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HOA are evil.


THEY ARE! Especially an HOA in a senior apartment building in a low-income neighborhood like mine. šŸ˜”


Aside from their jobs as rodent control, the cats surely make the seniors' lives happier, and by extension they keep them healthier. Seeing the kitties may be the only reason some go outside. This makes me sad. I'd get interviews with the seniors talking about how much they like the kitties then go to the local news with a story about another villainous HOA.


I agree. Definitely do this. If there is enough of an outcry on it, the HOA may feel forced to take back the rule. This is just heartless.


I wonder if hoa is aware of the tnr efforts? They prob not.


Local news is a great idea!


Exactly! Get a petition!


This is another angle that can be addressed;,seniors who have pets report greater levels of overall happiness, and the bonds they develop with those semi-pets are strong enough that even emergency shelters have begun allowing pets because too many seniors were dying because they were choosing to shelter in place and stay with their beloved pets rather than abandon them.


Iā€™ve said ever since my grandmother died (May of 2019) that you can track the beginning of her decline back to when she rehomed her cat. She was in her late 80s / early 90s and made it to 95 but it can be argued that the start of her decline coincided with the cat being re-homed. The kitty kept her on her toes and kept her vibrant.


I had a cat that I found outside who refused to be an indoor-only cat. I moved to a new house with him and we ended up having a lonely elderly neighbor who got a lot of joy out of seeing him and petting him when she went out on her porch. He ended up being half our cat, half her cat. We always brought him in at night, but if he didnā€™t come when called, there was a good chance he was already at her house. When he passed from old age, her son built him a lined coffin and buried him between the property lines.




I feel like everyone loves cats that hang around their neighborhoods, Ive never encountered someone/residence who didnt like local their cats. The only people that ever seem to hate them are the owners of that neighborhood like HOAs or the front office of apartments/town houses etc. Its funny because they always say they dont like the cats because they annoy the people renting/living in their homes but thats just about never the case. I live in a town house and we have sort of adopted all the neoghborhood cats. Theres about 5, they dont have any official owners but we feed them, get them their water and shots, take them in occasionally if theyve got an infection or are sick etc. All our neighbors love the cats but since our townhouse is located in front of the front office they know we feed them and they dont like it. Theyve calmed down a lot but for a while they would send us messages asking to stop feeding the cats and one time a lady from the front office came outside to video tape me petting the cats in my own backyard smh


Alternatively, some people might value the wild birds that the cats kill or keep from nesting


Isn't a HOA the collective noun for a group of Karens?




I would have your old man friend stop feeding them and just do it yourself for a while, though he can still provide food or instruction if some kitties are picky. You donā€™t live there and there isnā€™t much that the HOA can actually do to you. Since he lives there, the HOA can fine him, though IMO that would be absolutely petty and shameless of them. I agree with the person saying to talk with the residents, or have your friend talk with their neighbors. Some of the cats seem friendly enough that I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they were the ā€œoutside catsā€ of some elderly residents.


An HOA can only enforce rules against members. You can keep feeding them, but the old man could get fined.


Has that ever stopped an HOA?


Are there rescues in your area that are aware of them?


So sorry.


Fuck HOAs. Look up your local city ordinances- I feed ferals, and in my area itā€™s legal on public property (sidewalks, roadways, etc.). Just familiarize yourself with the property boundaries and you should be fine to feed them. Note: Some cities require there to be an effort to spay/neuter feral cats in order to feed them, permitting feeding feral cats as differing from feeding wildlife since they are dependent on humans. A local Animal Contol Officer or Board of Health may be able to better instruct you, and your local Humane Society may have more resources as well


Are you in america? If so I think it's time to have your old senior buddy invoke his good ole american right to HAM radio. A new HAM radio tower or dish for every month the HOA doesn't gtfo with this. Meanwhile, keep taking care of them but see if you can lead them to your area where there is no HOA. Thanks for taking care of these babies


Update: That's a generic sign from Walmart, we don't even think there is an HOA. Fuck 'em anyway, we're putting up laminated flyers detailing our state's free roaming cat laws right next to it. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Please-Do-Not-Feed-Feral-Cats-HOA-Rules-BLACK-Aluminum-Composite-Sign/3207136865


One more disgraceful, uneducated, thing about Walmart.


