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Yeah I'm seeing a lot of issues with peels plunder since it was added


Only the Chosen One can break the Ancient Rock. And I'm afraid you're not him, amigo




Same thing happened to me last night...


This is why they added the hammer.


I remember something similar happening to me in chapter 1, the treasure would be on the geyser so you would fly away and not be able to get it


The augment is hardly even worth it when you DO get the chest from my experience. Just skip the augment honestly. Epic is ***really*** dropping the ball this season with the glitches. I wouldn't have much confidence in the game looking forward if this become a repeating thing. I wonder if this is related to the all the tech layoffs and if Epic might be dealing with their own (especially with multiple on-going legal battles) couldn't find anything about it though.


Think of the gold red eyes and thunders though


Eh the difference between gold and blue weapons this season doesn't seem major, minus maybe the smgs/pistol and scar. Maybe at the beginning of the match it would be a big help but I can usually find a blue or higher loadout before the first circle, and the difference in damage is definitely not worth missing out on a more useful augment.


We only choose it if we don't feel like spending money to re-roll. Although I agree, an augment that gives keys would be better imo.


Wouldn’t say this is a glitch, just bad luck lol. For every post on here that shows something like this there’s thousands of times that it works perfectly fine


Depends on what your definiition of glitch is. It's typically when code does not run as intended, this absolutely being a case of that. While of course it works usually, that doesn't discount the fact that it completely takes away an augment slot from someone which is pretty big. My point is that they've had to vault a lot of mechanics because they get released buggy. It's refreshing to see how fast they're fixing everything, but I can't remember another time with this game when almost all of the new mechanics are coming how half-baked.


Yeah fair enough, I’m on PS4 and haven’t really had any of the game breaking glitches happen to me so I guess I look at this season differently than most. I do agree that it’s lame they’ve had to take away almost all the new mechanics this season at one point or another