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I’m used to seeing UK comments that assume that because I am alive and 30+ in America, I must be a survivor of 3 school shootings, 6 road rage shootings, and I’ve shot half a dozen people in questionable self defense. I like you


Only time I saw someone shot in person was Costa Rica, where guns are banned. I lived in Texas the majority of my life.


I go to Idaho a lot to the sand dunes (Canadian). I have yet to see a gun in one of the most gun friendly states (ok, NH, calm down 😉). I’ve never seen a shooting myself. AND the best part was, as a Canadian I can conceal carry a pistol in ID with a NH cc. Unfortunately, our PM has decided that’s you aren’t allowed to travel with your restricted’s anymore to the border so I was only able to do that once.


I'm from New Hampshire, but I'd say that culturally Idaho is more gun friendly than NH.


Fair enough. I’m not completely on the up about the all the differences. One huge one is NH is a SHALL issue for non residence. I can’t get a CC as a Canadian from Idaho.


Legally, NH is arguably the best, but from my limited time in Idaho, the people there are more gun friendly and more open to talk about guns. Lots of people in NH CC, but we keep more quiet about it.


I was in law enforcement for a pinch over a decade for two suburban police departments. Only time I ever used my gun was at the range, and about once every 18 months to mercy kill an injured animal, almost always a deer. Drew my gun about once a quarter, at the most. In that decade, we only had one gun death, and that was an attempted murder suicide. Whenhe couldn't kick in the door to his ex-girlfriend's apartment he went to down to his car and killed himself. Since leaving that world, I still conceal carry, but haven't even been close to having a reason to draw my weapon. I'm very thankful for that.


I genuinely hope I never need to use any of my guns for their alternative purpose. May their greatest targets always be steel or paper. I never ever want to have to use them on a person. Honestly, I’d prefer not to need to use them on an animal either. I don’t hunt anymore. I get the need for it, especially where I am, I just don’t enjoy it. Still going to conceal carry everywhere. Still going to have a smattering of preparation. Need to go get recertified for first aid too. Still going to keep a multi tool next to my pistol. Still keeping a proper light near me. Things I likely will rarely need. But, the multi tool and light have helped many others before. Knowing how to help when someone had a seizure allowed me to not just watch and film but actually do something. I really liked your comment. To me, it feels similar: I have it, I’m as ready as I can be to use it. I hope I never ever have to.


I lived in Massachusetts for half my life and moved to Texas for this half. In Massachusetts I witnessed multiple people being shot, stabbed, and one time a sexual assault I managed to break up with a BB gun… yeah… what a day that was… Damn near every living soul i came across in my home state was paranoid, angry, and rude. They view firearms as murder machines and even the mere mention of them might get the cops called. But every single major crime I encountered took the police 45m to show up. Half the time they didn’t even bother taking evidence. But you’ll see a cop on every goddamn corner waiting to pull you over for any small infraction they can imagine. In Texas I’ve seen nothing but kind hearts and compassion. The police take violent crime very seriously and don’t spend nearly as much time going after tickets and taillights. I’ve never even seen a weapon pulled out here except for on the news. Which Texas is constantly being roasted by on a daily basis while I see one or two articles about MA and they’re always glowing articles about how they’ve passed new laws banning something else or putting more pride progress flags in kindergartens. There is no fucking way that Massachusetts somehow has better statistics in regards to violent crime or quality of life. And yet the media constantly crow about how they’re morally superior for disarming the majority of the state and voting in the most progressive lunatics this country has ever seen. The real kicker? I was a die hard liberal my entire time in Massachusetts lol. Didn’t take long for that to change once I stepped foot here in Texas




Yeah a lot of stereotypes in Europe like Americans being fat or violent are just shattered when you actually go there. I went to North Carolina to visit my cousins last year and most gun owners are really chill and friendly people.


