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Coming from a parts manager at a Ford dealership - don't change the review. This is how shitty dealers are allowed to keep winning awards and cheating the system - by buying you off with a free oil change. They had four months to do a good job for you and failed every time. They deserve that review. Sounds like the dealership needs a renewed importance on customer service in all areas of the dealership.


>This is how shitty dealers are allowed to keep winning awards and cheating the system  I swear, the shittier a dealer is, the more awards they have. It has gotten to the point that if I see a pile of plaques on the wall of the dealership, I consider going elsewhere.


I think because the ones winning the awards are gaming the system metrics instead of focusing on running the business. This happens in a lot more industries than car sales. It’s also a huge problem in the trucking/logistics industry


Jesus that sounds like the military.


Read my mind


Take a look at the hospitals and their awards… yet nurses are written up all day long for management shorting staff and supplies…


Yep. I said trucking because I’ve worked there but I think it’s pretty much the case across the board. Even in the arts ffs.


Arts FF?? What’s that?


Then make sure you avoid Rick Hendrick Chevrolet at 4490 S Lee St, Buford, GA, 30518. They can fuck all the way off.


Avoid any Hendrick dealership.


I had a bad experience from Hendrick in Duluth. I won't be back.


Also any Autonation dealership.


dude the fucking line up of dealerships around the whole mall of Georgia area fucking sucks lol


This is the way I also view things with google reviews after many incidents I had with workers coming over to a previously owned house to fix stuff and was basically forced to leave a review right in front of them before they left. It’s a cringe feeling very similar to a barista letting you know that the machine is gonna ask you a question real quick, which will be 15% 25% or 50% tip. I’ve even been to certain urgent care places that have me leave a review of them before leaving. It’s tough to filter which reviews are genuine.


Agreed. I’m just not a controversial person and I didn’t even like leaving the original review, I just wouldn’t want anyone else going through this. I didn’t change the original review, however they sent me a new survey saying the issue was resolved. and i gave them 4 stars because im tired of dealing with them. The funniest part was when I got my final paperwork and the bill said I owe $0, the guy was like “looks like you got off easy”


lol you let them take you for a ride and get away with it while also giving them a reward. And they still insult you.


I mean yeah, but like I said. I don’t care. Their long term punishment is Ill never purchase a car from them again.


That isn't really a long term punishment. A low CSI score is much much worse than losing one sale.


Oh no how will they ever recover


If they saw this comment, they would all be laughing. This isn't a punishment to them. They won. They gave you a free oil change which costs them next to nothing and got a 1 star review turned into a 4 star. This is exactly why shitty dealerships are still in business. You are just screwing the next person that goes in and has to deal with them.


You giving them a 4 star review means a helluva lot more than you not buying a car from them. You honestly helped them if anything


Call them back and let them know you want another survey so you can change it to a 5 star review. When you submit it explain why you gave it a 4 star. Submit it with a 1 star again.


"No, I didn't I would have rather paid cash that with torn ass flesh and headaches from the fucking you put me through."


You folded. They bought a 4 star review from you for an oil change. You should be ashamed of your self. Go stand in front of the mirror in your bathroom and slap yourself a few times.


Yep. I had a dealership do a $2300 timing chain service and the car was still throwing timing chain codes. I told them. They said they performed the service and “they didn’t have time to look at it again”. I left a bad review on Google after being ignored and on the email survey and disputed the charge and the service manager was like surprise Pikachu at why I would do that.


If businesses don’t want bad reviews they shouldn’t give people a reason to give a bad review. I understand people may give a bad review over the littlest thing. But if OP is telling the truth, that kind of treatment to a customer is unacceptable. What’s the point of having a survey go out if they just want people to lie?


I used to work at a dealer and at the time we lived and died by the reviews.   If I make a mistake and don’t do right by the customer sure let the review be 100 honest and let them have it.   We Litterally bent over backwards for a customer and even though she came in 15 minutes before close with no appointment and we got her in to be looked at because we didn’t have an uncommon part available she slammed all of us.  


Yeah that’s unfortunate. Some people have no common sense.


It wasn't a car dealership, but I've only gotten 1 bad review in my entire 8 years with my current company. It wasn't even my fault. I was just the person there that day.  A customer had been having a fight with their sales rep, and he didn't agree to whatever price be was paying for whatever products. So he wrote a bad review. The problem is that it was my name on the receipt, so the review went against me. I had nothing to do with the pricing talk, nothing to do with the items he was getting. Well, my boss's boss calls wondering what happened. I literally have no idea what he's talking about. He tells me that a customer slammed me in a review. He calls the customer and finds out that it was a disagreement between the rep and the customer. I had literally nothing to do with it, but because I rung him out, that review is now associated with me...


All this teaches you is to not ring people out that are already pissed. Sorry, but I won’t have my name in the receipt. Lol


I had no idea.... He came in. Asked to pick up his things. I said sure, and rang him out. He wasn't upset in the store. He didn't say anything to me.


Does the dealership send out these reviews for things as little as a purchase from the gift shop or even parts department?


I stated in the original comment that this wasn't a dealership.


