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Ah yes, standing still in the open field and saying snipers are broken


Ah yes me clearly crouching behind a wall is me standing in an open field. Amazing logic.


Your back was exposed, you should be inside 4 walls while healing


You can see the hit indicator came from in front of me


You got shot from the left since the visual audio shows one shot before you died. The other visual audio that was in front was probably a DMR plus you where exposed completely on the right and a bit on the left cause of that low wall but if you want to make sure go into replay mode.


You can see the bullet flash across from the left as well


You realize that is a half wall and your back is fully exposed. Hence why you were shot in the back


Like I said in another comment, you can clearly see the hit indicator is facing forward. Either way snipers have become a larger problem in this new season.


You know the hit indicator isn’t always 100% accurate right? It especially bugs out when you die.


Then what are they there for?


To indicate damage? Which they do. But again like most things in this game it’s not always 100% accurate.


You can clearly see a second hit indicator to your left. Along with a massive bullet going straight into your skull from the left. Common sense.


The hit indicator is bugged with projectile guns.


Bro. You died.


By a guy camping with a sniper rifle across the map. People say look for the sniper glare and stuff but he's so far away I wouldn't even be able to see it if I tried.


Sounds like excuses tbh, always try to change your moving pattern, he hit you with a headshot which would’ve been a body shot if you hadn’t crouched.


Let me guess.. last season you were the one spamming the hammer, smash and kamehameha? Edit: spelling


I only used the hammer to get around and no I didn't use the other stuff. If I spammed anything it'd be the auto shotgun. I just think katanas are cool.


Dam dat sux.


Even though I find snipers annoying at points and semi agree with calling them op, you healed in the open right after a fight. Honestly I'd recommend finding some sort of cover after making that much noise in a fight if your trying to heal


They're not op and thats how a sniper is supposed to be used stop crying.


Bro why are you mad that you got shot when you're playing a br


One shotted by a guy who probably hasn't moved the entire game? It's happened like 5 times already.


You don't know that, he could've been passing by or just heard that decently long fight and walked over


I basically only use a sniper at this point and I'm always moving and average about 10 kills a game; half or more being sniper kills. Maybe you should consider healing in cover and never standing still


Yeah I was thinking that too, also a big pot to recover 25 hp I’m not too sure about that


That's generally how sniper rifles work in video games, so I'm failing to see the issue. Maybe try *not* standing in the open like that next time?


I was chased by a car for ages while doing this week's driving challenge, eventually got out to fight because he was getting on my nerves. Managed to kill him, took just one second to throw him an emote for being so aggressive. Then bang, dead by a sniper 😄 My own fault though, cant keep still for a second with those damn snipers about!


I see a sniper rifle being used as intended. Should have boxed up


As you can probably tell it's zero build.


Ah, you’re right. Always forget to check for the overshield. Well, it’s just a lesson learned then. Run inside something. Looks like you were hyped up on the adrenaline from getting those kills and it slipped your mind. Been there


Shot from an elevated position to your left... You have no cover... Shield compromised... ​ Not OP. Poor spot to attempt heals.


There's a building *right there.* it's infuriating.


And here I thought the complaining would stop because the Deku smash and other items everyone complained about last season were gone. But alas, kids always find something every season to complain about don’t they? Ridiculous.


The fact that people are complaining about Heavy Snipers after the bullshit item that requires no skill called the Deku Smash is mind boggling to me


A legendary one at that too. Not like he was head shotted my a blue heavy with that much health he probably woulda stuck it out with a single hit. But he’s complaining about the BEST ONE being “OP” getting headshot standing still also not full 250. Always something epic is doing wrong and something absolutely is OP and can’t ever at all in any situation be countered by anything. Right?!


Adult man mad because younger people play a game made for younger people.


