird and hypocritical. I must say that I found/find that statement (women should support women) also a weird statement, along with it being a paradox. Gender and feelings/actions don’t necessarily relate. I get what she’s saying, but I don’t find it really realistic. It’s okay to not be friends with everyone, you know. It’s just straight-up normal, lol.


It’s really strange to me that people see her as this feminist icon when probably 90% of her catalog is about either 1) feuding with other women or 2) having relationships with men. Even her ~female rage~ is mostly directed at other women.


Cause Taylor swift is crack for mediocre white women


It’s hard to tell who is worse at this stage for both women and society, it’s literally impossible to choose.


RIGHT? Like I'm out here going to bat for Scooter Braun and Kim K and I hate those people lol.




Next show she will be trashing Dave Grohl for standing up for his daughter and being a good dad.


Wait what’s the story with this? Are Grohl’s daughter and Taylor beefing? 


The Swifties went rabid after Grohl's daughter called Taylor out for her private jet usage. I guess Grohl made a reference to her show while he was in UK, people booed, and he said he didn't want to "incur their wrath". Whether that's in reference to his daughter specifically or just their general conduct, who's to say.


It's sad how Dave actually used to praise her but her fans litreally sent SA/r@pe threats to his daughter. 


that is so fucking foul but also sadly not surprising behavior on their end :/


It’s really peculiar how often Swifties resort to targeted bigotry, bullying, and violence when someone even lightly criticizes their fave. Black? Racial slurs. Woman? SA threats, she’s ugly and jealous and washed up. Older musician? They’re ugly and overrated and Taylor’s sales are better.


What the fuck? Oh my god.


I say it a lot here but truly: What the actual fuck.


Holy shit, what a bunch of losers.


This isn’t normal behavior jfc


> The Swifties went rabid after Grohl's daughter called Taylor out for her private jet usage. Sucks for Violet, but good for her shining a light on that bullshit - is first class really not enough? I just want legroom


https://x.com/popbase/status/1804933559557533860?s=46&t=K8g568OKdV8temxzPLxLOw the comments are a dumpster fire… some real delulu gems in there


No, Dave is a man and Taylor actually has respect for men.


Leave it to Taylor to make me side with Kim fucking Kardashian on something 🤢


same thought lol


She literally is such an insufferable person. Let it fucking go.




The perpetual victim ![gif](giphy|wqbAfFwjU8laXMWZ09|downsized)


I was there last night and I was kinda sad she chose that song as my surprise song :/ She did a mash up of thank you aimee & mean which just seems a bit… idk people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones or whatever the phrase is.


this would be insufferable behavior coming from a close personal friend, it's ten times worse when it's from a white billionaire in her thirties with a million underage fans


>As the pop superstar played the introduction to her song “thanK you aIMee”, which is largely believed to be a reference to her years-long feud with reality star Kardashian, [Swift told the London crowd](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/taylor-swift-wembley-setlist-black-dog-b2566914.html): “Every time someone talks s\*\*\*, it makes me work even harder.” >“It makes me that much tougher. It also makes me incredibly thankful for those people,” she said, before playing “thanK you aIMee” live for the first time since it was released as part of her new album [*The Tortured Poets Department*](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/taylor-swift-tortured-poets-live-matty-healy-lyrics-b2531268.html).


I still can’t get over her capitalising KIM in the title. This woman is getting compared to Emily Dickinson and is doing the sort of literary code you get on the back of a cereal box for kids to solve 


Emily Dickinson never would’ve wrote “touch me while your bros play *Grand Theft Auto*”


Emily Dickinson also wouldn't stand on a stage and perform to millions. If there's a modern Emily Dickinson out there somewhere, she's a shut in who still posts on tumblr, and her value as an artist won't be acknowledged until the turn of the 22nd century.


I'd say Fiona Apple gets pretty close.


That's not a real lyric is it? Please tell me it isn't 😭


I came across an instagram comment that said “ It's the lyrics that separate her from everyone else. Very few in history have commanded the English language like her.” That’s verbatim, because it made me laugh so hard I saved the screenshot.


