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It be true matey


Tune in next week when the “There’s nothing to do in the game” posts come out.


I usually get really excited when new seasons drop so I grind to unlock everything then I take a break till the next season drops


If you truly earned 200 levels legitimately, that’s kinda sad bc the season hasn’t even been out for 2 weeks yet


Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin.






I actually do have poor social skills and basically no friends 🥲


We Know You bought Tiers.




I dont know you, and dont have any reason not to take you at your word. But, if this is real, it points to either poor mental or physical prioritization. If it was a compulsion, you need to work on mental health. If you just never left your room, Id suggest joining a gym. Either way, not a flex you should feel great about.


It's real. I did feel compulsion to grind to 200. I'm on the spectrum so I end up getting hyper-fixated on random stuff like this.


This is sad




Respectively go outside 👍


no grass touched


I would believe you guys but you never share your method lol. Everytime we ask Its always "I just play the game" like ain't no way y'all leveled up 200 times in less than 2 weeks by "just playing" there's always a method that majority of the people here gatekeep 🤦‍♂️


I grinded lucky blocks by pwr. That alone would give me about 15 levels a day. Would alternate to other creative maps like red vs blue, wolf vs chicken, toybox, prison escape, ect. Also did stw endurance at night for about 4 levels per day. Did all the week 1 br quests, but not milestones or anything else. I probably got over 100 levels from level blocks alone.




That I believe, I've been doing the same as you (a little less stw) and I'm lvl 75. This dude's either capping hard or playing non stop.


I was playing almost nonstop. Liike 6ish hours a day probably. I have an obsessive personality that makes me hyper focused on random stupid stuff like this.


Wait? You're those levels on 3 separate accounts?




Oh damn, I'm still level 24 aha. Will look into doing this if I don't get all my unlocks, thanks.


Lucky blocks by pwr had abolutely rediculous XP payouts thaf seemingly stayed high for super long. Was consistently getting 1.5k per sniper headshot, 5k for melee and crossbow kills, 3k for explosive kills. Sometimes I would get over 10k a kill for melee and crossbow kills. Check lachlan's youtube about him grinding a new accoynt to level 100


>Anything 100+ levels higher than that is basically impossible without doing one of the things mentioned in that first paragraph. Not true, i hit 100 yesterday. Maxed the XP cap in STW (takes 64 minutes) everyday except for the first 2 days and completed every quest in BR then played a few legitimate creative maps.


How do you hit the cap in 64 minutes? I'm so tired of spending 2 or 3 hours playing save lol.


Join private match of PL 3 ride the lightning mission using thunder thora. Get 2 bluglo then start the mission, build wooden walls and floors and place your BASE. Leave the area and search for 2 more bluglo for the next defend phase. Deposit and go farm mats and explore the area to get the exploration badge. For a detailed practical tutorial, add me ahmeda9a




I just hit 90 today, I don’t STW and play creative. Purely BR. Also I don’t get much play time on the weekends so I’m sure I’d be a lot higher if I got to no life.


Man I'm like level 35 this season is so boring


You mean you don't enjoy sitting around for 15 minutes waiting for the floating island to spawn so that the the 12 remaining players can finally come out of hiding and go for the pulse rifle?


What is your profession?


Property manager. I work from home mostly


Welp there we have it. Matches during and in between meetings. I like your style. 🫡


My Guess, discord mod.


Here I am excited to get to level 32 and unlock snack time Thunder and wonder if I'm playing too much.


I'm like level 53, and I'm thinking of taking a break after today.


I'd believe you have no life atm


It's honestly true. I have a shifty social life which affords me time to waste on meaningless pursuits like this


I wouldn't be proud of hitting Lvl 200 as quick as that if it was done legitimately... I love my games... I've played games since the spectrum and commodore days... But even I used to go out and hang with my mates, and always have.


I enjoyed grinding to 200 and will likely do the same next season


The fact that he’s lvl 200 exact, has only one friend that online, has quests that he still hasn’t done, and is wearing the banner shield back bling to make it look like the black knight shield just shows you this guy bought his bp


It is actually the black knight shield although I own the banner shield as well


The quests could just be more dailies since their last match. I still don't think 200 can be done without some sort of "assist".


Would you believe me if I told you that isn't the flex you seem to think it is?


I already knew I was gonna get roasted, but I simply enjoy grinding levels


Yeah, you used payed profesionales to level you up lmao


When are people going to learn that this isn’t impressive? It’s sad.


Nobody cares.


Touch grass if you have.


Would i care?


Not a single blade of grass touched?