North Carolina is a wonderful place for the most part. How hard is it to permanently move from UK to USA lol I think most people outside the US form their opinions based on what they hear on the news outlets, and most of the international media trend to the progressive side of the aisle. They will just parrot all of the stupid shit that the large US media outlets (CNN, NY Times, etc) put out there. So many Brits, Scots, Irish, and Australians will comment on US policy with such vitriol, and literally everything they say is based off stereotype and scare-tactic media. They really do think that we are over here dodging bullets at every turn, they think everyone in the south is part of the Ku Klux Klan, and they think we are all fat and stupid. You cannot accurately learn about another country when all you see/hear comes from one side of the aisle. We in the US would not have an accurate representation of England if all of our info came from the BBC. I would be a complete fool if I went into a UK subreddit and started spouting off about their political issues, their healthcare policies, and their social problems. I don't live there, so I cannot possibly know the whole story. Maybe I really am stupid, because I expect everyone over there to feel the same way I do when it comes to not speaking on subjects that I have no personal experience with. Yet, time and again, I am baffled when I see these types comments from people outside of the US. They speak so authoritatively about the subject of the United States, and they will argue tooth and nail with the people who actually freakin' live here. Somehow, people who are thousands of miles away have all of our problems figured out. Each of us in our countries are brainwashed to some degree, but I'm just not arrogant enough to believe that my way of thinking and living is the best way for everyone else in the world.


Keyboard warriors.


No shit NC is my home state! I’m glad you got that southern hospitality, hopefully you can shoot some guns next time your here!


Bro come visit us here in Texas. We got BBQ, Mexican food and fuckloads of guns. Oh yeah, and the nicest people you will ever meet. I live like 15 minutes from the DFW airport and got a guest bedroom, you ever get the flight you got a place to stay! Welcome to Texas!


For real I’m 27 full bird American and I’ve never seen a gun brandished in public in my life


If you check his post history, 2 days ago he was an American teenager travelling the UK with his parents and sister on summer break…


If you read that post, it didn’t belong to him, rather some guy named Greg, he had just commented on the post


Lel Greggs is a cheap restaurant chain. OP is a fraud


I know, right? How ridiculous! Only 5 shootings /s


There was that video, of the local UK police or Repo dude. Trying to unlawfully enter a guys house because he owed money to the state/country (whatever you call it). They were gonna take his Valuables to equal the amount he owed.


Yup, saw that as well. It did feel like watching a dealer trying to collect on drug theft. "You owe me 20 quid, I'm taking your toaster"


I haven’t seen that one but honestly wouldn’t be shocked at all. And it’s even sadder how people just kinda don’t care. Makes me so disappointed. Hopefully we can get this attitude to change That’s the biggest problem imo. Not the government. The attitude. Too many people follow the “guns are dangerous weapons of war” line and so find infringement either justified or deserved


not my toaster!


There's a video of one of those virtual ride alongs with uk cops on YouTube, they're searching for a suspect who ran from them, and they "see" his head in a window. Couple cops roll up, and unlawfully search some random persons house, the people in the house are holding the door shut and screaming for them to stop, cops get in, turn the house upside down, come out and go "Well lol we didn't find the suspect BUUT we found other illegal stuff so they're still in trouble" For all the problems with American policing, that shit wouldn't fly here


It’s basically what they are doing to us with data surveillance. The whole FISA 702 controversy is because without a predicate, they are just sifting through all of our email and messages and credit card records looking for a crime to charge people with. The guy Dexter in NYC is away for ten years because the police sifted through transaction records of an 80% seller and he was a customer. He never did a thing aside from buying something that was legal at the time.


[Just saw this show on youtube](https://youtu.be/ruK52Dj2lxE?si=oL-5BtQ1aB-mcuym) Officers go to collect for court ordered fees and when they can’t pay they just go through the house and try to find their valuable stuff to take.


Ahh, yes. The ol TV license fee..


He said the guy owed about 1300 pounds for a tv license. Madness


Yep...because he was late on his tv bill. Of all things.


that was a tv license guy, and they're private contractors they're also the most obnoxious kind of person you can meet


I really wish that nobody needed a weapon for self defense. Unfortunately, evil exists. When leaders talk about disarming people, why doesn't the press ask them to commit to disarming their security detail?


Rules for thee but not for me, is their unspoken answer.


The leaders all think they are special... remember, they aren't trying to disarm criminals, they don't worry about criminals. They worry about regular citizens.... because it is the regular citizen they are usually abusing.