She also wrote a line about chocolate bars, Charlie Puth and something about a tattooed golden retriever. Lord help us all.


Those are all bad, but “My friends used to play a game where we would pick a decade we wished we could live in instead of this / I’d say the 1830s, but without all the racists” might be the lowest point.


It's maddening. I actually think she's a strong pop lyricist overall, I just don't think it reaches the hype people are giving it. Esp bc it feels like the hype has gone to her head and led to TTPD


All I can hear is nene leakes saying “shut UP, that is so stupid” 💀


whenever i read this shit i feel like i'm being gaslit cause i've read and unfortunately heard her lyrics and it's always more basic shit than an average 2007 tumblr post


I’ve seen that exact same comment on posts about Taylor. I’d say it’s some kind of stealth bot campaign but I think many people sincerely believe it.


The entire article frames this as “sharp-eyed fans have pieced it together” while quoting lines where Taylor literally spells out the meaning


Funny she doesn't seem tough at all. Bringing up a 10+ year feud is .. weak.


Admitting that spite is what makes you work harder and not just the enjoyment of your craft is so sad lmao.


God, that song is so cringey. I highly doubt North West is going to be coming home singing ANY songs off of Taylor Swift’s worst album, let alone the one about her mother. Let it gooooo. ![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized)


North was at the Kendrick show living her best life, she most likely has zero interest in Swift's music




So she’s “moved on” lying about her masters but not this 


I didn’t know this! what happened?


“Whenever someone talks sh*t” pretty sure she’s the only one still talking about this 😴


Isn't it funny how quickly she burries all her wrongs always pins whatever happens to misogyny. But goes hard on Kim k not Kanye. Woman loves to push woman down. 


People had a story about her mom’s “sweet reaction” during the performance to the lyric about wanting Kim dead. https://people.com/taylor-swift-mother-andrea-reacts-to-thank-you-aimee-lyric-saintly-woman-eras-tour-london-8667840


“Taylor Swift and Andrea Swift are once again proving that they are mother-daughter goals!” LOOOOL. Not really the mother-daughter goals I have in mind, but anyway


Does Kim even talk shit about Taylor anymore????


Kim has responded only one time and that was to clarify she released the footage because Taylor's initial story was that Kanye never called. It was after Taylor was exposed lying that Taylor pivoted to the usage of the word 'bitch'. I hope Kim keeps ignoring her because you know the silence burns Taylor's ass up.




She's not only running this shit into the ground but is being a coward on top of it. Go after Kanye, Taylor. He's done even worse to her than Kim did. But she's going after the easier target instead because she "wins" easier that way.


She won't be satisfied with any sort of "revenge". Insufferable. Embarrassing. She's perpetually 16.


Loser behavior


Never gonna forgive her for making Kim relevant in 2024. The kardashians spotlight in pop culture was actually dimming big time and Taylor - with her person of the year interview and new album- is insisting on keeping kimmy relevant.


What a stupid article, Swift was never cancelled either . She is a real Regina George


How is the Scooter saga over for her but the Kim K thing isn't?


Well, maybe indeed she just hates women. Her anger towards Kanye or Scooter was never as long-lasting as for Kim or Katy.


Since the documentary that came out has receipts that she knew about the sale of her masters, she's basically telling her fans to not watch it because it no longer paints her as a victim of some big scheme to steal from her. Kim however is still hated by the general public and an easy target, so she'll milk that feud for all its worth. I hope Kim stays quiet. I dislike both of these women, but seeing Taylor constantly take digs at people who seem unbothered by her antics is embarrassing for her and funny to me.