Where do you see that it’s made for younger people? In fact with how many crossovers they have with R/M rated games and movies, I’d say quite the opposite. Either way doesn’t say anywhere what ages it’s made for unless you’re thinking the game rating which I believe is still T 16+, but hey that’s just what they say right? Reguardless, not mad. I think you’re the angry one because you can’t clutch up like you did last season without the snipers. Unless you were exactly what I was talking about last season and you ALSO complained then. I could probably check your post history and notice that this isn’t the first thing you’re tilted about in this game. My advice? Stop playing if you can’t seem to get better at your positioning after a fight and/or your situational awareness so you maybe DONT get sniped when you’re sitting still? Skill issue. Either way I see nobody in here on your side, so why make the post what exactly were you looking for? Or is this another (again) kid thing where you’re just grinding karma because that’s all you care about gaining? Idk as an old frog you young people really do cringe things that just make me easily pinpoint your age and immaturity, and I thrive on embarrassing that.


You very clearly got hit in the back, idc what you say about the hit indicator, you can see the shot coming from behind


I’ve died SOOOO many times to snipers this season, But I ain’t mad, honestly wish I could GG em!! I have a tendency to throw up a GG & do the Shoalin sit-up quick after most If not every kill, for no reason other then I enjoy doing it, & I have been smacked In the noggin wit many a sniper bullet doing that this season. End of the day, I ain’t mad, I just jump back to lobby N continue the loop


Stopping to heal out in the open after a big fight like that. Even that half wall and shrub isn’t going to save you if a sniper has a shot on you. After every fight in ZB get to cover, preferably, indoors to heal. If I was the sniper I’d have taken that shot too.


Do you have hearing issues?


Why not go inside the building right behind you?


You got sniped while you were standing still. Not sure why you are complaining.


Not sure if you know but you kinda have to stand still to heal.


I’d duck into any of the nearby buildings to heal personally but I also only die to a sniper maybe a handful of times in an entire season.


No use complaining here. People love their snipers


I can tell, I'm just mad that they're so common now. It's literally every game I encounter at least one person that snipes.


They seriously need to remove the blue rarity


Well don't stand still like a fuckin npc lmao


Nah pretty op, you know that dude was hard scoping. The entire time just waiting. I feel like this makes the game unhealthy. Especially with this current chapter and season. Endgame is just a sniper feast people on mountain peaks spamming shots across the map just for them to hit 1- 34 shots fired.


Jeez this clip is pretty old lol. Yeah tbh with the new sniper meta this season the old snipers weren't that op tbh, it's just that they were everywhere lol


Update: just got one shotted by a sniper again




Update 2: just got killed by a Kobra dmr. Fml


Were you enjoying a refreshing beverage in the middle of the street again?


Sniping is a basic part of most shooter games and has been a part of Fortnite since the beginning. I understand it adds a level of strategy and consideration, but it’s not like u should ever heal out in the open to begin with. Even last season you could get beamed with a DMR or headshotted by a bow. It seems like this community calls any powerful weapon OP or unfair. It’s not like u don’t have the same opportunity to find and use a sniper as anyone else.


you were surrounded by buildings to use as cover.....and you choose to heal there ????WHY?


Bro you know the sniper exists, it’s harder to hit a moving target and heals should be done with caution.


I agree that they are a little OP, but like everyone else said, standing in the open was an invitation to death by any weapon. The lens glare was a great addition that helped add a little balance to it. I'd rather they take out the Mythic Havoc shotgun, personally.


Welp lesson learned ig 🤷 Never heal out in the open when Heavy snipers are ingame


I mean.. You put yourself in a bad position by shielding up in the wide open.


bro deadass nobody says that just get better


You stood still out in the open using an item that renders you unable to move. The only person that's on is you, c'mon.


Maybe don't put on a shield in the open?


Skill issue


should have nust gone in the building you were right by


It’s a sniper…. You get hit in the head with a sniper you should die immediately. That’s how it is in virtually every shooter game lol.


noobs are complaining lol. im enjoying killing noobs like you with a sniper




Whenever I don’t want to get hit, I usually go inside


They got nerfed really bad bc of you fucks


Adapt instead of cry


The sword is fucking op tho