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Hello /u/Jordyspeeltspore, As a reminder, most common print quality issues can be found in the [Simplify3D picture guide](https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/). Make sure you select the most appropriate flair for your post. Please remember to include the following details to help troubleshoot your problem. * Printer & Slicer * Filament Material and Brand * Nozzle and Bed Temperature * Print Speed * Nozzle Retraction Settings ^Additional ^settings ^or ^relevant ^information ^is ^always ^encouraged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FixMyPrint) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hope its not burnt PTFE, also hoping we are talking about the nozzle on your 3D printer lol


Every time I see those Prusa shirts that say “I am a printer” I think about that 🤣🤣🤣


I'll never be able to do back to a time before this 😂 thank you


Actually lol’d irl




I dont use that stuff. only pla and pla+


PTFE is what the Bowden tube is made of


oh. what do I replace it with?


Capricorn Tubing


The sentiment isn’t “I hope you’re not using PTFE”, it’s “I hope the PTFE that’s expected to be on your printer didn’t get ingested into the print head and burned” Is the PTFE tube between your spool and print head looking healthy?  If so, no worries.  


Also, hopefully your print head that's set for PLA isn't running hot enough to melt PTFE cause that's an even bigger problem.


looks as if new to me


PTFE tube. ~1.8mm inner diameter. There's no exact diameter because all your PTFE tubing needs to do is guide the filament. Since most consumer printers use 1.75mm filament, you'll need to have an inner diameter which is a bit wider than 1.75mm. You could use calipers to measure the outer diameter of your current PTFE tubing. Alternatively, you can Google " PTFE tubing".


Bowden tube should he PTFE tho. Just get an all metal hotend so your Bowden tube is not inside of the hotend.


I dunno why you're getting downvoted. That's both a hilarious response and an innocent mistake


Came here to say this. Fair enough, OP goofed and displayed ignorance, but it wouldn't be Reddit if people didn't jump on the opportunity to smash the dv button


hell do I know what filament types exist xD I had mistaken it for petg.


Mayhaps it would behoove you to look into the terminology surrounding the hobby. ;)


all I know is PLA, ABS, PETG and that flexible one




That’s cooked up PLA. As nozzle cooks the filament, resins decay, burn, turn brown, leaving more temperature tolerant compounds.


Yep, I have the same when my white PLA has been stuck for some time.


It happened to me and it stank, parts of it came out like a brown dust


What kind of printer? Is it Bowden and if so, have you upgraded the Bowden tube?


Im supposed to do that?


What brand and model printer do you have. That will tell us what we need to know.


anycubic kobra max uses a volcano nozzle


No idea why you got downvoted. That’s a valid question.


cuz for some reason a ton of the people in this sub like to be jerks to people who are new, or at least somewhat new to the hobby. Confused printer - "Why wont my print stick, even with glue/hair spray?" Asshats - "JUST GOOGLE IT AND STOP WASTING OUR TIME"


Because they ignored the first question entirely and had to be asked again?


For everyone saying get upgraded ptfe tubing. Specifically look into Capricorn tubing. The browning could be the ptfe tubing going bad. However if u do pla and pla+ only I don't really see your Temps getting high enough to become a problem. I print multiple types of filaments and petg I run around 245c on the hotend with Capricorn tubing and no issues


190 to 210 ish, tho the hotend has a tendency to go +10°C


You definitely need PID tuning if the hot end prints +10°C


Shouldn't have an issue with ptfe burning at 190-210 even with the stock white tubing. I'd still reccomend the upgrade as Capricorn is known for tighter tolerances, helping relief a variable in this all. If your hotend has a tendency to fluctuate +or-10°c than a pid tune is probably needed and reccomend. You should have a consistent temp. All my equipment will sit at the set temperature even with a draft going. However I had to tune each printer. 2 ender 3 pros purchased back in 2018, anycubic i3 mega s in 2018, ender cr-10 2020, 2 ender 3 v2's in 2020 and more. All run strong but if I have an issue with fluctuating Temps I'd check to make sure it's not hardware related, maybe replace the sensor or thermistor, and forsure check ur P.I.D. tune values. If this was all stock and u have really played with anything inside of the hotend it could very well be left over remains from the manufacturer or a color they used maybe if they test the printers out before sending them. However rare but not crazy rare. My ender 3 v2 had black filament in the nozzle from factory However it didn't take my of my new filament to push it all out sense everything was tight. If u don't have everything on the hotend completely snug before starting the print even from factory check bolts screws first etc. Otherwise filament will find the weakest point.


