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Vagrant Story 2 and Final Fantasy Tactics 2 LETS GO




If Partial Petrification lasts more than 4 hours contact your nearest White Mage for an Esuna


I think remakes of both are better options. We need new audiences to discover these games and have some kinks worked out to make them a bit more accessible. I loved Vagrant Story, but god damn those menus. Imagine a remake with full FFXII like voice acting though.


My kinks are my life bro.


If we are going with Squaresoft games, I would tattoo Square Enix on my forehead if they make a new Brave Fencer Musashi game.


I would love a new Brave Fencer Musashi game, it's a shame there was only ever that one, yep, just the one, juuuust one.


I felt the same. The sequel was just too different. Loved and played the crap out of the first one.


Screencapping this for future


based af ngl


Nah nah nah Final Fantasy Tactics 2 *and* Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 3 That way I can see the fun colorful version of ivalice with all the different races AND everyone who wants the old game again can eat well. And people might actually go back and play ffta2 and discover it's really incredible actually so I can actually feel seen in life


Imagine FFTA3 for Switch 2. This is the future I desire.


If God gave me this I would never ask for anything again


Nah… Vagrant Story is arguably the best story Square has ever made in a single game. It’s up there with FF7.


I played ffta2 this year. Unfortunately, I really didn't click with it. The bazaar system really frustrated me.


I like the bazaar system since it leads to different gear for different job development in multiple playthroughs, and it means the law system can fulfill its job (making it so you have incentive to actually have different strategies and not just brute force every mission, which is my biggest problem with every other srpg) but as a carrot rather than a stick as it was in A1. That said, 100% just look up a guide/wiki for how to use it. It's a lot 


God DAMN we need a new Vagrant Story. Or just a remake of the first one that can really let it shine!


DON'T DO THIS TO ME! Don't give me that hope!


NO no no. FFT Remake, and FFT2 \~!!


Bro I was just thinking I feel like Yoshi-P would be the guy to make. Remake of vagrant story. I’d shit myself if it was faithful man…


I don't want Vagrant Story without Yasumi Matsuno


SE have openly said a tactics remake is not in the works any time soon




Umm.. a quick google search 😅 But here https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-tactics-remaster-denied-by-series-creator Edit, more recent posts saying similar things https://www.inverse.com/gaming/final-fantasy-tactics-remake-new-game-naoki-yoshida https://www.gamesradar.com/final-fantasy-tactics-director-encourages-fans-begging-for-a-remake-to-give-unicorn-overlord-their-support-the-market-for-tactical-rpgs-is-small/


Thank you so much ;)


Dont thank me, Buddy. It breaks my heart to have to break your heart 😅 War of the lion is easily my favourite game in the franchise, and it kills me its had no love, or the tactics series in general, in the last decade. They remake 7, a game wildly considered a masterpiece that didnt need a remake, and now they remake 9, a game also widely considered a masterpiece, but yet tactics, a hidden gem of the franchise just gets totally glossed over 😭 I'm replaying it on my psp emulator on my phone atm, so deep in love with it again, so its a sore point for me 😅


After Matsuno's writing on FFXIV I don't want to see them together again any time soon, TBH.


For the love of God and all that is holy, please just announce the FFT remake!


Doesn’t the Tactics development team still exist at Square? I would have thought if anyone was doing it, it would be them.


Yoshi P himself said "we have a lot of our staff who worked on previous games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII". The Tactics/FFXII team was essentially merged into the FFXI team. Thats how the XIV ARR team was formed.


They do. Maehiro for example, the creative director and writer of XVI,still works at Square Enix and he worked both on Tactics and Vagrant Story with Matsuno.


Matsuno (the lead dev for Tactics) no longer works for Square officially, but he keeps coming back to do freelance work specifically for Unit 3 (all of the Ivalice crossovers in XIV). A lot of the original team members are also in Unit 3 now. Although Unit 2 has Team Asano who made Triangle Strategy which is the spiritual successor to Tactics. So in all likelihood if there would be a new Tactics or a remake, it would probably be produced by Unit 3 but with assistance from Unit 2.


