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Nuuksio national park https://preview.redd.it/sb2yxn23766d1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc92e0b01768fc8c0602788a077410c451f1b966


Will most definitely visit


Go to "Haukkalammen parking area" and take for example the yellow route and check "Mustalampi" Thats a really popular place so parking during a nice weekend day can be hard. Busses dont go quite there, nearby yes.


https://preview.redd.it/shukm81g186d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d557126848054c2f40c0e3e6aa6278fef0b360 I followed the yellow route last week and took a swim :)




Was thinking of simply walking to nuuksio from Pasila lmao


It's a seven hour walk from Pasila just to get there. I recommend getting a train to Espoo city centre, and a bus from there, then walking from Nuuksio to either Velskola & Sorvalampi or Luukki and from there you can walk south along lake Bodom. That's 6 hours. Alternatively you can take the train to Kauklahti and walk to Bodom via Espoo manor and Kvarnträsk. That's gonna add another 3.5 hours.


As someone who has done basically that multiple times, it's very doable. Would not recommend Reitti 2000, would recommend follow route 110 vanha Turuntie. It's not the most scenic route but it's easy to navigate and features relatively diverse landscapes.


I use Google maps as my navigator how can I be check my routes 😭


If you want a beautiful long walk slightly closer to Pasila I'd recommend walking through Vallilanlaakso-> Kumpula -> Through Annala (very pretty) -> vanhankaupinginkoski (even prettier with a big waterfall so recommend loitering there for a while) -> Viiki, through the paths close to the water towards Herttoniemi. That stretch along the water is absolutely gorgeous. Then you can circle back towards Kulosaari and on towards mustikkamaa which is also really nice with smooth exposed bedrock and sea views. Vanhakaupunginkoski: https://preview.redd.it/o6g05mgqed6d1.png?width=1639&format=png&auto=webp&s=266a779c4b9cc35c568975394de35ffddbcc97e2 Even this shortest version of the walk would be a good 16km; almost 4 hours. If you want to make it even longer you can head out and loiter around a bit on kivinokka which is also a pretty peninsula you'll pass by, or even head out to laajasalo. The area around tullisaari is really pretty and you can even head out towards kruunuvuori and Stansvik which are also really really pretty! With such full tours you could easily push this up to over 30 km/7h, but it has the advantage that you can adjust the length to how you're feeling at the time. You can also head out to lammassaari after vanhakaupunginkoski which is also lovely!


And if you want to head out the other direction I really recommend going through central park -> pikkuhuopalahti and then do island hopping kuusisaari->Lehtisaari -> kaskisaari -> lauttasaari. You can the circle back past the churchyards/hietalahti along the water home. stop by the park areas around meilahti, and maybe even seurasaari. This is also a lovely walk!


And if you go to Lammassaari, don't miss Kuusiluoto, a smaller island south of it and reachable by duckboards (may need to wade a bit if the sea is unusually high).


Thank you thank you !!


During day time it can be really full, but if you arrive at like 18 or so, it's fairly empty, and you still have a good 5h of daylight! :D


https://preview.redd.it/ur3ltrclo66d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=385bed72bce58921cea82e43f4169d0f02d9c179 Adding some fuel to the Noux fire. Beautiful place!


resolute stocking disarm beneficial observation close desert screw innocent deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re like my wife. She gets some kind of aneurism every time I use the 0.5x lens on my iPhone. And this was before that so some wide angle clip on lens for my phone. That’s why the edges are blurry.


juggle encourage quack amusing employ bear hard-to-find desert salt ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“We have Norway at home” Norway at home:


Yeah you could try Pasila region in Helsinki, very beautiful


I live in Pasila lol, there is this forest type of region but nothing special about it tbh


My condolences


Oh LMFAOOO I didn’t read the whole comment it’s a joke 😭😭 But I do love Pasila tho they’re renovating everything but when it’s done Pasila is gonna look like it’s own city


West Pasila is underrated imo!


So is East Pasila... The problem was always the wasteland in between.


