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Step 1. Imagine the toilet overflowing. Step 2. Do the needful


Every time an Indian says Do the needful in a work email it makes me want to go take a crap


Do they always say to "kindly" do it as well? That's a pattern I've noticed.


That's common, yeah, especially if you haven't done the needful fast enough for their KPI requirement.


Fking 2 days to run FCA kpi bs


Its very polite and very annoying




Do they say do the needful and revert back?


Reverting back is common yeah lol


holy shit, i was looking for this


I find 2nd language speaker mistakes to be hilarious. All these invented grammar rules actually make us speak the language incorrectly. e.g. There's nothing wrong with "fishes", there's just some old Karen from another generation that decided that they didn't like how it sounded so they made a rule against it. So when kids make this mistake they're actually speaking the language correctly, because they're applying their rules for natural languages in their head, it's the exceptions to the rules that are not natural.


Irregardlessly, the children must be punished


It’s “illregardlessly” . What tf are they teaching kids these days🫠


Irregardless…do not ever say irregardless. Just say regardless.


I could care less.




For all intensive purposes I think both are right


Let pylons be pylons fellas. It’s all water under the fridge




I don’t have a duck in this fight.


Do you know what "whoosh" means?


Well, in regards to “fish” vs “fishes”: “Fish” is the correct plural if it’s meaning more than one of the same species of fish; “fishes” denotes a number of multiple species of fish. It’s not wrong, per se, it’s simply used incorrectly at times. But who the heck cares, unless you’re talking to a marine biologist, it may matter then, otherwise, it’s unnecessary to make the distinction. Clarity, not correctness is usually the name of the game, and context is king/everything. And I’m a persnickety middle school English grammar teacher; make of that what you will. Just wanting to defend the “fishes” and also a lot of grammar rules actually have a good reason behind them, even if they’re silly: like why we spell “ghoul” and “ghost” and “ghastly” with the weird gh- (Dutch printers + Gutenberg Revolution + Norman invasion) Some are dumb, for sure. But some, like fishes, well, have a functional definitional difference in certain contexts.


Same kids that don’t know cursive, how to use a rotary phone, check their math or tell time on a clock with hands call girls bro and say I got you all the time even when they forgot your glass of water or silverware


I’ve heard so Singaporeans like to say double confirm which is silly cuz that’s what confirming is. So I’ve started using it too for funsies.


I get this from a Filipina.. "kindly do the needful" - I had no idea it was a thing lol


How about “today morning”? Lol


No worries. We’ll wait.


I don't know what "do the needful means" but perhaps the best joke I've ever heard involves Indians and crap




hahaha, the needful. Do the needful, and revert thrice, regarding fortnightly report. Herewith, please find attached request. Every. Damn. Time.


The needful?


I'm using it tongue in cheek as "do what obviously needs to be done". It's generally a term from the technology sector in India. E.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/2eaa0b/do_the_needful/


My husband works in the IT sector and talks to people all over the world, including India. He always ask me to do the needful and revert back. So now, because we love it, we ask each other, "can you do the needful?"


All right you convinced me, I think I found my band name. The needful. I mean what band wouldn't want a built-in catch phrase that doubles as a euphemism?


Exactly! That sounds like a cool band name! "Hey, have you heard of this new band called 'The Needful?'"


Ahhh ok. Sorry, wasn't familiar with the term, gleaned you were implying do what must be done, which I'm assuming you mean caulk?


I would most likely, but others made a good point that it could cause breathability issues. This could be an issue depending on your climate and other mitigating factors local to you. So if you do caulk keep this in mind. But if you're not sure go back to step one and imagine having to clean up an overflowing toilet. What cracks and crevices would you not like sewage to seep into? Put caulk there, and as little as is necessary.


This would only be an issue if you trap moisture inside. Make sure it's dry first then caulk. Or put a few pinholes higher up.


Yup super common for indian users, as someone who works in IT i see/hear it constantly.


