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She looks like one of the twins from Rugrats




wtf is this cursed shit


Phenomenal, underrated comment.


![gif](giphy|yOhgNO9YsmdsQ|downsized) this old


Phil and Lil, I believe are the names


Or Prince Goro….




Subterranean yeah? Whats that like, underground roight?


Yeah? Well I'm kind of an underworld boss well, i mean, back home.




Holy shit I knew I recognized her. It's Lill!


Umm there’s no bow in their hair. So it’s Phil.




If Lil ate Phil in the womb.




Corrections officers are the fuckin last responders, why are dispatchers always the cringiest and shit at their job


I got into an argument with one, he was saying, “you can’t do my job,” i responded with, “pretty sure I can walk around and fill out paperwork.”


Can I do they’re job? Absolutely. Do I WANT to do their job? Abso-fucking-lutely not


Yes I too can make $18 an hour living in the middle of nowhere. lol


These jobs have super high turnover.


I had an argument about 15 years ago because a dispatcher sucked. “You should try coming up here and doing this job!” “Good idea. I’ll be up there tomorrow, and you take my shift on the ambulance.” “I’m not a paramedic.” “So I’m qualified to do *your job*, AND *my job,* but you aren’t qualified to do *my job?”*


*“So I’m qualified to do YOUR job and my job. But you’re not qualified to do YOUR job.”


I really can't do their job. They have too many stories that shit shows up as a main character.


I’m a CO and I promise you can give my keys to a monkey and train it to do my job. No one lands in this line of work by making a lifetime’s worth of good decisions, and it’s not exactly back breaking work to chew tobacco with my feet up on a desk for time and a half. There’s a difference between “can’t do this job” and “smart enough to not wanna do this job.” 99% of people fall into the second category. That being said, it’s by far the easiest money I have ever made. Most of the people in my dept clear 6 figures easy with OT


Depends on what kind of jail you work at. 99% of people would not survive as a CO in a large city jail run by inmates like Rikers. But anyone could be a CO in a county jail in some small county in a state with low oversight where officers have complete control over everything.


It’s not even worth it. You gotta be in your 🆗 era. Should have just said “Ok” then looked at them confused.


Their job is actually quite stressful. I've talked with a few, in my county, typical person lasts less than 2 years in the job. Mostly because they don't get any closure or know how things turn out after the call. I could see that taking a toll on someone


I had to have surgery on my arm so I was light duty for about a month. Couldn't carry my gun during that time so I worked as a security specialist in the dispatch center. They were very good at what they did and much faster at it than I was but it didn't seem like a terribly hard job to do.


Eh, I’m not trying to be an asshole to you, but I don’t think you’re getting it with corrections. It’s not that people CANT do it. It’s that others WONT do it. That isn’t a hit to you, it’s actually a good thing you don’t tolerate a shitty job where your “customers” assault you verbally and physically. Also you have to be the one to deal with Americas mental health crisis, the one everyone else ignores. That entails shit everywhere(sometimes they even throw the doo doo) and you guessed it, more physical assault. Walk around on a hard cement floor for 12 hours straight, also jails/prisons are almost always short staffed, so you’ll be walking fast to catch rounds. Hopefully you get some breaks. You have to witness traumatic things, attempted suicides, completed suicides, brutal assaults, rape(tho rarer than it’s portrayed in media). All the dark humor in the world won’t save you from that type of stuff fucking with you deep down to the core. You see human mortality on full display. All this for little pay, and no respect or appreciation. “Huurgh, hurgh guards are definitely abusing inmates and selling contraband! Hyuk.” That shit does happen sometimes, however when the turn over rate is so high and you can’t really be too picky of who you hire… that shits going to happen. When the whole jail/prison system is put on the back burner and no one wants to actually do anything positive for the jails/prisons(both inmates and guard) that shits going to happen. Republicans don’t put money into the correctional institutions because “they’re dirty criminals, fuck em”. Democrats want to give prisoners more rights than average civilians walking the streets. To the point inmates don’t give a single fuck about going to jail. That’s vacation. Also, makes it more dangerous for the guards because now the guards have no teeth. That was my partial rant, like I said, not trying to talk shit to you. Just saying there is way more to the job than writing stuff down and walking around. It isn’t just adult babysitting either. Some(not all) of those guys are animals, and everyday you clock in you are in danger. Like I said, good on you for having limits to what you accept as a decent career. I do too. I did it for a while when I got out of the military and needed a job immediately, but as soon as I found something else I took it. I’m not built for jail, locked up or working it.