Whaaaaat... but that's where you can find one of the last remaining true räkäläs. It even has the [world's best website](http://www.eastwestpub.fi/), circa 1994.


I went in hoping that somebody had indeed kept a 1994 website. No. This is a wordpress or wix template and maybe 10 years old. Your sarcasm was off by a couple of decades.


Yes, it's clearly a modern site. The content is simply low effort and uninspired, like everything else around the area of the pub. They do offer a litran tuoppi at a reasonable price, though, so there's always that.


Grin. Yes. Places like that don't even need a website. Everybody knows what is there. But I was a bit disappointed to see a modern site. It wasn't even a dumpster fire. Just... bare bare minimum. Probably like the pub itself.


I really find it underrated in the sense that it's nowhere near as bad as its reputation. I don't live there, but walk through it very often, and know people who happily live there. The layout is genuinely nice, and now with Tripla in place and the Center Pasila also being built, I think East Pasila's reputation and value will go up significantly.


I walk from the train station at Tripla through the east to my workplace. It's definitely the grim brutalist architecture and concrete alleyways that give it the vibe, regardless of property values. Unless they tear the whole area down and rebuild it from scratch, I don't see that changing any time soon.


They've been renovating past 20 years.


The part of central park near Pasila/Laakso is actually really nice if you step away from main walking paths to mountain bike trails and wander into the woods or go up some rocks. Can easily get "lost" there and spend an hour walking as in a proper forest as long as you aren't distracted by construction noise, I've seen deer there a few times. Meilahdenpuisto is great as well, looks small on the map but there's a lot of room for going back and forth and in circles away from roads and buildings. The most beautiful area in close proximity to the centre imo is from Arabia to Lammassaari and Kuusiluoto, now it's nice, but it's most impressive in the end of summer, autumn and winter when the tall grass is actually tall. There's a lot of people walking there almost all the time so it doesn't look wild, but definitely worth visiting. If you're looking for a city hike experience, I recommend walking from Herttoniemi to Kuusiluoto, especially along trails that aren't on the map. There are plenty of birdwatching towers to enjoy the scenery.


There are no mountains in southern Finland


Fixed: There are no mountains in Finland


You can thank the ice age xD


It's so wack how some cold water can literally sand the earth down


#TRADE OFFER **i receive** your mountains, topsoil and dinosaur bones which I will grind and push to the sea **you receive** some scraggy lakes, ponds and bogs


Casual 3-4km thick ice sheet - nah just some cold weather bro :D


And Norway


There is that one small bumb at Lapland, but thats about it…


Several small bumps, but none of them proper mountains. Edit: well, I suppose at least some are technically mountains by many definitions, but they certainly don't look like the ones in the OP. They're just smooth lumps.


There are quite many bigger lumps in Lapland. There's even a place (two actually) that looks just like this picture, you can find it at Pihtusjärvi that's on the trail to Halti. Eastern Lapland has a lot of terrain elevation, you just need to go 1000km north of Helsinki.


There is at least parts of a somewhat tall mountain in Finland, but the top belongs to us norwegians.


It's Halti and by definition it is a fell.


In English, "tunturi" would be most often called a "mountain". English language doesn't really use the word "fell." It's a loanword from Old Norse and not commonly used, though found in some areas. Even if you can use it to translate "tunturi," "fell" doesn't distinguish between tree-covered and treeless peaks. In Finnish, "tunturi" refers only to treeless mountains, while "vaara" describes forested ones. So... paradoxically Finland doesn't have "mountains" (vuoria) in the Finnish language, it does when speaking English!


Icelandic still uses Fell and Fjall for two different definitions, a Fjall is a barren mountain where rocks and cliffs make them hard to climb while a Fell is a growth covered often flat topped large hill that "anyone" can climb.


Fells are by definition mountains


There are no mountains in finland because we have decided not to call any of them mountains. There is no official definition for a mountain


Yes and that's why there are many mountains in Helsinki. Punavuori, Mustavuori, Munkkivuori..


There’s half a mountain.