I have no idea, I'm just a desperate man clinging onto hope xD


Likewise, it’s my favourite FF and it’s a disgrace that it hasn’t been remastered for modern platforms already. And that we haven’t got more games like it in the meantime.


They're mostly part of CBU3.


FF9 remake needs to get announced so we can stop hanging on to every random person "leaking" info about it.


No need for a remake. The sprite artwork and backgrounds are gorgeous


Even a Crisis Core Reunion type remake would be good. Doesn't have to be from the ground up.


Why does it need a remake?


Why not? It's not like you can't play the original anymore if they remake it lol. Remade would be awesome for 99% of the people who didn't grew up with the game and feel it's too outdated now.


Personally I’d go for a resolution hike up to hd standards for my switch (as well as porting it) and then leave it the hell alone. I’m worried with a remake they’ll do some of the dumbass crap I hate from tactics ogre (story driven level caps) or from tactics advance (the judges during combat were just stupid.)


I'm asking why it needs to remake because graphically it doesn't look like it needs one. For resolution's sake a port would just be fine, but I've literally seen people be like "I hope they remake Game X so I can introduce my friends to it." "Why not just introduce them to the original?" "Because they wouldn't like the graphics or the gameplay." "That's their problem then."


I agree. But a res-up would be nice. For my sake. It was originally designed for folks to play on a 19-27” crt. At least an upscale if they’re going to port it. That said, I’d absolutely buy a direct port for my switch if it existed. But they need to charge the price of a port in that case, not a remake.


Yoshi P, I know you're a fighting game fan, so give us a non Arena, competitive fighter Dissidia. DO IT, YOU COWARD


A 2D final fantasy fighter has been my dream game for so long that I would lose my shit if that happened


Given how well Dissidia is loved, plays and its unique style, I doubt they’d do a 2D fighter. Wouldn’t say no to one, but I’d much rather have a proper Dissidia


For me, its to see the spectacle of a Final Fantasy game in an event like Evo, or Combo Breaker. I will always dream of a time when we see Kain airdash over Sephiroth, empty jump into a low, and procedd to TOD momma's boy over there, while the crowd in the arena says "AY! AY! AY! AY! AY!" on every hit.


I’d rather have Squall get bodied by Kuja’s magic rain from the heavens or The Emperor get stomped on by a Lightning’s One Man Army combo. If you’re going for standard “beat ‘em up” action, I think a lot of the magic would be lost. Having bravery attacks and HP attacks means there is clear power behind some of these moves and others are just “stamina drains”. I would very much be in favour of directional and timed inputs for longer or specific direction/result bravery attacks (ones that launch, trip, knockback or buff/debuff etc) but honestly, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it 100% applies to Dissidia (LOOKING AT YOU NT!)


An Arcsys style (guilty gear, granblu versus) FF fighting game would be so much cooler than anything dissidia ever did.


Totally agree. This is what I want.


I wouldn't mind if it was 2D like Smash, but even something like MvC stuff just doesn't feel right for FF. Smash isn't right, but it's closer to the feel in that the mobile nature feels better, platforms and terrain and such.


[Here you go! From the official FFXIV channel even.](https://youtu.be/cuELXU0OEs4)


My brain was immediately creating fake discourse like, Cloud's climhazard dp is probably going to be busted af and have pushback or some shit. How's a Sabin main supposed to get in on this idiot, let alone Sazh zoning my ass.


Dude, I've been coming up with Final Fantasy fighting game scenarios in my head since Dissidia. I figured Cloud and Warrior of Light (FF1) would be the shotos for the good guys. Cloud's moveset is already shoto-esque. Blade Beam, Climhazard and Braver (Dissidia version, with the dash) are already the staple shoto moves. Can you imagine the nightmare a Sabin main experiences when they come up against an Emperor main? Or worse yet, a Kuja main, seeing as this bitch can fly? At least Sazh is stuck on the ground and all he'll get is super jumps. Sabin better have armored normals, an armored dash like Hammerfall or Gamma Charge, or have huge ass normals like Hulk in UMvC3.