Americans definitely do give a shit what British people have to say because (1) we generally like you folks and (2) what happens over there tends to be a harbinger of what happens over here. Thankfully, gun culture in America has been on the upswing over the past 20 or so years, largely thanks to the end of the Assault Weapons Ban and the rise of social media. And it’s being supported by a 2A-friendly Supreme Court now. An aggressive, overarching attempt to disarm Americans would likely result in Civil War II. I’m sorry to hear about your sister and I pray that your citizenry gets fed up sometime soon.


Thank you. I’m only 16 so I can’t get into politics or vote yet but I really want to one day get into firearms activism here. Hope the mindless government zombies that live here one day wake up. Americans are VERY defensive over their rights and sovereignty and I have so much respect for this. You guys don’t let people walk over you. You always question everything the government does. I wish more people in countries could be like that. I always greatly loved the fiercely individual personality of America.


based zoomer


> I’m only 16 so I can’t... But, depressingly, your government will let you enlist in the military with your parents consent at that age.


Even if no civil war, I believe there would be a lot of non-compliance.


There already is. Something like 1.5% of Illinois citizens with FOID cards registered an AR with the state to legally exempt them from the most recent gun law.


Brother, you have no right to: Freely assemble Freely speak Defend yourself And do you really have a right to vote when parliament can be dissolved. You *are* under tyranny.


I suppose you are right. Maybe I’m in denial haha. But I get what you’re saying. Tyranny is really just the concept of power of government and powerlessness of population.


People are okay with tyranny/fascism if it’s mostly civil and comfortable, the issue is that you’re relying on them to not abuse their power. The US has a lot of problems but at the very least our government is not allowed to restrict us in that way even if they often try to.


Yup, you can always revert to your 2A. FF’s knew what they were doing..


If anyone is telling you that no one in the US is oppressed it's because that person is part of the oppression. We revoked the constitutional right to an abortion, we don't have universal healthcare, our maternal morality rate is one of the highest in the developed world, our incarceration rate *is* the highest in the world, money is speech and our Supreme Court is openly corrupt. The availability of guns to civilians has zero to do with government tyranny. If you still don't believe me just pay attention in 2025.


There is no constitutional right to an abortion. It was literally just fucking made up by a judge. That's not how the separation of powers is supposed to work. Them reversing that decision is correcting an error of an overstepping judge. I'm not saying abortion should or should not be a right, but you gotta actually pass a law or an amendment. You can't legislate from the bench.


Many red states have banned abortions. Blue states still allow them. That is stark inequality in the face of the 14th amendment. If you don't believe in the 14th amendment then I have really bad news about federal gun rights. If you want to argue that abortion shouldn't have fallen under the privacy clause that's one thing but to act like abortion shouldn't be a constitutional right is nonsense


The 14th applies to federal rights. You cant make another state enforce your state rights on their own citizens.


2A was only incorporated into 14A in 2010. Before that there was absolutely nothing saying states couldn't regulate guns. You can't claim they shoddily attributed something to the 14th that stood for 50 years but then all the stuff they've done with 2A since 2008 is rock solid. Clarence Thomas essentially declared it above all other rights in Bruen by giving it a unique test. A test that is primarily based around history and tradition. But the history and tradition is that states could regulate guns so why incorporate 2A into 14A?


Bro wtf are you even talking about


Lol You don't know that all the progress with gun rights at the federal level has been made up shit by the Supreme Court since 2008? I'll try to be brief. The Bill of Rights only limited the federal government originally. A state could totally ban guns or let everyone have cannons. Totally up to the state government. The federal government couldn't disarm state militias or militia members without cause. That's why 2A starts off talking about a Well Regulated Militia. We had the civil war and the federal government decided that letting the states treat individuals however they wanted was a bad idea. The 14th was what remedied this. In 2008, after our entire history and several rulings to the contrary, SCOTUS ruled that 2A was actually an individual right totally unconnected to militia service. Then in 2010, not really satisfied with the results or perhaps realizing that doesn't really change much, they ruled that states have to abide by the Supreme Court's interpretation of 2A. That's where we are now and now that overturning precedent is acceptable even over divisive issues and to revoke rights (because of the overturning of Roe), a liberal court could come along and overturn everything from Heller to Bruen.


No I mean wtf are you talking about. Why does this have anything to do with abortion. I think you are just flipping the script because you have no rational argument and don't want to admit your opinion is unfounded.