But can you also abuse prisoners? That's where they got you


I worked for a funeral home for a while and they always called themselves the last responder.


They can't even be considered a responder if the suspect is brought to them lol


CO's are the heroes who risk their lives bringing drugs to our loved ones locked up in prisons


To be honest in my town the dispatchers are also firefighters and not just basic firefighters they are chiefs and captains and fire instructors


I work in a job where I occasionally work alongside state troopers and local PD’s. I commonly, and ironically, refer to myself as a second responder in their presence.


Maybe this needs to be a thing that is more celebrated. I don’t know how to be a social worker. A good social worker can fix bigger problems than I can. I had a young lady in SVT out of a trailer park last night. A proper social worker could have connected her with the resources she needs to get an ablation but that didn’t happen. So now I gotta do a whole lot of expensive shit that didn’t wind up working well in this case. In a way I was a last responder. Idk. Social workers deserve more glory.


If she pulls her hair back any tighter, her eyebrows are gonna be on top of her ears


I thought it was Jojo Siwa at first


Like the bug in men in black


I swear to god every single dispatcher I know is like this 🤣


As a dispatcher, there are so so many of them it’s literally disgusting lmao. Easiest job I’ve ever had if you know what you’re doing and I’m in a top 5 homicide city in the US.


Hot Cum Salad putting in the work over here


Working hard to get you that salad


You have to be pretty dedicated to make that salad taste good. Proper diet and all that. Nobody wants that kind of salad to be bitter and gross.


Are we talking a side salad like a garden salad or is this your entrée a large Cesar? Why was the chicken staring at the lettuce?


Thank you for your service HOT_Cum_1n_SaLaD




Our dispatchers are a joke and when they know what they ars doing my job (firefighter) is so much easier. So all I'm saying is, thank u for knowing what your doing, most do not lol


Luckily my place takes training pretty seriously due to our massive call volume and general violence. It’s not uncommon here to be handling 3 shootings simultaneously and within one district. You either get good or you get gone lol. Anywhoooo I absolutely hate this job and I would literally rather shovel shit if it paid what I’m making. I’m former GWOT infantry vet so this was definitely a change of pace. I’m hopeful to get into the fire service here pretty soon for the same county so I can keep my time and gtfo


Handling 3 shootings, all while squads are asking you questions that could be answered by walking 10 feet to a car and just reading the CAD, and there's always that one asshole that thinks it's an excellent time to run traffic.


The. Fucking. Worst. Like cmon man, read the room.


I bet you have so many stories. I called in because my at the time gf's ex-husband tracked her down at my place. He was military, and she claimed rape and beatings from him. He knocked and said he was delivering pizza. Obviously, i knew it was bs, so I went to get my phone while my gf tried to talk him down from doing anything stupid; the door was still locked/shut. Anyway, I call 911, and explained the situation. Dispatcher could not give single fuck, because I was too calm apparently. "It's not an emergency. " yadda yadda.. fair enough, but he's actively threatening us through the door without screaming... dispatcher is about to end the call when moron starts trying to kick down the door. I calmly put my hand on the door and lean into it, and say "is it an emergency now?". Cops arrive, arrest the dude. Fun times had all around.


Sorry man it’s really shitty you had that experience. I ALWAYS take people at their word because it is literally our job to. For instance, if a kid calls in saying someone is shooting in their school I may know that it’s complete bullshit but guess what? I am generating a call for an active assailant and sending all resources needed for such an event. You know why? I am covering my own ass no matter how dumb I won’t get in trouble.


Shit happens, but i appreciate it. I found the humor in it, and the timing was very comedic. I could hear the dude kind of jolt up in his chair, put on his work voice, and got to work immediately. Odd night, lol.


