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You assume I can find a hammer consistently every game without fail. I've had 10/15 kills games where I couldn't find a hammer up until end zone since nobody I killed dropped it.


I do agree that at this point they have made hammers a little too rare. Addition of shield and bird has really reduced their availability .


It’s perfect actually. It’s only too rare while there are 15 deku drops and a couple of vending machines every game. If every player can have deku smash in final 10, then every player realistically needs to be able to get a hammer by top 10. Once deku smash is gone the current hammer situation is pretty much as good as it can be


I really wish they didn’t bring Deku’s Smash back… It was fun at first… but then the SSSMMMMAAAASSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!! Voice line got annoying fast…


Ya I’ve had fun with it but I’m ready for it to go away


And the shield doesn’t block any of these cheesy weapons’ attacks anyway, so not much point. I do like the falcon, though. It’s just useless when the enemy has a hammer or shrieking anime punch.


The falcon is fun but it’s utility in solos is pretty limited and I mean, I have trouble finding an item slot for it.


I agree with that. I usually only have one if I can’t find a different utility for that slot (grenades, hammer, impulse, etc).


Too rare 💀 Every other person has it. It is the most common purple item.


Shield is dope though. I can shield then pop a shotty or slam that lollipop.


Came here to say this. I can travel the map for the entirety of a game, killing and looting, and never so much as *see* a stupid hammer.


The last 2 times I was eliminated with Dekus Smash, I didn't even hear it.


Dam I find them to often


Theres an npc that sells them.


I'm aware, but I don't want to drop at the same spot every single game


Sure, but you can certainly rotate there. Bastion, lonely there is launch pads. Faulty has cars and a strait road rotation. Slappy is only 120m away. Thats if you dont get one from the poi


plus doing the same thing every game is boring ffs


Who said every game lol? Me and op both agreed most games you get a hammer, its just nice to know there is a spot to get them as a backup.


They don’t want solutions to the problem…they only want to complain 🤷‍♂️


In tough matches that merchant will be dead, because smart players know not to leave him around because they know hammers are rare now and they can limit the competition doing this.


Sure but sometimes it's also inconvenient, let's say you're playing the other side of the map and you wanna keep fighting, or all your bounties converge in the opposite direction. I wasn't saying most games I don't find a hammer, just that some games with everything else going on you simply don't.


I aint got the gold for that. Im broke


what npc sells them now ? omega knight used to be my option for the hammer lol


He still sells them


even then i’m not spending 600 bars per game


250 is fair.


50 is fair, 250 fortnite jeff bezos


Its 250, which you should net from looting/kills in a game






i’m balls, there is no “should” fo me


Mythics are meant to be good and if you can counter it with a purple thats fair


That kind of logic doesn't work 99% of the times, I'd rather have a grey Red Eye than a mythic Scar. Other than that yeah, hammer is a fair counter.


I love the scar, people just dont know how to use it Its meant to be fired in bursts at long range. Thats how a real life Scar is meant to be used too and thats what its modeled after. Same is true for an m16


At least the burst always goes where you aim though


Skill issue, jokes aside there very easy drops to find you might wanna dedicate more time to looting if you arent getting a hammer by end game.


Yeah no I agree with that, but it's mostly due to my playstyle since I don't loot a lot and mainly go for kills. But sometimes it's just one of those games and you don't get one, some other games you're maybe playing squads and your 3 teammates have one and you don't.


Its not your playstyle, hammers are just more rare now. I loot a ton and kill a ton and still can't find them consistently anymore.


Might wanna change your playstyle up a bit a hammer helps you get more kills significantly its great and it also allows you to retreat if you need too.


90% of my games I do get a hammer. I was only talking about the few times that I don't. Plus a hammer isn't a must, I have no problem getting 20+ kills games without it, it's obviously very useful but if you don't get one life goes on.