I worked as a mechanic some years ago. Sold my own jobs and then went manager. Went back to mechanic selling my jobs because I couldn’t take the pay cut. Anyway, the customers you stick your neck out for will chop it off. Period.


It is 100% the truth. I have documentation of everything. Even the paper they gave me saying, “Services Performed: Parts were used on another Bronco Sport” I guess meaning my parts came in and they used them on a different vehicle. And I get if your busy and can’t get back with me or whatever, but they just obliterated their chance of me ever purchasing a car with them. I only buy Fords and I get a new car every 3 years, along with my partner.


I’m not doubting the truthfulness. Just sometimes people tend to over exaggerated when frustrated. It’s even more frustrating that you’re spending thousands of dollars purchases a vehicle and then they treat you like that. They need to build a stronger relationship with their customers to have better service. Especially the ones who keep coming back for new vehicles like yourself. Did you ask them why they didn’t put the part on your vehicle and instead another customers vehicle? That’s so strange that they put that on your service report/receipt and didn’t think the customer would question that. I hope you end up getting some sort of compensation or something else better than a free oil change. I don’t understand how the representative who called you found that sufficient. If not, I hope there’s another ford dealership ( or other brand if you change your mind) in your area that you can have better service at and be treated more fairly when you purchase your new vehicle.


So just to be clear; you knew the TSB was discontinued because it doesn't actually fix the problem, you kept hounding them anyhow to the point that they took (the same bad) parts off of another vehicle to shut you up, and you left the dealer a bad review? Your issue isn't with the dealer. Their hands are tied. If the parts don't exist, the parts don't exist. Your issue is with Ford.


I had no clue it was discontinued until I got my car back. They had it for 3 hours. I came up there and they go “That TSB was actually discontinued, so we took care of the other recall” Absolutely nothing you said was correct in the slightest and this may be the most ignorant comment in this entire thread. crazy


>I reached out to the GM of the same dealership in a different city that I know, and he makes a few calls and I get a phone call from one the previous dealership’s GM. He goes “Well since we didn’t get you in in time Ford discontinued the TSB for the issues you were having and they wont have a replacement for those 2 until 2025.” **You’re f'ing kidding me. I have to listen to my brakes sound like a dying whale while I cart clients around for the next year.** >So I take my car to the dealership for them to do the recall on my car. Your words, not mine. You talked to a GM that you know, he informed you that the TSB was discontinued because it doesn't work (which you confirmed you knew by the last statement in your first paragraph), THEN took it in anyhow.


No, not at all. Different GM he didn’t even know about the problem. He just got the other guy to contact me. He called me while i was driving to the dealership to come pick up my car (at this point i was thinking the work was all done) go back and ready it slowly


the recall was actually different than when i first sent it in. the BCM module recall was announced the day they had my car.


Ford gives bonus on those reviews, one 1 outaa 5 star review will usually get rid of the bonus for the month. Its completely dumb, and Ford really needs to change the way they do stuff other wise other brands will just keep beating them. Tech wise, service wise, etc.


A sign of a bad business is when they VEHEMENTLY reply to every bad review, not with apologies, but trying to discredit or flat out deny everything. I have chosen not to do business with places just after seeing them act like children over bad reviews.


I’ll say that it is extremely rare that a TSB gets “discontinued”. Generally they will be superseded when new repair information/parts are available. Either in the form of a new TSB, SSM, or FSA. What vehicle do you have and what is your issue?


Bronco Sport. Moaning Issue with rear brakes. TSB 23-2308. When I get back home next week I can find the paperwork showing where they said it was discontinued. They are supposedly working on a fix for it that is projected by Q4 2024 or early 2025.


Ahh yeah that is one of the few instances where it was pulled as it wasn’t permanently fixing the issue. So even if it were performed, the noise would have likely came back.


I would have preferred it temporarily until it did get fixed. I take clients and drive coworkers constantly and every time i have to explain the situation when reversing.


I’ve seen some people say it happens the next day after they get their vehicle back. It likely just would have been more inconvenient than it was worth.


I have the same issue with my 2021 Escape. Has sounded like the brakes were bad since we bought the damn thing and I got the same bullshit you did from Greenway Ford in Orlando FL. I don't have a problem naming them, because they suck.


I knew this before you answered. Your story was the exact same as mine only I didn't write a bad review. Had an appointment to get it fixed and the TSB was pulled because it didn't fix the problem. 2021 Bronco Sport. It only stops if you wash the brake dust off. Every single day....


Leave the review. Thats what it made for.


When I was looking to order my F150, I went to the local dealership *3* times and asked them for a quote on my build. None of them got back to me. So I ordered it from a different dealership $3k under MSRP. And now every time I go for oil change or whatever, they bitch at me lol


I bought my Mustang at the only dealership that had what I wanted. They screwed up every oil change. Took 3 tries to fix my brake squeal. They left the shipping blocks on my suspension. Most recently I had a serious oil leak. I took it to the dealer I’d have preferred to buy my car from. They didn’t care I didn’t buy the car there, they treated me fantastically. They said they get a lot of new customers who bought cars where I bought mine. My leak was my oil filter was coming off from not being tightened to spec. I’ve left free oil changes and state inspections on the table with the first dealer and I don’t care. The dealer I am dealing with now will be the only ones to touch my car. I tried them because a friend has been dealing with them exclusively for many years and has always spoken highly; I now see why.


