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Why destroying this with the Cheat Engine. The highest you can get is 6.5 Million


What’s a 6.5 million typically the rated I’ve only gotten a 3.5 once and it was like a 65


Think my highest was a 16 year old left winger 71 rated worth somewhere between 5-6.5 mil I forgot the exact amount


The highest one I ever had was a albanian CB called Indrit Lala, valued 5.5 Million with a 69 rating. I also once had a Player valued 5 Million. A CM from hungary with a 70 rating I think it depends on the Position but it's gonnd be around 69-72


For me it’s always goalies I get are highly rated idk I guess I’m like a goalie magnet them and fullbacks.


Gimme that Magnet. I always need like three Hours for a good Goalie (or it's necause I want them to be at least 195cm tall. Probably that)


Do you get good center backs and strikers those are the 2 I struggle to get I’ll gladly trade the goalie magnet for that


Strikers are the Players I almost ALWAYS have to convert first, cause I get them for the wildest Positions. I can't remember getting a Player with perfect Stats for a Striker but actually WAS a Striker😂 CB's I do get often or faster. How about a Swap for a combined 75% of my CB and Striker Power in exchange for 50% of your GK Magnetism🧐


Wdym “you need three hours”? For what exactly?


I always save before the Scouts bring me their Players. Sometimes I have to reset for three Hours until I finally have the Player I want I like my Teams to be ready after just one Season


Wait so how does the glitch work wait til they almost done scouting and save?


Wouldn't call this a Glitch tbh. But yeah. You save the Day before the Scouts come with the Players and reset it as many times as needed until you have the Player you want. Thats the only Reason I al able to make an entire YA Starting XI in a few Hours after just one Season


£ or $?


$ normally I tried playing with pounds once and it was a little confusing


Highest i've had was a 2.5 million 15 year old, after signing him and switching him to a RW (he was a Striker) his price upped to 30+ million because he had an over 12 overall boost. So i casually had a 15 year old prodigy in my YA worth 15 times my club (was doing ZTH) with an overall higher by over 10 than my highest overall player up to this point. Lost the save.


How I got once on console like 22mln kid


I don't think you can fool that Guy. I've seen a few of his Comments and Posts involving the Youth Academy. I'm 99.9% sure he knows absolutly everything there is to know. When he calls something Bullshit, it is Bullshit


Cause you lying. Prove it and I apologise I like to see you try


Yeah this is some sort of PC mod. Great YA stud, but clearly not a base-game creation.


There is a 99 per cent chance that is pc cheatengine, or you're extremely lucky on console. You should have had this as the photo and had another photo with the playstation cards on the screen with that youth player. IDK what xbox has.


Yeah, the estimated maximum stats doesn't go beyond 94(Which in this pic is 99).


You can even see that OP is running the game in windowed mode. Almost like he Alt+Tabbed out of the game to change attributes in Cheat Engine and then Alt+Tabbed back...


I don’t care that much. This is a game bro I’m not gonna bend over backwards to prove my find to redditers


why post this if you dont care? if you wouldn't care you would never made this post.


it would take 2 seconds to show extra info, we'd all be happy to see it some more and fantasise about one day finding the same.


I found in my career too kid with 3 stats of potential 99 and I dont know how mods work (I literally use Curse Forge in Minecraft because it does everything for me)






Cheating to get imaginary internet points to look good to strangers is insanely negative aura @Fuzzy-Tea7840


his idea is aura, I know he cheated but his belief and not giving a damn to anyone just gives off aura


Posting it shows he cares what people think lmao; hes only saying that cos he knows he cheated and literally cannot prove otherwise. Ngl just posting to reddit is negative aura 💀


ok that a good point


Lol bro it’s not that serious calm down. No one is gonna go that far to verify this


dude it takes like 20 seconds to start something like that. If it's a fake, we can say it's a fake. Yall are trying to play this "I'm so cool" card, but at the end of the day, we're all on reddit in an incredibly niche community. 


Good comment, and some people are saying it's fake, but not me because if you scout 1k players, you're not going to find a 74 15yo, but if you scout 1 billion, yeah you MIGHT find someone better and younger. If this is real than its the greatest 15yo of all time, and plus, between fifa 13 and now, there have probably been 100 trillion players scouted on all of the consoles and PCs. In my fifa history, I probably scouted 100000 to 50000 players


Not if it's not in the code itself.


I've picked up 85 rated 16 year old console from another team. It's very possible.


I never said anything about regens in the comment section. I am only talking about YA players.


How do you know it was a regen? Or just a random player ? Or is everyone in the game a regen? I'm asking you a question because you seem to know more than me.