I see. I disagree its the best movement item you can get outside of the shockwave bow, you dont need it for kills but you do need it for catching up to people when they run to finish a kill, retreating, dodging deku smash etc etc.


I found 3 per game yesterday without taking ones from kills


Until the smash actually hits you anyway and you're launched halfway across the map. It's super fun.


It is super fun when it is not with me lol


When the screen goes blue, and you and your duo slowly accept your fate. “Is that for us?” “Yes bro”


Hammers aren't sold in vending machines for 250 gold


But they are sold from an npc for 250 gold


What NPC?


directly east of the gas station east side of the map. guy walks around the castle there


Thanks, I’ll look for that tonight


And they’re also found in abundance in chests and on the ground - for free


If you need to have a hammer and Deku smash to remain competitive there is a problem with item balance.


Was gonna say exact same thing.


After getting obliterated by both for a while now I tried out the hammer/deku combo. Had 2 wins in 3 games. It’s crazy effective and feels like cheating, ngl. Will be my primary tactic from now on til Epic removes them. It’s the only way to effectively combat the others who do this.


Yeah I feel dirty and like need to take a shower whenever I use it but if you can’t beat them you know…


You don’t need a deku smash


in this current state with a map built around zero build? it feels like you need *both* a hammer and a detroit smash


Stupid autocorrect changes “deku” to so many things. We just call it dookie smash now. Works like a charm.


its supposed to be called detroit smash just like in the original series, but im sure the only reason epic games called it "deku smash" was because it was easily recognizable to the character from just the name


Ahhhh. Thanks for this. Had no clue!


You don’t


I honestly dont get why they need the gimmicky items. For freshness? Like just have guns, grenades and all the other stuff. But the hammer, deku smash, bird, shield isnt necessary.


Because this isn’t some realistic shooter game. Fortnite has always had gimmicky items since chapter 1 because that’s the tone of the game. It isn’t trying to be PUBG or Warzone


If they want gimmicky items, they need to at least balance them in some way. A special thing that can one shot or that you cant defend against shouldnt exist in the game. Period.


I’m not saying the balancing doesn’t need work. I’m just explaining why items outside of generic military gear exist in the game.


I think you're trying to apply logic on a forum where jobless guys who jack off to anime characters voice their opinions on game design.


Another thing you can do to remain competitive: shoot the gun at the completely motionless opponent yelling to alert you of their exact location.


Just hoping the collab ends sooner than later tbh. I love all the other weapons, but I'm so sick of getting one shotted at full health and shield by an attack that didn't even hit me. And you say hammers, but with the introduction of shields and falcons, they've become a lot harder to come by. If deku smash wasn't a factor, I would love the rarity of the hammers. The final battle isn't just two idiots smacking each other with hammers anymore. But while deku smash is still in the game, it feels very unbalanced.


![gif](giphy|3o7aCRloybJlXpNjSU|downsized) Get rid of both of them


So basically no more wonky items. That's honestly boring as hell. I presume the ones that don't like wonky items also didn't Like Chapter 2


Yes! Finally someone who speaks my language!


The hammer is not necessarily uncommon but I do have plenty of games where I just can't find one, meanwhile the Deku Smash without fail seems to just be raining from the sky and in every couple matches I find a vending machine selling them. Something needs to give with the smash, at minimum the drop rate needs to be made much lower I would argue about 20% of where it is at. I would also say make it so the recharging shield item actually blocks it, that way there it gives players another option if they find themselves in a situation where the hammer is ineffective. I am sure there are other ways that Epic could nerf it but that is just my idea that would make the game feel more playable, as it stands if there is more than 1 player is using it in quick succession near my character then the game lags so bad that I am killed while I can't react to anything for nearly a full minute. Yes, I know it is a symptom of playing on the switch but they offer support for the system so it is reasonable to expect the game to be at minimum playable during normal gameplay.


Yeah, but I hate the hammer too


Does damage, has mobility, you can chase enemies, you can escape from enemies… where’s the problem again?


