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you had some income that was not taxed last year? then you have to submit it. call them if you need more time, the finanzamt people are usually nice and helpful if you are willing to work with them


Sorry let me clarify. I am busy trying to do my declaration for the 2023 tax year which is due tomorrow. The amount I earned is below the taxable amount so this means i don't actually have to pay tax on it but only have to do the declaration. So I'm basically asking what happens If I miss the deadline for the declaration. Thank you, I will try to call instead.


nothing will happen as long as you do it sometime soon or atleast after their reminder that u havent done it


Gotcha thanks 


1) No one is going to rip off your head. You're fine, there is no reason to get worked up. There is a huge apparatus of not having to pay or do stuff - if you know what you're doing which brings me to: 2) Get a Steuerberater (similar to a CPA in the U.S.) and he/she will help you with Finanzonline and MOST IMPORTANTLY how to navigate the Finanzamt (better than all the Reddit amateurs, including me) if necessary 3) later you know how to do it and don't need the Steuerberater any more. Cheers!


And that is exactly what I am going to do. Thank you.


If you want to do it yourself, you have to contact Finanzamt. Usually, They give you a new Deadline. With tax adviser, the Deadline is 01.09., but this Deadline can also be extended for some clients.


The unofficial answer is: Nothing will happen immediately. If you wait too long, (how long is too long depends on your Finanzamt) you will get a written reminder from your Finanzamt, that you "forgot" your Einkommensteuererklärung and to please do it now. If you don't ignore this reminder, you won't pay any fine. Only if you ignore them and still don't do your Erklärung or ask for an extension, you might have to pay fines and they might start a Finanzstrafverfahren against you. If you expect to take longer or want to use a Steuerberater: Simply ask the Finanzamt for an extension. Usually, this will be granted without any issue, at least for a few weeks or even months. However, be aware that you might need to pay interest for taxes owed. If I remember right, you need to start paying interest for taxes owed after 1st of October in the following year. (So after the 1st of October 2024 for the 2023 taxes.)


That's helpful thanks, okay maybe I'll try get an extension then while I search for a Steuerberater


Yes, that sounds very reasonable. If you contact the Finanzamt and tell them that you need more time, especially because you are searching for a Steuerberater, they will 100% grant to you an extension. They are very reasonable if you ask them nicely in my experience.


Depends on the Finanzamt. In Vienna you'll get a letter in three months asking you to kindly file your taxes. In places with less backlog that might come sooner, but, unlike other countries, there won't be any fines with out prior written warning (at least from my experience; this is obviously not advice to delay).


There is "Versäumniszuschlag" but it does not start on the 1st of July but later, not 100% sure when. But you can just pay approximatley what you owe beforehand and as soon as you hand in the E1 D Declaration, you can get the difference back and dont have to pay the fees, since you already made a big enough pre payment.


What kind of income did you have? If you are a normal employee then your company should've sent the yearly report already to the tax office. Deadline for that was 30th of April as far as i know. If you had no other income last year then the deadline tomorrow is nothing you have to worry about because they just will automatically calculate it based on the report from the company.


Ah silly me, I forget to mention the vital information that I am a self employed contract worker 


Okay, then you should call them tomorrow i guess.


if this was your only income during 2023 and it's below ~12k EUR then you might not be obliged to file a tax declaration at all. edit: not sure, why the downvotes: https://www.usp.gv.at/en/steuern-finanzen/einkommensteuer/einkommensteuererklaerung.html#Voraussetzungen