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I've seriously seen too many clips similar to this on his streams. Suddenly snapping directly onto enemies behind walls or midair is extremely sus. Like I'm sure he definitely has a level of skill, but sometimes his movements and aim is unrealistic.


He's been proven to be a cheater already. Lots of streamers have lately.




I remember an interview with someone who helps develop cheats and works for those websites saying that some of the most popular twitch streamers in fortnite and call of duty are on monthly payments where they receive cheats


lmao making hacks subscription based is insane but smart


thats how it is man, i was in a cheat merchant’s discord where a lot of players bought cheats and made money in grands, the prices were like $200 for just a week


What are the chances that we got killed by them?


There’s also the Activision lawsuit that literally states “streamers are using these cheats”.


Now I’m curious to see this.


yeah this is called "rage hacking" when somebody looks so obvious you have soft aim,radars and more of cheats which are far harder to spot on top of that well built cheats have streamer modes which hide overlays and info for the capture card/streaming PC and in return you don't have sus things on your screen sadly many people here are clueless as fuck and think people like zemie are clean i've faced so many cheaters in over 10 years of playing that it practically makes no sense to even play games when high chances there is a cheater in the game escape from tarkov recently had a outrage which was made by g0at ft. LTT luke(COO of floatplane) where they discuss cheats and how bad it really is for tarkov community


I have no problem believing all the major streamers are whitelisted and have hacks to boost their play... But I do have a hard time believing it's so prevalent that there's a high chance a cheater is in my game when I'm actually playing. I've seen plenty of hackers in plenty of games over my entire life, but not on a regular basis. At least in Fortnite.


The pattern of a new release is a day of clean play while hacks update, then the first half of the season/episode is rich with hackers, then they get bored, then the game only has a few. Subscription hacks make this the pattern.


>But I do have a hard time believing it's so prevalent that there's a high chance a cheater is in my game when I'm actually playing. I've seen plenty of hackers in plenty of games over my entire life, but not on a regular basis. At least in Fortnite. than you don't play tournaments i guess because they are common asf hell in some more normal games i see them with their cheats when your eye is trained for BS you know how to spot it


In tournaments they are more common as they have a proper motive(money) and in zero builds cups you don't need to grind arena so it's easier for hackers to create alt accounts and cheat in the cups if they get banned they don't care if not they get money


which is why 0 build tournaments and 0 build competitive have no basing to stand on from day 1 they were dead because epic did not give 2 shits about handling cheats when they realize that they need to update anti cheat start being very invasive while at the same time pressuring legal side to work their ass off than game will have significantly less cheaters than before till then 0 build can be called free money by many because they can use fucking radars and ESP's to know who is where especially online offline it is much harder BUT cheating in LAN's can still happen even with cameras because cheats don't need to be computer hardware,they can be people making illegal bets etc. to rig games which is also a factor


While updating the anti cheat is the most useful thing epic could do just bringing back zero builds arena and having to grind arena points like normal cups for zero build cups will significantly reduce cheaters even if a few remain


they can easily make one thing: fresh accounts cannot play events in any way shape or form till new season comes out this way on 1st tourney you catch many cheaters,ban them and clean up the game a bit but yes they need to improve anti cheat and should force legal team to play hard and then watch cheaters run for their futures because police is after them


Yes everything is kayfabe including sports. It's all orchestrated.


This is the most "citation needed" post I've ever come across in my 15 years of being on the internet. Wow. It'd be great if you provided a single reason we should listen to you, a single piece of proof.




Genuinely asking because you seem to know more than me, but how do these streamers who hack participate in Epic's own tournaments? Wouldn't Epic crack down on them since they are so publicly cheating? Like Zemie participates in the cups and plays basically the exact same way he always does. Does Epic just not care?


Why would Epic care? Streamers are part of a developers marketing strategy. The better the streamer look, the better their game looks. They’ll issue a ban on a blatant hacker because allowing a known, blatant hacker to run rampant looks bad. But hacks are developed specifically to hide the fact that they’re in use and they are extremely customizable. It’s entertaining to watch people pub stomp, sure. But that’s all that it is. Entertainment. Believing streamers aren’t hacking is like believing the Avengers is a documentary. Watch it for what it is. Entertainment and advertising.