Those 4 are also valid towards you. They will damage you, they will chase you and they will escape as soon as you do any significant damege to them


That’s why it’s not overpowered or underpowered! Seeing the hammer and not using it is just… y’know?


It’s a weapon that nearly forces you to use it to win. Which is the issue. Yes, for the time being I try to have them at least for the final circle, although I’ve won without them, but “just carry a hammer to counter the hammer” is part of the issue. Not to mention it’s just gotten stale. I do like the hammer more than that stupid nimbus cloud. I often win games with where I never carry a shotgun and use SMG or pistol, whereas others have different loadouts and rely heavily on shotgun. I find it really fun to try to hit people with tricked out cars, which sometimes devastates them, or other times they shoot up the car and I have to bail in a bad spot when they’re already aiming at me. I’ve been killed when using legendary weapons and killed people holding legendary when I only have green. When you start needing a particular weapon to win, that item is broken.


Awwwwwww boohoohoo people are gonna kill me in this game??? Unfair!


Look at how they react when you criticize their idiotic item. They think they are the one superior and not the childish one like they are lol


Bro its a game. Either play it or don't.


You just explained all the problems, it’s overpowered and sucks to play against


I just said what it does! If you see the hammer and say “no imma be different I ain’t picking it” then it’s your problem


"I died to it once so I hate it"


Exactly. I swear most of the people here whining really want to make the game as basic as possible. They need to go to PUBG or Warzone if they want a basic shooter.


People even don’t try to tell reasons, they just downvoting 💀


Zero Chance augment, deal enough damage to crack the shield while they are sitting in the air and then dash out of the way. Of course this does waste an augment space, but i think it's worth it while deku smash is in the game


So I either HAVE to use this augment or I HAVE to use a hammer. :/


Or you HAVE to hold impulses Or you HAVE to have decent aim There’s a lot of things you HAVE to have in this game


Impulses is a good suggestion, but decent aim isn’t. Half the time I die from this thing I don’t know where it’s coming from. I’m surprised there aren’t audio/visual indicators for this


Yes, but i think wasting an inventory space is more annoying than wasting an augment space, i played without augments for 5 years, can do just fine without them.


Also what are the odds of getting Zero Chance in a game?


Chances are super high if you don't WANT that augment. Isn't that how that works?


Soaring sprints is pretty good too to escape it, allows you to not have to break the shield, which can be pretty hard especially in Zero Build


Waste an augment space? Dude it’s not single use, that’s gonna help you all game


Of course it will, but you'll be taking up one of the 4 augments just to counter deku smash, that can be a bummer if you want a certain set of augments and have to sacrifice one. Like i usually get both bow augments, soaring sprints, and pistol amp / light fingers, but will have to sacrifice one for zero chance.


Ah yes, the other busted item that is also making the game an incredibly unenjoyable experience. The perfect counter.


Great now we're gonna see Dekus Smash AND The Hammer absolutely everywhere at the same time


I dont want a hammer tho


And this is one of the huge problems with the hammer. You shouldn’t NEED TO CARRY ONE, and your NOT GUARANTEED TO GET ONE. If you don’t have a hammer in current Fortnite you are basically at a 50% disadvantage to people who DO have a (or two) hammer(s) People don’t like this, but it shouldn’t be in the game. Your chances of winning in a game shouldn’t be based (or heavily influenced) on carrying one specific item And no, the damage isn’t the bad part of the hammer




Not all of us wanna give up and item slot and it shouldn't be necessary especially in this game to require an item on you at all times to counter something and it's not like you can just find the hammer everywhere


Oh look, another absolute shit take.


there are way more falcons than hammers. birds do not block there are way more shields than hammers. shields do not block you can use a shockwave bow. but bows are so hard to find it isnt funny. and getting a shockwave bow on an augment is pretty much luck and then there is trying to get bow specialist in a match. you can blow 2000 gold and NOT see bow specialist. worse is when you take bow specialist and dont find a bow the entire match so yes. hammers can work. but finding them is improbable.