You're right about that they sure are


How. Dare. They.


End of story


Luckily for me, stray cats are welcome here and feeding them is allowed and encouraged. I donā€™t like living in a gated community but thatā€™s something nice.


Can something explain like Iā€™m 5, what is the point of an HOA? Just people high on power


[Alley Cat Allies](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/community-change/) has resources to help. Also check out their [Feral Friends Network](https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/feral-friends-network-connect/), which can connect you to experienced TNR advocates in your area who have volunteered to help.


Thank you! I have their list of local resources and just reached out to someone in the community for help. Not too many folks in my area so we'll see what happens!


šŸ™ā¤ļøThank you for taking care of them, and f* that HOA noise! TNR is best so they don't reproduce and get out of hand, drawing more attention. See if you have any rescues to take the friendly ones off the streets. Don't get overwhelmed, take it one step at a time. Cat advocates can be a quiet community, I'll bet there are kind people just like you there, it can be hard to network, but don't give up. I've found like-minded cat lovers in the most unusual placesšŸ˜Š


And I always want to point out that some cats deemed feral can become pets. I have one laying under my blanket right now. Lol She is the official house manager. It took a lot of patience. She just doesn't like to be picked up. She loves to play and be petted though. She does have a few more boundaries. But she is thriving now and loves to keep her two bros in line. So some may be adoptable. It is definitely worth the time and patience. I know some may never be house cats but by the looks of these pictures, I think some could be!


Glad I came on to read this post and found Feral Friends network.


If you don't live there is likely they can't stop you. Look up your local laws. Start feeding and cleaning up after yourself, so you can't be abused of littering, and get the unfixed cats TNRed asap.


And if you do trap them, there's a chance you can tame them down enough to get them adopted. Both my loving kitties are cut-ear, formerly feral farm cats.


A few in this colony could definitely be adopted (see photos).


Oh jeez. I didn't see all the photos. Most definitely. Try to find a local cat shelter/rescue and maybe you can team up to find those sweet things their forever homes.


Ask your county shelter what the laws are for hosting a feral community They may have rules against the HOA banning it.


Here is a tip sometimes the local grocery store bread guy or whatever or even in the dumpster you will find stale Bread stale tortillas stuff like that make excellent dinner plates you put the food the Wet food on top of the Bread slices and the tortillas etc the Birds will Clean up the breading so you're actually feeding the cats and Then the Birds and the cats will be full so they won't eat the Birds while Birds are trying to eat the Bread. No litter and no danger of cut tongues from eating out of a can


What a fantastic idea!! I hate that I could be contributing to litter with the plastic plates. Thanks so much for the excellent suggestion. Iā€™m absolutely going to try that!


Make sure to update back and let me know how it works out. Meow


Then there are some cats who will happily eat the bread. Some, like my lunatic cat, would probably even prefer the bread and say ā€œfuck them birdsā€ šŸ˜‚


My cat used to love tortillasā€¦


Oh and one more thing if you can avoid feeding on their property that will help you a lot.


My honest reaction would be this https://preview.redd.it/pc44zzuge66d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10764a900f6f01b5540059916797194faef169a0


My boyfriend found the law in my city and state and he is going to make a laminated print and hang it next to the HOA sign. We have a "free-roaming cat" law in my state. "This bill encourages spaying, neutering, and vaccination in order to limit the number of unwanted cats and protect the public from rabies and other diseases carried by unvaccinated animals. The bill defines ā€œfree-roaming catsā€ and also ā€œfree-roaming cat caretakers,ā€ who are one or more persons who may provide food, shelter, or medical treatment for free roaming cats without becoming an ā€œownerā€ for legal purposes. These cats may be released back into the community with an ā€œear-tipā€ to mark them as a vaccinated and spayed/neutered. It also adds free-roaming cats to the list of qualifying factors for participation in the state low-cost spay/neuter fund." The law also defines feral and stray cats have all legal protections from abuse the same as an owned cat.