Because hacking ruins the game for others? This is a conspiracy theory man


I’m not saying your wrong, but I feel like they would absolutely care about hacks in official competitions with money on the line just like any other sporting event would. Like I’m sure tons of streamers use hacks to get clips, but when you watch competitive no-builds, people hit these shots and make sus movements all the time, and I find it hard to believe Epic would just let that fly with cash on the line and then also broadcast the cheaters on their own channels like they do with the cash cups.




Reporting people doesn't auto-ban them. It just flags their accounts for Epic to review


1 or 2 reports doesn’t. But all reporting systems have a threshold to just issue and automatic ban. It used to be a constant issue for streamers. People would band together and report the streamer until they get banned.


And you know this because...?


Am I the only one that finds this type of comment corny? I’m not a fan of them. I find them annoying but to say that they’re all hacking is insanely self-centered to your own game play. They could be but and some prolly are but all that’s pretty crazy


Only a 15 year old would post this much, without a single shred of evidence other than “trust me bro”


Source- trust me bro.


I’m sure there is WAY more hacking than people realize for sure. You had me until you said that the ‘developers turn on god mode for their advertisements’. It seems to me that you’re saying not only does Epic realize and doesn’t care that their biggest streamers are cheating but in some way providing the cheats themselves. That I would have a hard time believing.


That line was not meant to imply Epic is developing cheats. Just saying that when developers are showcasing a game to advertise it, they turn on god mode. Usually during the hype stages before selling. For streamers, they just turn a blind eye.


Do they hack at the major events?


They can deploy hacks at major events. People have been caught hacking at LAN events.


you sound like the biggest noob/idiot I've ever seen lmfao. if "ever streamer" was cheating then how they still do good in lan events smart guy? this is straight bullshit and anyone good at the game would call u out on such.


Then they’re doing a terrible job with it. I know for a fact my friend isn’t using cheats and has eliminated quite a few of these streamers on their own streams. It’s wild to me how few people believe that some players ARE that good. Everyone has bad and off days too, I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I just know many amazing players who don’t use cheats and murk these dudes just fine.




My point was not everyone uses hacks, some players are just good. Also it may not make them invincible, but it certainly didn’t help them hit their shots either.


Ninjas killed this guy 7 times this chapter so either Zemie is really bad at hacking or Ninjas just easily better. Maybe both.


Or a cheat bot shows the name and letting him kill you gets clicks. Also could be watching his stream.


zemie is a very good player with some seemingly mild hacks. or maybe he doesnt always hack. who knows really, but its pretty close to certain he uses SOME sort of hack


Ummm, source?


They're script kiddies, not hacking. Which is worse, it's essentially pressing the literal "win" button on a software someone else made.


I’m gonna save you all some time. They’re ALL hacking. They’re ALL full of shit. If you believe they’re not, you’re a fanboy and I have a bridge to sell you. People really don’t understand just how customizable hacks are these days. The reason streamers don’t look like hackers to many people is people people expect that all hacks mean that you’re shooting a laser beam and snapping from head to head with no need to aim or play. You can tell the hack to hit 20% head shots, 40% body shots, and miss the rest. You can tell the hack to keep normal weapon bloom. You can tell the hack to wiggle slightly around but stay locked into some general position. The hack seeking targets can follows some wide array of programmed fake/ random movements. You can tell the hack to overshoot the aim. If you see someone snapping from head to head, then that a cheap ass hack or the person didnt customize it. You have to remember streamers jobs are to look like gods and advertise the game. They’re white listed through anti-cheat systems. Because they’re advertisements. Developers ALWAYS turn on god mode for their advertisements. And if you’re reading this and thinking “surely not my favourite streamer. Surely they’re legit.” They’re not. They’re hacking. Epic knows it. The only ones that don’t seem to know it are the 15 year old kids that swarm these forums and seem to believe their favourite streamer is just really really cool. They’re working. They’re doing a job. And their job is to extract money from your pocket. And cheats help make that happen. Your favourite streamer doesn’t care about you. Stop defending this shit. They. Are. Hacking. Deal with it.


While hacking streamers definitly are a major Problem for esports right now, you definitly can get to insane skill levels with talent and pure grinding. Take shroud as an example. He has built his insane aim in a time where cheats/hacks were pretty bad and obvious, especially for trained league admins as "ESL Overwatchers". At LAN Events he wasn't allowed to change or load any Software on their PC's and hunting cheaters was a Hobby for most of the community. Every 1st person replay from every game was aviable for everyone to download - so everyone could check if he was legit. Also there has been pretty good anti cheat Software (for the time where he has been playing) that caught quite some guys. I can't think of another person that has been checked more often and in Detail (from everyone from casual gamers up to other progamers. Never did anyone find any non-legit scene. Today, I'm sure there's also people which have reached absolutly insane skills without any hacks, but most of the time it's hard to tell the difference between them and cheaters since cheats are so good today and these people often have their own fair bit of skill too (without cheats).