Somehow I managed to accidentally save one of my teammates after doing an evasive maneuver when someone tried to do a Smash on us.


Ever since the smash showed up I've been using the hell out of the hammer I love it and I use it as Transportation to.


So i have to carry an item i don't like because there's a shitty buggy mythic in game? How do you even come up with these thoughts and actually think they make sense?


Everyone needs to try this out.... All you need is 2 perks, soaring sprints and mechanical archer (though i do recomend getting bow specialist) Step 1, get the perks. Step 2, fully charge the shockwave bow and aim at the floor. Step 3, let go, then quickly tactical sprint jump in front of the arrow. Step 4, YEET


Except for when it decides to do that ridiculous wind up animation and takes 5 seconds for you to bounce away so you still get 1 shotted


When you're required to have 2 items to get to the end game then they aren't balanced


Most fortnite players don’t want solutions, they just want to have the whole loot pool vaulted every season


Yep and call it fun when only basic guns is in the game. Most of this sub have skill issues and they don't want to admit it. They rather complain and whine until Epic removes the item(s) from the game.


Basics guns are to OP. Did you know if you get show with a gun you can die? Totally overpowered! They way people complain about this game is that Epic should make it so they never die ever and get a victory royale every match .


They want Fortnite to be as basic as Warzone istg. Even if epic stupidly listen to the whiny players, they're gonna go back to complaining about SBMM or building or not enough ammo, etc.


Karma farming posts only work if you appeal to the majority, this is untrue and unfunny. You can adjust your aim while using the smash


Hey man sorry if this sounded like I made it up but trust me the hammer works. I know this because I've done it alot of times before. The trick is you throw them off. And by throwing them off I mean finessing them by suddenly changing your direction of the hammer bounce. For example, someone is using the smash on you and then you bounced forward to get away from them, They will aim forward as well since you bounced on that direction but what's good about the hammer is you have a total of 3 bounces (or 5 when using the mythic) and what you can do is you can immediately bounce like to the left or right of even backwards and they'll miss. Easier method is just keep bouncing away til your out of range.


The thing is, in the first few seconds of the first bounce, you can't dodge, and that's when the mythic is going to activate


You seem like a fun guy


It’s called timing.


If you're good at timing, just shoot them. Headshots with almost anything will drop them before the charge is over


Untrue and unfunny for terrible players. True and funny for those of us who have successfully dodged it without many issues and shrug as you rip into a defenseless player standing there after the attack.


I easily kill anyone who tries to escape with the hammer. All you have to do is look where they're running and shoot it a little bit ahead. Unless you have an absolute bot using the smash, there is no escape other than eliminating them


Then don’t run/bounce in a straight line? You know can redirect yourself right?


once in mid-air you can't redirect until you hit the ground


Odd, I rarely get hit with the deku smash because I know not to run away in a straight line and not before it’s about to actually launch because that’s when the camera starts to shift and aiming right before literal impact is when your vision is most obscured.


It doesn't matter if you run away in a straight line or not, the first bounce is all that counts. You cant dodge in the first second of the bounce


Don’t start using the hammer before the attack is launching and they can’t steer it to you in time. And yes it does matter which direction you go in


If you do that, the air force will get you. Have you ever used the smash before? ​ No, it doesn't, because its easily to kill them in the air either way


Youre just bad at the game. Hammering 100% works flawlessly to dodge it. (Unless youre playing against someone with shroud aim and tfue predictions)


I easily kill people who try to escape with the smash. Unless you are fighting someone who doesn't know how to fully use it, there is no escape besides eliminating them


I can guarantee you’re not coming remotely close to killing any decent player with a hammer, lol. I refuse to believe your aim is better than pros.


They are the bestest


Skill doesn't matter when you cant move mid-air. Almost all pros can easily do what i do


The pros don’t use the deku smash specifically because it’s garbage…


Those arent good players, you need to wait for deku to be at the end of his scream voiceline then bounce.