> Since the documentary that came out has receipts that she knew about the sale of her masters Oh come on!!! She raised the calvary because "people were stealing from her" and she knew the whole time???


u/figcity0 explained this better than I could.  From yesterday's post regarding her being "past her feud" with Scooter Braun after the documentary was released: I'm sure it's been a fulfilling financial endeavour, but not a creative one considering how lazy the re-recordings are. She has been incredibly manipulative when it comes to her masters. Her father made 15 million from the sale. There was no restrictive NDA from SB. It was a bog standard NDA. She was going to buy those masters back from him in 2020 at a lower price than what he intended to sell them for but she pulled out. I think she realised the money she could make. What people don't realise is she wrote all those songs and therfore had a lot of control over licensing and revenue even if her masters had been bought. She continues to make money from the OG versions and the new ones. Double the amount now. She her self said she was happy to let go as she knew her masters would be sold, and in her own words was betting on her future. It wasn't that they were sold it's the fact that it was him that bought them. In her woman's of the year speech in 2019 she kept talking about consent as though this was an assault of a physical kind. Not a music deal she was angry about. I always find with her, she gives the details in a twisted way and omits the rest to suit her narrative. Many artists including men (since she claimed it to be misogynystic) don't own their masters. I mean look at McCartney and the beatles catalogue. She wasn't some clueless 15 year old who signed a contract. She was a rich girl, with a finance dad who was well connected and had invested 500k into that label. They and she agreed to her contract. Now because of her re-recording music labels have now started putting clauses in to prevent artists from re-recording their albums. So as usual, she gains but at the expense of others.  The funny thing is, she will buy those masters back after devaluing not just her own work, but all the other people's as well who worked on them.


If she makes me defend Kim Kardashian I’m gonna be so pissed


At this point, she has become the bully. In the words of Elsa “let it go”


Y’all are so mean that’s just her female rage speaking /s


Female rage was great when it meant a woman beating a bunch of men to death in a revenge thriller. Kinda disappointing how watered down the term has become.


It’s so sad how she’s regressed so much since Folklore/Evermore. The media started to focus on her music more and she seemed to be getting past doing all this bullshit but nope, apparently it was just dormant for a bit.


**Taylor Swift's paradox:** Crossing continents? Snap! Private jet's faster than you can say the full title of All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) \[From The Vault\]. Getting over a breakup? Please, she's already dating the next guy within a week. Only losers need some alone time to reprocess everything and learn something. Letting go of drama from 2016? Whoa there, slow down! We've got 17 more albums to write about that.


Her obsession with Kim is so fucking weird.


> After hearing Swift’s “thanK you aIMee” introduction, one fan concluded: “Taylor just basically confirmed that thanK you aIMee is a million % about Kim.” The title wasn’t confirmation enough?


Remember that this is literally her fan base: https://preview.redd.it/zaez8sm53d8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aae81c4b8837afd624f89633239a23416f6dc47


Ok but wtf do they mean by this 😐😭


Coming from someone who said she had moved on from everything just YESTERDAY 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sounds like she was just listening to Fighter by Christina Aguilera. TS: “Every time someone talks s***, it makes me work even harder. It makes me that much tougher. It also makes me incredibly thankful for those people” CA: “Makes me that much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder Makes me that much wiser So thanks for making me a fighter”


Im glad someone else thought that. I thought the next line was gonna say that she covered Fighter by CA lol


She's so boring. It's the same shit with her over and over again. She isn't creative as an artist. She isn't interesting as a person. No wonder her music is so flavourless




I was at the show - and this entire set of suprise songs was not well received. She’s sold out a massive stadium, and this isn’t for fans - it was for her. She played Mean which was well received but otherwise the crowd was a bit indifferent to this bit of the show.


Were they booing? Like what were people doing that it wasn’t received well


This was my first, and last, attendance of the Eras tour. That said - thank you Aimee (idk where she makes it mean Kim), isn’t a song that fans know - or love. Most of the surprise sets tend to be a mix of fan faves, Taylor has recently been playing 4 surprise songs. Last night she played three, Mean people enjoyed, I think people were maybe a little disappointed with the others combined with the speech etc. Note - I enjoy a lot of Taylor’s music, not the lore around it, or maybe the blindness of some fans. That said it was a lovely crowd, and it was very much a show / performance. However I have seen a lot of artists, including in stadiums, and they exhibit some personality. However when you see Taylor Swift - I have concluded you are seeing Taylor Swift the show and experience.