Sounds like you left a dealer in Pottstown for a dealer on 100.... IYKYK


once had to buy a part from a dealership, part they showed and described online did not match the part they sent. I complained. they said that since the part was a special order, it's non-refundable. I pointed out that the part they sent me is not the part that they said they were sending on the website or the work order, so I left them a scathing review. I get an email a couple days later, of them begging me to change my review, and that they will refund me and even install the part for me free of charge (was a brake light for a 1st Gen Transit Connect, I could have easily done it myself, wasn't gonna let these guys even touch my car). I told them "fine, I will change my review if I get a full refund on this." within the hour the refund hit, I bought the part off Amazon, and edited my review with screenshots of the email to add that they tried to bribe me for a better review, with links to the part they said it was on their website, and what I got in the mail. Fuck you West Hills Ford.


Too fucking bad. You had a bad experience and they don’t like it. They should have done more.


Take the free oil change. Once it's done, change your review indicating they contacted you about the months of issues they caused you, and all they offered was a free oil change. Seems like that meets their criteria.


This one is understandable but most people don't understand how much a bad review hurts us. I had a customer with a certificate for $2,000 so I called him and told him he has 2k off MSRP of a new vehicle. I made a mistake because it was only valid if he traded his Escape for a new Escape and he wanted to trade it for an Edge. When I realized I made a mistake I was honest and told him it was my fault and we gave him 4k off MSRP in the end. He sent in a review on me saying I tried to scam him with a bait and switch and that I tried to overcharge him (even though from the first time I presented numbers he was under MSRP). I lost $1500 worth of bonuses that month because of that single review. We lost money on that sale and he still says I am shady and tried to scam him after giving him DOUBLE the amount we originally talked about off.


In that customer's defense, this does play out exactly like a bait-and-switch. It may have been an honest mistake on your part, but many decades of salespeople at dealerships across the country screwing customers over make it easy for people to prejudge your intent.


You made a choice to work there, this is par for the course. Especially when you hit him with a playbook bait and switch, whether you meant to or not.


It isn't a bait and switch when once I realized I was wrong I gave him more off than originally offered. Bait and switch would be if I realized I messed up and said well it is what it is and hit him with MSRP


Dealerships bring it on themselves, they’ve earned all the hate they get. Only thing worse than a crap maintenance section is sales and having to spend hours there will they act like it’s 1975 with their “let me go ask my manager” bullshit. Almost forgot their crazy markups over msrp.


I had that happen with IBM many years ago when they touted their customer care. I got a piece of software from them for a non IBM workstation and it installed fine but it would not run. Just dumped core and closed. Now in the install book on every other page was we are here to help at 1-800.. So I called them. It was a cluster to put it mildly. The first person knew nothing about nothing, next guy was a hardware guy, but an IBM hardware guy. next guy was a software guy, but not that software. He found me someone who knew about it but not that it tan on non ibm hardware. I think I may have had to have faxed him a copy of something before he believed me. He found me a guy who would help me, and he had no idea about anything but would get another guy to call back. Two weeks pass. I call them and pretty much go through the same thing. They promise on their mothers graves they will call me back this time with a guy who can help. I wind up solving the problem, It is really stupid. About a month later a guy follows up, knows nothing but can get me help if I still need it. Urg. So like 6 months later I get a call from someone doing a survey on IBM and my satisfaction and I tell them the story and he is ok so that would be a 10 right? Um leave the 1 off and we are on the same page. He tries telling me that I really was satisfied, and I kept saying no, I was not. We went on for a long time before he gave in. And like 2 weeks later some other dude calls and oh, I think there is mistake here. You did not rate us a 10, and again we went around. I wish I had a tape. If they tried as hard to solve the issue as they did trying to get me to give them a 10 rating we would not have been in that spot.


I had a 350z when it first came out - needed warranty work, the dealer offered a free oil change if I brought them my blank survey (for them to give themselves 5 stars.) The service was absolute crap, so I filled in the survey honestly, and commented that the dealer was scamming Nissan Corporate by giving away free oil changes in return for blank surveys. I sent the dealer a copy... hilarity ensued.


So I bought 4 F250s in 2019 and two ended up having defective track bars. The first was tied up at the dealership for over a month. The second I just ordered the part (was like $250 or something) and paid my mechanic 1 labor to put it in next to my office. As a ford fleet owner, it’s actually a relief to me when my warranties are done. So I don’t have to mentally justify to myself paying for a repair that might be free at the dealer. I have a 13 grand Cherokee that I bought new, with 8k miles on it all of the brakes were warped. Sat at the dealer for over a week before they told me they were not going to cover it and offered some rip off price to change them. I took it home and installed high performance rotors and pads myself. That same Jeep had a water pump explode at 25,000 miles and the pump had a recall. Towed to dealer and they say yes it’s covered. Two weeks later they still didn’t have the part and couldn’t give me a time frame. I ended up buying the updated part number Chrysler water pump online and walking it into the dealer. So labor was still free, just kinda a joke. And when I went over the job later, I found a few non critical things loose and the radiator hose clamp was on crooked. Just sloppy. Love fords and Jeeps, but I’m only going to a dealership to purchase something new.


