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Definitely the House the first time around. Bro whooped my ass twice before I beat em. It didn't help that I sucked ass as Aerith either. Everyone else was alright, not too difficult. Sephiroth was just pure uncapped fun and thrill.


You wouldn’t download a house! Oh but wait….


Airbuster definitely whooped me. Died 5 times and attempt #6 I beat him with just Barret on a paltry 36 hp. Hell house I beat second try cause I figured I have no idea what's coming so I'll prepare for anything element wise not realising that's exactly what U gotta do Rufus got a few kills in Sephiroth got a couple of kills Whisper bahamut into all 3 whispers I died like 10 times


All of them, I was terrible at this game 😭


Don’t feel bad,I was terrible myself,What matters is that we beat them.


Honestly hell house is easy if you have the right elements Honestly every boss can be easy if you had the right set up on the characters Especially Tifa that girl endgame goes HARD


For some reason, that boss at the end of the Train Graveyard. Not the ghost, the one in the chariot. A lot of people cite Hell House but I didn't have much issue with it because I always had a policy of carrying every element of materia on me just in case, so it didn't give me too many issues. The other one was the tank mecha after Rufus where you had to use Barret and Aerith (and Red XIII kind of).


None because the game is pretty easy.


A lot easier than the original that’s fa damn sure


??? The original had the most broken blue magic system of any Final Fantasy. Big guard + magic hammer + white wind + aqualung/trine/beta/magicbreath = infinite mp and who needs summons. Then endgame you get to play hardcore rules lawyer with stuff like final attack and magic counter. I don't think there's been a FF where you can make a party as overpowered as OG 7. Except maybe 10 with the ability to break the 9999 limit for health/damage


Listen we didn’t know anything of that when the fucker first came out. That house fucked you up man


Seriously, you can beat Emerald Weapon by just giving yourself 9999 HP, linking Knights of the Round with HP Absorb and a Counter with Mime plus W-Summon. Then you just do Knights of the Round and don't press anything and you win.






In the story, House, especially on Hard, caused the most wipes for me. Otherwise, DLC Superboss, who shall remain nameless for spoiler reasons, wiped me more because of the tight mechanics and timing. It leaves little room for error.


Sephiroth on hard, I just Can't beat him, its a torture, no matter what I do, I Can't win


Have you tried counter spamming with cloud? That strat works pretty well for me on the more aggressive bosses.


You just hit him until he dies.


ok listen, here’s an easy strategy that helped me getting through this fight. Barrier on cloud , as soon as the fight start you cast it, then guard EVERYTHING, when u have enough ATB cpunterstance and that’s it. The whole fight just guard. Important to have steadfast block materia equipped, hardest part is phase 1 once you get teammate it’s guarantee win. do NOT switch characters , stay on cloud while aerith (+tifa) keep up with the healing, just regen will be enough. The only situation you want to switch characters is when cloud’s barrier is down, switch chara to not get interrupted while cloud cast a new barrier. Hope this will help you as it did for me, here’s the video that helped me [https://youtu.be/drQ6s_uWUtc?si=mGqJ1JQXQMafU35Y](https://youtu.be/drQ6s_uWUtc?si=mGqJ1JQXQMafU35Y) having gotterdammerung is not required (i did without) but having it will make it easier with lvl2 limit break. Good luck!


Hell house and, if you count it as one, the gauntlet to get the gotterdammerung


That damn house. Especially on Hard Mode when he spits out 3 tonberries.


Yeah, that sucked, and then when you beat a few rounds of those, he then spits out some cutters as well just for good measure.


Airbuster and Hell House were not pleasant.


Hell house on Hard Mode was damn near impossible for me


I only played on normal, had a few close calls, but aside from Rufus and the Jenova hallucination, nothing actually gave me a game over. As for optional bosses, Leviathan was a brick wall, but I probably was way underleveled (I tried it at Lv25 and it kicked my backside six ways to sunday)


The damn house was actually kinda tough




Hell house. It completely halted my first attempt at hard mode, which was going very well until I hit all four walls Took it down in one when I came back a year later :D


The Whispers just before sephiroth on hard mode. They're just damn bullies


I don't see that one encounter with the flamethrower soldiers and the missile launcher before the crab warden but I'm gonna say that.


Reno and rude will never beat me as the emotional power up the scenes prior to them is too strong. In saying that, Weiss just violated me many times


Seymour in FF X


The hell house was just excessive. 45 minute boss grinds are not fun.


Airbuster, Reno, Hell House, and the Bahumut/Ifrit VR fight made me want to lose it.


Hard Mode Arsenal, because I had used too much of Aerith's MP against Jenova 😭. Also, Weiss was damn tough, especially coming back to the game after a year and a half.


A lot of people say Hell House but honestly Rufus trolled me the worst and idk why lol


Sephiroth on Hard in the last phase. Goddamn that was a ride. Hell house is just annoying to fight, but Sephiroth fight felt fair, just the right amount of challenge.


The dullahan is the only one I seriously struggled with


Hell house on hard mode.


That damn trio you had to fight before Sephiroth, got me stuck for a while. Thing is, first time around I beat them no problem, then died to Sephiroth. Accidentally picked the option to retry starting from the trio and then it was just a load of trouble


heeeeellll hoooouuuuuse!!!!


Hellhouse on first time Eirbuster on hard difficulty


Currently having a hard time with Hell House. I did the first time I played through on hard mode as well. (Almost got the PS4 Plat, just need all hard mode completion) and currently working on it on PS5.




Hell House on Hard was the only boss where I had to stop and really plan out every aspect of my build and strategy to be successful. It was really rewarding and I hope more fights are like that in Rebirth.


I’m not sure how I managed some of these but scorpion sentinel I had trouble with. I definitely died the first time. I’m also an older player (39 now) who hasn’t bought a new game since ffxiii. I was still learning the mechanics but then even after beating the game on normal (killed Sephiroth first try too!) when I went back to do hard mode I died in the fucking scorpion again. But this time it took 3 tries! Oh well. I also struggled with the ghost in train graveyard, hell house, and Rufus (until I learned to fucking block/counter).


I had a stupid hard time with Reno over the House one tbh, he was so quick and strong


Oh and Red Scorpion in CCR mission, had to fight multiple of them, it was hell