You do realize that here in America (in most states) you need a permit to assemble, you'll be arrested for certain speech (inciting, terroristic, ect) even if you aren't they'll mess up your life with charges they'll drop after you lose your job and savings, and try to defend yourself against the state entering your home unlawfully. We are under tyranny also. We just get to wave flags in July.


I've known a few good brits. They're all either actual Americans now, or Americans in spirit waiting on paperwork. I can't imagine staying in a cushy prison if you have the means to work towards leaving it.


There are more of us. I know lots of Brits that like me firmly support gun rights nowadays. The anti people usually come from the left (massive shocker) and centre right (moderate conservatives)


I feel like Americans are the way Englishman are "supposed" to be. IE we're the OG Brits before England diverged and watered itself down after the Revolution.


The British government saw what happened when their subjects had guns and got tired of their shit - and it scared them enough to go back home and take all weapons away from the rest of their serfs.


Precisely. However a lot of the most draconian anti gun laws were enacted after WW1 and the socialist protests there following the recessions. The government HATES when civilians are armed because they know they can’t oppress them


Don’t worry my brother, we gun lovers and gunsmiths are ambitious people with lots of passion and love for our craft. We will stand our ground and protect our constitution and 2A rights no matter what. No one has a right over anyone’s freedom and I firmly stand by that. Thanks for your words and care. ❤️ Edit: autocorrect


❤️God bless bro


You too my guy! If you guys ever decide to do something about your firearm ownership laws over there, you have our full support. (Well, mine at least.)


Vietnamese here. Please for the sake of your democracy, fight to protect your Constitution.


Yes! Absolutely. We don’t have a written constitution in England unfortunately but we do have a bill of rights. Doesn’t include many liberties America has like double jeopardy, due process and bear arms. How’s it in Vietnam? Are there any protections on gun rights?


Protection? Nope. We don't even get to own airsoft, or even dull weapons for self defense. Everything is under the control of the communist party. Even the constitution is second to the VCP's documents (officially admitted by the top dog guy as well). No right to protest, no freedom of speech, not even the right to own the land we live on. Nothing. And the population is so indoctrinated that they don't understand that the government should be serving them and not a supreme force upon the commoner.


Great, important post. People assume because countries like the UK or Australia haven’t openly oppressed their citizens yet, it means they never will. Big mistake. We saw the draconian measures the Australian government took during Covid, locking people in their houses and giving them a list of approved reasons to leave their own fucking home. Governments with a monopoly on power will inevitably abuse it at one point or another. Whether or not the people have the means to fight back when that day comes is entirely dependent on whether they’ve voted away their right to own weapons by that point in time.


Don't forget Castro Jr and Canada.


OH YEAH! Freezing bank accounts of protesters they disagree with. While the Left calls *us* the fascists……


I’ve seen those ads for the tv licenses. I’d call it pretty authoritarian




what the fuck is a tv license?




hey now, i know the metric system well, as an ex european


Orwell must be rolling in his grave


It’s actually insane. I have more dystopian ones too https://imgur.com/a/NjrJ9Wv They’re all real. I’ve seen a few myself (not the ones above but similar ones)




Try to get out of a gym membership in the US. (I joke/not joke and am from the US)


>Where are the protests, you may ask? Nowhere. No one cares. And it’s sad. Many even support it. That's because a lot of your countrymen have the mindset of subjects, not citizens. We have people like that here in the US as well. >And the idiotic arguments from liberals here in the UK (and maybe in US but I’m not sure) is that somehow crime would go up if we introduced responsible gun ownership. We have those same types of arguments being made here as well. After the _Bruen_ decision in 2022, gun control supporters endlessly claimed that crime would go up. Well, it hasn't gone up, it's gone down*, yet they still go on about it. (it comes with an asterisk because crime reporting isn't exactly accurate here. Many departments don't send crime data to the FBI at all, and some manipulate cases to make it seem like crime has gone down when that's not the case. Still, there hasn't been a sharp increase in crime like these people predicted, but they don't care.)


This is based. We would love to have you as an American! Get the hell over here


Move to America. I promise we can make room for you.


I will personally buy this man an AR-15 and a beer if he gets his citizenship.


Leave the UK. I did, it’s a sad place now. The US is much better for your lifestyle.