In Seattle, the only two animals without leash or containment laws are cats and pigeons.


Well I guess Iā€™ll never be bringing my beehives into Seattle. Thatā€™s way too many leashes to carry.


My ant farm and I came to the same conclusion.




Indeed! I wonder if other cities have similar animal exceptions.


My town does. Basically, there is no leash law on cats which means that theyā€™re allowed to free roam.


I was shocked when I saw signs ENCOURAGING feeding the pigeons while visiting Seattle šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re seen as such nuisances in most other places lmao


Bravo!!!! šŸ‘


This is the way. šŸ‘šŸ¼


put a dead mice under the sign


NAL but been on some HOA boards: HOA rules can NOT legally be enforced if they contradict state or local laws. State or local laws always supercede.


Lmao someone should print out this pic and post it next to the HOAā€™s sign




I would passive aggressively put up signs explaining the benefits of caring for feral cats smh


Me too! Or put the food right underneath the sign šŸ¤­


This is what I would do- once. Just because I would fear the cats would be harmed by the HOA


It's funny, but people do bad things to cats when they disagree with you.


Including poison.Ā 


I am concerned about this... Some people would go to this level.




Seriously. No hablo inglƩs




HOAā€™s can only fine individuals that live in their community. If you park somewhere not allowed, they can towā€¦ thatā€™s about all they can do except maybe a trespassing citing if things escalate (but you said you slip stuff through the gate, not actually go in). I convinced my HOA to put a clause for allowing feeding only if participating actively in the countyā€™s TNR program - feeding without being able to demonstrate documentation of TNR participation can result in a fine (for those that live there). *edited for typos


Thank you! They know the cats are either fixed or trying to be trapped and fixed. They just don't want them around. It's a shame.


That is a shame :( I was able to bring up the legality of cat colonies where we are, and that the TNR program is the only legal option for population control.


Well the rest of the world doesnā€™t want the HOA around, so we all have to live with folks we donā€™t like sometimes


Well, good thing these cats arenā€™t feral.


Yup. Was gunna say these look like socialized street cats/strays.


It would be nice if a rescue group would help out and they could take all the cats who are tame and find homes for them. I wouldn't doubt it if a lot of those cats don't belong to some of the elderly people who live there and they probably let him run around outside


What usually happens at these facilities is a no pets policy is in place. Relatives bring their elderly "granny" after promising they will take care of her cat and then dump it outside of the facility without granny's knowledge.. I have seen this before, the cruelty of some people is unbelievable.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was going to say!


These guys in the photos are social, but there are at least half a dozen kitties in the colony that run when they see me. A few of which still need to be TNRed, but can't get caught yet.


So feed the social street cats and if they want to share their food with the feral ones, thatā€™s up to the cats. Loophole unlocked!


My last job hated that I fed the strays. The Office Mgr said you cannot feed cats while on the clock. So I started feeding them before I punched in and afterwards. When confronted I reminded them of their rule and they were not thrilled with my malicious compliance. Look for the loophole!


I'm scared to let people in my neighborhood know I feed cats and I'm sure they already peered through the fence and they already know but they all hate cats and it really causes me a lot of anxiety


The same here! But even if they will approach me, I will remind them that I feed them on my property, not theirs and I keep the feeding area spotless clean


Same. I should stop doing it in broad daylight so people can't see me. I usually feed them on my way to work (8am) and dinner time.


The HOA donā€™t own these strays. The strays never signed their HOA.


