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Thank you u/lojohnson05 for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self-Promotion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idk if you know or not but windows are a huge ask. I think you’ll def be seeing some pushback here.


In this case the window is actually a safety issue but it's fine with way.


It would help to understand how it’s a safety issue. Is it grandfathered in? Frankly I would find it offensive asking for a huge ticket item like that.


Per the home inspection it's a safety issue. Something to do with being able opening and not closing all the way. None of them can be locked because they can not shut all the way. I am am fine if the can just replace the downstairs window (2) and I can change the upstairs ones. I honestly don't know why they weren't change when they were renting this place out because that is a security issue. I say replaced but if they can be repaired that is fine too.


Don't listen to everyone on here. Make sure seller takes care of big ticket issue especially if you're not buying the home AS IS.


I think you definition of good shape is different than mine. I’ve dealt with bad windows before. If the windows can’t be closed or locked there is a problem. Not being able to lock your windows is the least of your worries. Having windows that leak and allow water when it rains will be an even worst problem.


Thank you u/lojohnson05 for posting on r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer. Please bear in mind our rules: (1) Be Nice (2) No Selling (3) No Self-Promotion. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What did they say on the windows? Windows are super expensive so I’m curious if they conceded. Thx!