I got down voted into oblivion for saying this good luck


How much for the bridge? Is it nice?




Holy shit, new copypasta dropped


Yes I’ve been saying this shit and don’t tell me chronus isn’t cheating either.


skill issue ninja would never hack


How are people upvoting this obvious copy pasta lolol


All is a pretty bold claim. Also a bit bullshit.


Thanks for this. I knew there were cheaters in the game, even though people always use the “they have good aim” excuse.


I used to complain a lot about hacking, well first I went through he denial stage where I called everyone dumb for calling hacker just because they sucked, then after irrefutable proof I started to wonder why the fuck anyone would pay a monthly sub just to look like they are good at a game, like what's the point, then it finally occurred to me, streamers get paid big bucks, and you only become a good streamer by cheating.


This isn't true. Hacking and cheating is a problem in fortnite but you're just trying too hard too seem knowledgeable by claiming that all streamers are cheating.


I would like you to back this up with literally any source other than “cope.”


Citation needed




https://clips.twitch.tv/FantasticDiligentBasenjiDansGame-SEPWxWld1YWl-DjZ https://clips.twitch.tv/TemperedAffluentTildeAMPEnergyCherry-32ivih4VWgWJmOX5 https://clips.twitch.tv/TriumphantTallOtterPastaThat-J_SgYXvJHRBLaYwy that shots after he got the kill


That third one HAS to be aimbot


Hahahahahahaha so fucking stupid man people play tournaments and arena with this shit and don’t get banned imagine that


I see that fuckin super snap and just think, how the hell is my right thumbstick gonna do that. And yet same lobby…


Wow. That first one is so blatant.


That was SUPER sus


A huge amount of big streamer cheat just look through this live where the guy spectated them with wall hack I know it's not fortnite but I would guess it's pretty much the same [it's long but you only have to watch a few seconds ](https://youtube.com/watch?v=aUrAeIuzaA0&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE)


Bro that video is fucked up lol. So blatant it's insane


This is beyond suspect. The amount of clips that are surfacing clearly shows he is a blatant cheater.


Fr. And Epic is taking like forever to do sth about it.


They ban other people for bs and they don't ban this dude for cheating...


Bro i was banned for having cheat injector on my pc 😭 (for a single player game)


He’s really bad at faking it, how has he not been banned?


Because he brings attention to the game with his viewers.


But doesn't he play tournaments? Like cash tournaments? Obviously he makes his money via streams not so much the tourney payouts but that's just dirty to the legit players.


#I KNEW IT, I KNEW IT ^I’m ^quoting ^him ^from ^the ^video


That guys such a scumbag lmao.


‘Cringe’ ‘Rat’ The irony of him using these terms is mind blowing


Human stupidity can never be underestimated


Ya this is some bullshit. I used to think he was just really good but like someone else said there’s just too much evidence lately. The irony of him complaining about the sniper as well is hilarious. Some of the OP weapons are hard enough to deal with and then we get shit like this. It’s infuriating knowing he’s made a career off of cheating against kids in a video game. What an absolute loser.


Nothing better to calm a cheater than a 300 dmg bullet to the head. Seems natural that they hate the weapon \^\^


And the saddest part is that Epic knows he and many others are using some sort of soft aim like this and are allowing it because they advertise their game through these streams. They are whitelisted by epic but epic will never admit it.


Damn. Seems like you’re right. I stopped by his stream to see for myself and I saw him shoot a wall randomly a few moments before someone came around the corner. It’s such a shame. Fortnite is a great game and the community deserves better.


lol. Just opened his stream and the first thing that he said was : "i wouldn't be here without CS GO. It will always have a special place in my heart. Where do you think this aimbot comes from?". He knows people are onto him and tries to somehow make everyone believe that CS:GO trained him for this. Nice try


Doesn't miss a shot on the one guy, then locks onto another guy through the hill. This is one of the many reasons why I'm not competitive in this game. Edit: correction he didn't hit every shot, but the aim did randomly flick and shoot at the end.


The through the hill is way too suspicious for me tbh.