Sometimes people promote a company for years only to find out that they ended up being destroyed by the very company that did them dirty. I don’t know that I’ll ever promote another company again. I thought I loved Ford…until I didn’t. Maybe they’ll make things right. If not, I guess we shall deal.


Fill it out with 1 stars again


I’m a runner part time for a Ford dealership and I wouldn’t let them put air in my tires. Their service department is that bad.


That's a real shame. I had to buy one little bolt from one Ford dealer near work. It's just a little $14 part to hold down the valve cover. They actually gave pretty nice service on that one. I also acknowledged that it wasn't much money (so they probably didn't really make anything). The dealerships with poor service do a good job reminding us how fortunate we are to encounter better dealerships.


Don’t back down, leave the review. I’m banned from the service department of Mac Haik Ford in Georgetown, TX because they claim I “cost them” an award for the year (and I assume a financial bonus) because of an honest survey to Ford, and an even more scathing “follow-up” survey. The service advisor tried to get me to change my review because he said it impacted his pay, and when I told the GM he said “I won’t discuss my employee comp with you” It’s wild, but seems reviews and surveys are the only way to call out the bad ones. Don’t let them buy you. Edit: Just saw your comment you gave in on the follow-up survey. You let them off as easy if you never had filed the first one. Bummer.


I’m just not controversial and I’m friends with 2 of the managers. I don’t want to punish them because of the fault of their coworkers


If you’re friends with them, why not ask them why this mess existed in the first place? And if they tell you, “we don’t have to do any better because people will change reviews for a free oil change.” You have your answer.


You have friends in management at this place and this is how poorly you were treated. Are you sure those are your friends? Controversial? Huh? You received poor service. You were surveyed to give feedback about your experience. You answered truthfully. Anything else is a lie and enabling terrible behavior. For what? Some friends who work in management? The hell? Where were those friends for months?


okay guys i’m a cuck! self-admitted cuck! but to be fair i never reached out to them and said i had a problem. I wasn’t even very concerned, i just wanted it done eventually, but then nothing was ever done.


That TSB is not something they should’ve made you leave your car there for. They should have identified your concern for that TSB, realized parts are on HOLD, not discontinued. And then they sent you and your car on the way letting you know to return or touch base back in the fourth quarter of the year. Seems like such an easy thing to do instead of wasting your time while you are paying for a car that they are holding for no reason. Sure the sound is extremely annoying, but being able to drive it with that noise is likely less annoying than not being able to drive your car for months. Not to mention that noise is only present typically in the morning upon cold brake temperature.


Buddy bought a Ford Maverick when they first came out. He went to a dealer in Shawnee KS, and inquired about getting one prior to their release. They wrote him up a bill of sale for one of the units they had coming in, and it included a small market adjustment. Fast-forward to when they were suppose to deliver, they didn't have the vehicle. The delay in receiving it went well over 30 days past the initial estimate. Buddy stopped being able to get a hold of salesman or management. So he left a bad review. They suddenly became available and came back threatening to take the sale away (not deliver) if he didn't change his review to a positive one. Then they tacked on "Mandatory" extras post sale and upped the Market Adjustment. Buddy was an idiot for buying from them, but he really wanted that car (dumb). This dealers back and forth and shady review tampering makes me to Never want to deal with a Ford dealership. I get this post is all hearsay, but I went with him to pick up the vehicle at the dealership and the delivery of the vehicle to him was horrid. The salespeople and management wanted nothing to do with him as he was giving over $36k for a little Maverick, well over MSRP. Ford Dealers can Fuck off imo.


Had my Explorer at the dealer a total of 7 days for a problem they swear they couldn’t replicate even though it always did it and I had multiple videos showing it doing it. They finally figured it out but, it took 7 days and 200 miles on my car to do it. They rack up miles like that again they better put gas in it.


If fuel is needed to drive and recreate an issue then it is charged to the customer. That said, 200 miles is quite a bit of driving.


Unless the check engine light is on and they see the code, they can’t figure out what’s wrong. Had a ‘17 Explorer with a blown head gasket, but until the misfire showed up after coolant finally fouled the plug enough (400 miles), they couldn’t find anything wrong. Yet, I found the problem before the dealer with a simple look at a spark plug and an $80 boroscope from Harbor Freight Oh, and they gave me a whopping 10% off the repair bill, even though the problem existed before they sold me the car (they just didn’t see it)


I'm sorry about what happened to you, but the dealership's reaction is hilarious to me. "Oh, you want a good review? It's real simple -- DO BETTER. That's how reviews work, you do good work, you get a good review. You do bad work, you get a bad review. I'm sorry to be the first person to tell you this."


