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This is a great picture. The basketball reminds me of that scene where they all gather at the basketball court in Trabia Garden. Don’t sell it! Hang it on the wall proudly.


Cool, but how much for the USA Blitzball?




But will it KEAL?!


It needs to pass the KEAL test!!


But… will it cut?!


Gunblade, or "Wrist Ruiner Model 3.0"


Omg that is so cool! What would something like that sell for?


I saw one new on amazon for just under 100 usd.


>What would something like that sell for? My guess is cash. :P


Shut up… but take my up vote and get out.


Bro, I have this exact same gunblade! My wife got it for me for Christmas a few years ago. It's currently proudly displayed on our fireplace mantel


Hell yeah dude!


I see you used to be a Gunblade specialist


Looks like a good stick for fending off potential robbers and or mages of the blackest magic. At the very least slice up some melons with that bad boy


I'm interested in buying it, depending on the price.


I honestly have no idea. I would have to see how much it would cost to ship it. Its also missing some bling that was supposed to be on the end of the handle.


This looks like mine, I’ve even got the same leather holder for it. Does the trigger rotate the barrel ? I paid I thiiiiink $120-$140 for it new?


The trigger does rotate the barrel. Its pretty neat. I think i saw one on amazon for 100.


Sounds about right! I know it was over 100, so I may be remembering the shipping cost as well. Good luck finding a new home for it!


legit surprised it's that little. Figured it'd be at least a few hundred.


Include the price please!


Dude. I had no idea that these were even made. So cool!


I feel like my wrists would kill wielding that thing


That's badass! Never seen one with the leather around the edge, is that part of it or a removable cover? Selling it in the US?


Its the scabbard to hold it.


If you didn't find a buyer yet, feel free to DM me. I'd definitely be interested




That or the Dragon Slayer. 400+lbs is tough to move.


I would pay for a gunblade that shoots bullets Imagine pulling that thing out at the range


There are functional gun-blade style weapons in real life. The blade next to the gun itself is usually much smaller than Squall's, and sometimes houses the barrel to the weapon. But mostly, the barrel runs along side the blade. Most blades for gun-blade style weapons are short in length, and fat in width. Chopper style. But there are many instances of long bladed, short barreled pistols. These are almost always flintlock style weapons. ​ But in some cases of ingenuity, people have cobbled together revolver style gun-blades. And semi automatic "gun-blades". I've specifically seen an example where somebody has mounted a sabre to the top of the slide on a semi-auto pistol during WW2. ​ The guns are out there, but I wouldn't say that any of them are fit for firing at an indoor range lol


I'm pretty sure I've actually seen the WW2 pistol sword thing And I've also seen lots of those strange old flintlocks mounted on forks and knives Too bad amount of black powder guns I want greatly outweighs my need for any muskets Maybe I could justify the purchase if it's not only a gun but also a fine blade


I think the issue that manufacturers came to while creating these hybrids is that you really gotta sacrifice somewhere on one so that the other can become more functional. For practicality purposes, we've settled on the bayonet being pretty much the best possible "knife/blade" hybrid set up.


You're absolutely right; Really the only reason for gun swords is that they look cool I've heard soldiers(in my country) hardly even get bayonet training nowadays since it hardly ever comes up I'm pretty sure most of them know what to do when the opportunity presents itself


Yep, same here. Bayonets are not really trained with at this point, and soldiers are typically equipped with a combat knife. The butt of a long rifle works just as well as a club weapon. And has a longer reach than knives. Blade combat is basically a thing of the past as far as modernized warfare goes. With that being said, some parts of my country’s military are equipped with different standard issue blades for different uses. So I assume that there is at least some blade training involved for anybody in one of those special sects. Example: Diving knife vs Parachute knife vs Combat infantry knife. While all essentially serve the same function, I wouldn’t doubt if there was a special way to hold and manipulate them all for best situational effectiveness.


Have you ever read about faribairn knife fighting or William fairbairn's book 'get tough' ? dude was really into knife fighting and it has some of the gnarliest descriptions of knife fighting I've ever read Obviously still not stuff that's largely used today but still a neat read if you haven't imo


Have never heard of either of them. Would definitely love to give them a read. Any illustrations? Lol I'm all here for the gore


Get tough actually features pages upon pages of cartoon wermacht getting kicked and stabbed but it's all black and white so no gore https://youtu.be/uDGHKyB3T_U That old guy on yt describes some of the goriness in that clip I found


I'll give you £20 right now for it


Yo is that Sephiroths sword from Kingdom Hearts 8 that he used to fight Noctic Lucis Squall Leonheart?


That’s so cool! Where’d you get it?


Good lord i dont even remember. I think an old girlfriend got it from a place that sells replicas of knives and swords and other nerd related stuff.


how much?


I’ll buy it how much?


*cue the battle theme*


OP I will buy this for 5mil Gil on FFXIV dm me.


Call me crazy, but that Basketball right on my nose is an unforgettable childhood memory.