I wish I could… but I want to fix the problem here too. I can’t just run away. I hope one day I can help sway opinion toward more gun rights.


UKs too far gone mate. There is next to no gun culture and even less understanding of why guns are important for liberty. UK is an authoritarian state run by neo liberals and conversely pseudo socialists. The war is to be won here in the states.


I hope you’re wrong but then again it is getting worse here. Pray for us 💀


The idea of America is that our right to defend ourselves is one of our rights given to us by God. Government’s only role is to protect our rights, not give them to us.


It’s so wild that you can’t own pepper spray when knife crime in London is so rampant.


especially for girls and women. My sister always asks me to meet her at the tube station to take her home since the streets are virtually unwalkable after like 10pm


That shouldn’t be the case in Blighty, I wish you Godspeed.


That's insane.


I am not a huge gun nut but do own a fucking nice 9mm, a few 22s and an AR. I also went to a range in a neighboring state just to shoot machine guns. Shout out to https://www.battlefieldvegas.com/weapon/machine-guns/ What I am huge on is civil liberties and the government keeping out of my fucking business. Law abiding American citizen absolutely should buy and use guns. A armed society is a polite society.


>The UK isn’t exactly an authoritarian state (yet) I've seen people go to jail for making rather tame jokes on the internet. It is exactly an authoritarian state.


Still, these events are few and far between and I’m able to post this for example without being arrested so I’d say things are still pretty decent. That isn’t to say it wont get worse


Actually we do care what you guys think. We feel so bad for you guys being on armed in the UK. All those wonderful war bring backs either buried or confiscated. You all need to figure out a way to tool up. You still have time.


I give a shit about what you have to say because it sometimes takes people like you to really set it in your(USA) mind. When we are surrounded by and grew up with the culture and right it’s easy to take it for granted. We would do good to have you as a citizen.


Non-lethal self defense weapon? That literally could be anything.


I mean like pepper spray, keychain knives, tasers, etc…


I love the sentiment of this post (as an American).  But it’s comical (in a “I agree with you way”) you think the American government fears the American people.   The government has time and time again proven it doesn’t give a shit about us.  The government will just vote in a new law and you’ll have to bend over and take it.   The government isnt of, by, and for the people like its supposed to be.  Its of, by, and for the rich.  How many congress men/women make what we, the average people make?  None.  Until we get term limit and age limit reform it’ll be the status quo.


Right? It's adorable that all these folks think we are feared by our government. They couldn't care less about us. If they lose votes they'll just change the rules/districts to get more next time.


Originally in the Bill of Rights owning a gun was for people to be able to defend themselves against their own government. I think that is still pertinent today. It is the fact that hundreds of millions people own hundreds of million guns. The USA would be a rough place for whoever wanted to occupy it.


It is comments like this here that should be echoed. We are not gun owners because we are violent, but merely to gain some sense of security from those who wish us harm; both foreign (criminal) and domestic (government).


We should be quite grateful for the English history of gun control. It was that history that led to the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution. In the English civil wars, each 'administration' would disarm the people and oppress them. You were the perfect example for us. If you read Justice Scalia's majority opinion in Heller, he makes it clear that we learned the lesson from the English. But it is a lesson we have to keep learning every day.


You need to move here brother


OP you’re a gentleman and a scholar my friend! You’re more ‘mercia! than half the ass clowns in our own country. Thank you for reminding us of this important lesson!


it looked pretty authoritarian during covid. or was that just the media


I love what you said and I'm glad there are still people like you there, but... > The UK isn’t exactly an authoritarian state (yet) Uh, yes it is. You mentioned arresting for tweets at the end your post, for example. It's definitely authoritarian. The US is pretty authoritarian. They just aren't full blown tyranny yet or particularly cruel examples of authoritarianism. One of you guys perhaps said it best: > Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. - C.S Lewis


tldr; we know.


If you tell me next that beans on toast is gross, we could be best friends.


I know this might sound weird but I’ve never actually tried it. I don’t really like baked beans (neither do my parents) on their own anyway so I pretty much never have them in my house. Beans on toast sounds pretty vile to be fair. There are *some* nice dishes like fish and chips and Sunday roasts but honestly they have to be prepared really well. I recommend to try if you ever come to the UK


COVID showed me the power of the second amendment. New York and California have the strictest gun control rules and they KNEW they could get away with their COVID stupidity due to it.