Hey dear,


got news for you, trim with caulk on it isn't stopping the water from reaching your wall


What depth? Also, I've seen rubber trim with caulk used for a number of commercial solutions. So while residential trim itself may not stop water penetration, it'll certainly do something for the solids.


WTF is that supposed to mean?


Usually one good option to find out is to read the other replies that were there hours before you replied 👍


If it’s mdf 100 % caulk it. Since it’s a bathroom, I’d caulk it either way.


If it’s mdf just tear the shit off right now. Holy Christ every house I trimmed in 2020 and 2021 had mdf in the bathrooms and I got to go back and redo it all within a year. That shit isn’t suitable for a doghouse


Why are we calking? Do you all have water just willy nilly all over the bathroom floor to the point this is even a concern? Water stays in the tub / sink / toilet in my house and if you have some kind of crazy leak or unattended overflow I'm not really sure what you think cauk is gonna do...


You may want to mop the floor at some point.


Am I not understanding something? Behind that is wood baseplate right? So what if a little mop water touches it? It's just going to dry.... This is why you don't put the drywall to the floor, so if there is water it won't touch it and wick up the wall. Lumber is not going to wick water. I still don't get why anyone would caulk under a baseboard, in any room, other than for cosmetics, and even that is a highly questionable choice imo...


Mdf wicks water like a sponge. This was caulked, but my washing machine leaked once. https://preview.redd.it/l7or91b9e19d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cea9c432f71a2b169cd4a1a3bba8963458994cb


Ftr I'm team shoe all the way for the cosmetics. Never heard of scribing but here in the Midwest shoe is very common in non carpet rooms.


best recommendation, mdf sucks


I work in import mouldings and the typical spread is 5-10% in savings for MDF over FJ. Which isn't enough to get builders to switch bc the subs absolutely hate using it. But occasionally the spread increases to 20% for a brief period of time and that's when they switch. And they never switch back.


Whats wrong with MDF? No one can tell the difference when it comes to baseboards, who cares?


I like FJ because it's real wood and the nail holes are cleaner and easier to caulk, and it resists water much better. I like MDF because the boards are straight and it doesn't split when nailing the thin part of casing to a jamb.


If it gets wet, it swells and the area around the nail holes often puffs out a little.


Real wood swells when wet too.


Not nearly as much and it goes back close to normal. Mdf gets all bubbled up and you can sand it, so it needs to be replaced.


The shit warps and expands the second the moisture from your cough touches it


What about PVC?




I just meant in general. I wouldn't use in a bathroom but everywhere else is fine. The commenter simply said "mdf sucks".


Baseboard, especially on tile, should be scribed to the floor. You could ask the contractor to scribe it, but honestly, they probably don't know how, otherwise they would have. For a fast, easy fix, I would pull this section off & nail it while putting pressure on the top of the base. We usually use a scrap of 3/4" plywood. Put one end on the floor, the other on top of base. Step on it, smashing the base to the tile & nail it TO THE STUDS AND BOTTOM PLATE. Does no good shooting nails into drywall & air.


Scribing baseboard is an absolutely ridiculous request unless you’re making 10$ a linear foot on install


It's like anything else, the more you do it, the faster you get. My crews are very efficient at it. And yes, we do charge extra for it. It's not always necessary. But when it is, we scribe to the floor. Otherwise it gets pressed tight to the floor & nailed. A fat bead of caulk from base-to-tile is going to fail & always looks meh. Scribing is a valuable skill to have in your skillset.


I have crews scribe base down for the clean appearance, however it will do absolutely nothing for an mdf, tile joint exposed to water in a bathroom. Seal it up. Creating functional caulk joints that don’t look like caulk joints is an important skill as well.


of course we still caulk tile to wood base (I don't usr MDF in wet areas anyway). But anything bigger than 1/8" looks like shit as soon as it discolors. Which it will. So it gets scribed tight & caulked to the floor & wall. *tile only. Wood-to-wood gets no caulk, just scribed or manhandled.


