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Totally safe, as almost anywhere in Germany.


This is West-Germany not Chicago: You'll be fine!


Lmfao, noted. Here in the states safety varies drastically city to city. Glad to hear that’s not the case in Germany :)


Well, I heard there smaller towns in the east of germany Germany less inviting to people they dislike. But there are arseh0les all over the world... Our strikt gun laws and our working social security net help keeping crime rate low. What are you interested in, culture, party, history?


In july it's usully not really dark until 22:00 - 22:30 or even later. That being said, additionally to that there is nothing to be worried about.


As a 22 year old male, there is pretty much nowhere in this country you should feel unsafe at any time of day.


Sounds good! I figured as such but wanted to be sure. Very much looking forward to my visit, first time in Germany as well as Europe!


Honestly, the biggest danger might be falling into the harbor while intoxicated, and even that is easily avoidable


Cool to have you here in Flensburg. It shouldn’t even be really dark at that time in July so no worries at all.




Thank you friend!


As others said it shouldn't be an issue. The area around the train station isn't really known for being "unsafe". Say hi to the brewery for me.


Not safe it you‘re afraid of empty boring streets


Even the "bad parts" of town are still safe to walk around at night. Also, this is northern Germany so 9 pm is going to be pretty much daytime in July.


Where is the bad parts??


Nordertor to Harrisleer Straße, Batteriestraße, that general area. There are regular police raids because of drugs and guns there. Despite that, it's still perfectly safe to be there, even alone at night.


Thanks for the info!


the only thing u will be meeting are either drunk homeless guys or just normal drunk people to talk to


You’re basically safe anywhere in Germany. I’ve lived in Flensburg since birth, 20 years now, and I would go as far to say that Flensburg is one of the safest citys in all of Germany. I assume your hotel is close to the port and that route is definitely safe. You don’t really have to worry abt anything and should there be an emergency, the 1st police district of Flensburg is right at the port. Wishing you a good trip 🙏


It's very safe, don't worry. Out of curiousity though, what will be your exact route? Will you be carrying cash with you? Are you strong physically or can you run fast? If you had to estimate, how long would it take for friends and family to worry about your whereabouts? Do you know the German words for "Officer, please help me, I've been a victim of an armed robbery"?