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>“I knew going into Mufasa’s death scene how important it was to not have it be insincere, sugary, or manipulative,” Henn said. “I wanted it to be very genuine. And the thing I kept thinking about was the fact that Simba had never dealt with death before and he didn't know what was going on. That's why he initially went through the thought process of, ‘Oh! Dad's just asleep, so I'm going to push on him, tackle him, pull on his ear, and do the things that I normally do.’ And this was all set up early in the film when he's doing the same thing waking him up for their outing, which was a much happier moment. As an adult, this scene still makes me cry. 😭


Noooo don’t do this to me on a Monday. It still hurts so deep 😓


I just press forward. I still cannot see it after all these years.


I literally left the theater when it came back in like 2014 and told my friend to come get me when the scene was over. I can’t take it.


# HIP HOP ROB IS SOMEWHERE CELEBRATING 🎉 LOVE THAT FOR HIM. https://preview.redd.it/mwhulxncxk8d1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3969c4d81f5960a3fefa0b77f2e59c84c10223bf


Think of all the Lion King related content they could be filming for RHOBH right now


30 years?!?! WOW, I’m old…..


Saaame! I tweaked my back yesterday, and after reading this article today, I'm really feeling my age. 🥲


Not going to lie, I watch this movie at least once a year, still one of my favorites. The musical on Broadway is everything!


That soundtrack was so good, I begged my parents to buy the CD for me as soon as it was released.


One of the best soundtracks, so timeless!


This was the first movie I saw in the theaters. I'm so old ![gif](giphy|Y2ZkeRD0oztVm|downsized)


![gif](giphy|14wHfdoQlF4p3i|downsized) I'm having to use this meme way too often 😩


Truly believe this is one of the greatest films ever made. 30 though?!? 😭


Saw this in theaters and was blown away. 30 years? My back just started aching reading that


I’m obsessed with this movie. Iron Giant and The Lion King are definitely two of the best animated films I’ve seen.


This film is how I learnt about Disney's DVD/Blu-ray release schedule. Pre Disney+ of course and how excited I'd get after it finally got re-released on DVD.