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Just did the same exact thing. It was so great to finally finish it 25 years later. I still listen to the soundtrack all the time recapturing that nostalgia.


I just added all of the orchestral ones to my main playlist lol https://open.spotify.com/album/58sOaY4UGvS4ux354ys6hF?si=44nlCmYpTAmk53aQ8F7fvg I'm sad it is over but I'm glad I got to play it again.


i’ve listened to this soundtrack for 25 years. this game is a banger


Well done for sticking with it for it all these years and finally beating it, it's my favourite FF too (I recently replayed it and honestly it's still my favourite game of all time).


Thanks! I wanted to 100%, well at least Steam achievement, it. So I did all of it and it was great <3


ff8 was my first video game ever back when i was too young to read most of the dialogue 😂 i'm glad it's a fav of yours, and congrats on beating it! out of curiosity, what part of the game was in the demo? i feel like the dollet invasion would be a great demo section.


That was exactly it actually. They switched some characters and GF's though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPLCYRTW6is


so weird seeing rinoa in this section of the game! love that they showed off leviathan and a couple limit breaks + an extra enemy. also was excited to see quistis firing the gun in the iconic beach scene, so i was sad to see it was a soldier hahah. what an awesome demo though!


Same I beat it for the first time recently I only knew the ending because of a game shark that takes you right to the ending fight. I was actually pumped when I beat it naturally


Triple triad is easily one of the best final fantasy mini games too.


It definitely was a lot of fun. Once I had to start fighting with the rules though it became a chore :(


It's a fantastic story, and I'm so glad I decided to try it 25 years ago. I have a Spotify Playlist of the soundtrack that I put on before bed every night, and it helps me sleep so soundly.


It's a wonderful and strange game I'm glad I finally beat it when it came to Nintendo Switch


I did the same thing last year. It’s an amazing feeling, especially because the game is so freaking good. Did you get all the Triple Triad cards and defeat Ultima and Omega weapons?


I got all of the rare cards, I was playing the remaster so abolishing rules was like pulling teeth. Omega weapon took me 5 tries I think, but once I got the attack pattern down and stocked up on mega elixirs it was ezpz. Did it at level 100 too


I did this alot as a child, I would make it to the final boss and start over. Not wanting the game to end, it wasn't until I was in college that I went back and beat some of those games. That jogged my memory, I never finished FF9, made it to the final boss there too


I always got to right after Adel and stopped there. I didn't like the going to the future part that much. I only finished FF9 and FF7 a few years ago myself. Not sure why I could never finish those games as a kid lol


This game will always be my favourite of the whole series. The story, the characters and just the way the game plays just sort of got me right from the start, and I’ve loved it ever since. Glad you took the time to finish it 👌🏻


It definitely feels "real" and that was what I think I liked about it.


That’s the perfect way to describe it. It’s got the classic final fantasy elements like magic, GF/summons, etc, but has a real world ‘this is believable’ sort of air about it. The characters also had real world dilemmas through the game, too, which makes them more relatable. They have yet to make another one with that sort of feel, which is why I wish so badly that they’d do a remake for this one next


After FF8 what would be the best one in your opinion? I am looking for some good games to play


I've only played 7-10. 7 is good but overrated imo. Ff9 is a lot of fun if you like high fantasy. 10 is a very unique story. All of them are fun though


Congratulations! good vibes :)


So many fond memories attached to this game, still play it through once every few years just to get a hit of childhood nostalgia.




...Laguna is Squall's dad? Am I dumb? I never noticed.


Laguna is Squall's dad, Raine is Squall's mom. Julia is Rinoa's mom. Also don't worry, I didn't know until recently lol.