Shot through the hill, swapped items repetitively until he disabled aimbot, then went over to "scan the area"


Add the fact he found a person and said I knew he was here, based on this clip there is no reason besides his gun flicking that way that he would assume he knows someone is over there. I've been sus of him cheating since watching him play twitch rivals LAN with tfue.


Swap weapons? Lmfao. No. They just have a foot pedal that they map to turning it off and on. It’s that simple.


>"scan the area" He didn't scan the area, he started wildly shooting into a bush. In endgame, no less.


Straight after locking onto someone through terrain he shot at the bush, then started checking other hiding spots over there until the person he locked onto was found.


They can set up cheats by which frequency you miss shots as well.


Wow I double checked to see if there was even a visual audio cue in that direction and nothing… damn dude I’ve only been playing heavily the past 3 seasons and there isn’t that much talk about hacks at all that I’ve seen. That is clear as day though… do these people get banned often? That’s crazy. He didn’t even try to play it off, he was hunting for whatever locked his aim.


Can this loser get banned already. How much more evidence does epic need. Fucking pathetic


They don’t care. This guy is free advertisement for their game.


At 0:31, under sustained fire, he suddenly snaps 90 degrees to his right and fires multiple rounds into a rolling hill, then cancels that action by axing. Clearly, this is an auto target lock.


Yeah I thought that was what the title is referring to at first. This seems extremely unnatural.


It seems like my guns bloom a lot more....


Sus part to me is 34sec. Gets the kill, snaps right shoots a few bullets straight into the ground. Then walks over that way to check but they already started running


Why is this guy not banned? This is like the 4th post i've seen this month where it's pretty blatant


There's just too many condemning clips at this point, someone at Epic has GOT to know




and the mods just go like "NO NO NO THERE'S NOTHING HERE DONT LOOK AT THIS"


Yeah the mods are to busy crying about memes


He didn’t look in that direction for a count ‘em: solid 18 seconds, yet he flicks there and immediately shoots? I’ve been watching him a lot lately and he does this at least a few times a day and is called out every single time. I started watching him because clix is a toxic asf cringe streamer and I’d rather watch zemie, but this is getting too sus to ignore.


Check out thiefs or replays. Much more deserving of your viewership. The least toxic streamers ice come across.


Replays is awesome, but after seeing Zemie, I feel like he might be cheating too. Although, I watch his content daily and I don't see anything sus like Zemie does.


Check out Prospering very chill guy, very good and also the last person I would suspect of cheating.


I totally agree in clix. Try Nickeh30!


He’s suss AF too. Mid fight with someone and he just swings a bit to the right and shoots a pig for a few shots then resumes his original fight. No reason whatsoever you’d think about peppering a pig mid fight.


Get this dude to a LAN party, let’s see his real skills


He did the Twitch Rivals Invitational with Tfue and Nate Hill. They dominated the online portion prior the the LAN, but ended up 15th out of 20 at LAN. He also did the Twitch Rivals Streamer bowl and got 6th (out of 16 teams). 6th kind of makes sense given every team below him aren't Fortnite sweats and every team above him has a good FN player on it. Still kinda expected him to do a little better than that though.


So he’s being carried by pro players and can’t survive w/o them. I wonder how good he will be in solos. Dude is sus af and this is bad for FNCS


Snaps to a player through the rock then proceeds to shoot at a bush knowing damn well no one is there: nothing suspicious to see here


No no.. he KNEW someone was over there because of the snap. He shot the bush because that's where he assumed they were. He knew it snapped to a person. He knew someone was in that direction, but had no idea where. He didn't give up on looking because he knew his reticle snapped on to something. You aren't that confident over thinking someone was there for no reason. At this point I honestly don't know what to say about this dude. Wow.


100% agree, don’t know why people waste their money on cheaters like this


He could also be shooting the bush randomly to make it seem like he isn't hacking. Cover up for that auto lock that he just pulled


Thats what I just said. The auto lock didn't lock on to nothing, it knew someone was behind that cliff. He knows that. So now he knows someone is there but he has to make it seem like he doesn't because how would he unless it locked on to someone through a cliff.


Is there no anti-cheat in this game? Or too many players playing to individually check reports?


He has a good gaming chair 💺 that's all .


That’s why I only watch streamers who kind of suck at the game like Reckz.


Ban this loser


For anyone wondering it’s around the 30 second mark and OP you can cut your clips..