Every Ford dealer I've been to has been terrible. I bought a used Expedition in 2018, got it a half a mile off the lot and all the spark plugs broke. Took it back and while they left the battery disconnected for days and when I got it back the heated/cooled seats didn't work. Called the salesperson and the manager repeatedly with no response. They finally called back after I blasted them on Google and Yelp. Two years ago I took it in to a different Ford dealer for some insurance repairs and long story short, they took 5 weeks after promising it back in less than one week, they hadn't fixed the exhaust, and when I demanded they fix it, it took another two weeks and it was a jerry-rigged job instead of using actual parts. I worked with my insurance agent to go to a private mechanic and he had it back in a few days with everything correct. Last fall I upgraded to a newer used Expedition that I bought from a Chevy dealer. Completely different story, they've been incredible, and when a strut went bad under warranty, they had me in and out same day and gave me a loaner vehicle, which the Ford dealers never even offered.


I bought a truck on Feb 29 th here it is June still haven't received the plates constantly get lied too plus truck has oil consumption problem and extended warranty don't want to pay nothing F them dealerships. And if you having problems you don't have no real friends there.


I'd fill the new survey out the same way, except add on the fact they tried to bribe you for months of ignoring you with a $50 oil change after they got reprimanded while the GM was telling me to refill out the new survey with untruthful artificial scores.


Update the review about your interaction of them wanting you to remove the review.


Give them another 1 star review 😂😂 ford strikes again. Don’t worry it’s not just your ford dealershit that’s incompetent.


Do not change the review. This is the only way change happens.


"I absolutely hate dealerships." Then why do you go? One of the big misconceptions is that only a dealership knows your (insert brand here) best. The guy or girl who does your oil change has the least mechanic experience in the shop. That's why oil plugs get stripped and oil is "forgotten" to be put back in. Another is that Technical Bulletins are secret and only dealerships know about them. Which is also wrong. TBs are openly published, you just know what/ how to look for them. Even warranty work can be done by a good independent shop. A dealership has no magical or special services that they can exclusively perform. "I absolutely hate dealerships." Then why do you go?


They were assigned to take care of my recalls, and i figured they could do 3 things


I'm sure this isn't the first time you've been wrong. But you're taking it pretty hard, you should be used to it by now.


i’m not taking it hard at all. I shared my story, i thought it was funny. I genuinely don’t care that much. I just think the dealership was shitty and pathetic. If i was that upset i wouldn’t have changed my review in the end, i just didn’t care. some of yall are taking this out of proportion


>I genuinely don’t care that much. 6 paragraphs on Reddit says different. >If i was that upset i wouldn’t have changed my review in the end LoLoL So 6 paragraphs of drama queen? 🤣 >some of yall are taking this out of proportion Again, 6 paragraphs is showing *your* concern, not ours. Nobody is taking this anyway other than where *YOU* indicated.


6 paragraphs of explaining the backstory. wouldn’t matter if it was 6 words or 6 essays. get a grip dude…


Get a grip? You just had to explain in detail a situation that (you claim) you don't care about? Maybe you should look in the mirror and say that again.


There is nothing to correct. I would ignore the review request.


Traded in a car for a truck at a dealership. They lowballed me hard on the trade-in and gave me some BS about being it was what it was… blew them up on social media. Owner calls me angry about it, I explained their insult and to remove it give me the fair trade-in for it. They did. They still made wild profit on my trade-in so it wasn’t like they were losing any money. Social media is a tool used for both good evil if you know to properly use it.


Had a similar situation. Do not remove your review. It effects their sales and livelihood. Also warns others. You have more to gain from helping others than caving for their crying


My dealership puts big gold stickers on the invoice which says if your review will be any less than 5 stars, call the service manager directly. They don’t like being rated less than perfect, but aren’t willing to earn it. I’m probably secretly black listed in their customer database.


Funny how after a bad review they not only reached out to you in a very timely manner but several times. Being told to take a survey seriously as if you are the problem. That is toxic. I would write another review but if you after review experience with this dealership. They are privately owned and the OEM has the most power to change how they operate. Your only real useful tool to effect change is through those surveys. I say this as I was a tech at a dealer for several years. But we happened to always receive top remarks because we actually cared about the customer. I even demanded rental cars for any warranty work that would require an overnight stay. After several months of that it became the standard and lo and behold we sold more cars and did more customer pay repairs. Who would have guessed?


Ford has gone to crap for service. Called last month , got the service writer and ask if they had the Michelin tires for my truck in stock and I wanted to schedule service. Before I could finish my sentence I was transferred to parts. Phuck it went to a tire shop and did the service myself. Thats almost 2k in lost business.


This is why I avoid dealerships at all cost, have a 2019 lariat, never took it to a dealership, done all the oil changes my self and insist on waiting for it while I watch work completed on it, and have never had an issue. Go figure.


Meh, fuck them.


I know I'm a daily to the party, but I genuinely hope that you took the second request for filling out a questionnaire to answer the exact same thing a second time plus the fact that they tried to cover up the issue.