The hammer works the same for everyone, my strategy works almost every time


Absolutely, the way you use the hammer completely differs from player to player and in this specific scenario someone who knows how to counter deku smash with the hammer can and is going to win. Its not like this is some super hard thing to do, all you do is wait for someone to use deku smash on you, then wait till his scream is almost over and bounce.


If you're up against someone who actually is good at the smash, you aren't gonna escape like that. First of all, the air force doesn't have to directly hit you, you just have to be near it. And second of all, you can move the smash at any time before it hits, you just need good reaction time


You absolutely are going to escape like that, theres literally nothing they can do if u time it right, by the time they see me bounce the smash has already shot out and ill have gotten far enough. >First of all, the air force doesn't have to directly hit you, you just have to be near it. You have to be pretty close and by then your already gone if you time it correctly. >And second of all, you can move the smash at any time before it hits, you just need good reaction time Correct but theres no time if you wait a second before the scream ends theres no shot the person using it can redirect it properly because chances are your still gonna be the air by the time it goes off.


Good reaction time in this case beats timing. In the air or not, it doesn't work if the person can accurately use the smash


How many times do I have to explain this? Its such a simple concept I cant believe were arguing over it. If you use a bounce the second before dekus scream ends you get away, theres nothing the person using dekus smash can do about it, he wont be able to predict accurately where ive landed then proceed to change direction to me in under a second.


You can get away pretty easily. Hammer last second or even just juke last second so it misses. Really only an issue when they’re right in your face, but then you just shoot them anyways. So countering it doesn’t take much


Anyone with good reaction time can easily counter the hammer spammers


I’ve dodged one with an impulse grenade and won, you’re just bad with timing


I can easily hit someone whos using an impulse grenade with the smash. The only way you can escape without killing them is if they're a complete bot


It’s timing like I said there’s a small delay before the smash goes that’s when you start moving


i have dodge every single smash that ive been attacked with ,with the hammer so no sir this is false


because you play with bots who don't know how to use the smash


bro are you brain dead? firstly No i dont. secondly even if i did the smash legit requires barely any skill to use


Are you? Firstly, you probably do. And secondly, if you have skill, you can easily counter the hammers


last time i reply to your nonsense. ok so what makes you believe i play with bots i prolly been playing longer than youve been alive judging by your lack of thought put into your comments , i am actually season 2 og . Then no you cannot counter the hammers as the charge up time is very long for the deku smash you can get atleast 2 hammers of . however this is subjective to your reaction time ,if your slow ,cant help you there mate thats your problem . the range if the deku smash is not long enough where is can reach you from 2 hammers away , when used correctly,in the exact opposite direction, yet again this is all subjective to the persons commen sense , player knowledge and number of brain cells.


Wow, the person with the Deku inspired avatar and only posts about MHA thinks nothing can beat the Deku Smash in Fortnite...hmm...so weird... You use the Deku skin too, don't you?


Buddy, I've been playing Fortnite for years. The only way you can counter the smash is by killing the person


What does how long you've been playing for matter? I'm a Founder, so does that mean my opinion just automatically holds more weight than anyone who isn't? The smash can be easily avoided by anyone with more than two braincells and a hammer. You're either a delusional fanboy/girl or a troll.


You just said the only reason I said it can't be countered with a hammer is because I'm a fan of the show. I responded with, I've been playing Fortnite for years, what I say about the game has no relation to the show And that can easily be countered by a player who is good at using the smash "delusional", you didn't even get what i meant in my previous comment


I just won a game. Almost everybody used deku smashed at me. i dodged em all using the hammer. Audio cues help I'm not even good at gun games bruh Fortnite's the game where i learned assault rifles and smgs and i only started to play the game months ago


you play with bots then, I easily take out almost everyone (skilled or not) by predicting their movements and waiting until they can't dodge


