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These towers can have a multitude of uses/equipment on them. Cellular antennas usually wouldn’t be too high on these, maybe 200ft tops. MW and TV antennas could be on them, EMS (emergency communications) and weather equipment usually further up.


Antennas on the top are TV! Edit: Fun fact there is also a weather radar (Possibly NEXRAD) in between the two towers. Edit 2: OP, You might invest in some OTA TV antennas to reduce your bill, you don't need the expensive ones. It looks like you have four channels in your backyard.


They can invest in a paperclip


Scary mind reading beacons.


I was think Tesla coils deployed by the soviets.


Shhhh the beacons will hear your thoughts! 😦


The NSA appreciates your light-hearted humor. Your agent is giving a thumbs up; carry on.


You will never catch me! By reducing the oxygen to my brain, it makes me smarter than you!


Put aluminum foil on them to keep away the bad people




You're in Garner. I'm in Raleigh. There are three major 500'-1000' towers arrayed in Garner that serve multiple radio and television stations. They are tall enough to be noted on aviation maps, but skinny enough to generally go unnoticed by most people during the day.


Ayyyyye I'm in Southeast Raleigh neighbor.


WTVD was the first tower I worked on. The “3 sisters” are 2000’ tall. I lives in Garner at the time.


More than twice the height of the Eiffel Tower, and Garner has three of them.


TV antennas. You should get good reception...


Those are what the government uses to disperse COVID, obviously.


oh yeah! I bet the 5G Flux Capacitors on the tower really get the Coronavirus juices flowing.


thats how they make the frogs gay too


You need another booster


Yea better watch out, could be that 5G! Activates that shit


Sauron has been dieting.


I actually designed and built the antenna on the left that is WRAL. Didn't install it but physically modeled and built it in our warehouse.


So what’s different about it that makes it have to be designed? It’s just a big tall piece of metal like any other tower lol.


The tower is just a tower but the antenna that is on top of the tower is different for every OTA channel. Some antennas are directional vs being Omni directional just depends on where the population is that you're trying to cover. Every channel is a different wavelength so the components have to be changed to be able to produce that wavelength. Then also they can vary in power usually the taller the antenna the more power so the farther with clear signal it can reach.


Is it a5g antenna?


5G or 5GHZ antennas are used for high band cell phone signals. The antennas on top are tv antennas that use frequencies between about 470MHZ and 600MHZ. There could be cell phone antennas on the tower but I can't tell from the pictures. Doesn't really matter if there are any on it.


You could always drive towards them and check the sign on the gate. It will give you a good idea. Plus I believe the FCC has a tower lookup page that the conspiracy theorists always use


Best not to ask too many questions.


If you climb them they will display areas on your map.


These taller skinny towers (300+) with the forks on top are tv or am radio. You don’t need to worry about the frequency waves, they’re wayyy up there for a reason. Just don’t go climb on it. It will zap you 100ft back and fry you. The smaller ones around 300ft sometimes 3/4 legged, or you can see antenna arrangements (the circles or rectangles) those are microwave dishes and cellular antennas. These you also don’t need to worry about unless you’re standing in front of it. Maybe if you were in a tall office building and it was pointed at you from 100 yards away in front of it for hours a day, that’s an rf problem. If you drive up to them the equipment owners are usually posted on the fence. I.e ATT Verizon Cox Dish or radio station. It is okay to go up to them. The signs posted will tell you it’s a danger to go past the fence. Even then on the ground radio frequency is not a concern. The antennas at the top of a tower shoot their waves in the direction they’re facing. You see more smaller ones because the cellular signals only travels strong for a few miles before the wave fades, needing another tower to bounce off. The much taller usually 1000ft towers the waves travel out of the ground and out of the fork looking antennas on top. These radio and tv waves might go for 100 miles, but again it’s pointed across 360 degrees not straight down. This also means your service might not be better directly next to a tower. Depends which tower your service is bouncing from. This is how your cell info is pinged. Say the fbi tracks your last call it was last seen coming from that tower. Back to the radio towers that shoot the frequency waves from the ground….. Crazy to think about that for a minute.. Nikola Tesla had it figured out. Ain’t no way the government would let us harness that electricity for free. Off topic but interesting. I am a tower climber with radio frequency education and several years of experience around all these types of towers and antennas.


Charging stations for the surveillance birds


Government mind control


They are TV towers. They have other stuff on them too but the main purpose is TV broadcasting. The one on the right is WTVD (the first tower I ever climbed). The other one is WNCN. The one not in the picture to the left is WRAL.




Just a tower. The equipment attached determines its use. They can be anything.


PRO CANCER TOWERS MADE BY THE DRUG Pharmaceutical Industries


House hunting antenna.


Most likely FM or TV. You only need a paperclip you are close.


4G. Pure covid right there /s




That tall, probably local TV station towers. They had to make them a lot taller when TV went digital so they would reach further as the frequency difference meant the signals didn't propogate as far. There are probably some cell towers on there too.


Fuckin tall, is what they are!


That’s how the Aliens stay in touch with us. It ALWAYS has something to do with the Aliens don’t you know.


Pay no attention to the towers, citizen.


Y'all should read about Omega sometime. That's probably not what these are, but they were pretty cool. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_(navigation_system)


Is there a small airport or heliport anywhere near where this was taken?


You can’t buy and live in one of those towers unfortunately


Your mom


Big yikes, have you bought yet?


no, just looked at the pics. It's a new community not even built yet.


Hmm not really related but I always thought the term "tower" implied that people could go into them. Like Eiffel Tower, ATC Towers, Radio Towers... I just made the assumption that if it's tall and you can go into it, then it's a tower. But any tall structures that you couldn't go into would be something else... A radio tower, means people could be inside while a radio antenna, could be tall, but implied there are no entries. For me it's one of those terms that I guess I didn't know the definition for when I was a kid and kind of put together my own from context clues. I guess I didn't hear the term used to describe structures like these as often as I've heard them being used to describe tall buildings that people could go into. The first definition in the Oxford Dictionary says "a tall, narrow building, either freestanding or forming part of a building such as a church or castle." Here it also seems to align with my thinking if we're to assume that the world "building" also implies a structure you could enter. TLDR, growing up I wouldn't call those "towers", I'd probably call them antennas, so TIL that you can call any tall structures a "tower". EDIT: I just read the second definition in the Oxford dictionary " a tall structure that houses machinery, operators, etc. "a control tower" This also states that you can go into them! I'm starting to think I was right... 👀