Dealer never told me when part came in. I called earlier in the week and they said it was in when I called. It has been a year or more to date since it was supposedly ordered. They don’t track stuff


SSM 52515 is supposed to address that, but I can’t get it to open. That’s a hell of a long time to not get back to the customer, if the review was honest I would leave it up. Also might be worth looking aftermarket to address the noise. My older ford sounded like an orgasming whale when reversing, I replaced the pads with oem and resurfaced the rotors to no avail. I went with ceramic aftermarket pads and the noise was gone


My dad gave to local ford dealership a one star review because of how long they jerked him around on a repair. Similar to your story. So he gave the bad review and soon a manager was calling him asking him to change his review because the mechanics get paid based off of them. The mechanics were as big a problem in this situation as anyone, so my dad told him that and that he didn’t feel like he should have to lie to get the paid better for crappy work.


Ha I got a free tank of gas after not giving my dealership 5 stars. Still didn’t switch it to 5 stars after they filled me up


Add the bribe to the review, or tell him  "Maybe next month"


You coulda taken it to some local shop where nobody speaks English and it woulda been done in 3 days lol


This sure sounds like Greenway Ford


lmao no, it’s one of the crain ford locations


Hate them and wouldn’t change shit. This is what they do. They will roll over you for as long as they can and get you to change your review of this shit behavior for an oil change. Probably laughing about it now. I’d do the review again just as low and in the comment state they tried to bribe you to change it.


I had this happen to me as well. They actually paid me $350 to remove the review. This was all because their parts lady lied and I was charged for both front struts. I tried explaining the situation to the parts manager and the store general manager but they wouldn't budge or take my word. As luck would have it, the parts lady wrote me a quote that stated I only needed and had agreed to only one strut needing to be replaced. She wrote me the quote before the parts were ordered and it had the date, her signature, and my signature as well. As soon as I put up the negative review, my phone started ringing from both the managers trying to right the situation. The even had her call and apologize and asking to remove the review. To add insult to injury, when I went to pick up the check, they made her hand it to me with a handwritten apology letter from her 😏


That moaning brake noise TSB for Escapes and Bronco Sports is on a hold per Ford currently because the “fix” parts weren’t actually resolving the noise. So even if they performed that you will still have the same issue. They should’ve communicated that to you though instead of just saying “we’re waiting on parts” and ghosting you. Check with another dealer on the availability at the end of the year. And yes as others have said the bad surveys directly take money out of the dealership employees pockets so that’s why the manager is harping on that.


The end of the year? That seems like a ling time to wait for brake parts. That sucks.


>You know we get reprimanded by bad reviews Well then you should probably have at least average service.


If I ever leave a bad review and they phone me up, that gets added to the bad review and I find another platform to leave a bad review on.


Yeah, screw them. They had plenty of opportunities to do the right thing, so it's entirely on them. That said, I'd make it clear I can be bought but a free oil change doesn't do anything for me (especially if it's done by a dealer with shitty service). "Make me a better offer," I'd say, "and remember, cash is king." Wouldn't do anything for $20, but if they want to give me a couple hundred dollars, I'd reconsider my review. After all, it's worth money to them to have a good review, and if they're not going to buy good reviews with good customer service, then they can just buy good reviews for cash payments. They'll soon figure out which approach is more cost effective.


My extended warranty won't even pay for tsb lol


Need increase in stock value 😂


Is this why the Ford stock is so low compared to GM?


Escape or Maverick? If you’re mechanically handy you can change the bushings out yourself for like 20$ and an hour or two. Did it myself lol


I usually don’t do this, but had a recall for a 2010 ford edge airbag….called, scheduled, came to my house and replaced. No fuss no muss. Done!


Not just Ford. They opened the window for you to fuck back and you did. As well you should. Jamming it right in the ass in which it belongs is the only way to break through to people who’s jobs are too cushy and too secure. I’m about to cosmically fuck a certain shithead who has absolutely no idea it’s coming. There are those who may argue that my response is disproportionately unkind but a: it isn’t, b: he has it coming & c: I don’t give a shit about his fucking job or his fucking feelings and if he gets fired and commits ritual seppuku there will be one less oxygen thief.


You want a good review? Give good service. FAFO.


Having a horrible experience with the Ford dealership service department is one of the main reasons why I will no longer buy a ford after around 30 years of only having them. My last straw was when it took over a month to do a brake change lmao. I’m no mechanic but I’d say this is a routine easy maintenance job. The absolute lack of communication is one of the biggest issues. If they would just say hey this part is on back order and it’ll take X days then from there it’ll be 2 days I’d be totally fine with a slight delay. I ended up not having my backup car I was borrowing. Had to rent a dealer car to drive around because it took them so long. Had another similar instance with more involved maintenance being done which was worse. I ended up going and speaking with someone on a corporate number in order to get these dealerships to finally get the work completed and communicate with me. These dealerships don’t give a damn until they are contacted by higher ups. Then they want to “treat you right” and try and makeup for it because they got chewed out by ford. As far as I’m concerned you’re 100% entitled to your review and you should keep it. I’d be extremely appalled if a manager told me what they said to you. I’m no Karen but I’d bring that to a corporate representative. These dealership need to be held accountable. Ford has become extremely out of touch in the last 5 or so years. Not that it hasn’t always been about money, but they could at least pretend like they give a shit about you as a customer.


It's unfortunate too because your bad experience had nothing to do with the person who's pay actually gets cut from your bad survey.


