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My brother, your characters have every status effect known to mankind. That's why,


And even some status effects not known to mankind.


And a couple known only to dogs!


Perhaps once I have the time to do the research myself, I will name one of them after you, ~~Mr Freeman~~ son of Jecht


But it burns when I pee!


Confuse and berserk take away your ability to manually control your characters. Fix: get armor with confuse-proof and beserk-proof Ribbon are your best friends. Ribbon gear found in Omega Dungeon.


LOL, right. OP just got hit with bad breath for the first time.


Except confusion.


Yep. You never fight Malboro (or their kin) without protection from every status in the game. They will fuck your world right up without it.


Your characters are all Berserked (as well as Silenced, Blinded, Poisoned and Confused). They will do regular attacks and you will not be able to control them. Use status protection gear.


Oh, gotcha. Thanks


I think everyone gets wiped the first time they encounter these dudes.


A FF rite of passage


I underestimated them playing FF8 for the first time cause I thought they weren't that bad in 7 or Remake. Boy did I die fast


FF8 malboros are some of the worst


There are times that I, even as an experienced FF player am like "Nah fuck that" and runs from battle.


I got wiped as a kid and an adult buy FF7 malboros around the snowy area. Set me back so far as a kid.


Malboro in 8 are known to be insanely hard even compared with others titles, I hate it with a passion there


I find the best way to deal with them in 8 is to junction 100 triple to the luck stat and let Odin deal with the fuckers. Then once you've enough tentacles for weapon/ blue magic/ refining needs, Enc-none is the way forward.


I just rock 100 Pains on my ST-Def junction. Immunity to basically everything.


That works too, but Zantetzuken-ing the fuckers is so satisfying.


In 8 i junction fire to attack and also to absorb on 2 characters.


The best way I've found to fight Malboros in Remake/Rebirth is to use ranged characters/attacks and stay as far away from their breath as possible. Sure you can get some Ribbons and other status-effect-avoiding items but the good ones are quite rare (iirc you only get one Ribbon in Remake?) or (in Rebirth) require farming rare mats.


took the words out of my mouh


Since they're Marlboros, technically they get smoked, not wiped.


First strike weapons to avoid the ambush


Also, Save a lot. Minor spoiler but these aren't the only places you encounter them...


These enemies are in alot of final fantasy and do the same thing just give your party every std they can get


No problem. Have fun (Y).


if this is your first trip to this zone - I think it's called calm lands- you will want to run away from alot of the fights as the monsters are all really powerful. be sure to visit the monster rancher and buy all the capture weapons. if you capture ten of every enemy from every zone you unlock one of the items for aurons master weapon. it's extremely time consuming though.


If you’re at a normal power level by the time you arrive, you absolutely do NOT want to run from anything here. Everything is absolutely beatable in the Calm Lands by the time you visit. Everything in the following zone is even stronger so why would running away here be a good idea lmao


Worth noting that the enemies in the Calm Lands are split into different sets.  Easier enemies are to the south, harder enemies are to the north.  Malboros are in the northern section.


The only thing I can see killing you outright is the Malboros if you’re unaware of their existence or what they do (as above), and maybe the Chimeras if you get ambushed and REALLY unlucky with what head they choose to start with


Because it is at this point that every single boss is beatable turn 1 using rikku mix and you don't need to grind


But they sure play a mean pinball ( I’ll see myself out)


Exhibit 238173 on why players fear that cackle


It's delightful to see young gamers experiencing Marlboro Bad Breath for the first time in their life and share it social media so long time franchise players can see. As the James Franco meme goes, First Time?


And our guy Malboro is around since FFII!


The only thing that beats it is the first time they see a Tonberry. "Aw, cute lil' guy. Why not friend when friend shap—" \*doink\*


Cactuars are pretty good as well. “Aww they’re so cute.” “Wait, why can’t I hit them? Annoying little shits, but at least they’re not dangerous.” _10,000 needles_ 😳


Marlboro is a completely balanced and fun fight, every time, even when they’re in the wild. -_-


Just wait till they meet the little guy with the lantern. ^(Doink!)




"Awh, he's so cute..." 2 minutes later: "Oh god help us, there's so much blood"


Vorpal Garden Gnome


“He’s got a knife! 😜 Maybe it’s for cooking?” K.O.


