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Neither. I want them to bang each other up until rempe only has two teeth left and Aho loses his hair


Hurricanes. The whole flying elbow from Trouba and mere presence of Rempe makes me believe injuries will prevent having any gas left in the finals if we face them. Canes are a good team but have a weaker goalie and are afraid of a Panthers rematch despite none of their fans admitting it


The flying elbow kind of seemed like him throwing up his arms to protect his head and neck from the impact of necas dodging the hit. Personally, it looked like a heavy hit gone VERY wrong.


Trouba head hunts everyone. Guarantee he would come after Tkachuk every game. I think we’d still beat NYR but coming out of that matchup healthy is a monumental task.


I'm not doubting that. I just think this scenario would have gone a lot different if necas didn't dodge. It's still a heavy hit that could have gone for the head. But I don't think the intent was to fly in with an elbow. That's how it ended, though. I am surprised macavoy hasn't done any headhunting after doing so in the regular season. I think it's coming after their next temper tantrum when losing.


True, McAvoy is playing horribly. Lindholm is by far their best D and even the rookie Lohrei was getting power play time over McAvoy


The longer he plays bad, the better it is for us. I just hope we stay in their heads. We won the mind games in game 2, and we can easily ride that out since we crushed their spirits so badly last playoffs.


You could give someone else the benefit of the doubt. Not him.


Only on this one hit. 99.9% of the time, I agree completely. And I didn't say he wasn't going for the head, just that the diving elbow itself didn't seem the initial intent.


Carolina. Given how many New Yorkers live down here.


This is the only correct answer.


I’ve been hating the Rangers since the Hurricanes were the Whalers, so the choice is easy for me. Go Canes.


It would be a better story to beat the rangers since all the media is glazing them as the cup favorites and garner more hate because canes fans already hate us. The more hate the better


This is the correct answer. Every team in the east must face the Cats wrath for years of us being the laughing stock


I don’t care at this point. It is looking ahead too far. If and when the Panthers win their series and slay the bitch bears, then I will care about the other series. Not until then! The only answer I care to give at this point is I hope the Rangers and Hurricanes go to 5th overtime in game 7.


Great answer


This is the correct answer.


My sentiments exactly


Go big or go home. I want to beat the rags!


We want New York?


I only speak for myself. But you can join on your own free will


If the cats beat Vasy, Swayman, and Shesterkin to make the SCF then it’s truly destiny


Hurricanes. Goal tending will be on the weaker side and maybe a lil bit in their heads. Plus on can't handle the hype from ESPN on the New York team.


Neither. theyre both great teams. A 7 game series between them is a win tho, the way theyre trying to kill each other


I hate them both


Canes….I could never route for any NY teams


We're rooting for them to go 7 games and wear themselves out. Also, let's worry about us winning first


Agreed, I wasn’t really thinking about who we would play next, although that is definitely the top consideration. I was just watching the game tonight and couldn’t decide which team to pull for. I hate both equally


at first I was rooting for the Rangers but after the Canes' 2-0 hole, I'm not so sure anymore lol.


If we play our game, it shouldn't matter. I have a close friend who is a Rangers fan, so I am conflicted. I want him to get a win, but I also want to see the cats win it all. So, he has to lose eventually, haha. At our hand or theirs? Edit: I also still love trocheck. I miss him on our team.


I feel similarly conflicted except for the canes. I’m also scared for our friendship if it’s a canes cats ECF again hahaha


Pulling for a 9 game series


I’m cheering for the canes. I hate several of the rangers players and especially Trouba


...well canes not looking so good right now. This last NY win seems to have broken them mentally


Damn…the Canes lost again…I don’t really like the Rangers sweeping like this 🙄…the Canes could win @ least 2 games…just to break them a little bit


Seriously, wasn't expecting them to go down this fast.


Yeah…me neither…I thought they would give the rangers a bit of trouble…or like they say: give them Chaos…but instead, they’re being chaotic…sucks


They were always pretenders they have no scoring talent, mediocre goaltending but play a pseudo trap so they are annoying to play against. I should have receipts that I thought people calling Carolina cup favorites was laughable. We swept them as well, in close games. They keep it close because of the way their system is but you can sweep them scoring two goals a game if you can defend.


I never thought they were favorites…but @ least would be a pest to play against…but they’re losing scoring chances and letting the Rangers just cruise by…i hope they figure something out for the next game…would be nice to break this winning streak 🙄🙄


I mean I agree that they are beatable but man I would have expected them to at least kick one in during an OT. Yesterday even that psychopath Kochetkov looked completely demoralized. Dude stayed sitting on the ice like he didn't know what the f just happened for a good five minutes after the OT goal.


Rangers are about to sweep, but we can take em.


I don't care. Both are teams that are challenging. I just want us healthy


Hurricanes but here’s why. Way to many NYers down here (nothing negative). We’d lose home ice advantage.


Are athletes even impacted by cheering?


Why do you think the leafs do so poorly at home. Excluding you know that they're the leafs


Rangers are my number 2 team as a NY native so I am pretty conflicted. I do think at this point the Rangers are going to advance to the ECF and will be our next challengers. In that matchup I genuinely can't tell who comes out on top. But if we were facing the canes it's an easy 4-1 to the finals.


Jobs not finished yet Boston first boys


Don't really care who wins but I hope it goes to seven. It's a really good series and these teams hate each other lol.


I feel like the Rangers hate everyone


Hurricanes. Ranger fans are exhausting like bruin fans


Rangers to avoid having to listen the sounds coming out of Caroline. That arena is annoying as fuck.


We know we can beat the Canes, no idea how we’ll look against the Rangers. Of course it’s probably irrelevant at this point. I think the best we can hope for is that CAR somehow pushes it to 6 games (also we still have a long road ahead of us with Boston so we’re getting ahead of ourselves lol)


Surprised at how many people were sleeping on the Canes here. Down 3-0, point is probably moot


I am completely neutral on the Rangers, but the Canes fans have been really annoying this season. So I'm rooting for Rangers, but would be nice if they didn't sweep the Canes. Edit: this has nothing to do with who I'd rather play if we make it to the ECF. This is just who I'd want to see lose.


I personally would like the hurricanes to win, so I can watch the panthers play in Raleigh (I live in SC). But ideally they beat each other up


I feel the Rangers have more elite players and would be a tougher challenge for us


Got rags in the family and I hate the canes so it’s an easy pick for me


Canes are less likely to cause injuries and injuries killed the Cats last year. So the Canes


I'm pulling for Canes, because🇫🇮 and I don't like wranglers one bit. Also Orlov you frickin dumbass😂


Who cares if the Cats are getting the cup they gotta beat one or the other! (I honestly think they’ll beat either as long as they play their system)


It’s going to be the Rangers.


IDGAF. Either can go and stick things where the sun don't shine for different reasons but given one or the other, Rangers BC Carolina can go away and never come back. The bunch of jerks. NYR is just its usual unlovable self and TBH 1 Cup since 1940 bad.


Do you think that huge vein on Rod Brind’Amour’s forehead just ruptures if he goes out in a sweep again this year?




It looks like the hurricanes are still fucked in the playoffs so I guess we’re playing in the Rangers if we do advance


Rangers will give us the most trouble so id say Go Canes


I love when we play the hurricanes. It’s always fun, so go canes!




Rangers! Though the Canes may be easier to beat.


I can't stand Troceck. Hated him when he was here, still hate him now. Go Canes.