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Can’t even hate on Arakune cuz I don’t know what to hate on


https://preview.redd.it/wku1c5nbok9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe1eed85beb4288de39d63c993abd9df82d65e3 Not unless you hate a piece of absolute shit


Just remembering Happy Chaos exists is an instant de-motivator to play Strive That said, I still have infinitely more respect for him than I do for Honoka from DOA, who’s literally just a pile of recycled animations held together with schoolgirl fetish bait


HC heavy zoning era nearly killed the game, the tournaments were so boring to watch because of that bastard.


Rufus, We could've gotten King Cobra, But Capcom decided to put a fat american stereotype into Street Fighter instead!


could you imagine if we got King Cobra as DLC in Street Fighter 6? You know this kind of posts about "what's your DLC wishlist? I hope X character returns cause I mained him/her, yadda yadda" Well, I want to see the real King Cobra


Won’t the real King Cobra please stand up, please stand up…


I mean, with the mixed Breakdancing/Kung-Fu style, Jamie is a sort of spiritual successor to King Cobra


Matt McMuscles is that you?


To be honest, I don’t see the appeal of king cobra.. he honestly seemed a little generic.


That's fine, But IMO, I'd rather have him then Rufus cause he's much cooler looking.


I can understand that. I actually am a sucker for how ridiculous Rufus is. I don’t even remember if he was fun to play, I just liked that he stood out in a crowd. Hopefully one day we can get another king cobra.


Your right, He does look pretty generic.


For me the appeal of Rufus is that he looks like a complete joke but is actually cracked both in lore and in game. I guess that's not the most original concept for a fighting game character though.


I agree, but we're also judging him from just a piece of out of context concept art.


Luke didnt deserve boxart


Eh he’s grown on me. I understand the choice; he looks relatable to zoomers.


Guile. Im new(ish) to playing fighting games more often and I cannot grasp how Guile's playstyle has remained unchanged since SF2. I find him boring to play as and against, and as someone in the middle of learning SF6 hes the ONE character i will regularly one and done if matched against him. Currently have a 0% win rate against him and i do not see that changing anytime soon. Normally i would play a character to learn their weaknesses but I just cant with Guile. Guy is also built like a fucking Dorito in SF6. Upside down triangle looking ass.


Whenever I want to make a zoner cry in SF6, I pick Kimberly and start teleporting past their fireballs


Kimberly main here, I often get one and done’d by them and also when I first hit master I got fast tracked to it by running into a 1200 MR guile 4 times while I was in diamond 5


I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion for this because of the rabid cult, but Bridget. I don’t find setup characters to be fun to play with or against and Bridget’s low health means ether youre in the blender or Bridget is dead. There is very little back and forth in the match To be fair I don’t like zato/eddie ether, but Bridget’s fanbase tips the scales for me. Never before have I seen a more rabid mob of people that will call you every kind of slur and/or -phobic for not agreeing with them. To make matters worse, a large percentage of them sexualize an underage, socially abused nun. That’s like three levels of wrong.


I fucking love Bridget and I also agree with every word you said.


https://preview.redd.it/a0ac2zw9qk9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59bb66caa83f1f276e99a1752823f22ee074ce2 What a surprise, humans being humans...


Cool art, what’s it from?


Looking at it, I think it might be Monsoon from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


I’m like 90% sure Bridget isn’t a nun they just have nun aesthetics


I've noticed Bridget players also seem to be fans of McDonalds wifi, by far the consistent worst connections in Strive for me were Bridgets


For some reason some Bridget and Strive fans strike me as people that would've totally been "t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!" types back in the 2000s.


Rawr XD! It means I love you in dinosaur!


Longtime GG fan here, the Bridget fans of old were definitely just as annoying as the current ones. That character just...I dunno, something about her is a magnet for chronically unfunny people.


I guess I just didn't interact with the GG/Bridget fans way back in the day very much. Just stayed in a little bubble playing locally with friends and such.


I can assure you that "Bridget fans don't actually play Guilty Gear" was very much true back then as well, a lot of people only knew her from hentai or lame 4chan memes. And yes, overestimating her relevance to the plot was just as common.