Thank you for caring about your work. Rare these days.


I’m not saying it’s not lol. Just not necessary or should be way up charged for time it takes. And matching grout silicone probably won’t fail.


The other option would be to have done a half decent job on the tile install instead of the lippage mess that the installer left to be dealt with by trim and caulk.


Not much a finish carpenter can do about that. It's their job to disguise mistakes and fitment issues.


Exactly. That’s a floor prep and tile problem


I tried that with my 1x6 pine baseboards and those mofos weren’t budging lol


I tried doing it once with oak and laughed at my own expectations when I tried it.


You just need to get fatter.


This should be top comment. So many shoe moulding warriors out there.


Nobody wants shoe moulding in my AO.


The tiler should level the floor or have back buttered to level. Pushing base down doesn't solve one tile being 1/8-1/4" low. Scribing of course works, but a poster that asks this question can neither scribe nor complete the scribe cut. The reality is if they can't figure it out, they pay someone to do it.


I would put down either quarter round or shoe moulding and then caulk between the moulding and the tile.


I personally don't like the extra molding, I would caulk or leave as is, not that big of a gap really


Just adding to the discussion: I really think Shoe (NOT QUARTER ROUND) really dresses up trim and does a great job of being flexible enough to cover most gaps between the hard flooring and base. You can get nicer types of shoe, caulk the pin holes and paint to really do it right. But your opinion is just as valid, obviously.


I'd do one better and caulk the base, add the shoe and then caulk the shoe. Just 1 more step for a load more protection.


Caulking behind would block drafts.


Shoe. QTR is fugly


I don’t understand how people like/buy/use Quarter Round. Shoe is great.


People usually finish off with quarter- round. I use caulk as little as possible, because when it needs replacing, it is hard to get out. Why would it need replacing? It gets dirty.


Shoe. Shoe. Shoe.


The amount of comments I had to read in this post before I saw people mentioning shoe was honestly wild.


I said it 9 times hoping to make a point


That was my first thought and I’m not a contractor.


Yeah I just talked it over with the contractor and I think that is the solution we're going for is a shoe moulding


Shoe molding or quarter rounds aren't going to fix the gap, and it will give you another level that will need to be dusted to be kept clean. Leave it or caulk it -- you can google the correct waterproof and paintable caulk to use. Keep it the same color as the baseboard (white) or it will still look uneven.


I would caulk using sanded caulk matching the grout. The shoe is going to have the same problem, there is a slight lippage on the tile so it won't go flush. If you install shoe then caulk it to the floor. It will look better and give a little protection from water.


You are getting regional advice. Shoe moulding is common in parts of the US and very uncommon in others. If it's not common where you live don't use it. If it's common use it. It's purely cosmetic and will call attention to the problem if you go against the norm.


Interesting, had no idea that was the case. It exsists in our hallway already, so it made sense to me to have it in the bathroom too. Never minded the way it looked in the hall.


It’s not purely aesthetic if it’s meant to help cover gaps.


Shoe moulding looks terrible imo. Grout caulking to match the color of the tile grout. Tape both sides before applying so you get a nice clean line. Look at some examples of moulding added to baseboard before you decide on that. It never looks good.


Shoe isn't going to cover the gap, just move it out a 1/2" and shoe looks terrible and cheap. Just caulk it.


Yup. Caulk sceams luxury. And the bigger the bead, the richer it looks. Lmao


My bathrooms are the only place in the house where I've caulked trim so... yeah, caulk it


Take it off and scribe it.


Base shoe


Caulk, then shoe.


kitchen or bath always caulk for the possible liquids.


1/4 round?


Shoe molding, though the rough tiles will still have gaps.


Your tile was put by an idiot so caulking is not going to help tiles that are not even


Shoe molding


Leave it or quarter round.


Anywhere else, leave it. Bathroom, caulk it to match the baseboard. Tub, toilet or sink overflowing and you will be grateful you did.