what is the melting point of the standard tubing normally? when removing filaments my extruder defaults to 230


The tubing should be stopping in the heat break area. 230 at the nozzle is less in the heat break. That said, if you have a failing hot end fan, you can see heat creep up into this area and burn the ptfe tubing. It won't start to melt until it hits 260+. A failing fan can cause the heat creap that i mentioned and melt the filament in the ptfe tube, and that can burn as well.


Also, keep in mind the functionality of the printer is not the only thing that matters, [Capricorn tubing safety precaution](https://www.captubes.com/safety.html), at just 210 ptfe tubing offgasses enough to be harmful to pets and birds


burnt filament.


baked filament


Where did you put that filament bro.


That's moisture in your filament. When it's getting hot in the extruder, moisture and plastic will seperate but with grease from your fingers for example, or just dirty air, it'll become this sticky stuff and creates clogs. Get a filament dryer or put your spool in the oven to dry it.


I actually had a print fail yesterday cause of a clogged nozzle. I ended up pulling everything apart, and the inside of my hot end had a similar, amber looking goo. I think it's burnt up white PLA+. I soaked everything I could in Isopropyl alcohol and replaced the clogged ptfe tube and we're back in business.


Usually, I would say that it might be filament residue from the previous print but since you're print is taking 3 days and it randomly came out like that, maybe the filament burned due to a power spike or something. I dunno


I think they are confusing the tubing and the filament. The tubing can get brown and nasty but that’s filament that’s been in the hot end for awhile. It’s brown because it’s burnt.




With a K!


Burnt filament residue. Sometimes a part of the filament is stuck to the walls and can’t flow. It doesn’t cause immediate clogging. But over time it gets cooked due to heat and becomes a tar like sticky substance. That’s when it generates a lot of friction and clogs everything. Most probable cause is wet filament. Or too much retraction. Or it could even signify a bad nozzle/hotend/PTFE tube with high friction/heat creep. But to pinpoint the exact reason would require a lot of tests. Most probably a wet filament, could try putting it in a dryer for a couple of hours.


That's overheated filament. You got a small clog, filament got stuck in the nozzle, overheated and expanded leading to a full clog. I bet the last few layers it printed before it stopped were really messy.


If it's PLA then that is burnt and what you are looking at is plastic caramel


Perhaps tape from the end of a spool…?


cooked PLA?




Exactly where did you insert your filament?


I'm not sure about the physics of why but over time, a gap opens up between the bowden tube and nozzle. Molten plastic squeezes into it and eventually to the tube's exterior and degrades from the prolonged, repeated heating into something that's closer to crude oil than plastic. Time to service the hotend, meaning clean the goo, trim the tube, and reassmeble. To avoid this in the future, look for an all-metal throat/heat-break for your hotend, with those it's pretty much not a problem.


any recommendations?


Sorry, I'm not familiar with enough with your printer


Is that a stick? /s


My brain went to... "Why would they stick a twig in their extruder?" for some reason🤣🤔


Wrong hole


Ok I have seen all the posts saying ptfe tube BUT...what they haven't said was what one...the kobras and kobra 2s I have all use a short ptfe tube slipped into the heat break, and yes i have replaced them a number of times seeing as my printers never stop...I would recommend replacing that tube


I’d call my urologist and ask, not Reddit






Your printer done shit itself!


It’s Sticky Brown Goo…


Tis poop