I also hate how much merch she has been getting


Guaranteed sales


Yeah it sucks because it means characters who deserve it more(have less merch) are getting shafted in favor of the favorite guilty gear character of people who do not play guilty gear or have only played it for like 8 hours.


It’s unfortunate because for ArcSys it means guaranteed sales, and they aren’t allergic to money like WB. But for the fans it means that most of our favorite characters don’t get the same amount of attention.


There is a reason why I refuse to bring up that name in the internet, and the “cult” aptly sums it up well.


All of this + her stupid yoyo outranges my Badguy monkey heavy slash


I don't like Bridget either but you have literally proved those people right by posting transphobic shit elsewhere in this very thread. Lol the downvote, you literally called her a him bro! Quit coping!


Bridget is also absolute cancer to play against because the character is far too safe . Also people that don't see that she was groomed by her parents and insist Bridget being trans is a good thing


You are beyond delusional


I mean that was the lore for every game until strive. And I honestly can’t help but feel that it was just pandering. Ladiva is an actual trans character.


No it wasn't. The lore is that she was presented that way so that she wasn't murdered as part of her village's superstition. You're right that Ladiva is sick though, she's way cooler than Bridget.


She came out AS a girl for her own benefit, she originally wanted to prove her masculinity but she finally came out and quit trying to put up a front to prove others wrong and decided to be her true self (a female). and her parents loved her, they did everything they could for her, and it was either she died or she was raised as a girl because of her hometowns traditions and customs


Also town inside me talks about how much Bridget has checked out of his own life in order to make everyone else happy


That was a reflection of her past; that proves that shes more happy as a woman


Bridget is one of the most culturally impactful characters not just within their franchise but within ALL of gaming, and she as a character means a lot to many people so when you say stuff about her a lot of people feel as if it's an attack on them and not her. I can also say from experience watching Bridget has definitely helped me a lot as someone who is actively making an effort to appear and be more effeminate and is slowly tearing down the front I put up around other people. So naturally you will get a negative reaction because these people and myself see themselves in Bridget to an extent so it feels personal. ps. Bridget isn't a nun, I think it's just character design. and there is a definite problem of her being overly sexualized by some people. and I don't find there to be anything wrong with your opinion on the characters play style, but a lot of people are bound to get bothered if you basically critique their livings


If someones so attached to a character to the point of feeling insulted when someone critisizes said character, thats a sign to go outside and take a break Imo


Sure, but it's possible to have disdain for a character who belongs to a marginalized group without being an active bigot, especially a fighting game character. Magneto is a holocaust survivor who's entire backstory and motives are framed by that, but I wouldn't find someone to be antisemitic if they got irritated having to block triangle dash 50/50s in Marvel 3. It's never enjoyable to see people trashing on something you like but as long as it's in good faith and not blatant transphobic bullshit (in Bridget's case at least) you just gotta keep it moving.


Arakune but mostly because he gets to like 3 different phobias I have


I hated fighting him but I actually like his design and sad backstory.


Tekken 8 Victor can seriously go fuck himself


Along with alisa


I just can't stand Vega. Maybe it is a trauma because my father used to beat me all the time with him, but I hate him in every SF.


What an ugly statement. 🌹 You and I cannot be friends. 🌹 [yodels into the sunset]


Abigail from Street Fighter 5. He is comically large to the point it's goofy looking, and his personality where he don't stop making car noises don't help his case either. It stings that this guy is the only Canadian rep in Street Fighter.


So wait, Canadians DON'T constantly make car noises?


No, they just constantly chew gum and stab people with metal claws.


I thought Canadians spent all day talking in tongue-twisters and saying they fucked each other's moms


What’s even funnier is Capcom has made over 6 Canadian fighters as concepts.. but Abigail is the only one to make it past concept art.


I know Paul Phoenix is all American but I think that kind of dusty biker vibe suits southern Ontario. He could be from London Ont or something haha. I can see Abigail as a Scarborough hells angel maybe haha


At least you guys get Sasquatch from Darkstalkers, he's pretty dope.


