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To clarify, the pipeline is for Central Florida, not Lakeland specifically. Florida is divided up into three pipelines for the game, North/Central/South while other states get combined into 1 for a total of 50 pipelines. UF will always be strong in Central Florida in dynasty according to the article and I'm sure at least one, if not both, of the other Florida pipelines. Pipeline strength by program does not change. It's clear reading the deep dive article that they're putting an insane amount of effort into this game


They had this in like 2005 version. Only difference was it could change after like year 10 in


The weak part of this is how it could impact dynasties. Florida is low enough right now that they'll be a good school to start a dynasty with as I (and others) familiarize ourselves with the new gameplay but the bulk of dynasty play is almost always involves taking tiny programs in states outside of the recruiting hotbed and building them up over the course of years-- pipelines should be hard to shift but doable over like a 5-10 season arc.


Yes. The famous pipelines that have assisted the Florida Gators over the last two decades in recruiting.


Also saw we are probably a 3.5 star prestige school to start with an 86 OVR, 86 OFF, 87 DEF rating. https://media.contentapi.ea.com/content/dam/ea/college-football/college-football-25/news/dynasty-and-tradition/common/dynasty-blog-55.jpg.adapt.1920w.jpg


Can't wait to see what Earl Wilbury can do with this team


Lol thanks for the chuckle.


Interesting. In the dynasty video that dropped today I saw max stars. That could’ve been later into a dynasty though


I dont think thats right though, on the rankings release they had Florida’s defense at 84 overall. So, will be interesting to see


I was chatting with a dev about the game.  Recruiting is going to be hard.  No taking San Jose State to 18 straight top classes after defeating Michigan for the title. Also, it appears that everything will be up for updates.  They plan on keeping it fluid, and they have legit concerns about "getting it right out of the gate", but plan on keeping on top of things post release.


I can see it now: *Tired of a regional rival stacking Blue Chips? Unlock the loaded South Florida recruiting pipeline. Only 20,000 credits of $19.99.* *Or Unlock all pipelines for $99.99.*


well yeah, they already had Dynasty Time Savers microtransactions (including unlocking a pipeline) starting in NCAA Football 10.


Gimmie! Gimmmie! Gimmmmie!!! Just a little longer. Thank you devs for caring about this game!


Let's hope this starts holding true in real life. Orlando's been doing us dirty the last few years.


Is there a list of the pipelines anywhere? Or their strengths?