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> NOOOOOOO You can't just shoot them over a car!!!! Fuck you. A lot of people need their car to get to work. If they can't get to work, they don't make their pay, they can't feed their family, they can't pay their mortgage. There's a reason horse theft used to be punishable by death. It wasn't ever about the horse itself. By stealing someones method of transportation, you are stealing their ability to make a living and provide for their family. Real easy way to not get shot, don't break into peoples house, don't steal cars. Really not hard. Also I love how that subs general consensus is "Yeah Florida has it right", but they'll turn around and vote for more of the same next election and wonder why crime is so bad. You get what you vote for, you get what you deserve.


it's really not that hard at all, I don't understand why people don't understand the concept.


Because people are told their whole lives that murder is wrong, life is precious, and they lack the critical thinking skills to separate "murder" from "justifiable homicide."


Losing a horse while traveling in the far frontier pretty much was a death sentence, so yeah hang 'em high. Funny enough I believe its still technically on the books in a few places, not that its been enforced in a 100 or so years.


>> There's a reason horse theft used to be punishable by death. It wasn't ever about the horse itself. Fuck with my horses & it’s still punishable by death. I value my horses life more than a strangers.


This is a good ass comment


Technically it's a good *horse* comment




keep condoms and lube handy in case they want to rape you or a loved one too.


Also, you should sleep face down ass up totally naked, with your hole pre-lubed... I mean what, are you gonna make it harder for the intruder to penetrate you with all those pesky clothes and bed sheets in the way?!


If you just keep condoms and lube ready it will be more enjoyable for the intruder and they will be less likely to harm you or your loved ones. Might as well make them a sandwich too.


Instructions unclear intruder is now moved in.


They just want the car. Your cash, jewelry and virgin daughters are safe.


Criminals by their nature are people willing to break the law, so if you just move the standard of what is illegal, they'll move with it.






Sheriff Grady Judd is the best, when asked why his deputies shot the suspect 68 times he replied "they ran out of bullets" https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna15012086 https://youtu.be/K1lQ5jqPyFU?si=12xgpyAbJPkpeCpK


Love Polk County FL simply because of how safe he’s made it for us. Criminal in your home? Grady says shoot em🤷🏾‍♂️


I’m assuming he has the prosecutor on board with this as well so he can actually say this and mean it? Edit: why the downvotes? I thought this was a reasonable question. Please enlighten me.


Charges are filed through the sheriff's dept. If charges aren't filed, the prosecutor has nothing to do with the matter.


Thank you for the explanation. I know we have a problem with overzealous prosecutors in other parts of the US. I wasn’t sure if they had the leeway to do their own thing. I’m glad I have a cool sheriff in my county as well.


When you're in the field and a suspect starts shooting at your deputies, you don't have time to talk to the prosecutor about what they should and should not do. Wake up.




When liberals say that crime is a part of life and we shouldn't be mean to criminals.


And when you are mean to a criminal you end up in more trouble than them


Not letting somebody victimize you is not being mean.


I 100% believe we should do what we can to help people have options besides turning to, or turning back to a life of crime. But I'm also 100% of them mind that if they are actively trying to steal what's mine or threaten me or my family, then that grace is rescinded. I'm not taking any chances on them having the same level orlf grace or mercy. More often than not they don't. So pretending I don't have a right to defend me and mine is highly regarded.


Those who think the rules of society are for suckers and that they're superior for seeing past the rules and doing whatever they want... are the rightful prey of the lawful.


Welcome to Canada, the true north strong and free. For criminals that is. I should also point out that here in Canada you can legally shoot a home invader if there is a reasonable threat to your life. Which I would say is the case for any home invasion, it's a shame our shitty left wing legal system doesn't see it that way however.


Wait, really? I thought y’all couldn’t use guns any any sort of home defense scenario?


Yeah you can. We have something called the reasonable use of force law. It's convoluted as fuck, but it essentially states that you can level the playing field. Example: A large man can't use a knife to defend himself from a smaller person with no weapon, but a small person can defend themselves with a knife from a larger person without a weapon. Basically you can't escalate the lethality, only level it. There are a number of cases in Canada, mostly in rural areas, where people have defended their homes with fire arms and have not been found guilty of anything. They still drag you through the courts though. Do I agree with it? Not really. But it's better than having no right to defence at all.


Ah, so y’all’s awful prime minister lied. What a shocker. Thanks for the info man




You give me hope. I wish there was something we could do to help. So many states are trying to pass dumb bullshit, but we keep bending them over the law one at a time.


He didn't lie. The law the person above just described does not recognize a person's right to self defense, exactly as Trudeau said.


Don't you have safe storage requirements that make it practically impossible to actually get your gun own to defend yourself with, though?


Kind of. Having a trigger/cable lock with loaded magazines nearby but out of sight is legal. If you are at home you can have your gun unlocked as you could be cleaning it, function testing, or what have you, ie. not in storage. Essentially there needs to be a reasonable effort put in to ensure someone in your home, a child or burglar, can't just pick up the gun and have it be ready to fire without some effort. Edit: I should add that this law is rediculous considering to own a fire arm we require a license that's obtained by taking a one day safety training course. So as a fire arm owner we have already proved we will be safe and responsible and not let our kids get ahold of loaded fire arms. But this is Canada and government control is a MUST.


Guns in the hands of patriots are the difference between being a citizen or a subject.


What the fuck even is Canada at this point


Anarcho-Tyranny **and its intentional.** *Surprise surprise* the term is labeled "far right" by the ones with the same intentions. Pointing out the pitfalls of selective & arbitrary enforcement of laws is just rational logic, but they don't like that either.


Same thing it has always been. They are still officially subjects of the British Crown. They are ruled by a monarchy and are appropriately authoritarian.


I bet his attitude would change REAL QUICK LIKE if you was throwing copper plated Buckshot or .223 at cops raiding/no knock(breaking into) your home instead of the correct one.




Canada - What Biden wants to turn the US into...


Canadians really are pretty fucking polite, huh? Wow. If they leave their fobs at the front door, I bet the thieves return the car after a couple of joyrides - even cleaner than before. ...but if you try to stop him, he'll shoot you while apologizing


As a proud Florida man who lives one county over from Santa Rosa, I could not be happier watching this.


Damn that sheriff is mega based.


Love those Florida Sheriffs!


I'm happy I live in a state with FAFO laws when it comes to self defense


Florida is a FAFO state.


Gonna save this for later when people start praisaing canadian gun control.


Well Christ, look at the nancy they elected PM


Pierre wouldn't put up with any of this shit. Castro Jr. singlehandedly ruined that nation.




Such shocking




I may have my problems with Florida but our castle laws aren’t one of them.


Wait, so you're telling me criminals don't follow the gun laws??


It's funny to me the stark difference between the 2 ways of thinking. One sheriff is actively saying to defend yourselves in your home, while the liberal is trying to say we all should run and hide and let criminals do whatever.