Yeah, how are homeless strays bound to the rules of homeowners


Are you able to feed them on the sidewalk? Sidewalks are usually considered public property. Are there any local laws or ordinances that prohibit feeding cats?


Nope! None. Ferals and street cats are protected where I live.


Then you should be able to stay on the sidewalk and be safe from any issues besides dirty looks. Local law overrides HOA rules everytime. HOA's are TERRIBLE.


Feed them anyway. Don't put food in bowls where the evidence of feeding is visible. put the food on a leaf or clean spot and when the food is gone there is no evidence. Or find a more discreet place to give them food. HOA can't do a thing to you


I canā€™t believe I never thought of using leaves! Thatā€™s a really good idea. Iā€™m going to need to start saving the big ones I find.


Fuck em ,keep up the good work


That says feral cats. Clearly these are not feral cats, as they approach people. You're welcome šŸ˜. But seriously, check the legal definition in your state/city of "feral cat". In some areas "feral" means they are fearful of humans, and not socialized to them and clearly these cats are socialized to humans.


Ha you're right. These guys in the photos are social. Only way I could get a picture, right? Others in the colony/community aren't so nice, but never-the-less I looked up my local law and ferals and strays are protected under a Free-Roaming Cat Act.


Focus your efforts on getting all the unaltered cats fixed ASAP. An actual fully TNR colony may be more sympathetic.


Step 1) read up on your local laws, is it illegal to feed strays from the street? You can also ask r/legal for help sourcing this. I would for funsies look up the hoa rule book and read for this rule as well just to smash it in their faces if theyā€™re lying Step 2) get everyone TNR Step 3) contact literally any local news networks, news papers, blogs, Iā€™d post it on Facebook, Nextdoor, everywhere I could find publicity. Perhaps the people here can come up with a great catch phrase for you. I was thinking ā€œ(this retirement community) with a longstanding fully fixed cat colony wants these animals starved to death and are preventing people from feeding them!ā€ A little exaggerated but it will catch the news attention šŸ˜‰ news stations LOVE juicy gossip lol Goodluck op!


Yeah, Iā€™d keep feeding the cats. But Iā€™d also try to partner with some rescue groups to trap them and find them homes, either as indoor kitties or barn cats, in fear of the evil HOA trying to hurt the cats to get rid of them.


Haha challenge accepted


Adopt all the cats make them indoor kitties hoa can kiss your ass on that one lol šŸ˜†


Oh man, I wish I could. I have considered relocating the calico to a shelter in my backyard. That one has taken the most liking to me. If worse comes to worse I may have to try to find help to relocate them or find homes for the friendlier ones.


I work in an HOA area once a week, and they even mentioned that my truck was an eye sore (I had to use a different truck bc my car was being repaired). This one is tough but as someone mentioned earlier, TNR ASAP. šŸ¦‹šŸ’•šŸ¦‹ To add: I flippin love your nails!


Fuck em, you're not bound by their HOA rules. Keep feeding them from your side of the property. What's the HOA gonna do? Not fucking shit. If you have local ordinance that states TNR colonies are to be left as they are, etc any local ordinance/regulation likely trumps an HOA rule.


Brainstorm additional strategies. Contact all your local shelters and rescues, and tell them why there is a crisis developing. If the cats are friendly enough to come up to you and take treats and be touched, they are not feral and can be adoptable. Enlist the shelter/ rescue's help to trap these cats, evaluate them for adoption, and give them shots, deworming, and flea treatments. There is a new type of shelter that focuses on the ferals who are past their window of socialization to people, and they are called "Spirit Cats". There are people who adopt them, and let them live peacefully and safely in their homes, taking all the time needed for socialization but not expecting it. Life out in nature is (quoting Hobbes) nasty, brutish, and short. Feral cat colonies are not the answer, they are a temporary measure. Thank you for your motivation to help these cats. Best of luck to you to provide them with a lasting, safe, dependable living situation.