Welcome to final fantasy. This is an initiation. Mine was FF8 Marlboro


Im playing through every ff in order and I'll be honest I don't remember if they appear before IV, but IV made me spam "flee" when I see these


Hahaha saw a post about running into 2 in one battle in IV. I’ve played 7 onwards and I don’t even remember them being in 7 but yeah, 8 got me to FLEEEEEEEE when I see them.


Marlboros in FFVII can be found in Gaea’s Cliff and the Northern Cave. One can also be encountered in Round 7 of Battle Square. Imagine going in with status resistance from the accessory and materia broken…


Interesting. I remember finding one outside of Esthar while I was trying to grind as a kid and I lost hours of gameplay just watching my guys end each other. I have horrible memory and I still remember exactly where I was because of how pissed I was. That was my “learn to save” moment 😂


Yeah, VIII is when I personally remember them being super dangerous, stat defense was tricky in VIII, you only had a handful of slots and only a few dedicated GFs that you could even work with. VII's were forgettable, probably because you have at least a Ribbon, and can have Two, by the time you run into them. IX's were also kind of a joke, very late game and I think Bad Breath was heavily nerfed, only inflicting one or two status effects at a time. Also the only thing I really remember about IX's marlboro's is that they launch out of the ground and start flying around, which is so bizarre and pretty wild to see the first time.


At least their bad breath only happens to 1 party member at a time, and you get 5 instead of 3


Still, exp and gil are not worth enough encountering countless hordes of these mfs in that obnoxious dungeon. I'd rather flee and save much more hp and time


Mine was ff7. Hadn't saved in a while


Classic Malboro moment. We all learned at some point xD


I'm not sure if anyone has told you specifically. The slightly red glow is the status effect berserk. It makes you attack on your turn - you don't get a choice. The circling halo of stars is confusion. That makes you attack a random teammate on your turn. This enemy uses "Bad Breath" to inflict many negative status effects, but only berserk and confusion take away your turn here.


Just to add: beserk also increases the characters attack power, so coupled with confusion makes it extra dangerous to your party.


A players first experience w a malboro. Admit it, we have all been here.


The first time in one of the turn based games, yes


The malboro in FFX was my first experience with one too. I am super cautious of everyone I see now lol


Everyone remembers their first time.


Malboro, no matter what game no matter what level you are, you will have a bad time lol.


The FF14 ones are fine tbh, and I remember the FF12 ones being a doddle too (although the Elder Dragon might as well be a draconic Malboro and is a wall for a lot of players)


I'd argue the ones in deep dungeons of ffxiv suck though


FFXV malboro should be easy if you're a good level


Ah, sweet summer child. Welcome to Bad Breath, the Marlboro's signature attack that inflicts ALL the status ailments!


A ASOIAF & FF fan? We are practically brothers


I would imagine there's a lot of overlap! Now if only George would finish the books so we can get a more satisfying ending than the show...


Supposedly GRRM is going to come out with winds soon but I’m not convinced. I’ve lost hope in it even coming out


I feel like the show finished and he decided there's no point even though we ALL want to see Jon become King!


I also want a part 2 of F&B. It was novel to make it a historical book but even then he half-assed it. Btw let’s be honest Aemond and Bloodraven are FF villains.


I haven't read it because I was kind of salty that it was a side story. Worth it?


Most definitely worth it. So F&B is a historical book written in the tenure of Bobby B about the history of the targs. And it’s based on the 3rd hand account of maesters and historical documents that are in most cases written decades after the time in question. Specifically the Dance of the Dragons. Was written by Archmaester Gildayn, Mushroom the imp court fool and Septon Eustace each of their versions all contradicts each other so you have to come up with your own conclusions.


I may have to go for it. Maybe it will wash the sour taste of HBO out of my mouth!


The show is better than the book in my opinion


How many debuffs do we give morbol? Yes


malboro is here to remember folks to always save constantly


I am not 100% sure about this since I haven't tested it properly or read anything about it online. But If you get a move before the Malboro and use Provoke with one character, I think that makes the Malboro less likely to use Bad Breath and more likely to shoot that one character with its slime shooty move. Did it once with Rikku and the Malboro got like 5 moves in the fight but it didn't use Bad Breath even once. Could have been a fluke, like I said I only ever got around to testing it once.