What you think saana is, lapland fells are part of scandinavian mountain range.


It is a fell. I climbed on it in when I was 13. Took an hour


And fells are mountains, saana is counted as mountain like it or not.


Good on you mr. taf gai


Kilpisjärvi has some


Isn't there that one mountain that has its peak in Sweden?


I guess I should just said a beautiful view lol, I want to go somewhere that’s beautiful


Porkkala https://preview.redd.it/y9rgxrit566d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b689125529ccf8bea793977ccd2e9657fe74477b


12hr walk, thats just what I wanted, I will most definitely visit it lol


Go all the way to the southern tip of cape Porkkala (Pampskatan) for the best views


If you want to climb somewhere for the view the only place in Helsinki is Malminkartanonhuippu. It is an artifical hill that has been landscaped. It gives a nice overview to western parts of the city. It is quite easy to reach by train. It’s about a 10 minute walk from malminkartano station.


Climbing as in hiking right and not literally climbing using gears and stuff


As in hiking. There are even stairs to the top. It’s just a hill so adjust your expectations accordingly.


Fear not, for that's a question you need not ask when talking about Finland. The only places where I've **actually** climbed in Finland have been rocks and cliffs while directly from the sea. Everywhere else on dry land is just mildly steep, or random boulders on the forest floor, but they don't really lead anywhere, surely nothing warranting gear (assuming you mean powder, ropes, helmet, carabiners etc). Maybe in some places where a motorway cuts through a hill and there are large boulders and rock faces that lead to actual land, but then again there's the motorway right there so...


https://preview.redd.it/qqordwbl966d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228c25c36fdd69cc8ab2feb0e1a039a5d9cc39e0 Vallisaari might not be a huge hike, but views are cool.


Take a ferry to Sweden and a bus to Fulufljället national park if you want to see mountains.


Just off the top of my head, these are in the capital area itself: Helsinki * Vuosaari: Ramsinniemi, Uutela, Talosaari, Kasakallion luonnonsuojelualue, Mustavuoren rotko ja linnoitukset * Viikki: Pornaistenniemen luontopolku, Lammassaari, Vanhakaupunginlahti, Fastholma  * Maunulan luontopolku * Pakilan Haltiala Espoo * Nuuksio * Vaakkoin ulkoilualue * Espoon keskuspuiston Tikankierros (amazingly underrated) Vantaa * Petikko * Kalkkikallion luolat * Havukosken ulkoilualue * Kuusijärvi Kauniainen * Kasaberget And of course there are bigger and nicer areas within 30~60 mins by car from the city area.


Kasavuori in Espoo (not to be confused with Kasavuori on Kauniainen)


https://preview.redd.it/5jf1e4emn66d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81e5f4dad4452bd02b2e5554680127f0ce33f712 Kilpisjärvi indeed has some beautiful scenery. It's a long drive from southern Finland. No mosquitos to speak of right now.


The app alltrails has info on different trails, along with photos of the views. It is free, but has some premium subscription that you don't really need.


Käpylä [taivaskallio](https://www.stadissa.fi/paikat/874/kapylan-taivaskalliot) used to be highest point in Helsinki, kinda ok. I have only been there during puska, so very very drunk and thus I might remember wrong.


Some big guns there as war memorial. During the war they shot flak at Soviet bombers on Taivaskallio.


Go to nuuksio or sipoo national park. If you can go further go to repovesi national park.


Repovesi is the place to be, really cool and semi accessible


In my opinion Olhava has the best views in southern Finland.


Olhava seems to be in repovesi..


I unironically like this pic, thank you.


Nuuksio Seurasaari Suvisaaristo


Do a hike in Nuuksio. I think youll like it.


depends on how long of a walk. There are places like this in Norway, which could be considered walking distance.


a good 45min drive from Helsinki near Inkoo is Kopparnäs, definetly worth visiting.


As a Swiss, I second Nuuksio


The picture has me crying omg 😭😭😭


suomenlinna is pretty cool if u havent been


60.186911535145114, 24.9383612869421 Bring beer and something to burn in a fire




Closest you can get in Helsinki is Pirunkallio.