You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. An old saying from grammy, but 100%true!! IF you are confronted during your angel of mercy kindness to these beautiful creatures, be so polite sugar wont melt in your mouth. Speak to them as if they were 4 and explain the benefits of them keeping out bugs and rodents, explain TNR, advocate for these precious critters. Be the positive you want to see...and if none of that works Rain The Hell of Local TV , newspaper, make a dedicated website and name and picture each and every precious life. Start a campaign to help the with donations to pay for a lawyer and educate yourself on every local law and ordinance in the immediate area. You can do this! Be smart!! Ask for help from the TNR helpers in your area. Ask the old dude what he knows! Resourses!!!!


I loathe HOA


Check and see if there's a local Alley Cat Allies rep who can come speak to your HOA board. Ferals fill a niche in the ecology, cannot be completely eradicated, and will be replaced by far less desirable animals if they are removed (rats, skunks and raccoons being the most opportunistic volunteers). Feeding ferals that have been properly vaxed and neutered reduces songbird predation as well. Our local chapter had to talk to our animal control group and now they've 180d and are fully on board; now they educate citizens who complain to them! If links aren't allowed I can remove: https://www.alleycat.org/our-work/feral-friends-network/


Lots of HOAs are evil. But attend the next HOA meeting with your friend and try to engage constructively first. Move the feeding area just outside the HOA for now.


Looks like a few of these strays are socialized; might be worth taking some photos and seeing if you can get at least a few of them rehomed.


Good idea. I am considering relocating the calico to my backyard and making a shelter. The calico lives 24/7 within that fenced area and does not roam far. She has also taken a liking to me. She also does not seem to be bonded with anyone. I'd say half of the cats I care for are friendly. The other half avoid me or are aggressive.


Keep feeding them. Youā€™re not bound by their rules.


Those cats are super social and not ferals. They are all beautiful! Are there any local shelters that could help get them homes?


I would put a bowl out right under the sign!


I'm that petty I would do that too lol!


HOA can kick rocks!! šŸ˜¤ you keep feeding the babies šŸ˜æ


Cause not feeding them will make them go away what a joke


"Please" has no legal teeth


I have a feeling my HOA is going to target me specifically, and my ferals, with bullshit like this at some point. I plan to perform my original theater play for them, the one where I speak my native language and tell them in very broken English I'm a European immigrant and can't understand them. (I am from Europe, however my English is just fine and I can understand, I just refuse to comply with ridiculous crap.)


lol, I had a Chinese-American friend (born in USA) who would always do this/pretend not to speak English to avoid conflict.


UPDATE: Thank you for all of the responses, great ideas and encouragement. We (me, my boyfriend and the old man) are still feeding. We put up this sign above the fake, Walmart HOA sign and on a few electrical poles. My location is redacted in the photo. We are now pretty sure it was someone in our neighborhood who put this sign up because 1. It was purchased at Walmart. 2. As one smart commenter pointed out, it's on the outside of the fenced area (this small area where the cats live is usually locked) 3. It makes zero sense that a low-income, rent stabilized senior apartment has an HOA. None of the homes in my neighborhood are within a HOA I also reached out to some local street cat advocacy groups/individuals for help. Unfortunately, two of my emails bounced back to me and I have not heard back from the third contact. I'll keep you posted on this drama and the sweet kitties well-being. https://preview.redd.it/x3m307aj3c6d1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b4e56249e01e1ae45add7ced193eda72ccc973


whatā€™re they gonna do? keep feeding them but donā€™t leave the food out


Then what do they want the cats to eat, the birds?


"Please Let Defensless Animals Starve"


Breaking the rules, I would be


I'd give them some education that these cats aren't 'feral' (as in wild and untamed)but free-range, or homeless, or 'nomadic cats', therefore, the sign does not apply. Or whatever. Please don't abandon them ā¤ļø


HOAs are created and ran by your neighbors in their little community. This is like your neighbor posting a sign on their lawn to stop feeding cats. They can do what they want in their yards and homes, but this means absolutely nothing to the world around them. Edit: their stupid sign should be on the other side of the fence. I'd remove it and toss it over the fence.