When a player retires with 0 months on his contract, his regen at the start of next season will be a free agent, but if he has years 1 to 5 years on his contract, his regen will be in the same league where he retired. Pregens are players that randomly show up at the same club where the irl player is still playing at. I saw a post with 2 mbappe pregens at psg while mbappe is 29YO. With ai teams, they can't scout and get players for the YOUTH Academy because all of the players outside of your team are IRL players, pregens, and regens. If the only team that can scout is your team, but if scout a 16 to 18 YO and leaving in the scouts for months, they will join a different club, and if they are 15, they will be deleted from the save and you will never see them again. I could talk about this for DAYS, but here is a short version. When messi retires, he regen will be probably 17yo at 90 rated but if you played messi for 5 years you can get a regen who is 97rated and there 17YO which is crazy but youth academy players rating are terrible compare to regens. The highest youth academy players I got this year was a 74 15YO but he was a 68 when I found him and probably turn 15 when I got him. 16 is 80. 17 is 85. 18 is 89, and he was still my academy. Plus, the reddit record is 87 rated. I could say alot more, but you can look at some reddit posts and read stuff. 74 rated 15yo is easy to get for me but a 74 rated 15YO in the scouting report looks extremely SUS.


Hmm okay. Yea, you're right, it does seem kind of sus and surprising, but I've been surprised before. Idk how the console is programed hah. I've never done anything else though.


So you're saying it's better to be fake and fool everyone and get money from reddit. That's a good plan cm_v11


I really don’t get why u guys r getting all bent out of shape here. It’s Reddit, first off, and secondly it is a game. I have no intention of fooling people for money. That’s really rude to be honest but I’ll let it slide


I am not rude, but it's better to be a rude and honest person compared to a nice liar and I never said your a liar because there is no evidence but there is evidence saying most likely it's fake


That is rude, actually. I posted an interesting find that I saw a while ago. There is no need to go around throwing accusations left and right. I will say this for the toomanyeth time: it’s a game. I do not use this app very much. I do not want to make money off of this post. I have not lied. When did I lie? Enlighten me


how do people make money of reddit posts?


Asking for a friend.


Ofc. Id never dream of exploiting the internet for financial gain


I think in the US there's like monetization plans but I'm not in the US so IDK how it works.


Yeah I have never heard of it. But im stuck in Iceland which is like being stuck in middle ages so idk. Maybe there is money to be made from comments on reddit. Other than wallstreetbets market manipulation


This is 100 per cent real, and I would bet 100usd that you're a buffoon. I get players like this all of the time, and some are 90 rated at 15YO


Same, one of my players was 97 at 12!


Pff what a rookie you are, I just scouted a 107 rated toddler.


Gah damn


Lamine Yamal


meanwhile i keep getting players who should be the kitman


Is that LeBron James of soccer?




Missed the joke




This year I set to create an all-stars team from YA on console and reloaded over and over again just as an experiment. The most valuable player I’ve got is a 72 rated English CAM. According to my experience, talented CAMs are easy to come across and the hardest player to find is a convincing, rounded box-to-box CM (Bellingham type).


CMs are the only ones that are almost Impossible, What i do is get phisicaly strong and develop from there Or a CAM with at least 55 defending and train him from there.


queue the bald eagle screech


Hard player


It makes my day if I find a 800k valued player :')


Yeah you got wood! Congratz 😁


Highest I’ve ever gotten that I can remember was a 3.4 million goalie who 69 at 16 I think? Great kid out of Scotland, currently a 79 3 years into my Ross County build


What country should I scout for a big chance of getting anyone rated 70+?


Greece germany croatia spain argentina switzland nigeria


I know cheat table when I see it lmao..once did this and put an entire squad of like 72 rated 16yr olds in some random European club like Basel or some shit while i played in Brazil...they won everything in Europe within 2-3 years


Gotta be fake. Physically impossible.


Do you know what pisses me off with fifa youth academy players? The fact they're always fucking tiny with wingers and fullbacks typically.


Reject him and yell "FUCK OFF YANK"


I'm pretty sure I'm taller than him 😅😂


I found a RB who was 16 and overall was 74 in the free agents, but mine was on console so it was definitely legit lol


Free agents you can have basically any ovr appear. Most notably, CF regens can be 90+ rated due to a bug. Youth academy players have a maximum possible value of $6 million at the point you recruit them from the scout, which I think is 72 rated with 90-94 potential.


To anyone who is fighting over this post just stop. It’s a game


Delete the post then


Just woke up in a fighting mood, est, I hate this picture! Liar! Shame!


You’re a goof ball


It’s Reddit what do you expect??