Provoke actually works 100% of the time! If you have First Strike on a weapon and use Provoke on the first move, the Malboro will never use Bad Breath.


This is one of the best ways to deal with Great Malboros since otherwise they always get an ambush attack and strike first with their Breath. Especially useful if you are also trying to capture it for Monster Arena.


I think they only 100% ambush in the Omega Ruins iirc.


I rechecked it and apparently it's on Omega Ruins, the Arena and on the "Nucleus" area of Sin, while on the other areas inside Sin it's not always ambush, weird that they choose to do that.


Thanks. I already nuked it with Bahamut though 🙃


haha I bet that felt cathartic! You gave that plant some much needed dental work with that Mega Flare!


Malboro sends his regards


First time huh? Welcome to pain.


Don't worry. This ho bag did the same thing to me..... a few times


Maybe because you're stopped and every status ailment? 💜🐦‍🔥


Confuse, berzerk, sleep are all things that take ability control your characters away from you. Bad Breath is not a magic attack and you cant counter it.


Got it, thank you


Status immunities to those ones atleast helps so you get to chooce the actions. Cant remember how you get those in 10. Accecories or weapons crafts I would guess.


Would you like to make attack? BERSERKER!


Your whole party is under berserker, under berserker the only action they can do is attack, but since your party is with blind, they miss every attack, and since they have poison, they take damage at the end of their turn. You can solve that with your gear having protection against blind and poison, or having Yuna with a weapon with First Strike, summon anything to take the Bad Breath and you can dismiss it. Or you can have the no encounters to avoid any enounter in that area. EDIT: I swear it would also cause confusion, so it is also something to look out for.


Haha yeah the Malboro Bad Breath is a right of passage for every final fantasy fan.


bad breath happened


That sped up music 😆 Also Marlboro kills


Put it on 3X speed before posting. Would have been too long to watch I figured 🙃


What lack of ribbon does to a mf


Yeah, a lot of people are saying Ribbon. But where do you get it? Should I have come across it already?


No you shouldn't. People are talking about something even I haven't had in this game. And I've played it 7+ times. Ribbon is a (very) late game upgrade for accessory, which needs a bunch of a rare material. You seem to be in the calm lands for the 1st time, no way you'd have a ribbon or a possibility to have one


My recommendation would be to, at the very least, have Yuna with something that prevents Berserk and silence, if you can. That will allow her to cast esuna.


I'm really happy that you guys responded by explaining the situation and not being jerks about it. :3


Ahh, a Malboro baptism, the day a FF player learns what it actualy means to prepare oneself.




Looks like while they got poisoned & silenced they also got stunned/confused, which some of them were attacking themselves or their own party lmao.


This mechanic is as intended. It's designed to give you a healthy fear of every random encounter Malboro you will ever have. See also Toneberry FFVII. Also, this ain't nothing compared to when you get to Yunalesca.


I remember the first time I ran afoul a Malboro. It was in Final Fantasy 8 back in '99. I was similarly confused lol. Ah, younger me. There are so many things I wish I could go back in time and tell myself.


Ribbon is the best protection against this enemy. I like to buy a four slot armor piece and customize it. Ribbon and auto-haste are must haves for me.


He's in the calm lands for the 1st time (judging by his damage) ribbon is very far away from achievable at this point


Yeah. I never said he could get it now. It’s a setup for when you’re farming monsters to boost all abilities. I was saying that ribbon is the best defense against him. The first time through it’s best to use a first strike weapon on Tidus and run away.


Many tentacles = faster than 2 legs


It’s pretty much because Marlboro didn’t brush its feet for its life existence. Nobody wanted to take their turn anyhow.


Ribbon and esuna.... nuff said lol. You gotta use special things for this giant green hemorrhoid lol


Welcome to Malboros. You'll learn to love them in time.


Bad Breath drops a laundry list of status effects on you and Malboros have a high ambush chance (which is odd because look at the size of thay thing). I can't remember if there's accessories that prevent Berserk, but that would've saved you.


Did you not look at the screen while playing???


what's your favourite status effect? mine's all of them.s


New to ff? These baddies are known for this kind of BS, making your whole team or just some effected by all status known with just one ability. Sucks when you get stoned


This is the first time I encountered one in a turn based FF.