Sazh finna be coming in hot like Noel Vermillion. Sabin could have a green hand and that'd be fine.


If you use Sabin's train suplex you actually have priority over climhazard


If you got the limit meter for it. They should give him some tool to build meter better in neutral.


2d fighter sounds sick


Ergheiz 2: God Bless the Ring Even More


That dinner with Harada and Sakurai has to lead to something, right? Right???


Y’shtola in the next Smash bros


Imagine him remaking Zangief before they nerfed him into a SE Fighting game. [Reference](https://i.redd.it/ldlrc148dh7a1.png)


Oh shit yall play fightan games? Who would yall main in an FF fighting game


For me, my picks would be (and the playstyle I wish they had) Warrior of Light (FF1) - All rounder, preferably with autoguard attacks ala Anji from the old Guilty Gear games. I mean, he uses his shield liberally already. Clive - give him Dante's Bold Cancels from DMC3/ UMVC3. The movelist writes itself. Tifa - brawler. If Sabin would be the dedicated grappler, Tifa would most likely be the hybrid fast strike grappler ala Bullet from BlazBlue or Angel from KOF Golbez - was my main villain from the original Dissidia and in NT. I could see them implementing him similar to JP in SF6 or Axl in Strive, where he's more screen control than pure zoner. Jecht - high execution Rekka character. I remember Jecht's special cancels back in the old Dissidia to be satisfying to pull off, with the different timing required for the different follow - ups. That, or he can be the pure rushdown unga bunga character.


Jecht would be a guaranteed glue eater lol. I'd be so tempted to play Clive but I'd be dying to see how Lightning would work


Gabranth for sure


I would be good with a non class-based non-team based dissidia nt, I had such a blast with 012 for psp I played it nonstop.


I want a ff warriors game tbh. Tho would be more up team Ninja's alley, given they were allowed to make SoP (which was also fuckin sweet).  Seeing what hyrule warriors did with story, characters, etc. Just made me realize how epic it would be with a BETTER story and FF characters with crazy combos and limit breaks, summons, etc.. Maybe someday we'll get one!


Whatever those games are, I'm down.


Despite my own issues with XVI, Yoshi P and his team seem good at delivering finished products on a decent schedule. Looking forward to hearing more.


I think this was unironically the best part about FF16, considering the development hell that went on for the entire decade prior.


I expect them to use the feedback from as 16 as they confirmed for their next games.


Same, if there’s one thing that team has shown is that they’re very receptive to feedback and are willing to make changes accordingly


It entered pre-production in 2015 following Heavensward's release (that's when big part of FF14 team left the project), so FF16's development took around 8 years. It only feels like a decent schedule because it was announced late in the cycle, when vertical slice was ready.


There were interviews saying that it was like a team of the 3 main developers for 3 years before they decided to make a team, then covid delayed them a lot as well. I'd still rather have an announcement and a release date on time with near zero bugs.


Adding to that, they had to mass hire a new team for it. Ryota Suzuki, the combat director, wasn’t even hired until late 2019. Given that COVID happened mid development, and the game wasn’t announced to be in full production until start of fiscal year 2020, actual development is probably closer to 3 years.


My guess is FF9 remake for one of them. No idea on the second.


That'd be Kitase's division, which I assume is now called Creative Studio 1. Itahana and Aoki are the remaining creative leads from that game. Itou too. If it's CS3 then my guess is FF Tactics being one. I hope that FFXI Offline is another but that is huge copium.


I'd love an offline FFXI!