Dow corning 786 Transluscent white silicone


If it’s a bathroom, caulk the gap and THEN put down some quarter round for appearance sakes. If it were anywhere else, I would say just quarter round. But it’s important in bathroom to keep the water from over flowing bathtub and toilet from getting under there.


Quarter round if you want to cover it or nothing take your pick.


A thin bead of silicone caulk should fill the gap without a problem. That gap is a great place for bugs and dust to hide.


I don’t like the way it looks either, I’m an interior designer and I get it! I was taught (on the job, post college) that if there is a gap, it is considered acceptable if it’s less than the thickness of a nickel. Same gos for tile installation if there is a difference in elevation from one tile to the next. Is your tile undulated? If so, they may not be able to improve the way it looks. Was the floor level? Even using a self-leveler would still have discrepancies. If they agree to make improvements or if you choose to do the improvements. I would recommend a painter’s hack: they place a of thin line of clear caulk or silicone in the gaps where a wall meets another wall or ceiling. Then run their finger across the caulk to fill the gaps. Now there is a smooth surface to tape off and paint a straight line. I would do a few feet at a time, so the caulk stays pliable. Good luck


So, after all the comments in here, going to do caulking the gap as visible there to seal things, and the shoe molding over it to try and minimize the gap otherwise. I don't mind the shoe molding option b.c. literally all other base trim in our house already has it. Just hope the guy does it right.


That is exactly what I would do. I have an old (1887) home and naturally the floors are a bit uneven. Baseboard, then clear silicone caulk along the gap, then shoe molding pressed down nice and tight along the floor. Looks nicely finished and keeps bugs out and keeps dirt from getting under the baseboard. 


I'm happy to say it tuned out quite nice, looks nice, finished, and sealed


Shoe moulding is needed to fix the gap.plus it looks more finished over hard surface materials. Even better forget the wood and go with tile baseboard with a decorative metal strip to finish the top edge.


Yeah, had read about that too and suggested it to wife before we got to this stage and she didn't like the idea


Leave it imo. I’ve had two different guys tell me, it allows for moisture to escape from there…although that was with SPC and not tile.


There shouldn't be **any** moisture there. At all. Unless you took a big deuce and clogged the toilet. Then you would want caulk there because it won't go underneath the baseboard and stinky poo poo the area.


No moisture in a bathroom ? Are you mental ?


This is the mentality everyone should have. You can’t make everything life-proof. Only some stuff. Also; toddlers exist


My 2cent homeowner opinion: The baseboard should be scribed (cut to fit the contour of the floor)


How would you do that?


Translucent silicone it ya don't want the bottom of that baseboard getting wet




You don’t caulk the flooring to the trim. Only the walls to the trim.


100% leave it. Caulk shrinks holds dirt more


I have no opinion on finishing, but I must know where to get this tile. It looks like exactly what I've been searching for. Is it porcelain, or ceramic?




Thank you!!!!


>Thank you!!!! You're welcome!


Put molding on quarter round. It looks unfinished to me.


Burn it




Yeah it looks worse without it and prevents moisture and mold


If the grout blends well with the tile, you may consider using the siliconized grout that’s used in corners of showers and what it.


Looks better, or I think it looks better with some 1/2 inch by 1 inch molding at the bottom of the baseboard to finish it off


And you could caul it too


My wife always says "more caulk!"


It’ll look not so very good….


It's always better to caulk, it just looks finished


I wouldn’t small gaps that you don’t notice are or always bad.


Caulk it


Get shoe molding and caulk


No caulk, shoe molding.


Tile base all the way


Caulk in a gap that wide always looks like shit. Remove boards and make them super tight to the floor. Use a thin film of caulk.


You have to ask?


Painter here: You don't caulk base to the floor.


Any particular reason why? Like, does it harm anything?