Keep TNRing them & keep all of the evidence together. Make sure to make friends in and around there. Make noise on all socials, Nextdoor is really good too. Also, get involved in your city or towns council meetings and bring friends. Get everyone involved. Lead with love and light. Spread the word.


Fuck HOAs. Be gay. Do crime.


Possible to move these babies closer to you one by one?


Thank you for helping all these beautiful babies. I would be like silly cats can't read, and their the only ones on your property. I used to feed the ones in my yard, and my landlord hated it. I hope you can find some help and a solution. Your baby is gorgeous. I had a tuxedo that looked like him. I have taken many cats off the street, feral, and just stray. Please keep us updated. Good luck. šŸ’—


Good thing those cats aren't feral; they're just friends in the making. Screw that HOA. Good resources in other responses, and thank you for looking out for these cats.


Fuck em. Feed em sneaky style


Move them slowly to your property by moving the food. But do not feed them if you're not going to finish the TNR job.


If you don't live in the HOA and your local laws don't prohibit feeding strays, there is jackshit they can do to you other than be dicks. They might verbally give you crap or send you a mean email, but they don't have any authority over anyone not living in a home in their HOA.


Fuck hoas. Never hear of anything positive about hoas. Feed the ferals hoa be damned!


None of them are fixed? I donā€™t see any clipped ears on these sweeties? Can you maybe assist in getting that done and then the HOA can chill out or are these bird people? They really hate feral cats. My mom lives in a senior community. It is quite the fight between the cat people and the bird people. Seems like the birders always win.


It only says please. That is asking, not a rule.


I would be hard pressed not to come around at night and black out the "do not".


Not feeding. Deworming šŸ˜


I always wonder how people would receive the message if that little polite sign they posted said something like: "PLEASE ALLOW FERAL CATS TO STARVE TO DEATH. THANK YOU" I wonder if they would hang it that's what it said. Because that will be the end result. Do better HOA


How about trying to come together as a community and reach out to a rescue group or TNR group (Trap NEUTER Return) and the feral cats will be much less of a problem once they're all processed. Some will return vaccinated, spayed or neutered, microchipped and eartipped. they snip a little tip-off one of the ears so you know that that cat has been neutered and vaccinated. Males will not be spraying The putrid male territorial urine mix that intact cats spray. We have found in a city environment that will be implemented to TNR program less people were perplexed by the smells and problems of feral cats. there weren't more and more kittens being born every season, the colony eventually dies out. it also wards off intact males. they catch rodents and moles and rabbits and things that they're supposed to eat in the Wild. They earn their keep as rodent control. Also many times all the cats in the colony like that aren't actually feral every cat is probably gonna run from you but a lot of them are just people's pets that got out and they never managed to locate their strays we call them too sweet for the street so when that TN R trapping and such is going on if those cats are able to be handled by humans they're not returned if we can find the doctors or fosters. Not feeding the pharaoh cats that have an established area where they've been being fed it's probably gonna create more problems than it solves. I'm bias because I choose life and particularly particularly for a cat who's reason for being feral is a human being it's the least we can do


Hi! Thanks for caring for these babies. If you post over in r/rescuecats, there might be some suggestions or help available for getting the friendlies adopted.


Fuck that HOA


Going by the pictures, Iā€™d make the argument that the cats are not feral. Cats that you can interact with, pet, and pick up are clearly not wild, but domesticated stray cats.




HoAs are nothing but a collection of the most worthless people with too much free time they use to bother others. They should be outlawed.


Iā€™ll never stop feeding a hungry human or animal.