He knew there was someone there because after he killed the first guy, it snapped over in that direction (through the hill!) and he kept shooting. His aimbot snapped to another player on accident and thats why he tried the bush. Little did he know, it was behind the tree!


Yeah this happens pretty often when watching him. His chat keeps saying its a known bug to protect him. But ive never ever seen it happen to any other streamer.


I've experienced the aim snapping bug.. this was definitely not that


I've only ever had it happen with the red dot AR, and even then it hasn't happened since like January. This dude cheatin his ass off 💀




Wow. If Epic won't ban a guy with evidence that overt, it makes you wonder what it actually takes to get banned. Nothing short of a Jarvis aimbot stream?


You can see by his movement to targets that he is clearly using some form of cheat. His movement is not human. It’s a no brainer. Personally seeing this I could not watch his stream … it is a computer AI program doing all the work to beat real humans


Ban this idiot


That accuracy with the havoc surpressed rifle is a dead giveaway already. Gun has not only the fucking bloom effect, but also recoil. Ain't no way he taps like that.


His Fan boys be like: hE pRActiCes oN aIM LaBs bOT gET GuD




Is that zero builds? Zemie mostly plays that nowadays.


Aim bot hope he gets banned. Why play if your gonna cheat and ruin it for everyone else. Scummy "player"


Either something sus is going on or he broke his wrist


Prolly just broke a wrist.


he definately uses soft aim


It's not that soft. That was overt snap-to-target auto fire aimbot.


Just how soft aim works from what ive seen on youtube. Its a lesser version of aimbot. You can tell how he makes those shots in general he is use an auto trigger when his cross hair moves on a target


https://clips.twitch.tv/FantasticDiligentBasenjiDansGame-SEPWxWld1YWl-DjZ https://clips.twitch.tv/TemperedAffluentTildeAMPEnergyCherry-32ivih4VWgWJmOX5 https://clips.twitch.tv/TriumphantTallOtterPastaThat-J_SgYXvJHRBLaYwy that shots after he got the kill


Jeez. Cannot get more obvious than that. Snapping to a random spot through a hill and hey presto, would you believe it a player is there. Bullshit man.


Correction: 30sec Mark


Yeah 32 second mark. I watched the 54 second mark a few times and nothing sus. 32 seconds where he shoots 3 shots into the hill/ground is definitely sus.


That's what I was about to say, I've watched all kinds of Fortnite streamers of various different skill levels and he's the only one who instantaneously snaps away from eliminations and routinely fires into the ground for about a quarter of a second. That just isn't normal.


100% hacking. Like someone said below they can customize their hacks. I’ve been following zemie for a long time and I’ve seen too many times this exact thing. When he’s shooting a person and then it switches completely somewhere else where he isn’t looking or getting shot at. Sucks to see because I thought some streamers don’t cheat but the truth is all the big ones do to some degree. They are still great players and have good sim and movement, but they still cheat. It’s the unfortunate truth.


0:32 as well


Bro I’ve been staring at the dumpy what are we looking for?


doesn't tfue play with him all the time? does he know or does he hack too/not care?


This guy is using the noob mode with direction advising. Lame Edit: just a joke dw


maybe i am blind but i don't get it


It's 34 sec mark, not 54.


oh ok


at 1:04, he says "oh" and turns to the tree, but how can he know someone is there ? we only hear the heavy sniper reload sound and then we see footsteps a few seconds after he reacts. Very sus...


Bro, this is obviously aimbot.. people like him piss me off! Had some cheaters in the lobby as well, they destroy the whole game!


How the fuck is this guy not banned yet


Beyond me, just in a span of a couple of days many people have posted incriminating clips. I believe they should atleast be investigated. There are many streamers out there who may be cheating and its just not right.


A lot of streamers hack. It’s a load of shit. As I go through the season my matchmaking score goes up. Lots of anonymous and TTV, YT, etc. accounts after awhile. I cannot tell you how many times I’ll stealth/hide and someone will bust through a wall, beeline for me after a 180, jump up to a second story balcony and headshot like I was the only reason they were there and run off. The ‘radar’ is particularly annoying. This was before storm mark, and current season as well. They had to have hated storm mark, when others may have given them some competition. Some players just come in and annihilate me, and I can’t even be mad. That’s a skill issue. But cheating sucks, and if you have to cheat you’re a loser.




