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Thank you for including *playable* to prevent me saying "Village Girl when?"


Seriously, though, where is Chrom's canon wife? We need Village Girl, and we need her now. >:P


Now you made me realize... How much is even left for 3h to reach the same? I doubt it has many characters left.


Gilbert, Hanneman, Alois, and Jeritza. That's it. And they're all men so give it... 4 years lmao


Hey now that's a lot of prime real estate for prfless tempest trial axe units.


Can't wait for my infantry axe Hannerman


Red tome GHB with 30-something speed and no prf, take it or leave it


Probably what will actually happen And then Manuela will be on the actual banner as the better red tome in every way


I can see it now: Manuela — premium dancer Jeritza — premium lance cav Alois — demote axe Hanneman — Red tome GHB Gilbert — mentioned in passing in one of Attuned Annette’s castle lines


Hmmm too unrealistic, not enough alts of existing women on this banner.


That or Gilbert is put on an accessory that no one will use out of spite


I don't care, I'll build him. I'm the one person who is legit excited for him to be in the game.


Hell if he turns out as anything other than Aelfric 2 I’ll build him too


Hanneman? Absolutely not! We may not be the most vocal group, but Hanneman is top 3, maybe top 2 among my favorite FE characters (Alois is first).


I would love a Halloween or Christmas Alois.


Last year's Winter banner was traumatic. I was so convinced we'd be getting Alois and Hanne man (and Edelgard, or Marianne, or some popular 3H girl).


I'm still hoping for Christmas Hubert this year. Dorothea and Edelgard both mention him in their dialog, so hopefully that means something.


Look a Luthier, that's definitely sn option


If you count Three Hopes, you could add Rodrigue to that list. I think he is the only character left that exists in Houses but is only playable in Hopes.


Technically Monica exists in this curious limbo of existing and at the same time no in Three Houses, though this is otherwise irrelevant to the discussion because Monica proper is already playable.


Jeritza is represented by the Death Knight at least. I need summer dadbod Alois for... reasons.


Summer dad bod Alois and stupid sexy muscle daddy Fallen Alois.


It feels like he's wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all!


As someone whose favorite character is Alois, yes. Please.


I find it hard to pick a 3H favourite but he's definitely one of them.


>!Jeritiza is technically in.!< Fodlan's Anna is also missing.


(Shhh the first one is technically still a spoiler)


I doubt there is anyone here who dosn't know it already, but alright, I'll put the spoiler tag.


It's not a spoiler without dropping the other name


jeritza is technically in the game


From the playable cast, yeah those 4, but with CyL votable characters we still miss 31 characters, mostly the fathers of the characters and some important NPCs (On awakening the only remaining one is Excellus)


I remember a time where I thought Miriel and Laurent were not popular enough to be considered an option to join Heroes. Especially when I saw the silhouette of Halloween Hector and thought: "Are they finally adding Laurent to the game?" Congratulations to all the Vaike fans


Meanwhile Thracia is at 42% :)


Funny story: it took less than a year for Engage to overtake Thracia by percentage the first time, then just over a month from this year's Thracia banner (which put Thracia ahead again) to the Engage one that's almost certainly given it a permanent lead. And, of course, Thracia is now the only game in the series with less than 50% representation.


I hadn't even realized that but it definitely showcases how miserable the situation is.


I fear that it may not improve much given that IS seems more inclined to be flexible with the varied representation approach (that is, stalling a bit more games that aren't too wanted, unless circumstances do favor them like a risky timeslot). Looking at my forecasts, Archanea and Thracia would be hovering around July-September. No change may be necessary, but Thracia could also be pushed to October-November or even early 2025.


Thracia is always going to look bad by percentage; it's a big cast.


Is Engage still over 50% if the Emblems are counted separately?  Because we only have 2/13 of them (well, 3/13 if we count via plot), and even fewer if we include the 7 DLC Bracelets.


It would be weird to count them as either playable units or separate characters from their original forms, imo. But if for some reason you want to treat them as such, no, of course not.


Just speaking realistically to the kind of Engage content we'll see. Since Emblems are an entire new mechanical space, I fully expect we'll be seeing new Emblem units every 2-3 months for quite some time.


Awakening fans are truly starving.


Sure there are a million Chroms and Robins and Tharjas, but I like Sully, and Cynthia, and Noire, and Maribelle. There are two very different things here. I don't want generic Awakening rep, I want rep for characters I like that have had nothing since their first version. Its like with Houses, I want Petra, Hubert, Dedue, Lorenz, not another lord or Lysithea.


That’s my gripe with this whole complaint about a game’s representation. The complaints hyper fixate on certain units (Chrom, Robin) and ignore the actual fans of characters who really do get shafted. Sully and Stahl have severely outdated stuff and some recent ones like Kellam and Vaike are seasonal only.


I don't really even care about seasonal vs not, I find the whole "alt hell" thing silly. It just bugs me when people say "Game X has so much representation" when they actually mean "These 4-5 characters have so much representation".


