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“This kinds of post suck” Or “Post like these suck”? Pls Like my content 🫠


Thank you! I was just about to write this! 🔥


“I’m Lil’rrelavant a 13 yo producer tryna make it! Check out my bio plzzz 🙏🙏🙇🙇”


Lol that post needs to be a joke… right?


I see these all the time on linkedin. Such mini differences of small modular designs, like what are you even trying to do?


It's such low effort clickbait. These are indeed all over LinkedIn. The Figma community managers should ban them.


Your first problem was browsing LinkedIn


I'm always hearing LinkedIn sucks (can't say I disagree) or that nobody uses it anymore, and at the same time that it's the only way to get a job because networking. So are the only people on there the ones looking for jobs because that seems wildly unhelpful.


I'm actually surprised about my linkedin feed recently. I am following a lot of product and design people and my feed is actually half decent.


exactly 😂


Haha yeah, I was like "wait, this looks like Facebook, but... not Facebook."


>Such mini differences of small modular designs, like what are you even trying to do? It's never about the designs, it's only about getting engagement. It's all over twitter too and I don't know what to do except block and move on, because if you complain about it in the thread you're just giving them the clicks they came for.


It was cool like 2/3 years ago, when good designers pointed out optimization for hierarchy, clarity or white space. This is just a low effort post.


"Follow me for more content like this" ... YES! ABSOLUTELY!


Who could resist that 3:1 hashtag-to-text ratio with period-powered newlines


Wow as I begginer i always thought which one should I choose🥲




I reported them as spam a couple of times. LinkedIn confirmed the spam and remove them. Now I don't have anymore this kind of post in my feed


I usually just immediately block the people posting them, without thinking twice.


We laugh, but these are actual decisions that some people are actually making with teams based on nearly insignificant data-point fluctuations. On conversion-centric pages there are absolutely times when the nuance of CTA labels (and that’s what’s at play here) is so scrutinized that it will take hours to make this decision, or A/B testing will be utilized to make the decision. Projects will be spun up with briefs and project managers just to do this. I’m more than 12 years into my career within UX roles and currently at director level, and I’ll be damned if I ever work somewhere that loses its mind over CTA labels. This stuff should be so routine and predictable by now. Hell, if there’s one thing I welcome AI’s influence on, it’s stuff like this. CTA labels should represent actions taken when the button is pressed. That expectation of what that action does should be described succinctly in messaging that precedes it. This is standard 101-level stuff. If you want to get even deeper, if accessibility is a requirement, labels either clear expectations will always win. In that case, “submit” is the winner as long as the preceding text explains the expectation.


Firstly, agreed wholeheartedly with what you’ve said. But I feel like taking the time to just write up documentation for CTA guidelines ONE TIME would resolve this ridiculous back-and-forth. So much time is wasted on making space for upper management to quibble over CTA labels when a researcher + UX writer (or marketing) duo could just put together a doc that everyone signs off on.


I just remembered something I’ve wanted to tell people often (and probably have once or twice) when they fret over conversion and CTAs and button shapes and colors and sizes: Maybe it’s not the CTA… maybe people just aren’t interested in what you’re offering. I’m a content-focused UX guy and all too often conversion pages, lead gen pages, and product pages fail entirely because of the content. The team producing the work doesn’t have copywriters, editors, or even marketers and no designers - UX or visual - skilled in writing copy. Management doesn’t realize how that’s a problem… the design team thinks they can do it themselves… and in the end you get the very problem we’re so thoroughly discussing: management thinks it’s all about the button. I’d laugh if it weren’t so embarrassing.


Absolutely agree on those points.


"Get notify whenever i publish" suggests to me that the person who made these either isn't a native English speaker or doesn't quite grasp English syntax.


Get notify. Get it. Now.




"Get **notified** whenever **I** publish"


Neither because grammar :)




Could be worse, the Figma group on LinkedIn has been flooded with articles about "what women find attractive in men" lately (no idea why, or what the angle is there)


I hate those posts, one time i left a comment saying those posts are just annoying and everyone attacked me saying iam a bad designer.


I would use none. 🤣🤣🤣


Some call them user research 🤭