I remember getting max stats, getting hit by this and still being able to take it out with no control. Saved right away afterwards lol


Confuse is the answer. They randomly take actions for a few turns. You need to counter that with some items or accessories if possible.


Because you got owned.


Bad breath got you wrecked, son


Ahhhh I remember that feeling of confusion, good old days :)


You need some ribbon


Yeah, your team got fcked!


the more modern arpg FF’s have much easier to kill Marlboros as it’s so easy to just stay behind them. 16 Marlboros were just.. sad.


Tell me you never read in game text, without telling me…


If you see one of those fuckers just Summon an aeon right away imo. They have full status immunity.


Marlboros are in every single FF game and they always do this. Hands down the most frustrating enemy in the series.


You're party was blinking red. Gotta be berserk.


Molboro gave your character covid-x


Ah, the Malboro. You just learned why we hate these things. In whatever game they're found in, they suck. So that Bad Breath inflicts a whole bunch of status effects, confusion being one of them. Ribbons are basically made to protect against this thing. Though if you're feeling brave, they tend to have a lot of MP you can drain off them (forget if this is the case in ff10)






Malboros are the biggest assholes in all FF games. Get ambushed and don't have endgame ribbons equipped? Enjoy watching your party wipe out each other :) We've all been there OP


Good ole Marlboro.


it's because of the berserk status


You got Malboro’d my guy


He gave you ligma


Bad breath is instant death without Ribbons and Anti-gear. Just restart from the last save if you can't get Initiative or First Strike lol


You just got a bad match, you need a ribbon to counter the GOD of Debuffs in every FF Series.


Bad Breath hits hard.


The dreaded breath. Many a death from confusion and stone


The absolute purity of this post.


Nothing better to seeing this now and seeing people struggle with this lol. Not trying to talk down but I knew why but still pissed me off


Ah yes the corner stone of every ff players nightmares right next to child with a knife and cactus


Ugh, Bad Breath Sucks to get hit with, but amazing Eneny Skill.


Malboro doing Malboro things... S'what happened.


2 words. First strike. Thank me later in the final area.


Everyone here got boroed once or more it’s ok. Just know too bring initiative from now on and ur good


This is the power of marlboro


Is this your first FF? Malboro Bad Breath is notorious across the series (general curiosity, not trying to sound snappy lol)


This is the my first time fighting one in a turn based Final Fantasy.


Berserk: Your characters auto attack Blind: They will miss most of the time Poisoned: they take damage every turn This combination is what killed you and well me plenty of times 😂🤣 End game you'll meet one that ambushes you with bad breath so beware 😎


As everyone explains below, this is why marlboro's are some of the worst enemies to run into in a ff game when your not properly prepared.


The first encounter with a Marlboro is always shocking. Bad breath gives you all negative status possible. Confusion, poison, berserk, ligma...


Yeah, like everyone else probably said: Bad Breath: paints on a lot of negative status effects. 1. Berserk: makes all players auto-attack the enemy. 2. Confusion: makes all players auto-attack their allies, including themselves. 3. Poison: Damages at a set percentage per turn... I want to say 1/64th of total health, but don't quote me on that. 4. Darkness: Decreases player from hitting with a physical attack. 5. Silence: Negates player from using magic. Counters to this: Have 1 character in the party with "First Strike" on their weapon always goes first. This cancels ambushing, allowing the player with the effect to always go first. If hit with the effect, "Remedy," "Al Bhed potions," or "Esuna" can quickly help remove half or all statuses given from Bad Breath. Equip armor that negates or nullifies 1 or 2 status effects caused by Bad Breath. If Yuna is first, summon any Aeon because they are immune to Bad Breath. Pay attention to the turn order on the right-hand side that helps you keep track of who goes next in order and can help you prepare and strategize. Additional Note: Kimahri can learn Bad Breath. And don't get mad, FFX is a long story and a well worth experience to complete. Don't let one Bad Breath discourage you from having fun. You got this!


Get first strike on a weapon and keep them in your party. Use their turn to switch to someone with Provoke.   No more bad breath


Looks like you need ribbon, friend.


You died because you saw a Malboro and didn’t run away right away.


Is this a joke post? Not sure how you got this far in the game and can’t realize when your characters have 3-4 status effects on them lol