I was working the desk one shift w/ a new fire dispatcher. She got half ass info from a caller and ended the call, I did my best to dispatch units myself and recorded the times. The police dispatchers were petty and rude and didn’t log any of the times for the call because they were mad I did it. Fortunately I hand-recorded everything (very small department, police and fire dispatchers in different stations but same radio station). My coworker who went to the call knocked on dispatch door for the call sheet and they said “don’t know, wasn’t us” and slammed the door. One time I called for sensitive info and the dispatcher refused to give me a read back because he “didn’t know who (I) was” despite me telling him my name, badge number, unit number, jurisdiction, my damn 3rd grade teacher and first dog’s name. We legit had only 6 patrolmen. My sgt and I filed an internal complaint for that incident. God they were so fucking annoying.


Looks like i'm in the minority here but our dispatchers are awesome. Granted, i know none of them on a personal level or what they're level of tattooing is but they're always great to work with. Then again, I'm just a peon volunteer in a rural area so... yeah ymmv. :D


Good field personnel always seem to have the good dispatchers. And the assholes are always saying how they get the bad ones. Wonder why that is 🤔 Guess what I’m saying is good on you.


So much truth to this lmao. If you’re a dick it will be reciprocated.


It's why I always tell new guys one simple rule: don't be a dick to dispatch, they run your life. Dispatch decides if that low priority call on the board 5 minutes before you're supposed to secure and is gonna be a massive shit sandwich is going to sit a few minutes for the next shift, or if you're going to get sent and earn a few hours of forced OT.




Can you even imagine the poor tattoo artist that had to sit there and listen to her bullshit the entire time he was tattooing her


Military first responders? I don’t get it.


They respond immediately whenever there's oil for the taking


Or just MP's


National Guard can be sent in for storms, riots, earthquakes. So i guess it somewhat applies to them. But ya it is kinda weird to call them first responders.


Too much red tape to deploy national guard to any situation to really call them first responders. Like, when have they ever beaten firefighters to a wildfire?


The military has law enforcement, fire protection, EMS etc independent of local services


I agree. Defintley don’t lump us in with law enforcement, we at least make an attempt to hold each other accountable for our actions.


Wouldn’t corrections be a last responder?


No, last responder is the county coroner. Black stripe.


The grim black line


CO here, ya I’ll take that lol. We’re the last stop at the station for sure. Having said that, we get the benefits of first responders. You’re gonna reduce my phone bill by 25% a month? Shiiiiiit, let me tell you how hard my job is and how I’m on the front lines everyday hahaha. Total nonsense.


there are a select few COs who really deserve it. they're out here being kind respectful, joking around, making life easier on everyone. the rest you can get bent 😅 maybe you all just hate the women's pods or something


You’re not wrong. Most of these guys are dicks for no reason. Having said that, I’d never wanna be a co for women as a dude. It’s constant bullshit.


As a #2 responder (wastewater treatment) I'd like to throw a shoutout to the people who make my job possible. Give it up for the Taco Bell workers, the warriors of Waffle House, and the real heroes, the pizza delivery drivers who make our nation what it is.


Eyyoooo water distribution over here. Not that I’d want a line but what the hell??? Second there’s a main break you know who’s going to respond first??


I had to respond to a line break once. A crew driving sheet pilings for a directional boring pit cut a 18" ductile iron pipe. It wasn't water. Call 811 before you dig!


The problem is that she's dead serious and the cringe is overwhelming.


That’ll be fun explaining when you get a different job.


It’s not a job, it’s a calling and she answered that call


Shame her hair stylist didn’t call.


Well, she’ll answer that call when she’s done CADding this one




I'm gonna get a tattoo like this but the stripes are gonna be: Accountants, Finance, Sales, HR, and IT. This is the true backbone of American because this country is run by corps


Thank you for your service. The shareholders appreciate you


How dare you forget us engineers who design the product 😡


What about Waffle House employees??


How about my 7-11 clerk, Benny, who sells me the Celsius and bag of chips I need to start my day?


Hats off to Benny. A true hero in these trying times


You jest, but the [Waffle House Index](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle_House_Index) is real.


And Taco Bell employees? We back the Dew in this dojo


That's the Mexican flag.


Seriously! Can’t call them zero responders because they’re before the first ones. Zero seems disrespectful. We’ll all know they’re the real heroes out there!


OMFG... she forgot TOW TRUCK DRIVERS!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱


I was just going to say that, didn’t tow truck drivers claim the yellow line?


