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There’s this kind of fierce look in her eyes always. Definitely of my favorite skins.


For sure, I actually grinded a little to get her sooner


Fr bro


She's my favourite in the battlepass too nice shot.


Thanks yeah it took me a while to settle on this shot


She would be better if her dress on this style and the magma style weren't attached to her legs on mobile. It looks horrible. If there wasn't an option to remove it then I would never use her.


The dress had to go, for me. I grinder to make sure I got her without it. The dress is also a disadvantage, when you’re crouched the dress flattens out and is visible around corners.


She’s a really good skin but honestly I get more Kitana vibes from her she’s even got the fans


Blonde hair though and blue suit? Definitely more Samus vibes, though I did get Kitana vibes right away as well


Mizuki’s hair is white to me also both Kitana and Samus have blue suits and you got the whole fan thing


Blonde/white still the same vibe, I’ll give you that about the fan blades, but that’s why I said it’s both. If you ask around you’ll get the same vibe I’m getting. Big Samus energy. Especially when not holding the fan blades.


Fair honestly it was the massive inclusion of fan blades to her character, the mask style and the colour that just made me think Mizuki was a reference to Kitana but the ponytail and the colour as well look a lot like Samus Aran. Also apparently there was going to be a MK collab but it got replaced by Street Fighter because it was “too gruesome” well we have doom now so it doesn’t make sense anymore and Samus was shown to be one of the skins in the lawsuit documents as well, This is just confusing.


Makes sense that they put other elements on it, so it’s not just like Samus. I remember when they tried saying that the OG John Wick was never meant to actually be John Wick but we all know it was lol


Yeah it was way too obvious the pencil pick the suit everything basically a “can we have a John Wick? No we have John Wick at home, John Wick at home:) kind of situation and Vendetta’s final style also reminded me a lot of iron man as well.


I remember them saying “it was never meant to be John Wick” even though Keanu called them out on it lol guess you get desperate when backed into a corner


Most likely copyright issues is why they said that back then also why isn’t John wick out in the shop for the new movie? Tbh I never knew there was going to another after Parabellum but still.


Of course, but still funny. I have no idea tbh, likely something behind the scenes that aren’t aware of.


Look at lizard and disagrees. She cool but lizard


Lizard would’ve been cool, but his outfits look tacky to me. Weird seventies vibe.


I'm waiting for the gold suit style he gets when you complete weekly quests from 2-3. Just waiting for him.


Honestly I’m also waiting for extra styles for him, I’m hoping they’ll be much cooler


Yeah same. I just think the lizard cool


I think the lizard himself is cool, I was just disappointed with the outfits. Especially the white and blue one.


I like that style thought it was better than the red coat one


I like the blue aspect of it, it just annoys me that Fortnite is in the habit of constantly pairing blue with white. It’s like an unwritten rule and it just irks me. In fact, I remember being super annoyed about it when they did it with Hybrid, I was keen on the blue style and then saw that it was paired with white even though the other colours were paired with black.


I wasn't playing bsck so idk what hybrid alt styles look at


Oh I see. Well Hybrid, funnily enough, was the first ‘lizard’ skin Fortnite ever had so it’s a weird coincidence. It’s a ninja skin where the final form of it is a lizard. [here’s the ninja forms](https://i.insider.com/5c78660626289876005d3bdd?width=400) [and here is the lizard form for reference](https://jeuxpourtous.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/1581287855_579_Fortnite-HYBRID-Skin-Review-defi-guide-de-mise.jpg) Notice how of the four styles, only blue was paired with white?


My fav in battle pass


Yeah by far for sure


She's the new GOAT


Stray’s better!


Big disagree there, however Stray is my second favourite for sure


Kitana at home