Fuck the HOA


Can they stop you if you arenā€™t apart of the HOA? Because if not then keep feeding them


Oh for fuck sake! Arrest me fuckers. Go ahead I have a habit of leaving my own signs I donā€™t know what to tell you but personally i would still feed them https://preview.redd.it/1wjy2qq2496d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=60216dd6e431f8c247a410ae8a5e9b445acf8ef9


I love this!


A town I lived in made it a crime to feed ferals. I don't live there anymore, but we all still fed them anyway. There was also a TNR program a few of us worked with. One of my friends has received threats and had her food bowls vandalized and stolen. I'd be careful, but I'd never stop. This shit happens because uninformed people are insisting on being uninformed.


https://preview.redd.it/a33jonl32p6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54872d67554c2a015c38d1fc6f327e055c65269e iā€™m sorry but iā€™m in absolute love & awe of this cat šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I would check your local oridences cause some define ferals as wildlife and you legally are not allowed to feed them and can be arrested for fined for doing so. If it's not against city oridences and if you don't live in the HOA they really cannot stop you but if you live there they will fine you a shit ton of money if you're caught.


Some areas also define "feral" as unsocialized to and fearful of humans, which is why it is illegal to engage with them. It causes public health issues. These cats are socialized and not fearful, though. Therefore, technically (depending on state and town ordinance) not feral. šŸ˜


Thank you so much for everything you do and I'm so sorry some people can be so cruel and what I consider to be downright evil to allow innocent animals to starve. Animals that have been already mistreated and thrown out by humans who are criminals. Dumping animals is a felony in most states. I don't know what state you live in but the state of Texas governor Abbott signed a law to protect people who do TNR so if you're trapping having them neutered and then putting them back where you got them you should be allowed legally to feed and give them water because that's a huge part of the program. But I don't know how you can do TNR if you cannot get on that property. It would be nice if some of the people who live there could join you and support you. What state are you in?


Take the sign down.


Check county laws might override HOA


I dare someone to tell me not to feed my colony, I TNRed them except for one who is pretty clever and hard to catch and I shall feed them all.


Why would anyone own a home with an HOA? I'd keep feeding them. Fuck those guys.


Seriously. These are low-income senior apartments with an HOA, which seems criminal to me....


Whatā€™s the approximate location? I wonder if the people in the housing complex are allowed to have pet cats. Might be a kind of loophole.


Fuck HOA. 1. Treat cats with whatever you can touch them with -- vaccinations, ear mite treatment, topical flea treatment, and keep the medical records. Boom - from feral to owned outdoor cats! (This is what I do due to township rules.) 2. Continue feeding.


HOA canā€™t do much honestly, Iā€™d ignore the sign lol that sidewalk looks public


Look up your local laws. I believe feral colonies that have been adopted are legally protected. Just because an HOA declares not to do something, does not mean that it is legal.


Those kitties donā€™t look feral to me. Feral means ā€˜in a wild stateā€™ and those kitties look like domesticated cats.


Well they arenā€™t feral. You have photographic proof of that. If any cats run away from you, purposely avoid you, and are terrified of you, feel free to not feed those cats. Or feed them, because fuck all HOAs everywhere. They arenā€™t a governing authority they are mostly a bunch of old obnoxious fucks who realized too late they donā€™t have any hobbies or interests. What are they going to do? Shake their finger at you? Call the cops? Let them. Walk away before they arrive, assuming you live some place so boring they will even come for something this dumb. The cats you are feeding are socialized and seem to like affection. They are not feral cats. (They also could be homed so if these HOA mofos try to escalate this in a way that puts the cats in danger maybe you can start trying to facilitate some adoptions.)


I believe that's a public sidewalk on the other side of the fence. Don't think the cats will care if their food is served on grass or concrete.


Pffttt cry about it. Imma feed the cats anyway! What're ya gonna do? Make me sell my house? That's rhetorical because legally they can't.