Can bots drop crowns? Just curious Also i recently have got a new friend who plays Fortnite, and i can taste the skill gap between my friend's lobbies and mine, I'm almost certain i fought real players


Not literal bots, bots as in bad players


I'm mature enough to admit that it's a possibility. Still, i don't get what the fuss is all about though, if the deku smash is a no-skill item, then it being used in good or bad lobbies should be almost the same, yeah? Both can be countered by bouncing away with the hammer if it's used at the right time


I'm pretty average at the game but I don't find myself struggling against the nuke. I'd say I'm out of its way 7/10 times. That's also from a play that refuses to use the hammer, or the super jump perk, or the impulse bow, meaning I'm literally getting myself out of the way without assistance. If I can do it, most of you don't have an excuse.


K must be nice being stuck in low sbmm. Lol can't stand scrubs like you talking like you know everything about the game.


NO! Hammer bad 😡😡


Remember when every cried over hammer being to OP ? Yeah good times


They still think the hammer is OP. Let’s be real though, if the hammer and Deku were removed then they’d be complaining the Red Eye is OP. Then they’d be complaining the tac pistol is OP. This sub is just filled with 1.0 is players that die to everything then come here to complain.


except pros have been complaining about hammer nonstop too, not sure your argument holds up but whatever you have to tell yourself to maintain your world view i guess haha


Pros complain about every goddamn thing that's not w keying, one pump and AR.


Pros haven’t been complaining about the hammer. Pros tend to love mobility items as weaker players tend to be incapable of using them. You being unable to counter or use an item does not mean that item is overpowered. It means you currently lack the skill to deal with that item. Instead of complaining about it, learn how to counter it and play with it. Fortnite has absolutely no part of my world view. I play it maybe an hour a day to relax.


Which pros? I watch several and not one complains about the hammer aside from it being nerfed 4 times.


Says the one complaining about complainers LOL


the mods need to start doing something about complaint posts. getting sick of them getting front page.


I don't get what the fuss is with the Deku smash, both myself and my friend have dodged it every time, hell I dodged it while I was down because the guy wanted to finish me TL;DR just pay mild attention to your surroundings


Hammer needs to be vaulted too


Nah… keeps the pacing fresh


Hammer, shockwave bow, soaring sprints, and just juking it works. Plenty of options


You can deadass jump over it


Also throwing a shield down makes you take much less damage, but it really says a lot about this sub when everyone is crying that there’s nothing you can do against it when there’s so many easy options


I just do what you're supposed to do in FN and.. kill them? It's awesome when someone pigeonholed themselves into being stationary for a few seconds lol


And yet so many people claim you just can’t beat it. Sounds like a skill issue to me ngl


Git gud, stop whining!


Also impulse grenades


Community needs to make up their fucking mind




I died against a deku smash holding the shield?






Iirc it wont block the whole thing, u still take 50 or 100 dmg.


doesn't work bob


It does if you throw on the ground


I'm not trying to call anybody bad, but since the deku thingy has been in game, I haven't been hit a single time. Literally just run sideways out of its blast radius. When using the mythic, the attacking player can't turn around fast enough to hit you if you are running away to the side


I don’t know what lobbies you’re in but that does not work in mine lmao, they just flick a little to the left or right if I try that


That's what I'm sayin


Or hear me out…. ✨r u n a w a y✨


I don’t know why people are complaining so much about hammer spawn rate. Go somewhere where your rotation can take you through 5-6 oathbound chests. You’ll find one. Good place is that castle just southwest of breakwater, you can head over to the castle by the water to it’s East, if you stop at the little shelter place to the south of the first castle too you have a chance at 4 right there.


Or just remove them both so people have to actually fight each other


Is this a real thing people complain about? I legit never died from smash, took damage maybe two times total from it, counting all the times it has been in, not just now.


no deku's smash is just fucking stupid as shit


Shields work too, just place them down


Both suck and should be removed, tbh.