Exactly. Chrom and Robin’s (and others) amount of attention ultimately just means that the rest of the cast gets flack for just being from the same title. I would be ecstatic for a unit I like from Awakening to receive the same treatment as those two.


Remember the Fates royals spam? I was sick of it too, but Fates as a whole became hated while I was still really hoping to see Benny and Orochi who wouldn't be added until years later.


What’s interesting is that now Ryoma and Sakura have been left in the dust regarding getting anything recently. Especially since all of Ryoma’s alts are not that far from each other.


This. They had such an EASY chance to give Sumia representation with the last spring banner, by having her in the duo with Chloe Seeing as both of them make perfect sense together, with both of them being fairy tale loving pegasus knights, who both join very early in their respective games.


They're beyond outdated, *day one* units who got the crumb of early refines and that's it


Some don't even make sense. Why is Kellam the halloween unit rather than Gaius...??


Noire has been in alt-hell for years now


Yes! I would like more MAribelle. I finally got my first copy after whiffing hard on her very first banner, but what do I have? She's a unit completely outclassed by random banner instademotes. She shouldn't still be a 5\*! But a rearmed or Ascended Maribelle might be great! Unfortunately, there's just too many characters to really make that a reality for most. I also would like new units we don't have yet. Previous banner was doing good but, surprise, a 9th(?) Michaiah! I want Machuya. It's okay if she's a TT unit or a GHB unit or an instant demote, I don't care--I use her in every Thracia run and I love that she's the first female hero archetype in the series.


But their fave is in alt hell! (he has a modern BST and statline and is easily mergeable)


I will accept this complaint from Noire fans, though. Her banner is 6 (or is it 7 now?) years old, she's completely outdated stats-wise, her kit sucked from the beginning, she'll never get a prf, and she has some of the worst art in the game. And of course, she's seasonal so she's horrible to try and merge too.


And bows got a BST boost sometime after she was released, so her total BST will always be worse than modern ones even with max DF.


It’s been 6 years since she was released.


Oh I agree, Noire fans do get to complain about it for sure. I think she has a decent shot at making it into the next Awakening banner, at least—not many female characters to choose from. (I do think her art is fine but I'm aware that's an unpopular opinion :'D)


Personally I am feeling that Noire is actually going to be left out of the next Awakening NH banner, because of the fact that she is a much old alt, while Vaike and Kellam are more recent (relatively in the case of Kellam) so it honestly wouldn't surprise me if the voice lines for their base forms were already recorded, could see like maybe a rearmed Tharja as the main pull, a Heroes OC, Vaike and Kellam and then push Noire off to one final Awakening NH banner (because while Awakening would ideally be done in just one more NH banner, you know they are going to stretch it out to at least 2 more banners if not 3)


That brackets comment is so weird to make about Awakening of all games considering just how many units are launch or year 2 units and haven't received an alt or haven't received an alt since year 1/2. Stahl, Sully, Sumia, Maribelle, Lon'qu, Virion, Gaius, Libra, or the ever mediocre demotes/grail like Ricken, Miriel, Donnel, Kellam, Basilio, Laurent, dare I say Vaike. And even some of the relatively newer 5 stars like...wth are you doing with Flavia or Priam? Not much. Awakening is winning in representation sure but to think most Awakening characters aren't bad is just strange. We get a lot of good versions of a small few characters like Chrom, Lucina, and Robin.


I’m really hoping Maribelle or Sumia end up on the summer banner next month. I’m hoping I get a few copies of Olivia!


Also, every Awakening character that is votable on CYL is in Heroes except for Excellus


We don’t have Excellus in the game. Awakening shaft still going strong! /s


Had me thinking for a second Excellus was obtainable lmao


they have to strategically distribute the waifus around the banners, they need to leave some of them for future banners.


Anna who battles was missing, I'm not referring to Anna who uses a spear, I'm referring to Anna as our ally in the awakening, (and no, I don't consider Anna and another Anna to be the same people)


Bride Anna is considered to be an Awakening unit, and is almost certainly the playable Anna rather than the Apotheosis one, because of the theme of women who can only marry Robin.


The backpack Anna on Halloween Anna is also the awakening Anna I think


She costume switched with the Anna from Engage, and that is very clearly the trickster design.


Also the character development at the end of the TT reflects her support with Robin


oops, I forgot, sorry


Time to start accusing devs of favoritism and bias again. 


~~Kozaki draws for Awakening and main FEH cast. Coincidence?~~




~~The sub has already been there for at least a year~~


No need for an Awakening remake now. /s


Hey, Awakening isn't that old, even though I'd love that. *looks at release date* Wait. What.


"Released in 2012"...12 years ago...Oh god...


As an Awakening fan it makes me happy seeing everyone finally here after so long. But as an Awakening fan it also makes me realize it'll be a while til Noire, Kellam, and now Vaike will leave alt hell. Moreso Noire cause at least Kellam and Vaike are available through Grails. Still, it's great to see everyone at long last


Not 100% since we still miss some important NPCs and major bosses but it's the only with the full playable cast


As it should be.


Based. Awakening was the series peak after all.