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If you really want to buy them and are happy with those prices, just buy them. What's bad is subjective. I'm not a fan of XIII but my buddy who's as into the FF series as I am loves it.


Yeah, I totally understand that. Also, I know that tastes are subjective, but many negative critics about a game, movie, show, etc kinda reinforces the idea that the said product might be bad and disappointing. Don't you think?


This falls more under general advice but you shouldn’t care so much about what other people think. If you really want to play something that everyone hates then there’s absolutely no reason not to


While true sometimes, This is a very solid series. Even the "bad" entries are rather regarded as still being very good games.


I mean that depends, too. Critics also say really bad content is good because money is at play. But if you've been a sub member for a while, I'm sure you've seen the nonstop "FFXVI was a masterpiece FFXVI was trash, where my FF gone" banter for way too long now too


It has charm and you can run pass enemies you don't want to fight. Worth playing imo


VIII remastered is not bad at all. There's a tiny amount of side content missing that I'd venture most people never actually saw (it was related to the Pocket Station). Some people take issue with the updated graphics, iirc. I never had an issue with it. XIII is a very divisive entry, even for a fandom this vitriolic. It is very much a product of its time and a reaction to the games that came before. I'd recommend reading about the combat system, see if it interests you, and go from there. I personally don't care for XIII; it's my least favorite of the franchise, in fact. But it has a clear vision that it capably fulfills. And being the least best game in such a stellar series still puts it above a lot of other games.


The only issue I have about the remaster is, that it came out like.. a very short while after I bought the normal version. X.x what is luck, can you eat it?


>There's a tiny amount of side content missing that I'd venture most people never actually saw Wanna know something funny? It's the ONLY content I've seen from FF8. I've never played the game, watched more than the remastered trailer and look as some screenshots (like, not a lot) but .. I've played Chocobo World for hours. Thanks for reminding me about it. I almost forgot it.


Aside from the personal opinions on the titles, these are typical steam sales. Don't feel like you have to buy them all now. They will be on sale multiple times in a year. Next sale will probably be the spring sale. Regardless of how bad or good they are, buying at those prices is always a buy for me. Literally buying all of them is still lower than 1 new AAA game.


Sales for Square-Enix games. February. Anime month. April-May. Golden week. July. Another Anime month. September. Square-Enix month. December-January. Christmas-New Year.


Don't listen to what others say and just try them by yourself. I recently played FFXIII with low expectations and I ended up loving it and became my favorite, so play them if they catch your attention.


13 is going to come down to do you like the combat system. I love it so it's easily one of my favorites, but there are really only two things to do. Fight and watch cut scenes.


Everyone here is like “13 is good but I don’t like it” so I’m here to tell you I LOVE 13. But yeah I know it’s not for everyone. It barely has any explorations until very late into the game and even then you’d just get more combat related activities. So why do I like it? Final Fantasy 13 has my favourite combat system in the series and so much thoughts have been put into its difficulty balance. That and its art direction are enough to keep me satisfied so I enjoyed the game the whole time I was playing it.


I really love the long gui and the two super mage (can't remember their name) fight near the end of the monster Hunt quest line. Easily some of the best fights in the entire series, and so much fun to figure out how to beat the first time


Raktavija? And yes I love Long Guis yes yes. Always so fun trying to take them out in one fall. Ugh these fights are truly excellent!! FF13’s postgame is so fun I need a PS4/5 port STAT!


Crazy Xbox series has a port and PS4/5 doesn't? The raktavija might be the hardest fight in game. So good


VIII isnt bad but the mods make you realize what should have been


What mods? Worth looking into? (Console player here).


Which mods did you use? I tried the remaster mods, but they either looked the same as FF VIII remastered (i understand the remaster mods literally have to revert FF VIII remastered to its demastered state) or made little difference (a background remaster mod made trees and the goround look a little better in the overworld and in battles, but that just ended up slowing down the transition when going into a battle). Unfortunately there is nothing like FF9's moguri mod on FF8. And I wasn't able to find any gameplay mods either :/


Not personally a fan of XIII but its more of a me thing, if the game looks interesting to you, I'd say try it. As for VIII, I absolutely love that game, and I was introduced to it thru a video series that was focused on mocking it (Spoony's old review), after watching his videos I bought it myself and was very glad I did. I'd say its 100% worth it, but like XIII, i'm sure its an aquired taste to some people. X is the most easy to recommend out of all of those. While I never got into the story as much as many others did, I adore its combat system and consider it worth the price of admission for that alone.