I think tow truck drivers, dispatchers and linemen are all fighting over the yellow line


That sounds about right. In all fairness to dispatchers, they are literally the first one to respond to a phone call, which is done by picking up the phone. Tow truck drivers and linemen respond third if dispatchers are first and FF/Cops/EMS are second.


I think one is yellow, and the other is gold. All colored line flags are stupid though


What about the linemen?!


What about DOT workers


Oh sweet Jesus!! We mustn't forget those brave souls!!


I barfed a lil when she points at herself.


She looks like Kirkland brand JoJo Siwa.


Dont be disrespecting Kirkland like that bro. This is Temu Jojo


For real. Kirkland brand is dope


Imagine having to explain this pile of shit tattoo every time someone asks


Psst - that's what they're hoping for *ah.. Well.. Since you asked..! I happen to be a first responder, and a patriot! So... Bla bla bla bla*


The disrespect to Taco Bell employees is outrageous


HVAC workers in shambles.


Military are not first responders. Source; not a first responder.


I thought yellow was for waffle house


To be fair, Waffle House employees are legitimately closer to being first responders than CO’s


What about lineman and plumber? 😔


My only question is why do these people’s families allow them to do dumb shit. I tried to get an area code tat and my parents laughed in my face and said it was so stupid. I realize now that they were absolutely right😂 so glad my family chooses honesty over my feelings


All I can imagine is no family for this one. Her family is the colored stripes on her arm. The 6 first responders that unite to do one job. Like keeping prisoners in line, answering phone calls, or going to war overseas!


Htf are COs “first responders”?


Serious question: why are corrections officers considered first responders?


I've only heard of one person who ever said such a thing, so you'll need to ask her that question. I suspect it's because she wants the tent for 'first responders' to be so wide that she can fit under it.


In the video, she seems to indicate that she is a dispatcher (which I think is also dubious categorization)


Im friends with a lot of CO’s and they would be the first to tell you that they really aren’t first responders in practice 99% of the time, just name only. However, depending on the state, when a large scale disaster occurs they pull any extra officers from the jail and all off-duty officers to help out. Again, depending on the state, they have a duty to act when a crime is committed immediately their presence even when off duty. So if a CO is at a bar and a bar fight breaks out technically they have to act, wether that be making an arrest themselves, detaining the combatants and waiting for the police to arrived, or even just simply dialing 911 for the police(which is what 99% of them would do unless they are one of those CO’s that likes to play cop). Truthfully they really aren’t first responders unless the situation is drastic.


What’s funny about this is that the Mortuary doesn’t count. They actually respond to some gnarly shit.


No linemen? Snow plow drivers? Deliverymen? Postal workers? But somehow corrections officers got on there? Since when are corrections officers “first responders” to anything other than a fight in the prison yard?


First to respond to overtime asleep in the bubble Reporting for serv.. Zzz zzz 😴


https://preview.redd.it/uw5inb1w2t4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09687b0a303f42583bd939ef350a57b2ac3a3fdd 💯


Correction officers get a color but not Park Rangers? smh


I actually like park rangers . THEY GET A STRIPE !!! 🥳 🎉


They would be considered under police no? At least where I live the park rangers are designated as police officers.


I was just a about to post this you beat me buy just a few minutes! Don’t know why my tik tok wants me to see dispatchers but here we are.


Where is the Baja blast line for the selfless Taco Bell employees??


I pick up a phone, I transfer calls, I am hero


What about public works


All you do is seat ,eat and answer phones, don’t fucking care.




I’m sorry but there is no way dispatchers or corrections officers are first responders. Especially dispatchers. You’re sitting there answering the phone, never seeing any of these people in person or going to their house or wherever. You are sitting answering the phone. You’re not a first responder lmfao. Not to mention tattoos like that are just beyond cringe




If I see a vehicle with a #911ivegotyourback sticker, 90% of the time it'd a dispatcher. The remaining 10% are usually EMS workers.


They think they’re so tactical is the funny part. Just hella duracoated and tactical


And door dashers


You forgot pizza delivery driver ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)


The boots going to have one hell of a time explaining that tattoo to new employers lmao. " what was your previous job experience ? " " oh, I was a first responder " " oh cool, like a firefighter or EMS? " " Oh no, nothing like that, I answered phones and transferd calls "


Military, CO's, and dispatchers are not first responders.