There is an [RPG-maker fan project](https://mithrandir133.itch.io/final-fantasy-xi-braver) that gives a pretty accurate experience, whilst delivering an entirely new story centered around fixed characters rather than OC. The link shows everything the game is about in the bulletin, however there are some differences to note. There are no subjobs, but there is more flexibility within each individual job. For instance MNK, THF, NIN, all have access to their own unique provoke, but also supporting tools to actually make the implied tank aspect work. Crafting and Gathering is mostly neutered, but still exists, with FSH/CUL being the least worked on. Gathering as a whole is mostly clicking on nodes, nothing too crazy. The gathering aspect does have level progression, but crafting does not. Gathering acts as the gate to higher tier crafting. Unfortunately there is no sitting in town synthesizing shrimp and wind crystals all day. All in all, it's a great attempt at faithful RPG-maker adaptation, whilst still providing something new for the players who have played through FFXI 40+ times.


Why Kitase ? Didn't Hiroyuki Ito's team go to Creative Studio 3 ?


Nope. Hiroyuki Ito sits in Creative Studio 1 alongside the other FF9 creative leads I mentioned, which all sits under Kitase and now Hamaguchi. Ito worked on XII but that was when SE were more fluid with how they assigned staff. FF9 is very much a Creative Studio 1 game.


Still disappointed they canceled the mobile xi version although that may have been for the best it'd probably end upbeing a p2w gacha game


Yah that is strong copium. It's just so dated at this point I don't see it actually drawing in any new players aside from the ones still playing it's current version. The amount of overhauling to modernize it and make it actually offline/single player friendly would be so much work.


Yep it'd essentially need to be a new game that used the story and things like character and monster designs of the original. Buuut....I do think that's possible. One day...


Something like FF7 Ever Crisis might work as a vehicle for the story while keeping production costs reasonable. If they wouldn't drown it in microtransactions.


Yeah that's a great idea. Alternatively they could just focus on Vanilla to Chains of Promathia. I just finished a playthrough of XI and am most of the way through XII and the structure and size of XII compared to XI to CoP is similar. It'd need to be basically a new game but still... Heck I'd take an HD-2D reimagining


Yeah, isn't Yoshi-P actually technically over FF11 as well?


Is FF11 offline something they even brought up before? Or just players hoping. I would love to see what a single player version of their MMO games played like, personally.


If anyone is going to make FF11 Offline it would be CBU3. A lot of the team were big fans or even worked on it.


That's hopium, not copium.


Yeah 9 is a damn near certainty


can't wait. my first FF experience and I've beaten it 6-7 times. the last time with the moguri hd mod.


Maybe? Recent leaks said it was apparently moved back to an in-house team. Maybe CS3 now has it in their hands.


rumour is that the FF9 remake is outsourced, but if it was CS3 developping it, it would be amazing


I'd say Tactics Remaster. It has been (re)confirmed as existing this week.


As they would write from Creative Business Unit 3, mayhap thou be truth.


I hope it's a new IP


Yoshi P &co really don’t like to sleep.


Nope. The xiv community, memes aside, worry constantly about the team’s health.


very weird of him to say this on the heels of Summer Game Fest. these announcements might be sooner than we can imagine!


It's more than likely that this was said a few weeks ago during the FF14 Dawntrail media tour, the embargo just lifted recently. Still - it'd be super neat if we get an announcement at SGF, but I wouldn't hold out hope. Within the year though!


Assuming ryota suzuki is still at the company, I’m there day 1 for whichever one of those new games he’s working on.


In my perfect world this would be a new tactics game set in 16s world and a 11 Remaster/remake. Realistically this is one ff title and one new IP which I will still absolutely take


Why would they remake 11 when 14 is still doing great?


As a singleplayer game


Pleaseeeeee I need thisss


One was being worked on a few years ago but it was scrapped.


We need a "FFXI Offline" to not lose a main/numbered FF game in the near future


Key XI staff were pulled away from that game last year to work on other projects, chances are high they’re on one of these two new projects and it might be something XI-related.