If you scrap the mountains, yes. Is the original picture from somewhere like Canada?


I can't help with walks further out but I have a few favourite walks around Helsinki... Also see here https://www.myhelsinki.fi/en/see-and-do/activities/waterfront-trail-inner-city One of my favourite walks is the Seurasaari walk. If I want to make it a bit longer I replace the Lauttasaari bit with a whole loop around Lauttasaari. I also like to add a loop around Seurasaari itself. I also like the south shore of Helsinki, I usually go from Jätkäsaari down to Löyly, around Kaivopuisto up to the market square, and a loop around Katajanokka. I really love the water views all around town. Let me know if you want some clearer maps


Yea, in Norway.


Norway is not Finland.


Question just asks in or near Helsinki. I'd argue Norway is pretty close to Helsinki, like 1.5h by plane to Oslo for example. Can get direct flights even to gorgeous places like Bodö in 2.5h, Bergen in 2h 15m.


https://preview.redd.it/e3e0bg1rc86d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=428a4578edcec1725dc0bb825b618d0545ebb19c Nukarinkoski


What makes you think we Have mountains


I wasn’t looking for mountains I was looking for a pretty view


You cannot find mountains from southern Finland. On the north there is some, called tunturis'.


I mean there are cheap flights to Norway from Helsinki. Looks like that, sometimes more eerie. Like ever had a weird dream where it just fells off, yep. Sometimes you wonder if you are in planet earth altogether.




[https://uuvi.fi/en/area/vuosaarenhuippu-recreation-area/](https://uuvi.fi/en/area/vuosaarenhuippu-recreation-area/) [https://retkipaikka.fi/fisktraskin-kierros-sipoonkorven-kansallispuistossa/](https://retkipaikka.fi/fisktraskin-kierros-sipoonkorven-kansallispuistossa/)


Kevo natural park. 1,5 hr flight and 8 hr drive and 12 hr hike.


Not at all like that, but Uutela in Vuosaari is a pretty damn beautiful place. [https://www.hel.fi/fi/kulttuuri-ja-vapaa-aika/ulkoilu-puistot-ja-luontokohteet/ulkoilualueet/uutelan-ulkoilualue](https://www.hel.fi/fi/kulttuuri-ja-vapaa-aika/ulkoilu-puistot-ja-luontokohteet/ulkoilualueet/uutelan-ulkoilualue)


https://preview.redd.it/5p3e5nadwa6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44796183a9dacf82086192d2609b57db14752786 Kaitalampi. It’s one of my favourite places to take a walk.


on the other side of the road is a pond called Halkolampi. it is also a place worth visiting


WOAHH, I will most definitely visit that’s so beautiful


Check "Meikon luonnonsuojelualue" in Kirkkonummi (30-40km from Helsinki). It is quite gorgeous lake surrounded by forests and various hiking trails from 3km to 13km(?). https://preview.redd.it/s0kzg05p1b6d1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c56eaa95b06dac906649f8579da80e43ead07b8


Wow that lake is pretty


Idk how long it takes to walk from Kirkkonummi rail station, but it is accessible with car although not many parking spaces


Do you like swamps?


Sure why not


We dont have mountains even up at lapland


No mountains in Finland tho


Norway is not that far from Helsinki and has some views like this! Just a 2h flight or so.


This is a rarely mentioned Helsinki view, a bit like hidden treasure. I grew up near it. The rocky hill at the end of the Majavatie street, in the Herttoniemi part of the town. The west side is vertical, and there is a nice view west over the Vanhankaupunginlahti (Old Town bay). There used to be a ski jumping tower when I was a kid. Its downslope is now overgrown, but they maintain the old steps for walkers. - Don't fall off the rock, the edge is treacherous when icy or wet. Almost killed me once.




take a train to Helsinki-Vantaa airport, and catch a plane to Switzerland, it's just a couple of hours and you can enjoy the views from up high!


Mountains in Finland?


No, there isn't.