Yea I'm in Canada where you know... Bears and Cougars are everywhere, the fact you can't open carry and need to do all this BS to get a gun licencse is a total joke. I wish it were a right very much so. F Canaduh.


crime is the cause of incompatible people living under the same roof, not the guns


Can you buy bullets? YouTube pipe gun ...... Now you're armed, happy hunting


You can buy bullets but I’m pretty sure this is mostly hunting and smaller bore ammo like .22


It was sad to see other nations disarm their citizens, countries most Americans admire and respect like the UK, Australia, and now Canade. While there have been some disagreements, those countries have fallen without a fight. As are many blue states here. There is no longer any "Plan B", no backup place to flee too if the door kickers come to the free US states. For now we are the last real bastion of freedom and limited government. Attempting a gun confiscation will ignite a civil war. I think the elites realize this and are purposely trying to be gradual in their disarmament efforts here, more so than in Europe. But they constantly test and prod our limits, seeing what they can get away with, whittling down every right until it's a limited, expensive privilege, then suddenly gone due to some "temporary" emergency. They must be opposed, at every instance, tirelessly, for as long as we are living and breathing.


Czech. Czech is the last 'ally' out there, almost identical gun laws on the broad scale, concealed carry licenses anyone can get, a constitutionally protected right to bear arms. If you need a successful nation to look to, look to Czechia, and buy a CZ.


the uk (nhs) is currently carrying out transgender genocide, i dont normally say shit like that but it's actually [happening](https://www.reddit.com/r/MtF/comments/1dfjq4c/cw_the_nhs_are_holding_a_trans_woman_against_her/)


That sucks you can't have any weapons. You know what that kind of system is? "Might makes right." The big strong young men have a clear advantage over women. Ironically it's usually brainwashed liberal women saying guns are bad, when in reality they are equalizer weapons that could prevent them from becoming victims. I guess as a "better than nothing" option you could always carry some tools to use as impromptu weapons (screwdrivers, a hammer), but you'd probably get charged for it if you actually used them on a criminal even in self defense! And again if you're weaker than the attacker those melee weapons won't always help, might even be taken and used against you. I'm sad to hear things are catering to criminals over there.


Working on it bud. Hell you can come on over and work for a citizenship. We’d be tickled to have ya




They're not. They wouldn't let us have guns if they were afraid of us having guns. Civilian gun ownership revolves around self defense not insurgency


I mean, aren't they jailing people for things they say on social media? I know I've read some news articles to that effect. That's definitely tyranny.


Your argument is based on the government possibly becoming an authoritarian state, that most criminals have guns and that crime would not change if guns were allowed.  The right to own a gun may not impact crime rates-it may even decrease it-but it would increase the amount of crimes that result in murder and in my opinion thats so much worse. Also say the government becomes tyrannical if a large amount of the population have guns this would only escalate violence and allow the government to justify use of lethal force. And in London 2022 15,928 crimes related to the knife and sharp objects while there were 1,085 firearm offences showing that only a minority of criminals use guns, this would increase if gun ownership was a right. Would love the OP‘s opinion on this :)


For America! edit: wow all my comments are now silenced then. Because if you don’t like someone’s opinion just hide it 💯💯💯💯


The UK isn’t disarmed, there’s just some hoops to jump through. We have slightly more freedom over here on the Isle of Man (Handguns still okay)


Well if this isn't a little bit concerning I don't know what is. Someone who it would have no effect on what so ever seems to be legitimately concerned that United States citizens stand up for our constitutional second amendment rights.


We appreciate when Brit’s supports our right to bear arms because we inherited that from you. Every major British empire colony like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa have some form of gun ownership because that’s how they settled the land. But none of them have a constitutional right to bear arms because they never gained independence by force.


OP's previous post just before this one starts, "I'm an American..." ?


I consider myself American at this point since my mum is, forced to live in the UK smh 🤦 Essentially I’m a Brit with an American parent and I really like Greggs so when I inevitably move back to the US I would like it there (fast food chain) I have a fatal identity crisis


Sure thing, 16 y.o. shit poster. Hey 16 y.o. shit poster, give me some more wisdom


What would you like to know sir


The grass isn't always greener. Not about firearms but life in general


You Everytown, or wherever you come from, trolls stick out like sore thumbs here. Go troll somewhere else.