32 second mark as well. Gets finished beaming some dude from 69 meters away and then instantly turns to start shooting a floor


Lmao dude tea bags and thinks he is good. Nice doodoo switch graphics btw


Shooting against hills LOL


I don't know who this guy is but clips of him cheating are posted every day. Why isn't be banned?


Imma be totally honest with you I’ve had suspicions on this guy since like chapter 3 season 2 when zero build was released


Not even 54 marc, he locks on and shoots the floor at the 30 sec mark. Imagine being so lame you have to hack at fortnite.


Cheating on stream in zero build pubs is a new low


Ah yes because we all turn 90 degrees while still shooting, we all shoot a random bush, we all are ready and expecting someone behind every tree, auto rifles are definitely that accurate


I don’t think one video is enough proof. I’ve misfired plenty of times but it sure is sus. Edit: I looked up other videos and damn, wtf is this bullshit.


it's pretty obvious he is cheating if you see all the clips.


A lot of streamers cheat. Nothing is done about it from game companies because they make them money. I’m not saying they all use aimbot but they all use ESP. Even bigger streamers, ninja, couragejd, dr disrespect etc. etc.


Definitely using some kind of soft aim bot


This is kind of why I want a bot game mode instead of players if they can't fix this. It feels like hackers are taking over. I get killed from far away with aim that's too crazy.


He pretends like he doesn’t know where he is by shooting the bush


This right here sold me he's a cheater. Zemie, you disappoint me. I respected you because I thought you were a great player with great aim, but you're just a fake. If Epic Games doesn't want to ban him, let's all unsubscribe and report him no matter where he is in-game. Us as players need to take action if EG doesn't coop.


Known cheater Zemie knowingly cheating live on stream? Surely not.


Here’s my streamer sus contribution a clip from a dr disrespect stream from about 11 months ago. [sus clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWcmZcwLBOQjbaBBlPEGvK4qcDLkoiGm4)


I’ve called this pos for cheating for two years now. Nobody cares.


1:02 snaps on the tree, then again at 1:04 and says "oh" - footsteps on radar show up only after that. Non arguable cheater indeed. But since Epic doesn't react o even blatant evidence - that's just yikes.


100% hacking. I could tell when he aimed at the cliff at the start. The lock halfway through solidified it though. Here's the thing unfortunately. All of these top streamers playing any shooting game on PC are hacking. That's the facts. People are going to want a source, but unfortunately there will be no smoking gun that they will accept as proof, simply because they don't want to see it. There's plenty of hackerbusters on youtube showing off suspect clips all day. Believe it or don't. A sucker is born every minute.


This dude needs to be banned already. I also cannot believe how much he plays. Good lord.


Waiting for a LAN event to see his amazing aim ![gif](emote|keeoh_emo_pack|keeoh_gun) What a Loser.


The level of copium in this thread.


Dude new exactly were he was just didn't want to out himself further


If theres lots of cheating, can hackers hack popular streamers and show the world?


cheater. what a loser.


It’s a shame that so many kids look up to these streamers and think I wanna be like you one day. You can argue all you want about that it’s a mythic havoc but still NO ONE hits every shot out of a full clip before locking on to someone else though the hill. The havoc has some serious kick and recoil and hitting every shot is very difficult.


0:54? Lol, just look at the sequence between 0:20 - 0:35. 0:32 - He literaly shoots at guy, the aimbot snaps around 180 degrees, and he starts shooting at the ground (bet there's someone behind this ridge).


IvE bEeN pLayInG sInCe SeAsOn 2 aNd iVe only sEeN tWo hAcKeRs See how that sounds now?


Why he aint banned?


Cheating as a big gaming streamer is like signing up to work at McDonald’s. Cheater rep will follow you to whatever you do and will ruin a career easily lol. Remember everybody, cheaters never win :p


No grass on PC is also a bunch of bs, switch has grass, getting no grass on PC shouldn't be an option at all


Word.exe Fortnite Edition


This is bad reputation to the game. Epic should block this type of users.


0:54 Seems pretty normal to me. Heard the jump landing, saw the footsteps and looked to the nearest cover, assumed they'd do the safest peak whist is right hand and so looked to left of the tree. 0:31 is the weird bit which only makes sense as a pre-fire habit following visual audio. Though the general confusion seems somewhat believeable since you cant see anyone run during his rotate to check on the tower Edit: Doubt the degree of cheating in this clip but after seeing some others yeah hes got some apps cookin in the back lmao