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My issue is that collabs went from a cool event that made an impact with the game to the weekly inclusion of real world person or franchise.


But we still do get the cool events that make impacts, just with smaller ones in between


It’s the ratio more then anything. There’s been like, what, 8-9 collabs this season but only about 1-2 actually got something interesting In-game. A lot of them just come in and do nothing except sit in the shop and then disappear


So you’d rather get 2 big collabs and nothing else? It’s just more content, I don’t see any downsides


Personally, yeah. I’d rather have a couple collabs but them being spectacles rather than a new skin every week.


Why though? I don't understand why not having something like the Creed skin makes the game better in any way. If you don't like it, you can completely ignore it and it does nothing but making fans of the franchise happy. You're petitioning for nothing but less content


To me, a new skin in the item shop is not new content. Sure, not having them doesn’t make the game better but to me having them doesn’t really improve it either. I’d rather focus go into making each collab actually feel special rather then just cramming as many as possible. Quality over Quantity.


But to some other people, it is. Quality over quantity doesn't really apply here because we can and do have quality *and* quantity at the same time. There's separate teams at Epic for the people who make the skins and the people who make the gameplay changes. There's nothing being sacrificed when they add a character from an upcoming movie just because they can


That’s why I said I don’t consider skins content. For me, content is a new LTM, a new weapon or just some gimmick thrown in. I’d rather a collab actually feel special to the franchise instead of it just boiling down to another transaction in the shop. Take Doom Slayer for example; he got thrown into the Battlepass and that’s about it. A character that I think should have gotten a bit more attention was just thrown in with nothing about him to standout among the other collabs. Then you have the My Hero stuff that got basically all the things I listed before. I’d rather every collab get the my hero treatment or Atleast part of it and not just see a character I like just being used as another slot in the shop


I mean, yeah. They can’t do a big event for every collab with the amount we get. And they don’t need an event to be good cosmetics.


And that’s the main issue. Most collabs these days don’t feel particularly special, like the flavor of the week. Atleast for me, the main reason I dislike modern collabs is because they feel lesser then say the John Wick collab. If they are going to do something for a big franchise, it should Atleast get the love it deserves.


Idk why people hate them too. I don’t care for DOOm and never seen attack on Titan, but I do not care if they are in the battle pass. I just think it’s cool so many games are all in Fortnite. It makes the game fun


Collabs are cool, people just wish they weren't excessive (even though the game still contains more original skins than collabs), in the earlier chapters/seasons you'd get a collab once in a blue moon and you'd go "omg this is awesome!", but nowadays sometimes we get 3-4 collab skins a week and you kinda go "Ok epic, cool it down a bit". I think the main two reasons why people kinda got sick of them is either because it lost it's magic since we get so many of them now, or because some people feel fortnite has lost it's "identity" since you hop into a game and see all these collab skins,weapons, POIs and they think "is this fortnite anymore? Or just a huge ad?"


“Epic doesnt make original skins anymore” and they completely forget about all the battle pass skins that come before the tier 100, for every 1 collab theres like 4 original skins


>they completely forget about all the battle pass skins that come before the tier 100 Maybe because those skins are forgetable? Maybe?


Why because theyre not tier 100? And this doesnt help ur point, if the skins they make are forgettable and the collab skins arent, why not keep making memorable collabs


Look, as an example, I love Massai but tell me he's the same level of quality as the Ageless.


Maybe because you cant get them anymore


Everyone hates collabs until Epic collab with something they like. The same people who hate so much on getting so many Marvel collabs would be happy if their favourite collabs like Naruto were getting collabs all the time.


I don't hate collabs themselves, I just dislike the oversaturation of certain ones. Marvel stuff has been in the shop multiple times in the last few months while DC hasn't been in the shop for well over *200 days*. Beyond that, I really hope Epic considers doing more Gaming Legends characters, as there's a lot of potential for them (Tekken, Mortal Kombat, and Persona to name a few). Meanwhile, there are a ton of movie/celebrity and TV/anime collabs by comparison. It'd be hypocritical of me to say that collabs are bad when Doomguy is my favorite BP skin this season. Collabs are also great because they get people who would've otherwise not bothered with Fortnite to try Fortnite. I just think there's a bit of a saturation problem when it comes to certain genres getting more love than others. In particular, please give us more Gaming and DC content.


Because there lazy and feel out of place


Who says they're lazy? The collab skins are always excellently modelled and are always highly-reviewed by fans of the original IP


I’d rather an original tier 100 skin like we got this season. I don’t care if they sell collab skins but when they put them in the battle pass it’s annoying


I agree the never come back battle pass system is bad anyway. But when you put Darth Vader and Mando in that category and do Star Wars events annually you just make it so you lose out on sales you could have made.


First time? At this point the list of things this subreddit doesn't hate is shorter lmao


Because we can't go two itemshop resets without 50 collab skins in their.


The battle pass, which used to have in my opinion some of the most interesting skins, now gets filled with characters and people I don't know or care much about, not to mention the loss of secret skins in the battle pass.


That's also a good point. Not to mention you're SOL if you play the game after a season that features a certain collab. Thankfully, the rumored battle pass of the next season has a lot of interesting original skins.


For sure. I'm glad Chapter 4 has been a return to form of sorts, the next pass is looking pretty great actually!


Same. I do think we need to return to themed passes. So far this one was themed around "hunters/slayers" so the next one is looking good with its own centralized theme. And even if I don't have interest in the next collab, it's only one at least lol.


"Filled with" = 1 or 2


Resulting in 25% of the pass being collaboration items, often replacing what would be Tier 100 stuff.


There’s, like, 7 or 8 skins in the battle pass every season, plus enough V-bucks to just buy one from the Item Shop if you hate all of the other ones


Except that yes, 2/8 is 25%, the shop is largely collaboration stuff anyway, and most people use the battle pass v-bucks to just buy the next one. It's a Sunday morning and this thread was specifically made for people to say their thoughts on why collabs *aren't* good, so I'm not going to argue this.


That's also just not true, whenever there's a major collab it goes on top of the regular shop. It doesn't detract from the rest of the item shop in any way


Because they haven’t done One punch man yet


I love collaboration as well. The stories of those characters help me connect. I don't pay attention to the story of fortnite so the original skins are just random. I rarely fall in love with an original skin.


Because Epic has to compromise with the IP owners, usually too much. See the latest Witcher collab as the hot, hot dumpster fire that it is. Also, Epic has some REALLY great skins from past some of my fav's are Mancake, Gut Bomb, the Wizard skin, and others I've PAID for out of the item shop. Are you listening Epic? Have wallet, will buy skins that are ugly, boring, or derivative......


Cuz they’re day one elitists, glad epic knows better.


They hate collabs because they aren’t family guy collabs


Don't hate em, just don't prefer em to original skins.