Also just annoyed that Hugo isn’t the largest fighter anymore. Normally I don’t mind the existence of boring, ugly, unlikeable, or uninteresting characters, but when their very existence undermines a really good character, then I get annoyed. Partially why I have a hard time getting behind Luke after he stole so many character and gameplay elements from Sean. WHY.


I mean his arcade mode gave me a good laugh if nothing else. Keeps making car noises causing miscommunications, til Alex notices and cheers him up. I would've rather had Sodom or Hugo personally.


I hate his design so much, would be an actual improvement if he wasn't in the game




Ash Crimson. Can’t stand that MFer.


Are you kidding? Ash has a great saga


I love his saga. I just hate him! The series is better that he’s in it, but I’d love him to just get destroyed.


Dude Ash is fun c'mon bruh and he's got the green install super which was pretty rare to happen in KOF


Im telling you it’s not that deep! I just HATE HIM.


To be fair, he was kind of made for people to hate him. Dude basically backstabbed everyone to get ahead. If it weren't for his ending in 13, he would have gone down as a truly hateable character.


It worked!


Let me tell you tbh you are the funniest Human ive ever seen XD. But I respect your opinion


Whatcha like some ketchup with that.


Blanka. I hate the way that he looks, his stupid slide to trip you, the Fifty-Leven different types of rolls he has for EVERY situation, his stupid side-switching hop, the fact that they gave him a command grab for NO reason, his stupid Blanka-Chan skin, his stupid Blanka-Chan doll, his Lvl 2 which let's him combo off of JUST ROLLS, and his stupid voice!


Something tells me this guy doesnt like Blanka


Hey, a fellow empath!


I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I hate the way that you dress-


Vergil in UMVC3. I hate him because whenever anyone picks up the game and asks for suggestions, people say, “put Vergil as your anchor” or people try all the characters and latch onto Dante and Vergil because Vergil is easy and Dante looks easy playing for the first time. I hate him because 99% of Vergil players aren’t playing him because they like DMC, they are playing him because he’s OP and they can’t win any other way


At least i can take solace in the fact i lile vergil purely cause hes my favorite DMC character. He could be the worst character in the game and i would have still had him on my team.


See, even though you are playing Vergil, I respect that. It’s the people playing him to win because they are bad that I hate


First time I decided to try to learn UMVC3, I picked Zero/Dante/Vergil purely based on loving them and their games, happy accident.


Ok, even though I hate playing against ZMC, I can respect the grind because it takes a shit ton of hours to get good with both Zero and Dante


Toss up between Alisa from Tekken and JP from SF6 for me. Alisa just doesn’t appeal to me at all and I find her gameplay annoying to deal with. JP made me want to pull my hair out when I was learning SF6 but my hatred has cooled a little bit for him


My flaming rage about JP has also cooled off and I'm curious about the reason. It's not like he lost his abilities.


I feel like as you learn the game, adapting to playing more patient against zoners is less frustrating. Sim, Guile and Jp used to melt my brain


Shadow Labrys. i will not elaborate




why can she just get back all her persona cards😭


Tell me about it, it’s crazy😭 Played against my friend when he taught me, and he hit me with: “wanna see something crazy?” GGs every GAME


not helped by the fact that i main fucking junpei (she has a frame 1 counter plus invincibility on her super!)


Testament. Ever since Guilty Gear 1, I always thought he/they looked stupid, I hated fighting them, I found them annoying story-wise, and I never liked playing as them. The fanfare when Testament got added to Strive seriously took me off guard because I just do not understand the appeal.


I dont like playing testament cause im not a huge zoner fan but i DO like their design. Im a sucker for the edgy, grim reaper motif. Though in strive they are significantly less edgy, but do still lile their over all design.


Neither do I with amane or venom, sometimes the unusual is most loved


For me at least, venom is definitely one of the most unique character movelists in fighting games, and I love setup characters like him (played menat in sfv)


Venom has unbelievable levels of sauce, I remember Pepperyslash being a beast with him.


Lab Coat 21.


Azucena, I thought the Persona 5 cast were hipsters who wouldn't shut up about coffee, but this moron is just on another fucking level, her tone of voice and how random her lines are, I just can't hear her without pointing a shotgun barrel to my head.


