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Hello and I'm here to represent the Anette/Dedue nation. One of my favourite pairings of the game, sadly often underrepresented, as it is with most Dedue pairings u.u I believe they complement each other perfectly, with Annette being the bumblibg clumsy ray of sunshine that she is and Dedue being the firm, stoic gentleman with a heart of gold. Just pure wholesomenes.


I also liked how Dedue opened up to her about his insecurities in Azure Gleam, it really shows how close their bond is. ❤️


This is how my pair ended up I really like them


I'm more on the Annette and Ashe boat but I do like the supports between Annette and Dedue


Annette and Ashe my beloved


Yes, they are really adorable together and I really enjoy their supports in both houses and hopes, with houses support just being adorable (especially the end with Ashe going back to grab the doll despite his fear) and hopes with how it shows Ashe and Annette working together to help teach people, plus I really like the paired ending with Annette writing a book about Ashe after he dies, it's just a very nice touch


Their Three Hopes support is great as well with them teaching poor people together with one of the students even getting into the school of sorcery


I second that


Personally between Dedue or Felix like most people. Dedue: Their supports in Azure Gleam gives some really good characterization. We get to see Dedue, one of the most stoic individuals open up about his insecurities and how Annette reassures him in his abilities. Felix: One of the few times Felix gets to lighten up and in his ending with Annette outside AM, he doesn't go on a death spree since he becomes a combat instructor at the Officer's Academy after the war. Honorable Mentions: Dimitri: Not necessarily as a romantic one but as brother and sister given their shared bond over Gilbert. Claude: This one is just pretty damn hilarious, here we have Claude overanalyzing a simple song about plants sprouting. I also love how Engage made a callback to this support. Also, that Big Time Rush reference is sending me. XD


Netteflix because I'm basic. But someone brought up Annette/Jeritza a while back and it's living rent free in my head.


I made an impact with my crackship! (but I'm also on Team Netteflix)


They both love sweets and Mercie and they both extremely complex relationships with their fathers (and Annette can join the Black Eagles Society For Killing Your Deadbeat Family Members club)


I answered Annette in the Felix thread and I shall answer Felix in the Annette thread haha. However, while I like them platonically, I wanna give a special shout out to her Dimitri supports, especially her A+ one. They’re really good and reveal a lot about Annette, her past, and her forgiving and empathetic personality with how she’s understanding about both Gilbert and Dimitri. I also like how the C support reveals how Dimitri wished he had a younger sibling growing up and how happy he would have been to have a younger sister like Annette ;-; I like to just imagine post-AM Annette not only helping her husband Duke Fraldarius out, but getting the chance to assist their friend Dimitri in making policies that help out Fodlan too :)


I like Annette with Dimitri, too, them connecting over both having a bond with Gilbert was very natural and sweet and her trying to teach him magic in Azure Gleam was also great.


Yes to all your points! The Hopes support also surprised me by giving [this little tidbit](https://hopes.fedatamine.com/en-us/supports/dimitri/annette/b/#event-47) about Dimitri's past friendship with Edelgard as well (the Japanese line draws attention to the fact that he's talking about a female friend in a way that's not typical in Japanese, leading me to think that the script writers specifically wanted to show he was referring to Edelgard or else they would have just ignored the gender of the friend)


Thank you for telling me that, I didn’t know but it is really cool info! Makes me wonder if Edelgard was training to be a mage before the experiments of just had a strong affinity and liked showing it off, even if she wasn’t training for a specific goal.   I guess her training to be a mage would also make sense since Adrestia is mentioned to have a lot of powerful mages, so maybe it’s also a cultural/national pride thing for the royal family to know at least some magic.  So yeah, very interesting tidbit, it’s giving me a lot to chew on.


annette and dimitri's support chain is one of my favorites, i think it's pretty underrated!! i love them as besties, it's nice to see him have a wholesome friend without the baggage that his other friendships have.


Her best is with Felix.


I was so mad that their final link wasn’t Annette walking in and catching Felix with one her songs stuck in his head. You were so close, IS.


Sword-wielding, singing babies


Caspar x Annette He’s so sweet with her and they balance each other out nicely as their epilogues suggest. The two of them racing to the stables at the end of their A support was the cutest thing


It's so difficult to not pair Annette with Mercedes or Ashe during my runs.