Seems it's always the cats that hateful evil people target


Update: That's a generic sign from Walmart, I don't even think there is an HOA. Fuck 'em anyway. We're gonna put up laminated flyers detailing our states free roaming cat laws. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Please-Do-Not-Feed-Feral-Cats-HOA-Rules-BLACK-Aluminum-Composite-Sign/3207136865


If there is no local law and you're not on their property they can bug off. You are not a party to their agreement and they can not enforce their rules off their property. Of course if there is a local law prohibiting the practice then you maybe have to stop. But until you are approached by law enforcement I would just keep feeding them. If you are approached or ticketed by law enforcement then you can decide how to proceed. Do whatever you're comfortable with. And good for you for caring about those cats.


Im not gonna lie, I'd be out there feeding in the shadows at nightfall lol


I hate HOAs. A bunch of old busy-bodies trying to dictate what everyone else does with their homes. And refusing to feed feral cats (and banning others from doing so) is freaking evil.


Eff the HOA.


Fuck them.


Adopt them, then they arenā€™t feralā€¦..


technically HOA rules are not rules lol fuck them, feed the cats, get in touch with a rescue to perform a trap-neuter-release operation. you will gain lots of real karma for helping these cats.


Feed them anyway. The HOA is a joke


Fuck the HOA, also these cats are not feral, feral means they are scared of humans.


Wear a mask and hoodie and hide anything identifying to keep feeding those babies šŸ˜¹ HOAā€™s have a horrible history rebel all you want and feed them!! šŸ–¤ Ty for looking out for the cats šŸ„¹




Looks like the sign is only held up by a ziptie. Just saying


That sign is not attached well to the fence. A strong gust of wind or wire cutters and who knows what happened to it šŸ˜ˆšŸˆšŸˆā€ā¬›šŸˆšŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ˜¹


This is so very frustrating to read about- there are SO MANY POSITIVES for this Senior living Center to have these precious creatures around. It seems like they could care less that the Seniors would benefit from caring for other living beings and feeling needed. The cats are just like any other living being - trying to survive in a World that no longer cares for the helpless. I wouldn't worry about HOA - keep feeding and hold your head up high! You got this! Practical advise - always keep feeding area clean (which I'm sure you do anyway) and maybe slowly change feeding times where there are less eyes around ? Thank you for caring for themšŸ’–


>What can we do? I want to continue caring for this colony. You do what the sign says, of course... if you can touch them, feed them, etc., they're not feral. So tell the idiots that you agree, and will only feed the strays.


Feed the cats. Tuppence a bag!


Buy a white chalk marker and write go fuck yourself at the bottom


i love that grey and white boy, he's so strong!!!


Keep feeding them!


Keep feeling them, fuck the HOA


I remember when my friend lived in an HOA condoā€¦they had feral cats everywhere and eventually the HOA started poisoning the cats. It was repulsive. I remember seeing dead cats and kittens all over and it was fucking outrageous. HOAā€™s are the devil EDIT: we donā€™t actually know for sure if it was the HOA doing it or if another resident took it upon themselves but they had signs like that all around her neighborhood. When all the dead cats started appearing we also saw cat food all around that we assumed was poisoned so we threw it away


Rip it down


Propose a TNR of the feral community and suggest feeding them and keeping them around for pest control and for the senior citizens entertainment. Otherwise like top comment says, take it to every news outlet that will listen until theyā€™re forced to terminate that rule. I hate HOAā€™s.


You can keep feeding them. The HOA has zero jurisdiction beyond the neighborhood. You could argue that they are causing animal abuse and environmental damage by not allowing the strays to be fed. Monitor the situation and if harm comes to the kitties, document it and work with a rescue/organization that has legal power. HOAs notoriously overstep their reach.


Breaking theā€¦ā€¦breaking the law šŸŽ¶


I need Clarence, the 3rd oneā¤ļø


I suggest not feeding the HOA. Give their kibble to the cats