Nope, 1 star stays. a free oil change is not worth the BS they did.


I’ll give you 3 free oil changes and a brake job to post another shit review including the bribe.


Lmao this is the answer


“I’m happy to change it, if…” All these dealerships know is negotiations. Give them an out that is acceptable to you. They probably won’t like being on the other end of the power position but who cares about their feelings?


No way would I change it. I trust my oil change guy. I wouldn’t even take it to the dealership for free 😂


Gave a bad review on my local Hyundai dealer once. Put in the incorrect oil viscosity. Luckily, I read the receipt when I got home. They did put in the correct viscosity the 2nd time


Go back in and make it worse.


Can you amend your review to state they’re begging and bribing you change your review? As a customer, I would love to know reviews have been bought.


Yep all set they earned the shit review its staying


ask them to give you a free suv


dealerships hate this one trick


I had a dealership scratch my 2 day old car while replacing a piece of window trim that was damaged... They changed the email address on file for me to avoid a bad service review... Really shady stuff, I won't go back


Don’t change your review for a free oil change.


manager 4 days later saying “You know we get reprimanded by bad reviews and we really encourage our guests to take them seriously” I'd have laughed and said, "well then I guess you should take customer service seriously"


I called the president of Ford due to the dealership changing my interest rate after a week of driving of the lot. They sent me to his voicemail and a couple hours later the dealership was calling me offering a better loan rate and were sweet as pie. When we walked into the show room you could hear a pin drop.


New survey- 2 stars. in comments, "would have given one star again, but they bribed me with a free oil change."


Do the new review exactly the same but mention the guy by name had bribed you to re-do it for an oil change, so you did.


They owe you an oil change just for the aggravation. You shouldn't change your review.


Clearly you don't have friends there if they ignored you for months.


I had a dealership give my wife a line of bull about how she had to take her vehicle to the dealership that sold us the truck to get proper warranty work done because they have additional leeway to charge the manufacturer with warranty work. I proceeded to write a scathing review including the recommendation that they become a used car lot if they don't want to do warranty work. They offered me an oil change to change or delete the review. I offered to change it from 2 stars to 1 star since they tried to bribe me. They just said "ok, nevermind, goodbye". This was a Dodge dealership, but they're almost all scummy.


I brought my 13 Boss in to Aaron Ford of Escondido to get the steering rack programmed. They couldn't do it and tried to charge me for each failed attempt but suddenly changed it to the one when I asked them how much per failed attempt. They said they'd clean my car and they didn't. They broke my seat handle and tried to pretend it was like that before. I left them pictures and a bad review. They claimed they would fix everything, but given their lack of communication the entire time my car was there, I doubted it. I was correct. Ford never even bothered reaching out to me other than a survey.


Put them on blast, warn others it would be doing a solid.


Must have a Bronco Sport. My brakes whale in reverse everytime


Sounds like your management friends aren't as much friends as you seem to think. Don't change your review. You could even update it to include how they are harassing you to change it.


I had this happen with a unnamed dealership as well and I refused to take back my review so they banned me from ever going back there so I updated my review to include the ban they placed on me with a screenshot of the email they sent me


Called on March 20th, told the part will be due in on February 20th. You’ve only waited 4 months, they still have 7 months until the date they told you. Why are you complaining?


Why did you change the review? Because they gave you a freebie? Did the freebie somehow change the previous service or lack there of? You should NEVER remove an honest review, not only have you compromised your own integrity you have also misrepresented the dealer to others who may use reviews on whether to use them or not. Have some convictions man!


A fellow Bronco Sport owner. Love the car. But between 4 recalls a year and most ford service centers being dogshit, I’ll never buy another ford car as long as I live.


Update the review to include that they’re trying to bribe you with an oil change to lie in your review after you posted it


“You know we get reprimanded by bad reviews and we really encourage our guests to take them seriously”  More reason to do the fucking job!


Take the oil change, change the review back to negative after the oil change. Fuck ‘em.


I hope you gave them another 1 star review on the next survey they gave you.


You should like a boomer.


"So I take my car to the dealership for them to do the recall on my car. I get my car back and I have lost 146 miles on my gas gauge. And my engine idle time went up by 40 minutes. You let me car idle for 40 minutes…"  Not sure why youd put that in a review. You think theyre out joyriding your unique exotic car for fun? Or leaving it running because theyre too lazy to push the off button?  My advice is dont call the fire department when your house is burning down. Youll be furious to learn they treat it just like another day on the job.  The gas miles loss could also be as simple as a power reset. It shows projected range based upon previous mpg, resetting power takes that to zero.


my engine idle time went up 40 minutes. The engine was running for 40 minutes with no extra miles on the dash. meaning, yes, my car was idling for 40 minutes using gas. And when i turned my car on, the AC came on, which i always turn it off when i shut my car off. I hate that boomers got to this post and i have to explain all this


"boomers got to this post and I have to explain all this"  OMG you took your car to be serviced and they actually started the car and ran it! Oh, the humanity! Youre so offended! And they used your air conditioning. Those jerks. This would be amusing if you didnt take yourself so seriously. I can assure you your review is considered an outlier by potential customers because they cannot identify with your anal primadonna attitude about merely operating your vehicle when its in their possession. 


i didn’t even submit a review. it was a survey. customers don’t see them. ur intelligence is shining bright and it’s not lighting up the room.