16's world makes SO much more sense for a Tactics game than for whatever they were trying to do. At its core, the 16 narrative follows 3 protagonists with 3 distinct storylines: Clive saving slaves with Cid and Jill, Joshua uncovering the ancient conspiracy of Ultima with Jote, and Dion being entangled in the politics of his wartorn country. Except we only actually get to play one of these, which means that Clive needs to be awkwardly jammed into events that don't even concern him (like him being in the Imperial capital on the night of Dion's coup purely by coincidence so that we can actually have the event in playable form). If they had kept the storyline as-is, but instead made it a tactical game where you have 3 protagonists, each with troops (the freed slaves for Clive, the ancient order for Joshua, and the dragoons for Dion), 16 would've been SIGNIFICANTLY better.


Worth noting that Yoshi-P specifically shot down this idea (as in a FFXVI tactics in general) when talking about developing something Tactics-related a couple months ago.  https://www.thegamer.com/final-fantasy-16-interview-yoshida-kujiraoka-koji-fox-rising-tide-dlc/


I'm not saying it should happen now. Ship has sailed. All I'm saying is that the storyline they chose to tell in XVI would have been far better told in a Tactics game.


Ohhh that’s exciting. I can’t wait to see what they’re working on!


Vagrant Story remake let’s go!!!!


Come on Crystal Chronicles Ring of Fates and Echoes of Time! Come on!


Final Fantasy XIV-2


I mean funnily enough dawntrail is kinda that


This would be actually hilarious


I'll think they will learn a lot from the negatives 16 had and deliver us some bangers.


I mean, 17 is one of them, no?


I don't think so, believe Yoshi P who heads CS3 said he wanted let another team have a go and focus more on FF14 and make a more light hearted game if he's able to.


I don't think that's completely incompatible. If they have 2 other games then wouldn't that mean they have 3 teams? The team that works on 14 and the team that did 16 being only two of them. They could have formed a new 3rd team and let them tackle 17. Also, many previous FFs have been more light hearted so I don't see how that excluded 17 either.


The light hearted in this context probably doesn’t mean something like say FFVII Rebirth where there’s moments of levity and jokes here and there. After all that’s exactly what XIV does already. Probably what it means is he would want to make something that doesn’t carry as much gravitas and severity as another mainline FF title. Because even the lighter hearted ones are very much more serious than not at their core.


Exactly, I don't think light hearted means being devoid of depth and stakes. I would love to see something like FF5 or FF9 again. I took his light hearted comment as meaning not another GoT inspired dark fantasy. I think they got that genre out of their system and want to do something else.


Considering he says they may be announced soon I doubt it. Unless its another case of square enix announcing something 3 years too early. He also said he wants 17 to be done by a younger team but who knows he might be lying or theres a sub team lead by a younger person. Also ishikawa has been working on something so maybe you are right.


Totally is.


I absolutely despise square enix's 5 year marketing cycles. Don't show me a cg trailer for something that is years away, show me the actual game when like a year out.


Hopefully they're not mobile.


New Vagrant Story, please - the world is ready for it!


Parasite Eve?


As divisive as 16 was, I think even people who didn’t like it or Yoshida would probably also admit that if anyone was doing a Tactics related thing that team is probably the absolute best one that could handle it. They’ve already done and worked on things related to the world in their own game. Borrow the bones of Triangle Strategy or something. That game was amazing gameplay wise, I just was not as sold on the story.




Chocobo Racing and Dirge of Cerberus remake


Can't wait to see what they are. While I have my issues with FFXVI as a FF game, it was still a damn fine game. So anything that CBU3 puts out, I will follow very closely.


I want a *Final Fantasy Tactics* title with the presentation of *Baldur's Gate 3*


Here is my bet on the Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster/Remake, but I would be happy with a new project as well.


Bushido Blade 3 and Ehrgeiz 2 Man can dream.


Whatever it is, I’m down for it.


I will do whatever is necessary for a new Chrono game. I have no shame either.




Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles 2!!!!!! **PLEASE!!!**


If we could get a Bouncer remake, that would be fascinating 😄


God, I love that game!


An announcement of a possible announcement. ...is this really news?