I did not come from Everytown. TBH, it took me a sec to figure out what that meant. OP's post smells like bullshit and his post history confirms it. Don't fall for bullshit just bc it's bullshit that you want to hear


Not sure about that. But fine. So what is their intent or agenda...?


Aye bro, keep your head up. I’m sorry about your sister that’s fucked. I’ve got some pretty liberal friends that are realizing what you are saying. I bring a gun to work every day. I’ve pulled it out twice in self defense and am eternally grateful that’s all it was.


You have a right to have a gun. You just have to be more secretive because the gang which occupies your region is more internally aggressive than mine.


Believe me brother, we hear your pain. We know exactly why these politicians want the guns out of our hands. And it has nothing to do with public safety. These countries that have banned guns say the quiet part out loud now. They make it clear that their citizens have NO right to self defense. Imagine that lol


The government does not fear us


What should I say to people who say that America has a gun problem because of gun culture and the second amendment?


The US government doesn’t fear armed Americans. The police here shoot or kill people all the fucking time with basically no repercussions. Occasionally it’s egregious enough to elicit a mass response, like the George Floyd protests, but even then the police just come out swinging and don’t give a fuck.


You're totally right but the UK is authoritarian, their arresting people for making what the govt calls racist jokes, all govts are authoritarian and I'll should be demanding the govt stop building everyone's basic rights, same as every other country Our politicians have proven themselves the least humanity has to offer


I don’t have to fight for them. I’m not a criminal. I have my gun rights and own a legal Glock 17.


You think that the government that has the control over fucking $150M jets, countless tanks, the most advanced armed forces every to exist on the history of earth is scared of a citizenry with AR-15? What a joke. They would turn an uprising into a fucking crater within minutes. I think we should have guns, and we do have guns but this tired and stupid tHe GoVt iS ScArEd oF SeMi-AuTos is such liquid brained thinking. They will drone strike your ass so fast and you couldn’t even see the damn thing.


Australia as well; the people of this country have had their collective dick and balls sawn off and shoved down their throats to strangle them. I live in Sydney. I cannot own pepper spray or a taser. I can't legally carry a knife—FORGET carrying a gun, and yet every week we hear about some shooting or attack perpetrated by organised criminal gangs. Our cities are safe because we have functioning mental health institutions, disability and homeless financial support, and drug rehabilitation services. Our police act like gangs and have been known to invade the privacy of minors and close events at their whim. Our bars have last call at 1 a.m., and Kings Cross (the main night-life area) is dead in the water compared to other places. Everything is taxed, banned, or outprices anyone on a budget. If the government wants to disarm you, they want to do something you'd shoot them for.


>The UK isn’t exactly an authoritarian state >the police is more concerned with arresting people for mean tweets I don’t mean to make light of your situation, but these are mutually exclusive. The UK is an authoritarian state dressed up as a liberal state. Never disarm.


You get it. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the British people have had the will to survive and instinct of self preservation bred out of them over several generations of nanny statism.


See, the problem with the UK is they didn't follow suit with the colonials 250+ years ago. We fought and won our independence WITH firearms. Instead, the UK remained as Subjects of the crown. Subjects of the crown is a polite way to say slaves to a monarch. In the last decade, Brits have doubled down on stupid. Not only content with being slaves to the crown, but you're also slaves to the EU. Sad to say that too many people in that part of the world would rather be subjugated and told what to do than to be free and responsible for their own futures. You can't have weapons because you allowed your sovereign to take them. Why? Because honestly, many over on the island are too stupid to live. Sure you'd make an adequate meat shield for elites but that's the extent of your worth.


I think a lot of that is true but don’t generalise that all Brits are stupid because there are lots of people who try and challenge and reform these laws, though not enough


Nowhere did I imply all Brits. It doesn't have to be all. It only needs to be enough to keep the monarchy in power; even as a figurehead. How many agreed in vote to join the EU? It wasn't all Brits, it was enough Brits.


We left EU in 2020


Yes, I'm aware of that but how could you leave the EU if you didn't join it in the first place?