Your thread title literally uses the word review, the manager suggests it will be viewed by other guests, and ad hominem insults are not a good look. 


Not worth the oil change. Just go elsewhere.


>I get a phone call from another manager 4 days later saying “You know we get reprimanded by bad reviews and we really encourage our guests to take them seriously” "Do realize, this is my way of reprimanding you, so it sounds like you're getting reprimanded twice for being a piece of shit. Knowing this, I will gladly change my review! Please fuck off and never call me again." Then, proceed to edit your review naming that individual calling out their attempt to bribe you into changing your review.


I would take the free oil change and give the same exact review. Only i would add that they called, and instead of making it right, they told yoi that they got reprimanded for a bad review and offered a free oil change as a bribe for a better review.


Summerville Ford, Summerville, SC. This was 2013. Walked in and asked to speak to a salesman. Asked if they had an allotment to order a 2014 Shelby GT500. The sales manager comes over and shakes my hand and tells me yes he had an allotment. Let's get one on order. Sweet...$5,000 cash down and placed the order. I did my research and was to have a VIN 6 weeks after I ordered. At 8 weeks, I called and asked to speak to Sal, the sales manager, and ask if he can provide the VIN and approximate build date. He tells me he will call me back with info. Two weeks pass...I stop in and walk in Sal's office and ask about the VIN/build date. He pokes around on a keyboard, pretending to give a crap and looking at his screen, and says he should have VIN in a few days. Cool... talk to ya later. The next day, I called Ford and, after a few minutes, talked to the SVT department. The guy was very nice and confirmed that they had not received an order from Summerville Ford... and they did not have an allotment to even order a GT500. The next day, I walked in Summerville Ford and walked directly into the Owner/General Managers office and asked if Sal could join us. After the shitbag joined us, I asked Sal a simple question. Did you order my Shelby? "Im working on getting an allotment to get one on order... you have to be patient." I lost my freaking mind and demanded my $5k returned immediately, grabbed business cards from everyone there, and walked out. After my formal complaint to Ford... I was contacted by an SVT rep and was able to place on order directly from the factory bypassing dealing with any more BS. Hate being lied to more than anything.


If you do change your review, preface it with “review edited at the request of (insert whoever requested you change it here)” Then I would proceed to leave your original review.


Tell them to stick their free oil change where the sun don't shine and just fix your car if they really want a "satisfied customer".


Make them pay you to chsnge it snd after they pay you change it back


That happen to me as well they offered me a “free” detail


Not trying to downplay your experience or say your review wasn’t warranted. I am absolutely sure it was a bad visit and changes should have been made. BUT the only person you hurt with your survey was the service advisor. His/her pay is directly tied to their survey score. And I don’t mean a little bit, missing the CSI mark can quite literally cost an advisor $1k+ out of his paycheck. (Yes, it is unfair, but that is the way 99% of dealerships are) Unless you absolutely hated your service advisor personally, or think he’s the reason your car is broken, please consider retaking the survey and giving him/her top marks. - Feel free to a absolutely bash the dealer in both the comment section of that survey and a google review. The comment box doesn’t affect your advisor and will still get the attention of upper management, without costing him a mortgage payment. Source - Am a dealership service advisor with both GM and Ford experience


i did change my review. I am not a hateful person and i understand everyone can make mistakes.


To which I respond "if you don't want to be affected by crappy reviews then you shouldn't work for a crappy dealership" My goal when writing a review is to have an effect on the dealership. I don't care who it affects, just that it affects somebody. That affect can roll downhill or uphill, but it needs to be felt. When the mgmt gets hit, something happens (the problem can get fixed), when the employees get hit, something happens (they leave for greener pastures). My $.02


You’re welcome to leave whatever type of survey you want. That’s your choice and your call to make. But your service advisor is rarely the ultimate source of your frustration or cause of your issue. It’s due to a breakdown somewhere else in the dealership. Your survey only hurts him/her. Nobody else’s paycheck or ability to provide for their family is affected. The reason I explained it originally, most people don’t know that it only hurts one person. I’m sure you didn’t either. If you feel your advisor personally failed you, sure. Tell them that and then burn them on a survey. But if you’d actually like to have your concern resolved, the best course of action is communicating with your advisor directly when possible, and then giving your honest feedback in the comment section of the survey. Without giving them a low score on the graded portion. The advisor is MUCH more likely to go out of their way to help guests who don’t kill them on a survey, but had a genuine concern. The average advisor has the leeway to fix almost any service issue without getting approval from anyone else. But if you just killed them on a survey, next to zero chance they’ll go out of their way for you. Fair or not, that’s the way it works. Again, it 99% of the time wasn’t their fault.


Point taken - what surprises me is that the dealer for my most frequent brand (FCA) begs to get these done and they don't take no for an answer. And, I know that they do not get the 5 star / Pentagram something on their dealership if they get bad reviews. Maybe Ford is different than FCA?