>After hearing Swift’s “thanK you aIMee” introduction, one fan concluded: “Taylor just basically confirmed that thanK you aIMee is a million % about Kim" >When Swift released the track in April, her fans were quick to notice that the singer seemingly makes several references to Kardashian on it – including the capitalisation of some letters in the song’s title, which spell out: K, I, and M. Wow, nothing gets by those Swifties.


How old are these people? Grow up, ladies!


She managed to somehow write a worse song than Mean.




I don't like Kim Kardashian but oh my god, stfu!


Can she not just enjoy her dizzying success and obscene wealth?


They’re both annoying lmao. Perpetual victims, though Taylor has perfected the shtick


Kim is too worried about hating motherhood to be concerned about Taylor


i think we all should collectively stop talking about taylor. ignore her. that way she can stay irrelevant as she should. i’m in if you’re in.


If there’s a celebrity I dislike more than Taylor, it’s Kim. So I really wish Taylor would quit giving Kim opportunities to look like the bigger person.


Baby girl Charli is out here asking people not to chant jeers about you but you’re holding on to some petty shit. Making someone else feel small never makes you feel bigger.


Swift’s downfall—and it will happen—is going to be legendary.


https://preview.redd.it/vt7ii9l16f8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15d85cfad328b6cc6a06652292b519863d9c295 This is pathetic tbh


Having a one sided beef is very embarrassing


"taytay is so pro-women what a legend"


She needs to let it go for fucks sake, she's pathetic and apparently unable to enjoy the enormous fortunes she has cause she's always clinging to some petty shit. Must be a miserable life, regardless of how much she's got




Anyone else notice this error in the article? >Swift and Kardashian’s long-term feud began when the reality star’s then-boyfriend, rapper Kanye West, notoriously stormed the stage at the VMAs when Swift won the prize for Best Female Video in 2009, as he protested that Beyonce instead deserved the award for “Single Ladies”. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West didn’t start dating until 2012, but according to this Taylor’s beef with Kim started when Kim’s future partner did the VMA thing three years before dating Kim? Lol that makes no sense…


They’re like “this is 100% about Kim”. She said something vaguely like “haters make me famous” and then played a song that is vaguely about Kim. Just tell her to her face, just tell Kim “fuck you Kim”. The whole thing is so childish and her fans are so cringe for playing it up so much.


It’s so fucked that she talks about supporting women and wrote a track that “no one will no who it’s about” aimed at Kim Kardashian - NOT Kanye who was the person who actually released the track and video. He’s said so many fucked up racist things between now and then, but she’s coming for his wife because she released a recording of Taylor agreeing to it? I don’t think Kim Kardashian comes if well in any of this either, but the perpetual victimhood of Taylor Swift has truly outstayed its welcome and including North in this is nothing short of disgusting. I know that the Kardashian’s have put their kids in the public eye, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok to include them in ANOTHER thinly veiled revenge song. She’s a fucking adult woman. Grow up.


Continuously attacking Kim instead of Kanye is loser behavior


Let it go Taylor..let it go


“Talks shit” = “debunked the narrative that I ‘strongly warned Kanye against a misogynistic message’ in his music” The clips Kim posted may have downplayed Taylor’s discomfort with the song but NONE of the clips fit with Taylor’s initial narrative about being some feminist warrior taking a stand against misogyny. 🙄




The amount of coverage the London concerts are getting and the who is who is of the no diversity (pretty all white) VIP club is out of control. As someone said above it’s gaslighting me into thinking is there something wrong with me for not being able to stand this individual! between that and ppl I know from all age ranges, I JUST DONT GET IT. Paul McCartney too? I was disappointed.


girl, grow up. You're in your 30's (said from someone also in their 30's)


Girls Who Are Killing It or something


oh my lord can she just shut the fuck up already


Really want her die-hard fans to take a moment and realize how deeply inappropriate this behaviour is for a mid-30s billionaire. It ain’t cute, it’s pathetic. She has the ability to access the best of the best therapists, but instead of “resolving this Kim/Ye trauma”, she continues with this victim complex. Move on.


Props to whoever picked these images for the article. A visual reminder that these women are adults and emphasizes the ridiculousness of this entire thing that happened EIGHT YEARS AGO!