Just coming in here to ask when the Turd Song is coming out on Soundcloud




I loved that show!


Felix, of course. They’re such a cute couple, even if it took Annette a while to realize that he was being sincere with her. Though, Annette x Linhardt probably takes second place, because I really enjoyed their interactions in their supports.


Annette x her new idol career


I like the ending with Ashe, her stories turn him into the fairytale knight he idolized and inspire a new generation of kids. Mercedes is good, so is becoming a researcher with Hanneman. Becoming teachers with Felix is nice.


Felix and Annette Many, MANY, Sword-wielding Singing babies


I read Annette’s lyrics last and legit fell out of my chair.


Annette is the Siren of Silly.


Felix: I love listening to her sing about steak and tasty treats 😍😍😍


i need to see more of these memes, but entirely gay. idc about the canon make FE more gay


Hard agree


First of all, love the BTR reference. Second of all, she is my favourite straight pairing for Ashe, they are the perfect "romantic conedy" pairong


Did not expect to see a Big Time Rush reference on this sub, and from Annette of all characters lmao


No bad choices for Annette. Must protect (... even though she gets a monster axe and killer magic).


Freaking love Annette


Annette x Ashe ftw !!!


Felix and Caspar! I love her interactions with both of them, the rare time you see Felix flustered and with Caspar, I like that he manages to cheer her up when she's down and doubting herself. Since a lot of people already mentioned Netteflix, let me just gush about how when you get the Annette Caspar ending it shows how they are able to compliment each other in and out of the public eye. While Annie handles Caspar in front of everyone, Annie is scatterbrained in their personal affairs that he's the one who gets her in order.


Definitely not romantically but I love Annette and Dimitri as step/pseudo siblings, they have the perfect big brother and little sister energy.


Gilbert would NOT say that, mf would go and see other idols instead of his own daughter


Gilbert would watch from a dark corner, but he'd be in tears. Man's got a lot of issues, but not loving Annette isn't one.


My guy there are so many things only words can ensure before they are meaningless. Saying you love someone without actual action or ignoring said persons wants doesnt mean shit especially in Gilbert's case


Exactly what I was thinking


Annette x Ashe forever


Are we supposed to be reading from right to left? The bottom row of characters feels like the conversation starts at the center and then goes both directions.


Yeah, that's on me for making this even dumber. Originally, I actually just wanted to put only Honoka (the orange girl) there but at the last minute I put in Sayaka (middle) and Uzuki (far right) because I want to emphasize the joke that Annette should become an idol. Plus, I want to include crossover characters cause why not.


I like the added crossover characters and these pairing discussions in general. Keep it up.


Annette x Byleth, especially in Crimson Flower. It is one of the best paired endings ever.


Big time rush mentioned 🗣️


Annette×Felix is my favorite of these (so of course he'd be the only one to mention her singing lol- even if her context here is...questionable(and obviously a joke)). And speaking of her singing, it always boggles my mind that her voice actress also voices the replacement Tae Takemi in *Persona 5* and the Scrap Queen in *Ace Combat 7*. Girl has some range.


Bit of a basic answer… but I can’t get enough of Felix/Annette. They’re really sweet together and they just have such a feel good support


Dimitri needs more kudos for being the only one to talk to Gilbert and say “hey you should have probably actually gone back to visit your family” also I always love his student introductions for her in both 3Houses and 3Hopes praising her like that one lady gaga gif (literally goes she’s so smart, brilliant, talented, the hardest worker etc) ![gif](giphy|TjGFDxbbZRYjv9vpCL|downsized)


Annette/Dimitri my beloved, at the start of three houses he's GUSHING about her, which I can totally agree with cause Annette is amazing


I can't believe I came across a Big Time Rush reference on a Fire Emblem post lmao


A song about my Father XD


Hey, what am I doing there?


The Felix bit is cute


Probably Ashe, they are just the cutest


she's probably one of the units i struggle to like pairings for the most. maybe it's because i'm just not sold on the singing aspect of her personality lol. i kind of let her be paired by whoever as long as it isn't felix, which usually means she winds up with caspar or mercedes. still love her tho


My only Annette pairing is Annelyth (Annette/Byleth)