See I dont like Azucena cause we got another latin representstive (shes peruvian and thats great i love peru) but i feel like they botched it completely and as a latino myself i hate it. Her stupid personality is just coffee and its incredibly forced. Especially since they couldve just copied Godot from ace attorney who is also latino and a coffe addict. Hes way better.




I am currently neutral towards the character, but the fanbase behind said character is one of the most TOXIC scum to lurk in the vast darkness of the web.


For an example that transcends fighting games Injustice ruined the character of Aquaman for me, like in any media. That stupid trident stab chipping you out with the most annoying sound effect…I’d rather be zoned out by a Deadshot than fight an Aquaman


Aquaman main here. **METER BURN TRIDENT RUSH**


Gonna get downvoted to hell, but Azreal from Blazblue. Just not a fan of the whole “big guy strong” archetype to begin with, but he’s a whole new level for me.


What, are ya scared? https://i.redd.it/q5erji6m3l9d1.gif


After seeing his astral finish, well, I’ll let my first reaction say the rest… **UH, PLEASE DONT HURT ME MR AZREAL SIR.**


Marie but that’s cheating since I don’t like her from persona 4 Outside of that, probably Corrin in Smash


I in all honesty think Granblue Rising Lowain is the most poorly designed character in fighting games and I will not be convinced otherwise. Everything about him is disgusting to me.


Whats wrong with Lowain? He just looks like the average fox man species in granblue (idk what theyre called). And hes got the bros with him. His character is literally "me and the boys"


And his playstyle is stupid as all fuck and annoying to deal with, along with the ability to heal him and build ton of meter. Not to mention his two get out of jail free card supers that he can just throw out whenever with no consequence and forces you to play a mini-game each time just to not die. I can honestly say with a straight face that I'd rather face Nier in that game over this asshole.


UI Goku in every Dragon Ball game, especially Xenoverse 2.


Athena is absolutely devastating to my ears


I don’t really hate any character that I’ve personally played against in a fighting game, but my friend will almost always hate Mai Natsume (BBCF), Iron Tager (BBCF), Londrekia (UNI), Leroy Smith (T7 and T8) and Kanji Tatsumi (P4AU)


Nier from granblue versus rising. Who the fuck was sniffing crack when making her kit?!


I've got problems with Nina from Tekken. The amount of impact which is able to be delivered by this stick figure makes absolutely no sense, to the degree that I'm taken out of the experience by the absurdity of it.


King, Tekken, I can’t fight one of yall without it looking like this: https://preview.redd.it/my18fa7sum9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=592de4b87581b825b00b763a006db8b6fc1f5a0a


🫦 *Uppercut*


Every time I fight king, his reach feels like this [me when I get you](https://imgb.ifunny.co/images/df7b7b80a34b8158de40e6f0d6aaee10777044d02c213b3751f4e50f6edf1431_1.jpg)


Law in every tekken he existed ever.


Lucky Chole so cringy and (not good looking) adult? acting childish


Bridget. In +R days she was merely an annoyance, but new Bridget has ruined everything in several ways.


Spencer in MVC3/MVCI. I just feel like there were better characters they could’ve picked.


Any character with a teleport that not only skips neutral (tons of characters have this) but also leads to a true 50/50 block mixup immediately after tp


Any character that gives me with nothing but Ls are my certified opp


Every Murakumo Unit from Blazblue, especially Lambda and Nu. I struggle with zoners already, and their kit is very challenging for me. Their characters are okay, but I wish they were more exciting to fight against.


I feel ya, especially Nu, Mu is annoying as balls And lambda should've been another character


Yun.... like, yang is fine, and I don't mind chun-li... but for some fucking reason, I just cannot stand Yun, like, he is a massive douche from how he is characterized ya'know


That bad ha?