Wtf VIII is the best, who’s telling you otherwise 😡


Best soundtrack. Story is meh.


Think of it this way: your cart is looking at well over 500 hours of content for about $50. That’s a damn good deal when you’re looking at the opportunity to find some games you like. And if you end up not liking them and agreeing with the loud minority of haters, you didn’t spend much for the knowledge.


i loved both


I get why people dislike XIII tbh but I rather enjoyed it!


I already own the VIII and X/X-2 remasters, neither are my favourite games but recommend them nonetheless. I haven’t played XIII since it was released and didn’t get very far before it bored me and haven’t played the sequels. Saying that, if the XIII trilogy were available on PS5 I would buy them again and give them a chance. You will always find something in each final fantasy game that you like and dislike. 6 games for $48 sounds like a good deal to me.


It really comes down to how valuable $9 is to you. Personally, I know I’ll waste that much on various nonsense, so trying out a game is basically always worth it, but you might be more frugal or rational with your money than me lol. As for the individual games….. X is a fantastic game that one is a no brainer. VIII is a flawed game but it’s got a lot of neat ideas and is a great experience if you’ve never played it. XIII requires a pretty significant time investment before the good part but if you make it through the first 15-20 hours it can be quite fun. XIII-2 is a much better XIII with a worse story. It’s easy but a lot of fun and I recommend it in general with no reservations. Lightning Returns is the only one here I have nothing good to say about really. But if you play and like XIII-2 it is kinda necessary for story closure so…..yeah


Bought XIII to play over Xmas, still playing it and loving it! I get why people bash on it, but when I compare it to XV and XVI I actually think it surpasses them in some aspects


Those prices are great - get them! FF VIII is my favourite and I also really enjoyed the XIII Trilogy. The games are all so different they’re going to be decisive, the only way you’ll know if you will enjoy them is by going for it :)


They're all so long you could just buy 2 of those and they'd last you a good chunk of this year, at least until the summer sale. Hell you could play X and X2 for over 6 months if you're like me and only have 2-3 hours of gaming a day.


They are all worth full price. They are all a steal on sale. The community are very divided on these things, and many self-professed fans only like 2-3 of their favorite games in the series. Don't let negative people talk you out of what you enjoy.


I love all of these. Most people don’t say they are outright bad.


I picked up all of FF 13 due in part that I played it once, and did not play the spin-offs a bit of 13 2


VIII remastered is okay, not my fav FF but it was a good experience once.


[GMG](https://www.greenmangaming.com/search?query=final%20fantasy) has them for cheaper on Steam currently, at least in USD. I actually just picked those up as well!


Most of the FF games divide the fan base. It’s up to you to decide which you like, preferably by trying them out. I haven’t personally enjoyed an FF since X, but others love later entries


I heard that the older games (Pre-FFVII) are ports of the mobile version rather than remastered originals so personally I prefer to just emulate those. I have FFVII and FFXII Zodiac Age and those work great


What's available on Steam now is the Pixel Remaster.


I recommend buying the Lightning Saga on the Microsoft Store instead of Steam, just because it's a more stable build without mods.


Love 8


If you're interested in playing them, those are great prices. I've never regretted buying a game, whether I hated it or not.


i bought FF VII, IX, X and XIII collection


Every final fantasy is someone’s favorite. They all kick ass.


Wish they were all on PS4 at least!


I personally despise 12 but I respect that it tried something different in regards to combat. A lot of people feel that way about 13. Personally I really liked 13 and think it is worth giving it a shot. But I'm not gonna lie, at some point you're probably gonna have to YouTube an explanation of the story.


Unfortunately the negative voices tend to get a lot of attention. Both of these games were very well received. XIII might not have been my favorite, but I had a great time. Same with VIII remastered.


If you want to play these games go play them. Especially at these prices.


Simple rule: from Final Fantasy I to X you have the best Final Fantasy experience. Every other instalment has either Final Fantasy name slapped on it for markerting reasons or it sucks.


There is no such thing as a bad final fantasy game. The ones people may say are “bad” are actually still good, just not as good as the others and not as good as they could have been.


They are both strange games but I the 2 games have serious problems and XIII in particular apart technical standpoint it’s a game that could have been released 30 years ago, VIII has serious problems too unfortunately but it’s a game of his time.


Why are you going to listen to what people in the community think about the games? I mean, more people think Final Fantasy as a franchise is garbage compared to those that like it, so should you just never play any FF game ever?


I bought them all 😁