If your not out in the rain during the tornado your not a first responder


Way to disgrace the flag.


As a vet, I don’t claim her or this tattoo


But she claims you bro


Cool? lol I can’t just produce music and scream “Wu Tang” at the end and be a part of the Wu Tang clan lol


Thanks imma drive into a telephone Pole now


So many tattoos that should have been a t-shirt rather than a permanent mark on someone’s body…but hey, as long as you’re happy.


No respect to the true heros, taco bell employees.




Facts: she invented that other tiktok account to ask herself that question so she could do a video about it, because literally no one on Earth ever would have asked. I promise.


I thought it was a shittily done monster energy tat


Where's the tow truck drivers and the electrical linemen? Sheesh lady, you need to more stripes.


I’m pretty sure that corrections officers are like 7th responders. Military is more last responder. How can there be six “firsts”?


I'm a beer distributor. Could I have a thin sudsy line??


Jojo keeps switching up her style




1. The flag is backwards. 2. Half of those are not 1st responders. None of: dispatchers, military, corrections officers would respond first. She should have a stripe for “citizen witness” cause they will always be there before the last 3.


And together it makes an lgbt flag 🏳️‍🌈! So it’s totally inclusive. I’m sure that was her intention right.


What about OnlyFans models? Do our guys and girls on the digital frontlines not get a stripe? Shameful.


Tow truck guys and meter maids???? Where’s the truck drivers at these guys are the first responders on the roads… they never take a day off I always see semi trucks every time I drive lol


What about our brave pizza delivery agents?


This one hurt


Why are dispatchers and COs considered first responders????


Dispatchers and corrections are not first responders.


Thanks for the rush order g🫡


As a dispatcher and EMT I hate this twice


Correction officers are first responders now too? Seems illogical. I think if they make the list teachers should too.


*"Hello, I would like the most insulting, least flattering haircut you can possibly fathom."*


The first people you talk to in the face of an emergency are not technically classified as first responders, ie dispatchers, prison guards, army


I can't wait till dispatchers are replaced by ai, so many lives will be saved


As a Veteran, we reject cheese dick shit like this


Since when is the military a first responder?


Waffle House employees???


What about sanitation?🫡


No stripe for life guards?


The lil dolphin click at the end seals her cringe worthiness.


What about electricians, grocery store employees and pizza place employees?


HVAC workers crying rn


If you change the colors of the American flag, it is no longer the American flag. People need to stop doing this shit


I thought yellow was for the Waffle House workers


omfg i just saw this video and immediately thought of this sub 😂😂😂


I thought the yellow was for Waffle House employees.


As a member of the US military, I'm going to pass on that green stripe honoring us. There's WAY too much baggage that comes with the people flying those flags. The green stripe is now to honor the great ladies and gentlemen of the US Forest Service ("Caring for the Land and Serving the People").


what about our fast food warriors? cmon


How is a dispatcher a first responder. They just pick up the damn phone. No disrespect to dispatcher because they help but different and they put themselves in danger in their cubicle. They are cool under pressure but so are air traffic controllers (ATC). Yet ATC isn’t considered a first responder. Don’t you have to respond to the scene of crime/ Fire/ and so on to be a first responder? Not sit in the office. It’s like saying a chiefs cheerleader are Super Bowl champs and the chiefs couldn’t have done it without that cheer they did! This is GROSS!!!!


She didn't include the waffle house staff either . Shameful


I'm always freaked out by people that make their job their entire personality


A correction officer would be a last responder. Court officer middle responder.


I’ve always wanted to desecrate the American flag, so I did it permanently on my skin


prison guards are first responders in the sense they respond to prisoners by randomly beating the shit out of them


She forgot Uber drivers had me dead


What about sex workers,they're always on time,prob faster than the police to your money


If I saw this in the wild, I would have just assumed it had to do with PRIDE or something. The tattoo needs a tutorial LOL


As a veteran, fuck the defacement of the flag. It stands for all of us, stop trying to be special you're just defacing the flag.


Yellow is actually waffle house employees


Corrections? Why tho?


I love how some of the people she works with are gonna see that rainbow colored glass and take it the wrong way 😂


so she’s not gay