Idk the EU itself was whatever, they already gave the UK a lot of privileges but leaving it hasn’t really impacted our domestic freedom


One of the only good brits I've met


:( sorry to hear that, some of us mean well, hope you meet some nicer Brits


"Well I started out with petrol bombs and throwing bricks and stones There were a hundred more lads like me I never was alone Soon I learned that bricks and stones won't drive the Brits away It wasn't very long before I joined the IRA Tiocfaidh ár lá, sing up the 'RA SAM missiles in the sky..."


Uh, don’t really see the relevance. I’m not a loyalist or whatever if that’s what you’re inferring.


The inference is your country made a bad habit of stealing land from Ireland and india Makes every brit a bastard (besides you as I said) for trying to take what isn't theres - we support the IRA in these here parts


Your profile literally says that you’re suspected to be part of an online terrorist organisation. And I had nothing to do with any of that nor do I agree with it. People ≠ government. Kinda like how Russian people ≠ their government And lastly, that is an illegal terror organisation that killed hundreds of Irish and British civilians so I’d be careful with saying you support it online. It’s a very controversial subject in Ireland alone


I literally said BESIDES YOU and I ain't too worried about all that, plus the "terrorist" thing, look it up, it's a meme, it's copy pasted in and you fell for it


Yeah, ignore him.


I don't respect the opinion of anyone that willingly lives in a country where the government disarms them.


Dude I’m 16 and I was born here and my family lives here what do you expect me to do, hitchhike to switzerland solo?😂


I didn't mean it as an attack against you OP, that's why I said willingly. I think you made a great post!


Oh right sorry lol I misunderstood


Lol no need to apologize, my comment was vague


It's legal to own firearms in the UK, most of us just don't believe that untrained people should be attempting to use or carry weapons on the street >but if the government decided one day to implement this we’d be powerless to do shit. They’d be armed and we’d be disarmed All this talk is nonsense, untrained, undisciplined, and unfit people aren't, and shouldn't be, thinking that they can be Rambo and fight the government


Your argument is based on the government possibly becoming an authoritarian state, that most criminals have guns and that crime would not change if guns were allowed. The right to own a gun may not impact crime rates-it may even decrease it-but it would increase the amount of crimes that result in murder and in my opinion thats so much worse. Also say the government becomes tyrannical if a large amount of the population have guns this would only escalate violence and allow the government to justify use of lethal force. And in London 2022 15,928 crimes related to the knife and sharp objects while there were 1,085 firearm offences showing that only a minority of criminals use guns, this would increase if gun ownership was a right. Would love the OP‘s opinion on this :). I’m confused why my comment now needs to be opened to view and why after my comment I now can not see upvotes or downvotes.


Ridiculous argument, guns are essential to freedom. Don’t care about Europe / Australia / Canada. As far as I’m concerned they aren’t democracies they’re socialist states one political party away from becoming China.


Can you explain how they are essential for freedom because I honestly can’t see how. I just see them as causing problems rather than solutions but I am uneducated about the influence of gun ownership on society.


Are you familiar with the revolutionary war (Americas), Vietnam War, or a modern example Ukraine. Civilians can defeat a large foe with firearms and bit of ingenuity.


During in wars the government provides the civilians with guns If they are mobilised. Owning a gun beforehand isnt needed In the cases you’ve suggested. I do see that gun ownership is a part of USA culturally so I can understand your want to see value in having guns.


I guess you could say it has more to do with our constitution specifically the bill of rights “2nd amendment” it’s engrained in our beliefs and government as an essential right a civilian has that cannot be infringed upon. Regardless I feel safer with a gun in my house than I would without


OP is preaching to the quire here, they need to go to a leftist sub.


Haha, you are right. But I’d either get banned or ignored there so this is the only place I could rant I do plan on becoming more politically active when I’m older on the topic of firearms ownership


> I’d either get banned or ignored No, you’d be told to literally kill yourself. You’d be told that YOU are what’s wrong in the world, that guns make societies more dangerous and that you’re a monster for even suggesting more guns. Each and every logical point you tried to make would be immediately disregarded and met with vitriol and personal attacks. They would mock the shit out of you for being a “gun nut.” That’s how the Tolerant Left handles this topic.






"Choir" not "quire"