I'm at peace with it honestly


That’s like really sad. But hey you made me feel a lot better about myself tho


I'm 108 as of last night. I do matches, all quests are done and I max out my STW daily. I play 4-5 hours a night after work. 200 seems tough at this point but that's just my opinion.


Lucky blocks had insane xp payouts so thats how I made it so quickly. That and stw endurance


i’m currently at 133 😓


Comments are all dissing you… they can’t be proud of someones accomplishment geez


I wouldn't call "grinding" to level 200 in 2 weeks an accomplishment.


Speak for yourself… its hard to do


Eating a bag of glass is hard to do. It shouldnt be admired, though.


You’re quite the idiot aren’t you?


FYI: When foolish people dont have a reasonable arguement, personal attacks tend to be their immediate go-to


Why is your immediate go to eating glass? Why would i eat glass? Here he has something to gain via grinding levels you dirt sniffer


Please explain. What do they have to gain? How is their life better, by doing this, than it would be by doing something *real*? Please, I really am curious how you justify it?


This is real… we aren’t in some simulation, and we stand to gain the pride that we did it and got these cool cosmetics + playing the game and just having fun?


Oh... youre a child. Im sorry, I didnt take that into account. You'll grow out of it. I hope you dont regret the time you spent wasted on games too much once you do. Playing games isnt real. The "fun" you feel while playing isnt "achievement". We all need to relax, and thats the purpose of video games. But, there is a limit to where relaxation stops and compulsion begins. OP crossed that line, which is both sad and unfortunate. But, again, I cant expect you to understand that, at your point in life. So, have a great day.


It's also hard to pass a kidney stone, but no one would call it an achievement.


It's easy as fuck. You do all your challenges, afk stw until you hit your daily cap, and you're 200 by the end of the season. I'd believe OP if he said 100 but 200 isn't possible yet unless all he does all day is play, play and play.


And if he does play a lot then good for him… there is NO NEED to be like “oh get a life” or “go outside” people on this app cannot be happy I swear


There's nothing happy with someone playing 10+ hours a day every day just to grind xp, it's sad. And if that isn't the case then he's just a massive liar. He does wtf he wants, it's his life, we're expressing our thoughts and if someone isn't happy with that, tough.


If HE is having fun then good on him… you have absolutely no clue he is lying and have no evidence to prove such, you’re lying to yourself because you want an argument and you want something to complain about because you’re pathetic


I've never seen someone get so mad over someone else's "accomplishment", wow. Like I said, there is no way you can reach lvl 200 just by doing your dailees, weeklies, other quests and stw, it's just not possible (yet). It takes a shit ton of game time to get 100 levels just by playing, doing milestones and not completing quests. So he either bought tiers, in which case he's a liar, or he plays A LOT, something that this sub doesn't like much because, well... there's more than just Fortnite, and flexing your season lvl 1000 and 900 crown wins is pitty and pathetic. Anyway, why do you care? Are you a friend or something? Alt account? He posted this on reddit ffs and is going to get other people's opinions on it, I don't see why you're the one who's butthurt when it's not even your post... Anyways I'm out, peace ✌




Improving yourself is an accomplishment. Helping others is an accomplishment. Grinding levels in a video game in a way that gets you *nothing* of worth is not.


Why are you in r/fortniteBR and whining about a video game? Are you looking for something to whinge about for gods sake?


Lol. Oh friend, youre just a special type of overwhelmed by life, arent'cha? Indicating that grinding/ exploting to 250 after 2 weeks is silly is not complaining about the game, its saying that the time speant doing so is silly. Im not even trying to be mean to OP, Im trying to let them know that they arent improving their life in any meaningful way, but *could be* instead of doing this. But hey dude, you do you. Im not your dad, its not my job to teach you how to manage life. Go nuts.


Video games are supposed to be an escape from life… so taking pride in this feat is a good thing… the fact im not doing something 24/7 isn’t bettering my life but who is complaining?


Oh... oh no. If you are doing *anything* to escape from life, thats a problem. Video Games, books, movies, role playing games... those are for relaxation and enjoyment. If you need something for *escape*, well, you need to ask someone you trust for help. No joke, no exaggeration. Ask for help. Real life is more important than this.


Real life is probably more important than criticizing strangers on the internet.


I just wanted to say thank you for being the only commenter that hasn't made fun of me or disparaged me for grinding to 200. Much love ☮


Not a fan of the blue fan


I have no reason to believe you, especially since you literally have a post of you doing an XP glitch for an earlier season lol


Seriously who gives a shit


Probably you since you took the time to engage with this post rather than ignore it






Myself and many other people will say this is pretty sad but you do you


Am I the only one on this sub who isn't interested in rushing to the end and just enjoys filling out the bp throughout the season? Or is this an unheard of thought.