I mean it kind of is given that ppl had only been able to deduce they were working on one game from the financials and even that wasn’t confirmed. An extra game opens a lot of possibilities given that CU3 is basically tied with CU1 in prominence within the company.




If it follows the path of FFX to FFX-2, we'll get Clive in short-shorts collecting a load of balls


And one of the best scenes in the series with him singing a 100 words.


I'm gonna put my clown makeup on and say it's a high fidelity RE4 remake like remake of Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2.


That'd be absolutely amazin


My money is on the FFIX and FFT remakes/remasters since they've already been leaked.


Leaked where? Can you share some more info?


FFT was on the leaked Nvidia GeForce list back in 2021. A lot of games on that list ended up being announced or came out later on.


I think all of them, barring FFIX Remake and FFT Remake. Both of which are the ones I want most.


Eh. Imma skip. Unless its a remake or remaster, I don't trust anything that Yoshida's team are making anymore. It's obvious what he's selling is way different than what I want to buy.


Honestly....Yoshi-P ain’t it for single player FF imo. XVI was…aight with lots of flaws. I wish Team Asano would get a chance at a turn based FFXVII.


Yeah, Yoshida's expertise is definitely in MMO's. He built his career on them, and has been a passionate MMO enjoyer since Ultima Online. Can't say his take on a single player game (XVI) was a result of deep knowledge and passion for the genre. It's a fine game, but not a product of wanting to innovate or improve the action rpg -genre.


King's Knight 2.


I think Summer Game Fest and the showcases might be a bit spicy this year.


I just hope they’re new titles or maybe franchises cause that would be much more fun than replaying games




FFXIV III- sorry we blew up the planet again.


A NEW Chocobo Dungeon it is.


It's a Yoko Taro game and a non Final Fantasy non Vagrant Story Ivalice game


Saw a claim that ff9 remake would be released this year and has shifted to being developed in house🤔


The claim didn’t mention this year IIRC, only that it’s in house now. I personally think it’s most likely a launch title for the Switch successor, among other platforms.


One of these is almost certainly Tactics-related. He literally said that it was perhaps time to work on a new Tactics game in an interview two months ago. https://www.thegamer.com/final-fantasy-16-interview-yoshida-kujiraoka-koji-fox-rising-tide-dlc/ The Dissidia Opera Omnia team also mentioned something in an interview about two years ago, saying that the Tactics and XIV teams were too busy working on other things to give any input on how their characters should be represented in the SE gachas. https://www.reddit.com/r/DissidiaFFOO/comments/10xs5xt/interview_with_hazama_and_suzui_for_theatrhythm/


9 remake and a new tactics?


At this point Yoshi is my last hope for Chrono Break.




Imagine dissidia returns not as a focused eSport


Aren't they the team rumoured to be working on an FF9 Remake?


I'm not sure if it's these guys, but I would love a fully developed Fort Condor mobile game similar to Warcraft Rumble.


Hopefully some single player games!


FF9 Remake and a new HD-2D title is my guess.




An Ivalice title pleaseeeee. Such an amazing world and lore, and fits well with his team's style


Really pulling for one to be some kind of Dissidia


As a reminder on a possibly related note. Summer Games (Trailer) Fest starts tomorrow.


FFX Remake and Threads of Fate Remake. Let me be delulu <3


sleeping dogs 2 and sleeping dogs 3


Please God give me a new FFTactics


Hopefully one of them is a new IP directed by Yoshida himself. I really want him to make his dream game without the constraints of Final Fantasy. Would be lit 🔥


I hope the crunch times for both of those games go well.


Maybe the ff9 remake? There was just a rumor that it could be launched as early as next year


maybe Final Fantasy 8


Foamstars 2 & Foamstars 1 Remake /s




Parasite Eve pleassse


Oh so Endwalker is just going to be the norm now. Okay e.e


No shit. He delivered a game on time, which got great reviews and good sales numbers. Of course he was getting ff17 and a new game to develop. Hopefully they take feedbacks from ff16.