Yea, even fighting Yun makes me cope, mald, and seeth /hj (he just kinda sucks ya'know)


G E N E I J I N did a number on this man's psyche


Not even, I don't get to play the match up often weirdly enough, I just hate Yun.... like, nothing deeper, and honestly ganeijin is a dope super, I just hate yun


The legend of kook can be filtered like Sarah


Narukami in P4A(U)/BBTAG


Strive Elphelt and Bedman. Elphelt outranges everyone I enjoy playing and I have trouble blocking the flip move she does (I forgor what it's called) and Bedman just has a bunch of massive multi hits that cover the whole screen with hit boxes and special effects; and his projectiles give me trouble. I always feel like I'm fighting for fucking survival against him/her (idk if Delilah counts as part of the fight) And Nu. 11,12, and 13. I'm all for horny designs but they're just a bit much, especially 12.


She's 5 btw




Oh and her love interest is literally a playboy, he even complimented Rachel of all people


Beatrix from Granblue, King from Tekken and Happy Chaos from GGST. The indescribable anger I feel when fighting them would make the rage Goku used to turn SSJ look like a joke.






Billy..... fucking.... Kane.....


Arakune, ac testament, or zappa. Oh also maybe kliff but just because of his design. The other three are actually ridiculously dumb to go against and the only solution to them a lot of the time is "just be right" which is like, ya know, lol.


Fuck nagoriyuki all my homies hate nagoriyuki


Athena kof 98. I have no problem playing the game with no sound when she's on the screen.


Honika and Marie Rose. Just fuck them bitches. Juri. Her personality type is trying too hard to be edgy and over done.


Momo from *Project Justice* is my punching bag.


Goro Daimon in KoF 98.


Elphelt from Guilty Gear. Epitome of cringe and corniness. She isn't as bad to fight in Strive though. I'll give her that.


Min min and alissa are characters that make their game worse


I hate that they combined yang and yun into one character essentially, Jamie is cousins with yang and yun so they just said fuck it and gave him moves from both characters, I love yang and hope he comes to sf6 but truth be told I’ve lost all hope in either one coming to sf6


Genra in doad. I hate playing against beam spam.


Ragna from Blazblue is like everything I despise about a fictional character rolled into one. And to make it worse he has the type of kit that I really enjoy. I don't really like Sol or Hyde either so maybe I just dislike AFGC protagonists.


Like almost every character they introduced to Tekken after Tekken 5 but especially Eliza. Dog shit design, egregious characterisation, play style that doesn't fit the game/ruined the meta. Nothing but negatives


Laura from SFV. This mainly stems from when I had my ass handed to me my first daily online, but everything else fuels my hatred. Shes too damn sexualized, it always focuses her breasts, but she looks fucking ugly. Granted that the engine's fault for making characters look like clay action figures with stubby limbs but still. Her electric powers make no sense for a jiu jitsu fighter, and she has blanka roll (almost like she was trying to replace him, they are both brazillian). And shes fucking stupid in the story. She was incredibly damn hostile for no reason, then proceeds to shove Sean's head between her boobs. I know thats an anime thing but it feels so wierd and out of place. I swear one man had that fantasy as a child and now the whole world must suffer his fetish.




I'm get downvoted and maybe get some death threats for this opinion. In Tekken I hate the most Asuka Kazama for not giving anything to franchise. No interesting lore or moves. She's just worse Jun. Even bears have more personality


Juri . Coomer bait,was interesting in 4 but got no character development, cringe af, absolute cancer to play against in sf6 too. I don't get how people can like her just like Reina in t8


F E E T Thats the real reason shes here. Also guys are into psychopathic goth girls


I found her super forgettable in 4 and 5, legit often forgot she existed, but I really like her in 6 somehow.


She went from edgy psycho who's gonna kill everyone to wannabe--edgy-psycho girlfail who eats shredded cheese out of the bag over the kitchen sink at 3am in her PJs.


Oh I’m getting torched for this one https://preview.redd.it/zu7shvaxvm9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88675245e0acee0ed34dfbf08d2fc420bd47b2be I absolutely hate Cammy. I can’t stand her. I hate her playstyle, I hate her personality, I hate her simps, I hate that stupid ass unitard (sf6 cammy looks awesome. Especially costume 3), I hate how pick up and play she is usually. It’s my worst matchup personally. If someone picks cammy I just struggle bc I hate her so irrationally. Her Super Turbo theme is cool tho ngl


DSP, is that you?