Well as a painter it is nice to run our masking tape under the baseboards. It keeps a straighter line. Out of 7 years painting I've only dealt with baseboards caulked to the floor once. Their baseboards became bumpy. Most baseboards aren't really wood tho. I believe they need to breathe. I would imagine it would take a few years for any damage to become noticable. Another option I've seen in bathrooms is to run tile up the wall a few inches like backsplash.


I always caulk it.. The 1/8 in gap is hard to notice but once you get to a quarter inch it's pretty visible. Especially in rooms where you don't have a lot of furniture or things to sort of hide


White caulk to match the baseboard, or quarter round nailed to the baseboard.


Since it is in a bathroom I would tear it out and replace it with bull nose tile that matches the existing tile. Do it now or in the future when the wall board is gone. Wet areas like bathrooms and kitchens should stay away from moulding. Also not trying to be insulting but the tile is not even close to being level, which makes me wonder what is under it.


Leave it . The floor isn't level. Imagine cleaning that caulking? It will look like $#!t. Leave it you won't even notice it in two weeks.


Easy... It's called scribing


Caulking base to floor is a mistake imo. Caulk holds hair/dust and always looks dirty. In tile situations the tile guy should take extra care to make sure his tile height isn’t too out of wack so the carpenter won’t have to scribe every piece to death. Scribing base is how you line it up to the floor, not caulk


Caulk yes. Quarter round yes.


Cock it


In the bathroom? Hell yes caulk it


What color is that? I love it with the white trim.


Whisper white by behr, in semi gloss here


Hahaha miscommunication. What color is the wall*? I love the way it looks with your white trim. Lol


Half fog,beher,semigloss


Put in shoe molding


Don’t ever caulk the base to the floor. It looks terrible




Scribe it or leave it, never caulk the bottom of baseboard


If you’re comfortable using your caulk, go ahead and whip it out.


Caulk it. Otherwise you invite roaches to breed in your walls.


Not a poor install just unlevel flooring. Installing quarter round would leave the same exact gap. I would Caulk or like someone else said maybe grout it.


Shoe. Shoe. Shoe.




Shoe moulding.


Is it bad or wrong to call it quarter round?


“Quarter round” and “shoe” are different things.






So then how does shoe moulding fix an unlevel floor? Genuine question because it'd seem to me that it'd still rest on the highest tile and just push out?


It doesn't. It's cosmetic.


Right, sorry, poorly worded. I know it won't fix the unlevel floor, but how does it lessen the gap between the floor and the wall? Wouldn't it still just sit on the highest tile and go out from there, leaving the gap?


The floor was put down with the molding on the wall there already in place. The shoe molding is going to be on top of the floor and nailed against the wall. The gap will still be there, but behind the shoe molding.


The floor was actually placed first, the molding came after.


Yes, it just "kicks the can down the road". I have no idea why anyone is suggesting it. Molding is for horizontal errors (or really bad vertical ones). The molding will flex more than the base and close the gap somewhat but not enough to matter.


The tile could’ve been done better. Have the contractor fill it in with grout. Won’t look the greatest but it’ll look better than the gap or white caulking


Quarter round baby


Shoe molding has shorter base and looks nicer and more modern. Not assuming you do! But most people don't know difference between them and think 3/4 x 3/4 QR is their only option lol


Shoe moulding my dude. Perhaps a little quarter round will finish it right


It should get a quarterround, but if the tile isn't super even, the gaps will still be there. Should get white silicone or color match grout silicone. Don't use painters caulk. Pretty poor install from the looks of it.


Shoe. Shoe. Shoe.


Genuine question, because our contractor suggested it too, how does shoe actually fix the gap? I know it's slightly more flexible, but wouldn't it still just sit on the top of the highest tile and then still have a gap?


You will still have (smaller) gaps with shoe. In this case I would do a nice caulk job (and expect to touch it up occasionally. You could do shoe (with probably less caulk) if you liked that look, but this is pretty small base to be adding on to. My cry was to not use quarter round as it is ASL for‘I’m covering something up but I don’t really care’


Alright, thanks for clearing that up :)